Everyone that's awake to the madness must speak up in some fashion. It's our moral obligation. I have felt a particular ethical imperative since I teach middle school kids who have been brainwashed by ignorant adults for two straight years. The one thing I have focused on is getting my school back to normal, since what I witness daily is tantamount to abuse. I've now been instructed by my principal to not speak again to my class about covid or masks after I taught a lesson on George Orwell, propaganda and language, and the mask/vaccine narrative (I'm going to write about this in more detail my substack newsletter soon).
If I contradict their stance on covid protocols again I could be fired, and my contract renewal for next year is based on whether or not I comply with their demands. My administration straight up told me that I cannot tie a worldwide current event to the curriculum as a method of fostering critical thinking. They do not want kids to think critically or creatively about their own experiences; they want docile, obedient children to be taught by docile, obedient teachers. This is the state of education today in liberal schools. It's a disgrace.
Additionally, I'm the only teacher at my school to speak up about the mask mandate. Not one other person has said a single word about covering children's faces for seven hours a day. I wrote a letter to my Head of School recently, too, which I'll post here. I'm just too much of a gadfly for these corona-hysterics to handle anymore, I guess.
Hey AAWM, I've got an idea for you: Package your work as a series of short, fun, thought-provoking, non-docile video lessons for 6th-12th graders about current events and Orwell with the goal of raising awareness and critical thinking. Make the lessons you wish your school would let you teach. I would buy it! I bet a lot of parents would. There is a need for lessons to support kids and parents in dialogue, to counteract the brainwashing coming from all angles, to foster critical thinking, and to make it both serious and fun (serio ludere!). There are many online teaching platforms that do the tech for you (https://teachable.com/ and https://kajabi.com/ are two). Maybe it will be so profitable that you find yourself with some financial freedom. What do you think? In any case, Thank you for following your moral obligation, AAWM, and for your efforts to teach critical thinking.
Thank you very much for this idea! I really appreciate it. I am going to look into these online teaching platforms. I have a lot of great ideas for lessons that would allow students to critically examine the world through literary analysis and history. Thanks!
Plan on them not renewing you. They are so thin skinned that they will find any excuse to not renew. They want obedient workers not actual teachers like you. Thanks for standing up and getting the kids exposed to the manipulation.
Tell them their homework is to watch George Carlin videos and note all the times he questions authority. It'll be fun homework.
Thanks for sharing your experience. This is extremely disturbing and corresponds to my experience-- that children today are taught to be critical about the past but not to think critically about the present. It's the exact opposite of what a good education should be. (And my personal experience tells me the result isn't docile, obedient students-- just rebels without a cause.)
Based on skewed, crafted, and outright false versions of history, at that. I know different people will interpret that in different ways. I'm not talking about Howard Zinn's version being the correct one, either, by the way.
I haven't read Howard Zinn in 20 years, but I theorize that he's not the problem here. If he were still alive, he could update his book to include an entire chapter on the truckers' convoy. Of his Young People's History, he said, "I want young people to understand that ours is a beautiful country, but it has been taken over by men who have no respect for human rights or constitutional liberties. Our people are basically decent and caring, and our highest ideals are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, which says that all of us have an equal right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'"
I'm not sure teachers can even teach Zinn anymore, to be honest. His book could be renamed "The Basket of Deplorables: A History."
Scary, isn't it? In Australia now, if your children attend school (as opposed to homeschool) you know they will be taught by an entirely compliant group of people, because they all had to be double-jabbed to keep their jobs. Enough said about the education they are receiving.
Just subscribed to your substack. THANK you for speaking out. I have been all over our school board and principals at our school district about the masks and it's like talking to a brick wall. they hide behind CDC guidelines. Our private schools are full and homeschool would make my super social middle school girl depressed. We moved out of CA to AZ and our governor screwed up the mask mandates for schools and refuses to fix it. we walk around without masks everyday with no problem, but I have to send my kids with them (thankful for chiffon masks) and it makes me crazy.
How I'm getting through it - I have made a deliberate choice to face the future without fear. I can genuinely say that I feel stronger than ever before. It's as if I have put on a suit of armour but I still need to work on emotional resilience - walks, appreciation of nature, being glad to wake up each day. I've signed up to a few substacks rather than using social media. I've started praying and last night came to a profound realisation that we really are in a fight against evil. Evil thrives on discord and misery. I shall be the opposite. I speak up where I can. I attend freedom marches where I can. I have 5 kids and 2 grandkids to protect - I'm in battle mode.
