Excellent work

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May 25, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Perhaps helpful SAMPLE EMAIL to copy and paste...

SUBJECT: Please Oppose the FDA's "Future Framework" being considered in June 2022 by VRBPAC


I urge you to Oppose the FDA's "Future Framework" being considered in June 2022 by the the Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC).

VRBPAC will consider approving Novavax in adults, Moderna in kids 0-17, and Pfizer in kids under 5, among other things.

The FDA's "Future Framework" will automatically deem all reformulated Covid-19 shots as "safe and effective" Without further clinical trials. The FDA must be stopped!

1. The FDA must revoke the existing authorizations for Moderna, Pfizer, and J&J Covid-19 shots and withdraw them from the market immediately. SARS-CoV-2 was never a good candidate for a vaccine. These shots do not stop infection, transmission, hospitalization, nor death. They appear to have negative efficacy and are driving the evolution of variants that evade vaccines. The pandemic will never stop as long as the FDA and CDC are promoting shots that lack sterilizing immunity.

2. The FDA and CDC must pivot to therapeutics. This was always the answer. The CDC’s own research showed that chloroquine is safe and effective for prophylaxis and early treatment of SARS coronaviruses (hydroxychloroquine is even safer than chloroquine). The best frontline doctors have found that ivermectin is a life saver if used early. About twenty off-the-shelf treatments are more effective than vaccines. Get these safe and effective medicines to people who need them and let doctors be doctors again and treat patients based on their own best clinical judgment.

3. Vaccine safety assessments must be based on actual science. That means:

• Large (50,000+ person) double blind randomized controlled trials with inert saline placebos conducted by an independent third party.

• Safety and efficacy studies for two years prior to any application followed by 20 years of follow up (with the control group intact).

• Greater than 90% efficacy with less than 1% Grade 3 Adverse Events.

• Proper monitoring for carcinogenesis, mutagenesis, and impairment of fertility.

Thank you for all your good efforts.

In Health,





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May 21, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Welp, have printed letters for all of the appointees. Will address envelopes (thank you, CK for the doc spreadsheet) and send. Then on to the VRBPAC folks, etc.

Typing out the addresses conjures images of huge monolithic buildings where sterile Experts in their White Coats are busy concocting and handing down their Decrees for all of the rest of us out in the Dark World of Ignorance. So many names. So many titles. How do so many people accrue so many titles? Some of them do not even have much real world experience with real patients. It's sad, actually. And really gives me the creeps, to think that these are the people making decisions for the rest of us. Or at least, they think they are. And many of them genuinely believe they are doing it out of benevolence and scientific integrity.

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Hi, Toby. I’ve been a reader for many months now and have appreciated your posts, calls to action, interaction with your readers, and your advocacy for sensical action and discourse. I am wondering if you’d be willing to help me, and many others in our community, bring light to a “when corporations run government” issue that’s occurring locally for us. Here’s a short highlight video on YouTube: https://youtu.be/s8NuldIwHk0

We are trying to get as many shares and as much dialogue as possible. We have watched regulatory capture happen all throughout the COVID nightmare, and it is sadly no surprise to see that it is happening in other areas of government, this one being electric utilities, often at the expense of people’s safety, and regardless of referendum and what the actual citizens want. I hope you will help. If you have questions or want more informaron, please reach out: penrosal@tutanota.com

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May 16, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Just out of curiosity, I sent my emails off very soon after reading the initial post; none were rejected but I haven’t heard a word even from legislators. Anyone?

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May 21, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

This is the 3rd time I'm sending stuff. I never heard from anyone either of the first two times.

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May 14, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Here's the addresses I entered on a Google Spreadsheet to use to easily print mailing labels. You can even print them to labels from avery.com 5160 Template


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Right on! Thank you!!! 🙌

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May 15, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

You’re welcome! Feel free to share. Another hack to make contacting them easier: you can schedule emails to send daily in gmail. Also I am going to print out and mail the handouts about the dangers of the Covid vaccine for children from the children’s health defense website weekly. https://childrenshealthdefense.org/child-health-topics/health-freedom/handouts-gallery/

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Great idea!!! 🙌

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May 14, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Done. Thank you Toby.

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Toby FYI: I got this reply from A. Oveta Fuller, Ph.D.––As the @med.umich.edu is not regularly monitored, ALWAYS send email to: fullerao@umich.edu

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Thank you. That's what I have though. I think it goes through all the same.

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Thank you, Toby, for providing these FDA posts. I've used some of your content to write all the folks on the list. Here's what I sent:

Dear Mr. Becerra,

Everyone knows there is no Covid-19 emergency in kids, so don’t waste your time inventing numbers to scare us. We’re not falling for it.

If the EAU continues, the mRNA shots do not work in kids. The Moderna and Pfizer clinical trials in kids showed NO clinically significant health benefits. No reductions in infections, no reductions in hospitalizations, no reductions in ICU visits, and no reductions in deaths.

On the other hand, mRNA shots cause catastrophic harm to kids. The Pfizer shot has only been available for kids for a short while and there are already 47,736 reports of harm including 106 deaths.

As a grandfather of two, twin girls who rely on me to protect them, I will continue to get my health advice from their doctor no matter what you say.

Best regards,

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May 13, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Mr. T.,

I have sent all emails to EVERYONE you requested. Thank you, thank you for all you do & please continue to do the right thing by speaking up for Freedom, Justice & Peace… the world would be a better place with more fearless leaders like you

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May 12, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

The reason we write, call email is yes, possibly dissuade them with reason, then dissuade with our numbers. The other reason is we are creating a record that will be used in agency, congressional, and legal proceedings ultimately. I know those undertakings won't happen promptly, but that record is important yet.

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May 13, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Well said!!!

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The more we speak out, the more parents who will protect their kids and refuse these shots too. Already 4 out of 5 parents do not want these shots for their kids under 5 years old.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Has the FDA posted for commenting yet? I bet they wait and give a 3-5 day window if that if comments are not open yet.

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Not yet. I don't love the official FDA comments form. I don't think they ever get to the VRBPAC members. That's why I prefer contacting them directly.

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May 12, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Sent emails to everyone on the list. Helpful to have the talking points.

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Thanks again Toby for making this so easy. 🙏💜 I'll get on this in the next day or two. I love your wisdom about not reinforcing the framing, so true.

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