Thinking Points, October 23, 2023
Empathy, end times, volunteering, Nobel Prizes, culture is downstream from vaccine injury, denialism, dilemma, historicism, the negative-sum economy, unified field theory, a sweet orange cat
Here are my latest thinking points:
You might need that later…
In retrospect it was probably a bad idea to train the empathy out of doctors.
A big adjustment
In all of my years of study, I just never expected to witness the complete moral and intellectual collapse of mainstream society, yet here we are.
You don’t have to sign up to join
Progressives think that just because they did not sign up for fascism, they could not possibly be fascist. But that’s not how it works. In 2020 (and probably well before) Pharma, the state, and the military merged. Anyone who fails to condemn this development is aiding and abetting fascism.
Conservatives think that just because they’re not progressives, they could not possibly be fascist. But that’s not how it works either. Anyone who is not actively calling out the iatrogenic crimes of both the Trump administration and the Biden administration is aiding and abetting fascism.
The iatrogenocide is bipartisan, unfortunately.
The ruling class really wants to kill us
In 2020, during the middle of a pandemic caused by CRISPR/Cas9 (gene editing technology), the inventors of CRISPR/Cas9 were given the Nobel Prize in Chemistry.
Since then, Covid vaccines have killed more people than the gain-of-function virus. In 2023, the inventors of genetically modified mRNA vaccines were given the Nobel Prize in Medicine.
So the Nobel Prize Committee has now rewarded those who caused the pandemic and those who massively increased its death toll. Pretty astonishing really — the ruling class is publicly giving out MVP awards to the technicians of the iatrogenocide.
Culture is downstream from vaccine injury
All major theories of how society works — in sociology, anthropology, psychology, political science, and economics — will need to be rewritten in light of widespread vaccine injury.
To take just a few examples:
No matter what school of psychology you subscribe to — Freud, Jung, Piaget, Maslow, etc… — if you believe that human development moves through stages, all of those stages will be changed by the physical and neurological injuries from vaccines.
In international relations, the U.S. and Russia avoided nuking each other during the Cold War because of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Because the U.S. and Russia could destroy each other many times over “the only way to win is not to play.” But MAD assumes that military and political leaders in all nations that have nuclear weapons are rational. I do not believe we can assume that anymore given widespread vaccine injury. So how does one develop strategies to avoid nuclear war with irrational actors?
Criminal sentences in legal proceedings are tiered based on intent (with more severe sentences given for premeditation and knowingly committing harm). But two recent multibillion dollar heists — Elizabeth Holmes at Theranos and Sam Bankman-Fried at FTX were led by CEOs who appear to be badly vaccine-injured. Did they know they were committing a crime or did they proceed to rip off investors simply because it was exciting?
These are just three examples among millions. Literally all of the social science textbooks will have to be re-written in light of the mass poisoning of society. I imagine most medical textbooks will need to be re-written as well.
The causes of autism are so painfully obvious that what really needs to be explained is the social phenomenon whereby otherwise smart people choose ignorance instead.
The dilemma we all face
You cannot allow yourself to become numb to the horror of the iatrogenocide. The pain we feel reminds us of our humanity.
But there are so many people, especially kids, being maimed and killed by these toxic shots that if you allow yourself to feel the full weight of what’s really happening, you won’t be able to function.
Can someone please recommend a way to transcend this dilemma? Or at least manage it in a healthy way?
The end of historicism
“Today, nothing appears more questionable than that the course of history in and by itself is directed toward the realization of more and more freedom. If we think in terms of recent trends and tendencies, the opposite seems more plausible.”
— Hannah Arendt, 1954
As Sarah Connor explains in The Terminator, “no fate but what we make.”
The negative sum economy
A proper market economy should be a “positive-sum game” — through trade we both end up better off than we were before.
Economists also talk about “zero-sum games” where one person’s gain is another person’s loss so the net benefit to society is zero.
We live in a “negative-sum economy.” Every $1 of profit that Pharma makes, costs the American public $10 to $100 in harms. It’s the opposite of the multiplier effect. It was not always this way. But it’s here now and it’s the reason why the U.S. economy is going down the drain.
A unified field theory of the effect of vaccines on culture
In the 1930s, 40s, & 50s, vaccination was mainly an upper class thing so Republicans were more likely to be injured. That might help explain the stereotype of the stiff, socially awkward northeastern Republican that was common at the time (resulting from widespread, but usually mild, injury across members of this party).
John F. Kennedy brought vaccination to the masses with the 1962 Vaccination Assistance Act. Over the next 60 years the CDC proceeded to vaccinate more and more Americans with more and more shots. Now the Democratic base is far more likely to be vaccine injured (and more likely to be severely injured) especially kids who are subjected to the low quality “free” shots distributed through the Vaccines for Children Program.
Also the effects are likely to be cumulative across generations. So the kids vaccinated in the mass vaccination campaigns of the 1960s and 1970s, in adulthood, are more likely to give birth to children who are vulnerable to further vaccine injury.
Now with Covid shots, vaccine injury is amplified and accelerated across the developed world. The public health establishment “caught up” adults and seniors on the death and disability they missed by not getting many shots as kids.
As a result of over-vaccination, leaders throughout the developed world are unable to problem-solve or think clearly about anything. Our political system has regressed into a grotesque clown show because so many politicians are neurologically impaired.
Your moment of Zen
The way he snuggles up at the end! 🥰
Hat tip Funny animals doing stuff.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone building the parallel economy our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
I also like the term democide--the government initiated all of this and intended the result.
With regard to bearing the painful knowledge of the millions of innocent victims, not just of biosecurity fascists, but of all misrule:
It helps me profoundly to know/feel that the victims are so brave that they would take on such tragic biographies. Of course, this involves some metaphysics we might not share. But perhaps it could be boiled down to a baseline idea which, according to Donald Hoffmann, is supported by mathematics (didn't get around to checking the maths out at all, and I'm not certain I could if I did find the time):
If a boundless consciousness is projecting spacetime as a type of "headset", as Hoffmann states, in which it can experience itself, and thus we all are that consciousness killing, birthing, raping and loving itself, there does seem to be some saving grace, at least to me. Of course, this is far from a novel idea, but Hoffmann claims to have established it logically within the scientific framework.