Neil Young, Joni Mitchell--amazing how so many of the people who in their youth questioned authority and opposed authoritarianism have now shut down their minds and become slaves to the pronouncements of corrupt officialdom.

Probably not surprising since the whole 60s was ultimately about ME, and apparently when ME is threatened all these people react badly.

Goebbels in action

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As Canadians, they are under the influence of Trudeau's very encompassing madness, and that of the provincial authorities. Very importantly, in my view, they do not have our revolutionary history. It is another world there. Ditto for Australia. I don't consider this an excuse, but an aspect of the explanation.

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I have to say as a Canadian have watched in horror as our rights and freedoms restrict from us so easily. I have been cheering on my American brothers and sisters who have been fighting valiantly to keep the freedoms they fought for in the past. For the first time since the pandemic began the Canadian truckers have given me hope that freedom loving Canadians are alive and well! I agree with your assessment. We have had it way too easy for too long and have not had to really fight within own country for rights and freedoms. I think that is officially over and hopefully we are showing ourselves to be courageous and strong at last! Go truckers!

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Yes, the holy truckers ~ citizens, not subjects.

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I know sedevacantist Catholics living in Canada 🇨🇦. Finest, bravest people I have ever known.

I know a lot of anti vaccine Canadians... beautiful folks

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A large topic, and we mustn't toss too many unlike things into the same basket. Although the sun will never set on the constellation of former British colonies, there remains no question that it continues to rise and radiate from ... England.

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Jan 29, 2022Edited
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Indeed. And this goes back to our constitution. You guys had some very practical solutions to nation building that Canadians didn’t use because of our reactionary aversion to the American Revolution. That’s why we are stuck running a federation with a parliamentary system designed for a kingdom 1/40th our size.

The Canadian Senate is unelected and powerless. Provinces with smaller populations (I.e. New Brunswick and Nova Scotia) pushed for an elected Senate from the beginning of our constitution, but the bigger provinces (Ontario and Quebec) stopped this before it got past the gate. Our only elected representatives (called Members of Parliament or MP) are analogous to your Congressman or woman. This means that we have no regional representation.

Our executive (the Prime Minister) is himself a member of the legislative branch. The MPs (over 300) who are not the Prime Minster or a cabinet minister are ostensibly there to vote in the best interest of their constituents regardless of their party affiliation, and this happens much more commonly in Australia and the UK. (Look at all the British Conservative MPs who broke with Boris on Brexit and now the COVID measures, for instance.) This step, for example, a backbench Liberal MP voting against the government, almost never happens. This has left us with an executive who has his hand on the throat of parliament rather than a parliament that checks him.

Ergo the truckers; disproportionately rural men and women who don’t recognize a single person in Ottawa or on TV.

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as a brit i would say meh. i hate the royals and their enablers, there are more of us than you would think

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Remember you are talking about countries (UK) that beheaded their monarch in the mid-1600s. The UK has a very libertarian ethos which is why we locked down late (too late?) but are opening up more.

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No, you cannot lock down “too late.” You can only make the mistake of locking down.

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Jan 29, 2022Edited
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Do you know that GB is voting on curbing human rights in March of this year? They are "accepting comments," which will probably be trashed, until March 8th, 2022.

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The transformation of once-rebels into establishment figures is a phenomenon present across most of recorded history. It is something that can happen to me and you, so take care.

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It hasn't to us. Go warn them to wake up.

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Great artists are not always great thinkers; on the contrary they are often emotional and reactive. NY and JM prime examples.

i don't hate on these people, i feel sorry for them that they have gotten old and scared. I still listen to their music and appreciate them.

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I'll feel sorry when this existential danger paces

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Easy to rebel on paper

None a these fake freebies went to jail nor actually suffered

Oh Canada

I could drink a case of hacksxxxine

With your face sketched on it Pfyzer

You are in my blood

Holy vile

So bitter baby

And such shit

None of these folks even bothered staying in analog

They all became medical doctors too

Dr Mitchell

Dr young

Dr of love kiss my hacksxxxine

Death dealers and junkie bunk

We love needles in the un free world

More needles everywhere in this city on the streets

than in the hospital

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Old man lying by the side of the road with the lorries rolling by…

Neil don’t let them splat any truth in your eyes.

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Family member who is commie... she buys into all of it, as do vast majority of extended "progressive " Family.

Progressive is euphemism for COMMIE BASTARDS.

Russia will spread its errors... Our Lady of Fatima, 1917. She wasn't kidding

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Jan 29, 2022Edited
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She stands condemned.


And now officially UNCOOL

I don't want any 10 year old taking so called vaccine and risking death, maiming for life, to make me supposedly safer.

This is obscene non logic.

