Toby I feel you'll be interested in this article too - i.e. what the Brahmins are building in the background https://riseuk.substack.com/p/rise-012-genomics-england-and-the

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Slavery has been renamed " minimum wage ".

Sounds different but intrinsically the same.

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Here's the thing about the Brahmins -- they're addicts. And the thing they are addicted to is winning. Since infancy they were showered with praise for being the best and brightest and so they came to believe it. They see it as their birthright. But in real life, particularly in adulthood, it's nearly impossible to win all of the time. So they are drawn to rigged games and cartels. *That's* how investment banking, management consulting, and private equity firms hook them right out of college -- those are all examples of rigged games (banking/Wall Street) or industries that engage in market rigging (private equity). Rigged games seems normal and natural to them -- because they like the outcome and the emotion hit that this gives them. They have no critique of corruption and no ethics, there is just winning and losing and they will say or do anything to make sure that they are always on the winning side. All relationships then become transactional. There are only so many hours in the day so all friendships and family relationships are aligned to serve the goal of winning in any and every area of life. It's all really quite miserable and empty.

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One quick observation: the world economy hasn't been based on theft for just the past 500 years. True, Europeans did only really start enslaving non-Europeans about 500 years ago. But European capital (or, more precisely, European aristocracy, being European capital's predecessor-in-interest) had been enslaving Europeans for centuries before that. Hell, every society in human history has relied to no small degree on forced labor on a massive scale. Rome, Persia, Egypt, China, all of them enslaved their own people first, then started conquering other people when they needed to expand the labor pool.

Same thing happened in Early Modern Europe. The reason European capital started looking outside Europe for people to enslave wasn't because of any sort of racial ideology, but because there simply weren't enough Europeans to meet capital's growing demand for labor.

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Solid points. Thank you!

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Fascinating perspective. I grew up with “brahmin” status through school, literally receiving praise and confidence for making a logical guess at the penny challenge. It was something like $280 in an aquarium tank at my elementary school carnival. I went to medical school with something of a dissident mindset that made things very challenging for me. Now I’m looking for my place in that “sacred economy”, but currently am still extracting my income from the old system. One step at a time.

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Brilliant essay! Crime that pays is crime that stays. The US military industrial complex is one of the most dangerous entities on the planet and there’s zippo acccountability.

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There are multiple types of intelligence, and the book smarts that are so hyped is the least of them. However, to stay on point: kids are raised hearing two things 1) it is important to get into a good school, 2) when you have your degree, you can do anything.

Consequently, they believe they've "arrived" when they graduate. They've proved themselves the best and belong to the favored tribe. They do not take correction well because they believe their matriculation and position in society confers them with omnipotence. Any empathy they once had has been mostly bred/bled out of them.

Give me a working class bloke who will go out of his way to give you a hand any day. He or she understands that life is hard and unfair and understands humility and compassion.

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Off topic, but don't know where else to ask: IS THERE A CURRENTLY WORKING LINK THAT WILL LET ME DOWNLOAD YOUR THESIS "The Political Economy of Autism"? I've tried a few different computers/browsers and even an iPad mobile account, and every attempt gives me a server timeout.

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The entire University of Sydney library system appears down at the moment. I can email it to you though. Is your email address ...@earthlink.net?

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Yes it is. Much appreciated. My mailbox limit is 20 MB, so I hope that's enough for the pdf.

Thanks for this, and for all your other work.

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Okay, sent. It's just 2.5 MB so it should be okay. Please let me know when you get it. I see that the University of Sydney website is up again now too!

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It came through just fine. Now that you've not only made the effort not only to send as well as write this work, I'll definitely be reading it in its entirety. I'm looking forward to doing so. I appreciate your careful analysiss and documentation of the autism issue. Thanks so much.

I also re-checked the U Sydney link https://ses.library.usyd.edu.au/handle/2123/20198

and that's back working now for me also. Checking things at times when there's a temporary problem is a talent of mine. Or, maybe it's just because I'm sufficiently clueless as to try to get something done over a holiday weekend!.

Wishing us all a better Happy New Year!

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Thank you for your message. I'm glad that it got there. Yes, it's summer vacation down under so I think that's when they do their scheduled updates and changes to the website.

Happy new year to you and your family!

