I agree How on earth can these psychopaths be allowed to take ownership of the planet and people without any legal challenges? its because, I guess, that being a billionaire means that one is above the law - owns it probably. Gates has been injecting millions in African and India for decades and his injections, far from being good for people, has sterilised and killed huge numbers (he was banned from India for killing so many with 'Polio vaccines'. They own MSM, education often, health, food, farming and much more. So the only question is how to stop them before they wipe out more of the human race (and they are wiping out animal s too - Gates in Scotland recently injecting cattle. He boasts that by doing that he is getting the people who refused the vaccine ie those who eat the meat will be vaccinated...) How do we stop them is the most important question for life on this planet.

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Hello, Toby, I love your Thinking Points. My subscription is going to lapse in a few days because my credit card had fraudulent activity on Dec. 30 and was deleted. I have been told that another card will not be sent until mid-February! Yeah! Mid-February! I will miss your Substack but will hop on again as soon as I can. Thanks for all that you do.

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Hi Rosemarie! Thank you for your kind message. I extended your subscription for another 30 days gratis.

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Thank you so much for your kindness. It means so much to me. This latest credit card issue is just one of many small symptoms I have been noticing of a disintegration of normalcy. I'm hoping for an upswing this year.

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OMG, just read several posts from WMC site, and it is frightening the damage the spike can cause. I was way too laissez-faire regarding the virus until recently. Great information there. The researcher draws his own conclusions, which may not be correct, but he gives compelling scientific information for those hypotheses.

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Hey, Toby Rogers army, here is a call to action from James Roguski re the secret meetings WH 0 is having this week. He is asking for help contacting alternative media sources and asking them to report in this.

The list is long and feels overwhelming, but if everyone would pick every 2-3 alternative sources and contact them, we could make an impact. https://jamesroguski.substack.com/p/alternative-media?token=eyJ1c2VyX2lkIjo0OTE5MTc2NSwicG9zdF9pZCI6OTM4NDYxNDIsImlhdCI6MTY3MzEwNzYyNiwiZXhwIjoxNjc1Njk5NjI2LCJpc3MiOiJwdWItNzQ2NDc1Iiwic3ViIjoicG9zdC1yZWFjdGlvbiJ9.mjmv3lK6_K3dfKWvaklOTySGdvtIBRRPLiw7nRk-46g&utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email

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Great post. The lactoferrin sounds as if it will be helpful in this stew of viral illnesses we all suffer.

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There is no such thing as "ex"- government agents of <insert letters here>.

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Hi Toby, sorry for this random question. Hope you can help.

Did you ever post anything about “Statins” before? If so, please could you share a link to the post?

If not, have you ever looked into statins and formed a view that you are happy to share?

I’m asking because I think my mum is about to be recommended to take statins.

Happy New Year.


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I would like to learn more about lactoferrin. And, I didn’t understand the comment about niacin.

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agreed. I am going to do lots of research. Niacin is Vit B3. Here is a link - https://www.drugs.com/niacin.html

My guess is that Colostrum needs Vit B to behave in a more complete and better way than with out it. Meaning it benefits the body better when you add Niacin in conjunction with the colostrum.

Here's a easy to read article I just found.


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Good stuff we take colostrum and those B vitamin's regularly. Extra B-12 when ill.

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Hmm. I’ve never heard of taking colostrum/bovine colostrum other than human breast milk for babies. So do they take the colostrum from cows that just gave birth? If so, doesn’t this take away good nutrients from the calf?

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The way a company processes colostrum is important. I use Antler Farms New Zealand colostrum and their cows do not use antibiotics or hormones. I put it in my morning shake. I started using it at the beginning of the pandemic and a happy side effect was weight loss.

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Planetaryhealthproject.org to help farmers is being blocked because it solves a problem. If posting social its not picked up or viewed.

New power generation technology is available non polluting non resource consuming after set up yet the leaders do not reply to endorse it existence. This includes UN general secretary Guterres and USA president Biden admin completely ignored.

So we are making known the technology as an open source on major social networks.

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Hey Tobian. I like your 'reply and block' approach, which is probably the more time sensitive aspect.

I prefer to get down in the mud and use the 'expose as dishonest' method. It's a mixture of factual evidence and mirroring abuse for abuse; they call me 'anti vaxxer', I call them vaccine cultist. If they insist there's no evidence, I slap them with it (I've got 800+ studies).

The results I got were fascinating. One berated peer review as 'pee review' showing how deep the cult goes. Another pretended they couldn't access public domain information, so I called their bluff and hosted it even more publicly; all they could do was cherry pick one study and when I asked about the hundreds of others they screamed at me about 'echo chambers' and then blocked.

I also managed to piss off Brian Deer which was the highlight of my day.

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Some fascinating and encouraging talking points today, Toby.