Adults protect kids, not other way around

Logic from satan

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Bad behaviour and attitude on her part currently, which mustn't be countenanced, but one also has to wonder if the mentioned disease she suffers from possibly creates symptoms of anxiety, paranoia, cognitive challenges, what-have-you along these lines. Effects of disease on the brain (which is to say, on behaviour and on thinking) can be enormous. Apparently she is an invalid, and her statements about reality are arguably invalid, as well.

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Tell joni to become Catholic and offer her sufferings up. Fatima message

These people are all naturalists.

We are all going to croak off and become worm meat. Deal with it joni. You ain't a poet!

I'm going to piss -etch it on your grave stone. And Neil

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Another insightful post. Thank you, Toby.

I can't understand why families of means don't move away from places with draconian policies in schools, and why every family doesn't just call a halt. I pulled my kid out of a very nice religious school and began the homeschool journey seven years ago because the school administrators refused to honor my husband's and my views on the textbooks they were using. (Oddly enough, one of the issues in contention was whether our rights come from our Creator or from the government. The textbook said the government gives us our rights.) When our state got super-insane in 2020, making it clear that nothing--from school dances to athletics to going out for coffee--would be normal for my kid any time in the foreseeable future, we moved 1,000 miles to a free state.

Neither decision was hard. It was obvious what was the right thing to do. Actuating the decisions was difficult, of course! It wasn't cheap, and we have had to forgo not-insubstantial income. We're now 1,000 miles or more from our parents. But our child went to the homecoming dance last fall, and she went to a basketball game last night, and she competed in sports last fall and went out with friends and has a normal, happy existence. No masks, no injection QR codes.

Not everyone can afford to do what we did, but a lot of folks can afford it, and haven't done it. When I see the folks posting about "my kid is tortured for seven hours a day," I shake my head. In my current school district, parents sent their kids to school without masks, and the school board realized that principals were sending dozens of well-behaved kids home every morning for utter bull****, so the mask mandate ended. Parents and kids did that. Not by whining about the torture WHILE ACCEPTING IT in exchange for free daycare, but by REFUSING TO ACCEPT IT.

As a parent, I would die for my child. What kind of hypocrite would I be if I let her become a hostage of the lunatic regime because I couldn't take a few days of administrative hassles? If I wouldn't sacrifice some income for her sanity?

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God bless you all! I believe, with all my heart, that this is what HE would want for all of HIS children.

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Rewards of being true to yourselves..Hat's off!

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So, I actually went and perused the comments to that tweet to see if there were more details that were illuminating.

It's a private school in some blue state. So no apparent financial obstacle to taking some action. It could be that it's some really exclusive school that their kid just "has to go to" in order to stay on that grooved course to the Ivies, or some such. In any case, no sympathy from me.

She got hit pretty hard in the replies, which is encouraging.

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Hear, hear! It makes me crazy seeing that tweet. Why the hell is she putting up with it. Pull them out of school, or protest it as you outlined. But just sitting through that torture? No way.

I'm sure she has all the regular reasons for why she's not taking those actions, but where the hell is her line if it isn't "torture", as she herself characterizes it?

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I hear you, sometimes " enough" isn't "enough" yet...

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Some of us are stuck in lives we built before the nakba

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Comes from neither... They just are.

No one had yet demonstrated a creator and claiming you know the one true God is just another trick the elite have used to divide us for centuries.

If you believe that, that's fine but you should consider every once in a while that someone as thoughtful as you as concerned with the welfare of their children, and freedom has seen the exact same evidence as you and come to the conclusion that if there is a creator, it's very silent and/or doesn't concern him herself too much work human affairs.

We can unite just fine in compassion, love, community and mutual self respect.

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I respectfully suggest that you read Seamus Hasson's *The Right to Be Wrong.* Although they didn't agree on much about the Creator, the Founding Fathers did believe that our rights came from a higher power and did not depend on other human beings to give them to us. We are free to live without any type of worship to the Creator, but we choose to *live as if* a benevolent Creator made us and gave us inalienable rights. As Hasson says, there have been plenty of countries choosing not to live that way, but they're run by folks like Castro and Pol Pot.

I don't need to believe in any specific version of God to see a truck coming at my kid and push her out of the way. I think plenty of folks who are very religious have sacrificed their kids to *religion* without considering their duty to their children (for example, people who kept silent instead of taking their kids to the cops when the kids were molested by priests or other church staff).

I'm not saying God made me flee a totalitarian regime. I fled to save my child. Full stop.

My point about the Creator and rights was only to say that I chose to take my kid out of a school that I felt wasn't serving her, instead of grousing about it on Twitter. Plenty of WFH white-collar folks could do the same.

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There are plenty of places run by believers who are have committed untold atrocities. One of those is the United States.

Some guys from almost 300 years ago beliefs about reality aren't evidence that I really take into account on deciding if their is some higher power, but if there is the rights which we are talking about are no older or younger than the creator and thus not created by the creator, logically.

What does "live as if a benelovent creator..." look like, and how is it different from not living that way? What is your evidence that the creator wants you to live that way?