I'm with you. No fear. And yes, we're fighting against evil. I have four children I'm in battle mode for and I wish my parents were in battle mode for their grandchildren, but they're going along to get along....
It's ok though. Praying, reading, and drinking wine.
I'm in exactly the same situation. My family are all jabbed. Their only saving grace is that they're not pushing the jabs on my kids. This is the hill!
People who are the hardest to wake up are those who can't fathom that evil is real!
My 2 children got the shot, as did their spouses. My grand-daughter is 11. I pray everyday she won't be dragged in to get it! My daughter doesn't like it, but I tell my grand-daughter the truth about everything. Spending time with her keeps me happy, young-at-heart and sane. She says there will be a doctor with a black eye if her mom takes her in for the shot! I hope/pray that since my family doesn't have horrible side effects yet, they must have gotten the saline placebo. I think I've shared enough with them around the edges of their censorship that they won't get any boosters. I connect with nature everyday; grounding with the earth, and absorbing sun/light/love/energy. I stopped drinking wine with dinner as soon as I heard the first hints of a world-wide pandemic. It smelled very fishy, and I wanted to be clear-headed. Two years without any alcohol and I'm VERY clear-headed, and don't rationalize anymore how completely toxic it is! I'm VERY spiritually grounded as well... praying and reading The Bible everyday... prepared for the possibility I may lose family members!
I was in Ottawa today. If you knew me, you would know how NOT confrontational I am. Today I rode the O-train sans mask. Fortunately other unmasked folk were able to help us country bugs figure out the new-fangled system.
Then we protested. Or partied. I am in awe of what we saw.
My son was blown away at being part of history...and being hugged by a random stranger. I haven't seen him smile this much in...two years.
It's the honk heard ' round the world. And I feel fine
What am I doing to take care of myself? Well thank you Toby….that’s awfully nice of you to ask and wonder what we are doing to take care of ourselves. I keep thinking I’d like to live through this to see that things to actually get better. I’d like to die knowing that my kids and grandkids Will live in a free world.,I keep thinking, wishing I had an actual man near me that had the same vision as me. I used to think that loving someone meant human connection, intimacy, sharing nature and animals, building fires together, playing music, even throwing a frisbee.… of course all the family things, big dinners trips to the beach, the kids the grandkids, all the celebrations of life…. Even just stopping by for tea.
So what should I do to take care of myself? I read voraciously every day multiple substacks. I watch hours of videos of freedom fighter front line doctors etc. I have attempted to self educate on what the hell virus and disease actually is or is not and more than that how do they even make these things.…… I pray for the crack of reason in the human consciousness while recognizing that I’ve been duped for nearly every decade of my life, knowing that something was off, thinking it was probably me. Turns out it is me and not too many other people around me think about or see things the way I do. I have a whole lot more to discover about this deep vortex. But what am I doing to take care of myself? That is such a good question. What are we all going to do to take care of ourselves? I told my kids there is no effing way that you need to do anything to protect me, you will never see me be afraid of a disease and ask you to take something so that I don’t get it. I just can’t believe we are doing this to little little kids, toddlers, babies. This is all so insane. I don’t think there is anything I can do to take care of myself to get over this belief. Someone please convince me that technology has finally figured out how to beat mother nature.
Frustrating to see people like Steven DiMattei take so long to figure this out, but at the same time glad he and others finally have. Even more frustrating to see so many people blind to this. Listened to part of the CDC sham Moderna discussion yesterday. The public comments showed just how indoctrinated people are. Not only were they urging for approval, they begged them to speed up approval for the babies and toddlers.
As far as the Rs, they receive just as much big pharma money as the Ds. I have yet to see anyone but Ron Johnson do much of anything. Rand Paul goes after gain of function, but he could do so much more.
I am really struggling to maintain my emotional health. The hardest part is so few friends or family I can talk to about this. I walk and I read non-COVID books, but I have trouble preventing my mind from wandering into this awfulness. For me, the key is mental distractions like online word games that preclude any type of thinking about anything else. I feel like I need a support group. I suppose that is what this substack community has become for me.
