There's a plan I've had in my mind for awhile...

I think it would be very nice if these elites were captured, stripped of all their wealth, and removed from society and deposited on an uninhabited island that would have 24/7 surveillance that would be broadcast live on a particular TV station where we could enjoy and be entertained by their attempts to survive and dominate each other. The NWO version of "Survivor"

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Can we just put a big fence around Davos and introduce dinosaurs?

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Yes! The kind that like to eat billionaires!

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One thing we need to do is start making lists of all the folks that attended Davos and went to WEF training (aka Hitler Youth). "Have you ever attended Davos or are you affiliated in any way with the WEF?" needs to be the new "Are you or have you ever been a member of the communist party?"

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or what about those weaponized AI robot dogs with facial recognition tech. I'm so surprised that they haven't brought out the dogs yet to control and eliminate protests. I've been expecting that for years.

Too bad that we don't have armies of Tony Sopranos and Ray Donovan's to send into Washington and Davos and all the secret places these elite psycho killers gather.

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This is a delightful idea. Toby's works, too.

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I'm so glad that you see what I see with the trucker's protests: in a way, they've actually won. They ripped the mask off the powers that be and their real intentions of using this for control only, forced them to use force which is ultimately too expensive to maintain, revealed the left to be a bunch of vindictive, cowardly, pampered hypocrites and ripped through the narrative of the (very few) haves versus the (very many) have nots. I wonder how long before people stop shipping food or delivering packages to these types out of sheer disgust. The truckers peace, unity and resolve in this has been a sight to behold. Methinks Trudeau and Co will be playing whack-a-mole for a little while. Perhaps if they have no food or electricity they'll start thinking different...

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Agreed. The one question about ripping masks off powers that be: Are more people awakening to this? Is is simply that we who are awakened are seeing each other? I’m not sure of point one, but absolutely yes to point two. Anyone else?

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Your sub stack is quickly becoming my favorite. The thinking points are great. Keep it up.

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Thank you Mike! 🙌

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I may not be able to do much, but I can, and do, pray - for Canada, for the USA.

I've also put a message on the back window of my car using dry erase markers supporting the truckers.

Also, there are some who have used bonds to hold school boards accountable. Could this have a wider application?

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I had read Dr. Wolf's piece, and I am thankful for her very direct very clear eyed view.

I am thinking on Roberto Benigni's film 'Life is Beautiful'. I think I need to be both the adult and the child and give myself permission to be.

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About the fall of Canada and the rest of the western world. Here is the truth All Canadians need to wake up to. Canada is not a sovereign nation.

Politicians are puppets reading Globalist script. Elections are selections. The covert takeover happened a long time ago. Now we are witnessing an open NWO take over. Same goes for the USA

Public Health Agency Of Canada Created As Branch Of WHO; Bill C-12 PHAC Act https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/public-health-agency-of-canada-created?r=3mvl2

Health Canada Initially Created For Population Control Measures https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/health-canada-initially-created-for?r=3mvl2

Only MASS non compliance can may be slow it down. The entire system is corrupt and run by the satanic elites . The political scene is a theatre of controlled and corrupt puppets:

A Cesspool Of Corruption In Ottawa: AstraZeneca Maker, Emergent BioSolutions, Lobbying All Federal Parties


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I appreciate that you want to engage with your readers, Toby!

Yes, the Naomi Wolf piece was excellent and I forwarded it last night to the few who are awake. And since Brandon just renewed the emergency powers order for another year, it's not just Canada we need to be praying for.

I don't understand what role the CDC should have in determining the guidelines for children's speech? They can't even get infectious disease right which is supposedly their job. The agency is a farce and needs to be eliminated along with all the other government alphabet agencies.

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Thank you for your message. Yep, the CDC is a disaster. The CDC exists to protect the pharmaceutical industry from critical scrutiny. When we take power we must turn the CDC into a Museum of Iatrogenic Injury.

