Thinking Points, November 27, 2022
A+ for obedience, wrong theories, the FDA murders one of their own, banality, tick-tock, fitting in, manufacturing consensus, overcoming hesitancy, stochastic, false news, alpha wolves, imaginary door
Here are my latest thinking points (this is a heavy one so buckle up):
Here’s the dilemma:
In general, I would much prefer to hear from the people who actually did the reading, who actually did the hard yards of understanding a subject inside and out. That applies to nearly every field, except medicine, where the textbooks are written by Pharma, the professors are bought by Pharma, and the ideological blind spots are so extreme that those who paid attention the most, often know the least.
Understanding the simple point I’m making here ^^ is now a matter of life and death.
Ideology is a killer
The Covid response failed because the gatekeepers had (and still have) the wrong theory of government, knowledge production, and health. Their theory:
• Centralize everything in the hands of a few bureaucrats.
• Suppress speech, give orders, flood the public square with propaganda, and tell the peasants what to do.
• If this doesn't work, then just do it again, but more fervently this time.
In response to a pandemic, what one should actually do is:
• Decentralize everything so that 1 million doctors and 330 million citizens can use their best judgement to discover what works in practice.
• Encourage debate, listen to others, practice humility.
• Hold all conclusions tentatively, course-correct as often as needed.
If one follows the mainstream approach, one will never exit the era of pandemics.
If one follows the second approach, life would return to normal in 30 days.
The FDA murders one of their own
I’m completely rattled by the death of Dr. A. Oveta Fuller who was a member of the FDA’s Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee (VRBPAC). She died “suddenly and unexpectedly” (a euphemism for a vaccine fatality) at age 67.
Back in December of 2020, Dr. Fuller showed courage and voted “no” against the Pfizer shot in adults, saying that they needed more data. But over the last year the cartel wore her down and she became a reliable yes vote for the iatrogenocide.
I watch all of the VRBPAC and ACIP meetings. After hours and hours of listening to these meetings, the VRBPAC members have become familiar characters in my life. I often know what they are going to say before they say it, because each member has particular patterns and interests that repeat over and over again. Dr. Fuller was kindly and soft-spoken and completely wrong about the facts from January 2021 on.
Readers of my Substack sent thousands of emails to Dr. Fuller over the course of the last year asking her to vote no on Covid shots for kids and vote no on the bivalent boosters that completely skipped clinical trials. But she did not listen. As it turns out, her “Yes” vote on June 28, to authorize the Pfizer booster that was only tested on 8 mice, was her death sentence. Is there a race effect from Covid-19 shots (as there is with other vaccines)? No one knows because no one at the FDA bothers to ask.
I’m tired of being right. What’s surreal about the present moment is that I doubt her death will make a lick of difference to the true believers on the VRBPAC. They are just going to say nice things about her, dig a hole and bury her, find another murderous clown to take her place, and keep right on recommending the most dangerous shots in human history. It is difficult to describe a situation so strange.
The banality of evil
In 2022, scientific discourse in the U.S. consists of critical thinkers presenting mountains of evidence while mainstream gatekeepers just say “Nuh-uh” on their way to eulogizing yet another colleague killed by these shots.
Tick tock
How long before the clot shot takes out a cabinet member or member of Congress?
We already have three strokes following boosters — Senators Ben Ray Luján, Chris Von Hollen, and John Fetterman.
Illinois Rep. Sean Casten’s teenage daughter Gwen died unexpectedly in her sleep of a sudden cardiac arrhythmia at the age of 17 in June.
These numbers are just going to keep increasing. I imagine we will see several world leaders felled by the clot shot in the coming year.
We live in the dumbest of all possible universes.
Mainstream society has always been thus
Yeah, I’m the bad guy, for opposing self-inflicted genocide. That makes sense.
[With the inflected accent of a bougiecrat :] “Oh, you don’t really believe that there’s a genocide going on, do you!? How embarrassing!” [laughs, clutches pearls, puts the back of her hand against her forehead to check for fever, and retires to the fainting couch.]
Mainstream society only ever acknowledges genocide after the fact, never while it is occurring, and then re-writes themselves into the past as being on a side of righteousness.