With respect to Seamus, "One side demands that only their true religion be allowed in the public square; the other insists that no religions ever belong there."

I'm not on either of those sides, so what would I get out of the book (respectfully, if that sounds smart ass).

I find both sides to be extremely misguided as both claim to "know". The only way you can find truth is by looking inside yourself. Sure, you can learn somethings from others, but the only savior is in the mirror.

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Forget entirely about my pulling my kid out of school seven years ago. Forget it, because you're missing the point. When the corona nonsense happened, we left the state. We moved 3000 miles. Surely we weren't the only family capable of making the sacrifices involved in making that happen.

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Or maybe you weren't making it that well?

Maybe a bit of both?

I asked you some pretty some questions that maybe would've led to further understanding.

What you then did is what people do when they can't answer the questions.

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uTobian's Substack has, for the time I've been reading it, seemed to be a welcoming and respectful place. I don't know why you're not interested in keeping it that way. Be well.

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I am having a difficult time deciding which of these three I like best...' Team Pharma', 'Unicorn Sauce', or 'Weaponized Monkeys'....if grunge music is still a thing, any one of those would make a great band name....

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Canadian Convoy for the win....EH!

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And more of them worldwide! GO CANADA!

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Hello Toby, this arrived, you may find it of interest. https://www.theblaze.com/op-ed/horowitz-whistleblowers-share-dod-medical-data-that-blows-vaccine-safety-debate-wide-open#toggle-gdpr

In New Zealand the PM has thrown the whole country into 'Red' after a dozen people were deemed 'positive' for the Omicron variant. Rumours a circulating that the parents of children who has died post-vaccine have been quietly financially compensated on condition they keep it quiet. The mood is changing a little as the mandates and mask wearing make less and less sense, and the vaccine injuries become harder to keep quiet.

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The Republican Party is no better. Just look a Dan Crenshaw, congressional rep out of a Houston. He is a Soros shill. He has attended a few WEF events. We need to watch out for RINOs. I have neighbors who condemn pharma for the opioid epidemic but were first in line for the jab and just recently boosted their teenage children. I don’t understand the short sightedness of these people. I’m the only pure blood on my work team of 12 people and I am the only one yet to test positive for the Rona. Some have been sick a few times with the Rona and they were down for days. And they question me for not getting it. I don’t know what the answer is but it’s needs to be found quickly. It’s a 🤡🤡 world

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Can the US not see it is being attacked from the inside. You have to take back your great country. Europe is lost as is my country the UK. We have clowns running us, dismantling everything we fought for in WW2

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Emphasis on supporting those brave truckers. Faith in God- inspired patriotism, courage like the revolutionary war heroes—that’s the pandemic I wish for. Gotta read this multiple times. Good work. Thank you.

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Lol I laughed a lot during some of these points. Like “weaponized monkeys“. Great writing. And I too hope the truckers can help save us.

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You must never sleep Toby. I can relate. As for voting for the "red" team fixing a damn thing, I doubt you're that naive.

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True, but the Dems flirted with and then embraced fascism. That is such an abhorrent act, crossed such an impermissible line, that the Dems must be voted out in the upcoming elections.

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I admire the workings of your mind! You have a great gift! You cut through all the crap being spewed by big pharma, gov’t , political hacks etc…you are a truth seeker, digging for the true scientific evidence in order to share, educate, and assist humanity ❤️‍🩹

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Lol - Neil Young should remember - Joe Rogan don't need him around anyhow.... Every talking point - nailed it! Thanks for the chuckles (if we didn't laugh....)!!

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My housemate got boosted a few days ago

He has a friend who is dieing he couldn't visit

So he got a booster against my wishes and without telling me

I can't blame Neil Young, but I don't ever have to listen to his garbage

Keep on mocking the Free world

The viruganda is still killer

Madonna had a song borderline...

Now it's


Feels like a great big Harma crime

Just keep on killing my friends

Over your murder lies


That goddammm hacksxxxine is a war crime

Stop throwing my world to ashes over your murderline

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“Um, who's gonna tell them about the vaccines?”

Indeed, who?

(Among others, Dr. Robert Malone told them, at the Defeat the Mandates event, and at the Ron Johnson panel the day following. So did the UKHSA data, eh?)

The (next) question is who out there will they listen to?

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Please correct me if I’m mistaken but England did have a Revolution in the C17 led by a ‘Jesus-loving’ farmer from an ‘insignificant’ rural area AKA Oliver Cromwell. I believe that it was quite a shock to bougiecrats across the European continent when dozy little England achieved what they hadn’t been able to. Of course the sons and grandsons of these gentlemen eventually emigrated to the Colonies of NA where they led another uprising!

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Buy your own domain in case substack caves. You have your email list and relationship. Use namecheap . Com or porkbun . Com. You get free whois privacy. Course your name is out there so you don't need the privacy. Still, contingency plans amigo.

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