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Bravo to Mislav Kolakusik!

That really hit me when you said Democrats are the "master race". You hit the nail on the head! Their rules are for thee, not themselves. So hypocritical. And I love your term "bougie supremacists"!

I'm watching Canada with some extra anxiety as my son and grandchildren are in Calgary. Yes, God Bless the Canadians, especially the truckers.

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"According to Schwab, more than half of the cabinets in Canada, Argentina, and France are WEF Young Global Leaders alumni. Vladimir Putin too. This really is World War III — WEF/Davos/Gates against the people."

Yes, yes, YES! This is THE battle. The elites have decided how they want the world to function and they're going to herd you like cattle to the slaughterhouse in order to get it. (Note that I use the word "elite" and not merely "rich," though many are both. A rich man is not necessarily evil. But an evil man will often pursue riches and power and use those to enslave others.)

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Naomi Klien writes the Shock Doctine, and then shocklingly forgets about it. WOW, just WOW.

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Freedom will only prevail if the wannabe Kings heads start to roll...literally. That's the only way Freedom has ever been won in all of History. Not one single wannabe King's head has rolled. Trudeau's head would be a good head to start with. Don't count on that happening. America is divided along ideological and intellectual lines.. Mentally ill males can compete against females in sports.. Men can use women's restrooms. Queers are welcomed in the services. Over half the population literally trusts the jabs. American companies gave un-fathomable amounts of money to the BLM gangsters. And people still think there's gonna be a happy ending. America is screwed, glued, and tattooed. Right now. The memos just haven't been sent out yet.

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This is not helpful.

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You obviously have not studied history. You obviously have no idea what the 2030 Agenda is about. You obviously do not comprehend the extent of the Evil that exists in this world. And you obviously would trust your life in any American hospital if you went to one with the Covid. Don't you know that the US Government has a bounty on DEAD people who die in American hospitals and that bounty can be worth up to $100,000 per doctor murdered victim. And you think that violence is NOT needed to fix things here. I would love to hear your version of how we defeat the enemies within this country. If I'm not helpful then maybe you can be helpful.


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Trying to gin up violence is not the answer which you should realize being the student of history you profess to be. Given the tenor of your response to me this will be my final comment. Have a great day!

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absolutely! Not one of them has even died from covid.... How hard could it be to get rid of the top ten. a few ex CIA guys...a little crowdfunding to pay them..

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Lisa...these links will show you something you may not be aware of. There is a female Doctor who has had success with Autistic children using Chlorine Dioxide. I'm not showing you this to get your hopes up. But if you know nothing about Chlorine Dioxide this information will probably interest you.




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Thank you! I will take a look 👍❤️

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"Get Real" is the real deal. He/she left out just one thing. Americans are cowards, and the "elite' know it.

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So what is REALLY going on in Ottawa? Have truckers been arrested? Have they been disbanded? If sentiments in Canada are like they are here regarding the police (think BLM, George Floyd), and since Trudeau used the police against his own people, then the good people who see through the fallacies of all that, will now be against the police. Sad that these police forces are not taught the rights of the people and therefore are unwilling to refuse these orders.

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We should all crowd fund to allow the truckers in Canada and the US to carry out their protests from the comforts of their own homes. Subsidize their unemployment for our aims just like the US government did with their actions.

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Love these re-caps and links. So helpful with news updates, but also sources to follow.

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Hi Toby just wanted to give you a quick update…we got a pretty good lawyer… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3iyZdU0H7QA&fbclid=IwAR03c-Jw2zU08xXBNasweJIPcLfKoaSA0_wYHn876a7OB8a9Q0-24__NpwE

Unrelated question, I think I’ve seen you talk about reversing the effects of childhood vaccines, daughter is 5 and just didn’t know…if you have could you direct me to that post?

In other news, I didn’t even know you had a pay option 🤦‍♂️

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I'll email you.

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