You're longing for a world that doesn't exist...yet, only echoes. The Great Restoration is coming. Maranatha!

The lactoferrin information is amazing - and will be suppressed like everything else that is healing.

I loved the "reply and block" story and knew Ioannidis' IFR work early on. I'll remember that advocacy technique! I could've used it a few weeks ago against the trolls who came after me for thanking our AG for something he did. I am still amazed that some people are so filled with hatred and bile they have nothing better to do with their time than search for people to vilify on Twitter.

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.....in response to those related replies: a LOT of the issue as I understand it, stems from SO many using MUCH smaller-sized viewing screens which, while I can certainly appreciate associated pragmatic concerns, DON'T own a smartphone and will NEVER tailor my message style to them - can ONLY say, it's NOT a problem for me to read even nothing BUT capitalized commentary, recognizing the reasons WHY for such compositional decisions.....a BIG part of why I do alternate with what are LOGICALLY-capitalized words relative to emphatic distinction - as would BE otherwise NORMAL when speaking - for MOST, is that however much (and INSULTING) there WILL be those who erroneously extrapolate BEYOND a VITAL need for MANY more BESIDES myself to MEANINGFULLY express their thoughts, FEELINGS; seek CATHARSIS (being physically alone THROUGHOUT this nightmare - ASIDE from trips around town for necessities, online venues are the ONLY avenue to it at present) - it DIRECTLY relates to the crux of my previous Comments about MAGNANIMITY, as well: for a community that is SO ostensibly concerned about PROTECTING free expression (and I avoid making exchanges personal; WON'T conscion ABUSIVENESS by First Amendment rationales) it's.....UNFORTUNATE there's tacit expectations for how it's FORMATTED.....

(me HEEDING 'Fast Eddy's observation about PARAGRAPHS here):.....to say like a LOT of us, I'd suspect I can be SEVERELY 'passive-aggressive' in WEAKEST moments IS fair but, POWERFUL emotions arise behind SUCH persistent frustration at being unable to SOLVE this wholly-'SUPERIMPOSED' situation of nearly THREE years, prevent COUNTLESS deaths and injuries - DESPITE having invested 1,000-plus hours of my life TO that end, with ZERO material compensation.....even at 60, I was brought to tears watching what's INARGUABLY, among THE most important interviews ever conducted, between Dr. Ana-Maria Mihalcea & Clifford Carnicom; his consequential insights, conclusions MIRROR my own.....a DIFFICULT - but VALIDATING, experience......https://rumble.com/v22o590-synthetic-biological-life-forms-cdb-morgellons-live-blood-findings-in-post-.html?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email)

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Thank you, Toby, for continuing to bring us Truth.

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re Lactoferrin--Thanks Toby, great info.

re "Hiraeth"-- Try staying a week in Nampa, Idaho. It's so normal there. Seems like 2019, with very few people wearing masks and nobody encouraging anyone to vaccinate. People love going out and socializing w strangers too. I consider it a breath of fresh air when I'm there. It's basically been normal there since mid 2021, and was never paranoid like other sizable western cities.

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According to a brief report I found on the CIA.gov website, the CIA was actually founded by Nazi war criminals including Hitler's top spy General Garland and his top aids. The document is from 1982 and it was released for public access in 2007. This explains a lot since the CIA was founded in 1948 when Operation Paperclip smuggled 1,400 Nazi war criminals to the USA. The official excuse is that the Nazis brought to America where rocket scientists. That's a huge amount of rocket scientists, there must have been Nazis with other talents in that 1,400. The timing of the CIA formation, Operation Paperclip and the beginning of deplorable US foreign policy caused me to wonder if some of the 1,400 Nazi criminals had formed the CIA. I finally found evidence.

Here's the link: https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP88-01070R000100200004-9.pdf

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Thanks to Gramps Bush !

And His son CIA.

Thanks for posting.

I wonder how many politicians are in the Nazi bloodline

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'paperclipped' is a verb. also some have said that some of the mediocre writers of the late-'40s and '50s earned a decent living by creating plausible biographies for the thousands of paperclipped Germans. great work by author Annie Jacobsen - https://anniejacobsen.com/operation-paperclip/

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Annie Jacobsen is great.

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Have you read this great book?

The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing by [Joost Abraham Maurits Meerloo]

Joost Abraham Maurits Meerloo

The Rape of the Mind: The Psychology of Thought Control, Menticide, and Brainwashing

I ordered the book you recommended.

Thank you 😊

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Del Bigtree’s guest spoke about this book today on the Highwire. He recommends everyone read it. I’ll have to order.

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It’s so eye opening.

We’ve been under such a mind control brainwashing for forever.

Everything the Government uses nice sounding Misnomers, the trajectory is always Control. Submission to our self designated Overlords.

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