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"World War III (that began in 2020) is all of humanity vs. the Fascist Pharma State."

How about this next: 'World Peace I' starts with each human taking as much responsibility for their health as humanly possible given their circumstances, living locally as much as humanly possible at this time, and eventually creating a Wellness Economy that changes everything, ignores big pharma, votes out or ignores the dictators, and gives human children a peaceful chance to create a new world.

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Everything has been inverted. Words no longer have meaning. People will let definitions morph for political convenience. Political convenience is more likely to exist when you operate within a groupthink or play team sports.

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Shared your doctorate thesis with my nephew getting his PhD at ucla. Thanks for your work.

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" World War II was capitalism vs. fascism & imperialism. " not too sure about that - did you watch the documentary " everything is a rich man's trick "? I think we may have already been well into the current phase which is fascism versus the people - I will check back in your article to see how you put this more eloquently...

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all of humanity vs. the Fascist Pharma State. Yes. don't forget that some of the concentration camps were originally built as slave labor camps for IG Farben, which I believe later morphed into maybe Bayer ?

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"No amount of evidence will convince ...." sadly true.

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"So why is the political left so insistent now that everyone must believe the official narrative — at a time when it is so obviously wrong and murderous?" - Weaponized compassion, as Mikki Willis says.

The ones who fell for it the hardest are the ones who were devotedly working to make the world better ... through advocating for racial minorities, sexual minorities, and working to save the world from the greatest threat to ever have walked this earth - an egotistical orange man (and all who don't despise him), who, unlike the calculated psychopaths, sociopaths, and more malignant narcissists who want to take him down, is a simple "lesser narcissist" (HG Tudor's concept), with more crude mannerisms that make it easier to blame him for everything wrong with the world, especially things caused by the same people who want him to stop messing with their world.

After years of indoctrination into inverted reality that pretends to be good, tell those people that everyone who cares for the less fortunate is willing to step up and take a safe vaccine, or even to sacrifice a risk of a not-fully-safe vaccine for the greater good, and everyone who refuses is a selfish disease spreading right winger (as right wing = disgusting, in this rigid view, disgusting because they believe they're right and they judge everyone else. Truly not seeing the blatant hypocrisy.) ...

And millions of "progressives" line up to do, and think, as they're told ...

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Times such as never was before...look up...your redemption draweth nigh.

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You are so right! Big Pharma is the fascist octopus strangling the world.

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Great points as always. In regards to the profit making machine: the fear of peace and converse delight in conflict has been a human mental defilement for thousands of years. The problem now is the weaponry at hand is so much more deadly, whether drones or drugs.

On falsifiability: good science is coming up with a theory/hypothesis and going out of one's way to disprove it, again and again. And then pass it on to the next scientist to try and disprove. Einstein knew this so at what point did science get so f$#%^! up? Another good example of the perversion is cLiMaTe cHaNgE dogma.

Also, where is Damar Hamlin?

Actor Ray Stevenson will be on MCM's list next week too having been killed by the poison shots at 58.

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On your first point: Jim Gale at Food Forest Abundance severed ties with his iPhone as of today. Our minds are poisoned to the point of apathy and mediocrity. I will send you his video on telegram.

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"Biden lost his son, Beau, to vaccine-induced brain cancer." Tell us more?

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"World War III (that began in 2020) is all of humanity vs. the Fascist Pharma State." Write more about this?

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I'll chime in. It's all of humanity vs. the Transhumanist State. Pharma is being used to kill the biological body. AI and Tech is being used to kill the consciousness/soul. Government is the mechanism.

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They insist on the official narrative because they cannot come to terms with the fact that they were assholes. Those that were wrong can admit being wrong, but the enthusiastic assholes just can't handle the truth. I cannot come to terms with the fact that they can't come to terms with it so I find myself asking the same question daily as well. A prof I know explained to me that Nazis couldn't talk about it after the fact. We had to wait for a whole generation to die in order to be able to discuss it with their children.

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The propagandists are quite good at what they do.

The public was ordered not only to despise and shame and segregate those that didn’t comply, but to ACTIVELY DEMONSTRATE their moral and intellectual superiority.

This is like crack to an already unfulfilled, unhappy person. Add in non stop terror, and voila! A huge army of morons, in love with their own ignorance. It FEELS good to them to be superior. Give that up? Never. They’d rather die. Literally.

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You have just described my entire extended family. It's a struggle.

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"World War II was capitalism vs. fascism & imperialism."

This article sheds light on the truth about Adolph Hitler versus the legend:


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It's a huge problem that medicine today is a pharma monopoly. Functional medicine is a healthier alternative but not as accessible, but I believe that will change as there is increasing demand for safer options. I also think this new political push to get all kids 'shot up' will backfire in the long run. It will come to light that the control group (non vaxxed kids) are better off than those sacrificed to the vax ideology, and the control group is growing. It is really difficult to hear interviews with liberals whose affect reeks of social justice phoniness, discuss long covid while obliterating the reality of the mRNA shot harms, or discuss their belief that measles needs to be eradicated via a shot, without recognizing the protective effects of natural immunity from the mother to infants, and the protection against certain cancers later in life due to exposure to measles, and all the other important information that would bias people against the shots. Their propaganda though is so insincere, that many are seeing through it. Unfortunately, homeschooling is the only loophole to protect kids currently, and if the WHO gains ground, all of us will be mandated to take an indefinite number of shots in order to participate in society.

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I see a functional medicine doctor. She is unvaxxed like me. I feel safe there plus meds are only prescribed for good reasons. She has helped me enormously. Now she has added 2 NPs. Gynecology services and a new type of healing sauna. I’m on maintenance now. Medicare pays most blood tests but I’m worth the extra money paid at almost 75.

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