Winnie is fabulous. She made my heart sing. Thanks for making and sharing this.

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“ Underneath it all progressives are deeply authoritarian and believe that they have a monopoly on truth and thus have the right and responsibility to rule over others.” <<< THIS.

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Winnie is as fast as a cheeta!

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Love the Zen moment. I suggest somebody redo it with Air's Run as the soundtrack.

I feel something very ominous (even more so than the past few years) is brewing. I don't believe these people have any intention of letting us hold them to account or thwart their plans. They're spraying out the skies every day. Today, whatever that stuff is, had descended to ground level here. Everyone was going on their morning runs and driving to work in a soup of some kind. Maybe it's harmless, but only a fool would be confident of that. Meanwhile, if you scan the obits you'll see young people continue to die "suddenly and unexpectedly" at their homes, and military-age males from other places, with other loyalties, continue to pour across the southern border. I have a feeling 2024 is the year we see their fangs, in all their bloody horror. While I am firmly in Bobby's camp, I think the only realistic resistance at this point would come from MAGA and white males from red states. I suspect they have a plan to deal with that and that it involves the aforementioned foreigners infiltrating the country. I think the US as a sovereign nation based on representative government is either about to be murdered or about to experience the biggest fight in its history.

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Grow food or stock up. We went from 27 pages of food to order from to 7 at work. We have a food bank ever since the lockdowns. The numbers of families to be served are way up. Supply chains are dwindling. This is a report from actual reality. We are being invaded so numbers will only grow. I read a UN white paper from 2000 regarding Replacement Migration. Protect yourselves and grow food.

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Song of the day: Ramona’s Outsider. I listened to this song in high school, which was pretty much in the Jurassic Period it seems. I think the folks who don’t follow the herd at this point are the ones who are going to survive. It is not always a bad thing to be an outsider. Just saying.

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A guy at work told me I am a “misfit with old-fashioned ideas”. Damn straight. I’m ok with that, actually.

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I have come to believe that the greater majority of citizens in America want freedom without actual responsibility. It’s ok if the State educates children and “cares for” the elderly. Only the way elderly are cared for in America is rather horrific. I believe this by observing and listening to the people around me. There really is no freedom without responsibility, though. The notion is a fallacy. Freedom is more self reliance….taking care of our own, local wholesome food sources, educating our own and such.

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Thanks for linking freedom and responsibility. We Americans seem to need a crash course in why the first doesn't work without the second... as in selfcare being patriotic. And the best way to save ourselves from globalism and medical tyranny.

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Loved the Winnie video. Animals seem to possess more common sense than a lot of humans at this point. I don’t know what to say about the rest anymore. I’ve witnessed very well-educated adults literally willing to sacrifice their own children to a vaccine to go on vacation or for the sake of convenience. I loathe that word now as everything I hold dear and value is very inconvenient. I don’t get it. Animals, on the other hand, are never confusing. They protect their young. I have a T-shirt that reads “Dogs make me happy. Humans make my head hurt.” I often feel that is true. As for belonging…..who in their right mind really WANTS to fit in with all this madness?

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"Underneath it all progressives are deeply authoritarian .... "

"...the more they make a show of being mighty and authoritarian, the more certain they are to be insecure children inside."

~ Alice Miller

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"Underneath it all progressives are deeply authoritarian and believe that they have a monopoly on truth and thus have the right and responsibility to rule over others." - so true .. sadly, so true ....

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God bless Winnie!!!

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Absolutely love your brilliant potpourri of observations and musings.

Agree with all, with a small nit on the notion that 'nationalism' is bad. Back in the Cold War period, when I received most of my formal education, I was taught that nationalism and populism were bad -- the province of authoritarian dictators and angry uneducated mobs. Think Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan, or the tin pot South American rulers with their red-faced mobs. But that was before the term 'globalism' had entered the lexicon.

Back then, if the term globalist existed at all, it was mostly positive (i.e., to be a global citizen, to cast off your parochial nationalist views). It had the aura of sophistication and worldliness. I remember the wake-up call I got in the mid '90s, while reading the City Journal from the Manhattan Institute (one of my first exposures to highly erudite classical liberal, aka conservative thought). It was there that I finally understood that these international / global entities answered to no one. The International Court, the UN, the WHO, the Federal Reserve, etc., etc. We were taught they were all staffed by the best-of-the-best, true experts with Enlightenment values, people who could make vastly more money working in the private sector, who instead were serving as civic intellectuals and policy makers. Clearly, not the case.

Same with populists. Not a bunch of dirty commoners as we were led to believe, but everyday people and citizens who want to take their countries back from the elites, regulatory agencies and investors who have captured their countries, and who answer to no one.

So, maybe some qualifiers. Economic and civic nationalism. And Constitutional Citizen Populists (or something like that).

Thanks again for sharing your great thoughts.

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Well said, I agree.

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Pharma has become a cult, but religions have been fulfilling that role for thousands of years. Millions of people deify pastors and popes. Congregants are tied to church beliefs no matter how much cognitive dissonance they engender. So much control is exerted through fear of not 'being saved.' All this confusion means lack of discernment and is a satanic force. The Cross symbolizes purity the antidote to society's Christian veneer composed of man's confusing and varying ideas about Christ. We cannot know what is right until we 'die' to what is wrong. Okay, we are waking up to what is wrong in Pharma, the hypocrisy of the liberals, the WEF, the WHO, the military-industrial-complex, the medical system, but it isn't enough. As long as we stay hypnotized regarding finding the 'Kingdom' or being 'saved' in rituals, ideas, concepts and all those acquired ideas emanating from the human mind, we remain lost, and no area of life will be immune to the consequences of that. Christ taught self-facing, without that nothing changes, the robber barons can wield such power because of our own collective shadow. Pharma made billions because parents chickened out at the health expense of their own children. I don't hear any of those parents' who complied with the C19 clot shots, taking responsibility for their ignorance. No, all swept under the carpet in cowardly fashion. Yes, I am angry, I am angry for children who 'trust' in adults to protect them, and they do not.

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By far the most outstanding apotheosis is the instrumental concert piece composed in 1725 by Francois Couperin (France's greatest composer of harpsichord music) entitled "Apotheosis, Composed to the Immortal Memory of the Incomparable Monsieur de Lully." By listening to this piece you will be inspired to do positive things with your life.

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"Apotheosis is driving much of the current madness. Vaccines are deified. Virology is deified. Scientists and doctors are deified in our national secular Cult of Pharma. It’s sad really — the arrogance, the hubris, and the destruction caused by their attempts to become God."

Biblical terms for this kind of madness are idolatry and sorcery [pharma*].

"...those who practice such things will not inherit the kingdom of God." (Gal. 5:20a & 5:21c)

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