Toby, I believe this is the biggest threat facing us today…the spraying of chemicals in our skies. As I’ve said in previous comments, the spraying is relentless here in southeastern Pennsylvania, outside of Philly. This new interview on the Greg Hunter Show - link below - has taken my fear to a whole new level. How heartbroken I feel for our children for the earth they will inherit.

I believe I read somewhere that Julian Assange was touching on this and the HAARP technology when he got locked up.


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Greetings! I'm in Montco.

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As convinced as we are that the vaccines are incredibly dangerous and that those who believe in them are either ignorant or totally brainwashed, the other side believes the same about us. They think we're crackpots because they just can't believe the government would do anything to hurt us, esp. when it comes to medical interventions, and certainly not on purpose. They're attached to their opinion, it's their truth, their story, their conviction. Anyone who questions it is othered, misguided, or worse. The sociological problem I suppose we all face is that for every social issue out there, there are those who are for it and those who are against it. What's true, or factual, as it were, is supposed to be discoverable, but people desperately want to be right, which makes it even more tempting to discount anyone who questions the side they've taken. Besides, the truth is often the most unpopular position to take. The desire to be politically correct makes it enticing to defend what may be complete hogwash, for the sake of taking the "correct" position. They get further away from curiosity about what the truth may be, and dig in their heels with strong opinions about the other side. Why is it that truth is so often so unpopular? I guess it comes down to the fact that those with the most money and power do not value the truth. It gets in the way of so much, esp. their schemes to increase their control of other people. And they use every means possible to fool people. People are much easier to fool when there is money, status, or social cache to be had if they're on the right side, politically. And the powerful intentionally demonize those who question their bullshit.

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Genuinely exquisite observation(s) and analysis. So much there, I hardly know where to start.

I can't help but think about learning to debate during social studies class in the 70's. Our teacher was a hammer on the facts, and objectivity. That stuck with me. But as you point out, so many of us get stuck on the undying need to be right. That need slowly devolves into subjectivity. Then we have to defend our subjectivity which further devolves into finger pointing, name calling, feelings hurt finally landing on total chaos.

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Yes, the global warming one really nails it. What the Dutch are doing to their farmers in the name of "climate change" is deplorable. I read that Russia is also building a "15 minute city" and you know that is not to protect any climate. While they decimate the Ukraine and burn oil by the millions of gallons to do so, they are going to save the world by moving people into a tightly surveilled compound.

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So many good thoughts here. Especially the Aztec one.

The cat video made my day.

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Pay down debt. Control your superannuation/ pension fund. Make connections with and start buying from primary producers of veggies, fruit, meat and fish. Learn to garden. Buy gold and silver. Learn to shoot. Stock up on a few things in case of food shortages or internet/power outages. Connect with others in the freedom movement. Watch current events 😊

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Love that cat on horse vid.

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Love you Toby. I hope you appreciate the vital role you and others are playing here. I spend most of my day at sea in the ocean of myth and denial, carrying this burden in private because nobody wants to hear it. Your clear voice and unobstructed vision are like a harbor to me. I come back to you, day after day, to find my sanity. I'd be lost without you. I've read a pretty good bit over the years, and I count you among the most important voices I've found.

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Thank you, RM!!! 🙌

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These guys are good at tearing things down but I don't like what they plan to replace all that with. I rather think we should have our own plan. After all who is better qualified the us.

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Nothing better than a cat riding a horse - pure joy.

"So I always act counter-hegemonically. Which is great until one needs something from mainstream society, which is most of the time."

Be in the world, not of it. Hard thing to do, but essential.

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Thank you for the Like however I am looking for a practical answer to my question which is how to be and/or do “not of the world “ if you could share.

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What is the first step in the quest to be in the world but not of it???

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im putting mini flyers called LuckyDay from www.VirusTruth.NET on cars, and I tape to gas pump screens, slip into convid test and mask boxes, and snail mail a few in with paying my bills to keep

the post office alive, . im putting Dr Tom Cowans book The Contagion Myth directly into as many hands as i can. everyday i dont leave home without 50 mini flyers. easy to make 10 per color sheet.. we have to fight back !! join me !

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Thanks for trying to reach people with information that you think and hope may help them arrive at more knowing. I am not sure if it is possible to help the world now. Jesus is the spam. Jesus is God.

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Please don't spam my page. Just make your case and move on.

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All good thoughts Toby! I continue to watch the circus going on around us while not getting too caught up in trying to fight things that I can’t influence or control - no matter how many petitions I sign or X posts I do (although I still do those things!). I enjoy reading about all the crazy things happening in the world and I laugh at some of the insanity and rejoice in our increasing victories for common sense. But otherwise I focus on living my best life with awake family and friends and setting myself up to survive what’s coming. I’m setting an example for my non-awake friends that you can be a happy and joyful conspiracy theorist 😊

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How do you go about setting yourself up to survive what is coming ??

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fight back with easy mini flyers called LuckyDay from www.VirusTruth.NET

i put hundreds on cars every week and tape to gas pump screens, slip into convid test and mask boxes and diaper boxes. during my daily travels. Dont underestimate your power to reach someone and save their life or stop a new mom from vaccinating

this flyer puts book by Dr. Tom Cowan , Contagion Myth pdf free into their hands !

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Does Dr. Tom know his book is being distributed without his permission (or recompense)?

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oh now I see it.

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Another brilliant piece. Thank you. On the eve of Superbowl Sunday, you nailed it here with the faux relationship between Taylor Swift and Travis Kelsey. Disgusting that girls as young as eight years old, the latest and the newest of the Swifties, are being pulled into the vax trap, now that she’s dating this Vaccine salesman and drug pusher. I know it is un-Christian to wish for something bad, but if there is anything that can happen to expose the dangers here, and if it were to happen on the biggest football night of the year, well …


Last year, Pfizer had a PR disaster on their hands when their product (allegedly) caused Damar Hamlin to go into cardiac arrest during Monday Night Football. All signs suggest that they immediately bought off Hamlin and his family. Then Pfizer recruited the most likable guy in the NFL, goofy Travis Kelce, to endorse their deadly product. And then, in a lucky coincidence, Kelce started dating the most famous female pop star in the world.

Pfizer spent about $40 million and the genocide is back on track!

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I wonder how many humans will keel over at the super baal.

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As always, I appreciate your insights I recommend if you haven’t already check out Dr. Michael Nehls author of The Indoctrinated Brain the study on the hippocampus is right along what you’ve discussed that is people who have destroyed their critical thinking centers of the brain with embracing false fear, and I think the vaccinations and boosters are an addition to this nightmare…

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The mighty horse & the fearless cat are my favorite 2 animals of all times❤️🙏

Thank you Toby for the most cool Zen moment!! I love you❤️‼️

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I do think that we have underappreciated the centrality of information to the system of government. The fixation on voting/democracy for 200+ years has distracted the public from the far more important issue of access to information. And we are seeing that freedom of expression is no match for the government noise machine.

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