Re spiritual battle. Entire world waited for this to be released, 1960. Catholics and non Catholics. Now, forgotten. Never released. Fake release, 2005 or so.


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.....Toby, want to say that I'm EXTREMELY grateful for notifications of your VERY heartening work - but, for reasons STILL yet to be made clear, HAVEN'T been for a WEEK now (Substack HAS acknowledged SOME sort of related problem; not sure if it's a form of sabotage, or what) - PLEASE investigate, as there appears to be NO way for ME to directly communicate with them.....thanks; it's again, MUCH appreciated!

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Mr. Rogers.....please read Bailiwick News by Katherine Watt a constitutional law researcher who will provide info to you and your readers about the laws that will provide immunity under our constitution to all the players in the covid Cabal.....Bad news is the law gives all the players or wrong doers total immunity....We must get rid of the covid lock down laws imposed by emperor Biden in collusion with the WEF WHO, the Department of Health and Human Services and the DOD..so called vax is a bio-weapon manufactured by the DOD - yes Covid is a military operation perpetrated on the USA and the whole world.. Educate humanity, educate Congress which has abdicated their responsibility for too long and repeal the laws....tall order, well the Federal Courts are not the answer since the law clearly provides full immunity to all the players involved in this military operation or in clearer terms war against humanity...thanks for spreading the word.

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"Now any substance, no matter how toxic or experimental, if it contains the word “vaccine” on the outside of the box, is declared a priori to be safe, sacred, necessary, & infallible. We are arguing with delusional psychopaths".

I've spent a large portion of my adult life as an "alternative medicine" practitioner. Before The Great Delusion, I have had many conversations with patients, some who are in the medical field, and it was for the most part, a failure trying to get people to understand the risks of many of these 'interventions". I came to the realization that if it doesn't immediately kill them or causes a visible injury, most will not question it at all. And once they hear the guy in the white coat say it's impossible that it could happen, then they are all in. I have known people in this situation. It is saddening and quite amazing to see people believe in something that the do not understand at all. All based in the opinions of "experts". I'm not an expert, but you don't have to be to gain a degree of understanding about. All you need is a certain degree of curiosity, desire to know, and always, always keep in mind human nature as far as it's motivations and weaknesses.

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“Now any substance, no matter how toxic or experimental, if it contains the word “vaccine” on the outside of the box, is declared a priori to be safe, sacred, necessary, & infallible.”

That is the necessary and sufficient condition to create the catastrophe we are witnessing.

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'the power of death'--that is what we are up against. No, I didn't think I'd be here in life, doing this prevention of iatrogenocide; but I should have known based upon Hebrews 2, as quoted by Art here. Thanks Art for the reminder. Faith, hope and love, and the greatest of these is love. Love vanquishes fear, enslavement and death. The great thing about not belonging to the dark side is that the kingdom of darkness has a limited playbook; and only can do remakes and reruns of the same plays over and over again. Those who belong to the King know that He is able to more than we can ask or imagine, according to the power that is at work within us--and that power has no limit.

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"Therefore, since the children share in flesh and blood, He Himself likewise also partook of the same, that through death He might render powerless him who had the power of death, that is, the devil, and might free those who through fear of death were subject to slavery all their lives." (Hebrews 2:14-15)

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Jan 23, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

"This one product, vaccines, melts the brains of many people. A 225-year-old technology that never worked as well as claimed and has always come with catastrophic side effects.

We are arguing with delusional psychopaths."

Amen Toby. Please don't stop - ALL vaccines are destructive as hell. Realize that many of these crazed vaccine lovers are on ... our 'side'. Not just the lunatic lefties. Read some/many of the Frontline Doctors and their OBSESSION with vaccines/meds.

Thanks, but no thanks.

Re: Desantis. Not bashing him but you do realize all of summer 2021 Desantis was stumping for everyone to get the vax. Not just a little, he made Fauxi seem timid. I was sickened listening to him. $'s were speaking $. Remember that. I don't think our favorite 'leaders' and 'experts' are going to be much help going forward; although, I might be wrong.

Here is Ron Desantis (one of a few vids I have) going all out against the unvaxxed in summer 2021:


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But since then he's been the best elected official in the country on our issue.

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Jan 23, 2023·edited Jan 23, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Yep, true. And, I should have added to the original post, he turned on a dime (did a 180) less than 1 month after the video I showed. On-a-dime. Which is a healthy sign for all of us humans. Make a mistake? Do your best to own up to it and correct it best we can.

I'm not against Desantis at all.

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Wow, a fifth of kids develop some type of adverse reaction to the super dangerous injection, this is so, so, so tragic. One silver lining is that the doctors speaking out are becoming more aware of vaccine risk in general and are also becoming aware of the deleterious effects of big ag food. Some are getting into intermittent fasting and keto diets. I am confused as to the risk and benefits of the Dr. Shawn Baker carnivore diet. I like what Dr. Paul Saladino is discovering, and his diet evolves as he learns more. It seems to be mostly men promoting the extreme carnivore diet. Also, the metaphor of 'flying monkeys' from the Wizard of Oz seems apt to describe all those enabling the puppeteering captains of industry, etc....Privacy is a psychological need, as well as a social safety net. I think most people protect their privacy in small circles with people they know but have thrown caution to the wind when it comes to impersonal forms of information gathering, on a bigger scale. This foregoing of privacy inoculation really does put all of society at risk for viral infection of dangerous propaganda memes.

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Beautiful video. I think this is gonna crash down on them.

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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you for this eye-opening update.

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Thanks Toby. Your opening point reminded me of the stack I wrote about human shields almost exactly a year ago


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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

I really liked Trump as president. He did good work. But I really hope he doesn't run again. I think warp speed totally compromised him and whilst I don't think he's totally damaged goods, I struggle to trust him. Especially in light of some of his comments about abortion and people of faith, of late. I think you should run for president, Toby! I do like Desantis. Trump has a place, maybe Secretary of State. He's great at foreign policy. Thanks for another great stack!!

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Shakespeare meets Vaccine Injury Denial. Listen to Turfseer’s PERCHANCE TO DREAM. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/perchance-to-dream

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Let’s harness the power of direct democracy against those corrupting our systems. It’s dangerous but we can do it safely. We have no other choice. It’s a weapon. We could use it on each other. Or them. That’s what they fear most is tyranny of the masses.



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Jan 22, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

People should be asking why would Bourla allow himself that level of exposure? Was it about releasing the pressure out of the tire? I find that odd as he is at the centre of this horror. No chauffeur to pick him up? This is eugenicist globalists and they've somehow convinced each other they are doing the world a service by culling the masses based on some ridiculous projection of Armageddon of one form or another coming. The con so big it overwhelms even us who know.

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