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As a Wellesley College graduate, I can affirm that students in a lot of top colleges (and their alumnae) are "smart" fools. I'm a big fan of the real liberal arts that built Western civilization and for which there is a current renaissance, but almost all "liberal arts" institutions of "higher" learning are nothing more than propaganda mills any more. Having ruined them, the destruction has moved to the hard sciences. It's a new Dark Ages, but few recognize it.

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that's exactly what i called "mask science" from day 1: Regression from the enlightenment, return of medieval willed & wilful ignorance

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Wow, another great article. Toby you are the man! I came from two Ivy League equivalent schools for my medical training. I think that we'll find in the next 25 years a sea change in academic institutions where the "upstarts" will achieve dominance over the established. And there will be a distinct difference in philosophy in these schools. For example the new ones might be very conservative compared to the current "hair brained" philosophy of Yale or Harvard. I don't know for sure but I heard now that medical schools are lowering their MCAT admissions requirements as well as GPA? Maybe to capture more Wokesters since they seem to be stupider and mentally ill? The young primary care physicians I have had to deal with don't seem to know anything. I do know that doctors are now taking their marching orders from entities like the DEA since you cannot get legitimate pain treated with legitimate opiates anymore. Now they use toxic drugs which do not treat pain such as gabapentin. I had this happen to me twice now. I believe it is deliberately done to break the spirit of Americans. Or when it comes to the vax. So far none of them even question what's in it, whether it actually works, if it's dangerous. Take the PCR test. Even the inventor Kary Mullis has publicly stated over and over that the rtPCR test IS NOT A DIAGNOSTIC TEST. Meaning that it's worthless and a waste of time. It will amplify any nucleotide fragments in your nasopharynx. Yet everyone in the medical community keeps using it. Why? Take masks. Everyone knows they don't help yet my hospital still requires every patient and doctor to mask up. Why? Whatever medicine is now it is not real medicine anymore and I am glad I'll be retiring. At the conclusion of my publication on vaccine harms (on Amazon: You're Next, Lies, Corruption and the Dirty Business of Vaccines) I remark that we are now entering the age of medical tyranny. You should be scared, I am.











































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Re Brahmins, they have what Michael Chrichton described as thintelligence, it's the thing that has led us where we are now, in a world where those at the top, or at least their advisors and their schills have the intelligence to exploit every opportunity, but lack the wisdom to know if doing so is a good idea or not.

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Just to share a recent finding, with regards for anyone who may have already pointed to this :

Major Clifford Hugh "C. H." Douglas, a British engineer, articulated exactly the kind of vision for a sustainable economic framework that we're challenged to imagine, and he did it over 100 years ago



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No corrections Toby, but suggestion to look for the way forward by solving the land and money problems. and definitely to stop sending tax dollars to Washington!

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Not land but food. Not money but energy.

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Thought-provoking piece, I had one issue with it. The coins in the room remind me of a similar question - if you're in a boat at the deepest point in the ocean and drop a dense object in, how long will it take to reach the bottom? Anyone who can, in their head, come up with a somewhat reasonable answer is capable and willing to figure things out and thus less likely to get the jab. That's my wheelhouse and I never remotely considered being jabbed. I think the Ivy League is populated more by highly motivated sycophants than by such prodigies. Medical schools, similarly, are not known as hotbeds of critical thinking. Early data indicated those with PHDs were among the least likely to accept the jab. I doubt that's changed. I could be wrong but to find out we'd need to look at jab uptake among engineers, physicists, and mathematicians, not Ivy League students.

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That's always been my theory. All of my (bourgeois background) friends and i are dropouts, travellers, visionaries, punks, bums, and we're all brilliant minds. The bores went to the consultancies. The autistic types do stock brokerage algorithms. One even became a (UK) tank commander in Iraq!

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Interesting piece. Humanity needs, no must strive to place critical thinking skills combined with ethics as its raison d' etre. A Neo Renaissance rather than the Neo Dark Age being instituted. This as a type of religion or just as the primary ethos of our species at an epistemological level. At the metaphysical level humanity must retrieve the omnipotent power of money creation from the bankers and their entourage of symbiotic corporations. This ownership of the money creation business, all money being created as interest bearing debt all owed to themselves, is the core power used to dominate the human experience. Without this power these warped monsters would see their fortunes quickly wither and die while the better part of humanity would flourish and humanity might just get on track towards achieving our potential as a caring and cooperative species. Until the ownership of money creation is in the hands of the people all other reform is a hopeless endeavor.

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