Apparently I did not get the tribal gene that tells people to just do whatever the tribe is doing regardless of the risks. So I’m just out here using my brain and reading and making sense of things (all of the forbidden arts).
See how that works?
The U.S. government is engaged in genocide.
Most academics are required to raise a large portion of their salary through government and corporate “grants”.
Any academic who questions the genocide will not be funded by the government or corporate sector.
Therefore no academics question the genocide — and if they do they’ll be fired.
That’s how the academic world arrives at consensus these days.
I should add: any cognitive dissonance quickly fades. A CJ Hopkins points out, for whatever reason, when people do the wrong thing their brains quickly reorder themselves to provide justification and thus remove any intellectual discomfort.
Covid-19 shots are not safe and not effective. Therefore, any academic who published research on “overcoming vaccine hesitancy” in connection with Covid shots participated in crimes against humanity and should be prosecuted at Nuremberg 2.
A mostly stochastic genocide
In any given year, about 1.12% of the U.S. population dies.
Covid shots have increased that by about 15%. All-cause mortality will likely remain at 15% above baseline for as long as people keep taking these ridiculous shots.
.15 x 1.12% of the American population represents about 500,000 lives. But Pharma has already concluded that they can raise all-cause mortality that much and get away with it so long as they have media and regulatory capture. That’s one reason why Elon Musk’s takeover of Twitter freaks them out so much — it potentially represents the first time in 3 years that Pharma has not completely controlled the narrative.
When people hear “15% increase in all-cause mortality” from Berenson or any of the leaders in the medical freedom movement, it’s easy for the brain to mistakenly convert that to “15% of the vaccinated population dying” (in which case, this would all be over very soon). That’s not what’s happening. Instead it’s 0.15 x 1.12. So whereas the German Nazis pushed to eliminate 15% of undesirables a year, American Pharma Nazis push for a 0.15% reduction in the whole population per year. It remains to be seen which approach will cause more carnage in the long run.
The CDC employs 3 full-time fixers (John Su, Tom Shimabukuro, and Matt Oster) who spend all of their time trying to make this signal go away. Academic journals and the mainstream media will print anything that they write. So here we are with increased all-cause mortality for as far as the eye can see. But no one whose salary depends in any way on the cartel (which is a huge percentage of the U.S. population) dare call it slow genocide.
Brilliant work here
Notice that the identical talking points are distributed across “different” networks — CBS, ABC, NBC, and Fox affiliates.
Oh this is completely fascinating
Click through to watch the 1 minute video on Instagram.
Host (Sandi Toksvig): Who’s in charge in a pack of wolves?
Miles: The one in the hat!?
[laughter from studio audience.]
Guest #2: Is there not one?
Sandi: Yes, so they used to think that a pack of wolves had an alpha male who won through a contest or a rivalry or something. In reality, most wolf packs are just families and the leaders of those families are the parents. The concept of the alpha male was popularized by a wildlife biologist called David Mech in the 1960s. He has spent the rest of his career trying to convince people he was wrong. It was based on a study of captive wolves, where normal behavior goes completely out the window.
I looked it up and this is spot on. See (here, here, and here). The original studies of captive wolves are a bit like studying prison inmates to get lessons on leadership. You could, but the results would only apply to leadership in captivity amongst criminals.
In wolves in the wild there is still hierarchy — wolf parents > wolf pups. But they work together for the well-being of the family (which is both obvious and mind-blowing at the same time). I’m all for principled leadership and healthy masculinity. But I also really like the idea of families working together and think that we should get back to that. Or said differently, let’s not take life lessons from caged animals.
Your moment of Zen
Sometimes the barriers to freedom are only in our minds.

Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for everyone working to build the parallel society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what’s on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
Let’s assume for a minute that all the excess deaths (0.15%) are caused by the vax and that this is publicly proven beyond doubt. There will be many people who would find this figure acceptable because of all the lives ‘saved’. They would never look at facts, they would just be glad it’s not them and move on.
Thank you for continuing to share these incredible insights, for your dedication to truth, for your positivity, for your care and love of fellow human beings.