(FYI Toby, Jeff Childers at Coffee & Covid also urged readers to follow your Action Plan this morning. )
leila, i feel your pain and struggle too. if there is any chance you live in AZ let me know, we are putting small groups of like minded people together.
That would not be my preferred term. However, ANTIFA is the domestic terrorist arm of the evil-doing Deep State. The Deep State is an evil-doing CABAL, who serves the International Private Bankster CABAL (aka, the Globalist, Party of Davos), the multinational corporations (incl Big Media/Tech/Pharma/Money etc) the CABAL OWNS, & the criminal/illegitimate state of Israel the CABAL CREATED.
Trump is not Deep State. There are ways to discern who is a Deep Stater, and it is important to watch what folks DO and what is the OUTCOME, rather than their WORDS.
During the 2016 election, Killary indicated at every opportunity that she would usher in WW3 for her private bankster masters. Thank GOODNESS Trump won. Trump initiated NO new wars, while Obama had initiated three bloody wars of regime change in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Now, Deep State candidate #LyinJoeBiden's administration is picking up where Obama's left off. The Deep State wants WW3, and it wants the US, Russia, and China to destroy each other, so the Globalists can rule.
So, one litmus test is to observe how warmongering folks are and how much they want our troops and CIA involved in other nations' affairs. Trump's words resulted in no new wars. In fact, Syria thwarted the Deep State's efforts at regime change in Syria, with the help of the Russians, and with the help of Trump. Trump STOPPED Obama's CIA program that funded ISIS. I believe Trump was working in the background with Putin, Xi, North Korea, to thwart the Deep State's warmongering plans and wage peace.
Note that all the Deep State democrats embrace warmongering George W. Bush, John McCain, etc. Trump was up against the Deep State Democrats AND the Deep State Republicans.
Deep Staters want globalism, not sovereignty. Deep Staters want open borders. Deep Staters want to eliminate the Rule of Law. Deep Staters want to eliminate our fundamental, inalienable, Constitutional rights. Deep Staters want to concentrate power into the Federal Government (federalize elections, federalize police, federalize gas taxes for the purpose of tracking people, etc), to further enable ruling over the many from the very few. Deep Staters want war. Deep Staters want to sexualize our children.
Been reading old anatomy journals about human organs written in the third person while playing golf with my friend Tyler in an abandoned lot on the north side of town. Sometimes we fight.
Staying well? Got hold of a place in France with a field for price of small UK appartment. Macron has banned me from everything except shops. He want's to "emmerde" me. He 'emmerdes' himself. It just makes me stronger. I do a walking meditate. I enjoy my nascent garden and the wildlife. I jack in to see what's happenin' now n again. I learn. I grow and am centred. I greet each day. I drink too much...meh. Stay strong.
I'm in France too but not in the countryside. It's much harder in the cities not to be demoralised. The majority seem okay with the pass vaccinal. Lots of my son's primary school friends are now vaccinated (and infected with Covid-19). I'd rather be in the UK.
Toby, your thinking points posts are succinct, profound, and thought provoking. I read them once, think about it for a while, come back to read them again, think some more, and often times go back for a third read. I am so glad I found you. Thank you.
Morning gratitude meditation, movement, yoga and knowing that every protest I’ve attended, every letter written to the school board, council member, doctor, FDA, Governor has been done for my children and every child. I know I’m on the right side of history and that brings me the ultimate peace.
I am praying to the one and only God of the Bible, and trusting in His strength. He promises that He is in control, and if I can’t trust the One Who spoke the universe into existence, then I am hopeless……But, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Roman’s 15:13)That’s what I’m doing to get through this, day by day.
I love you Toby, but I think the campaign for utilizing "democide", especially "stochastic democide" will a very lonely path.
I watch a lot of football. The announcers love to say, "The defensive backfield has been decimated this season!!!" Americans generally aren't very educated, and those who understand the real definition, their questions are "So what? 1 out of 10 is gone? How does this change anything? Why did the coach kill 1 out of 10, can he do that?" For the masses decimation has lost the original meaning and now just mean BAD THINGS HAPPENED.
The general public doesn't know what "democide" means either, though I am pretty sure CNN would claim it is our plot name to kill righteous Democrats. If more than 5% of Americans could correctly define "stochastic", and not through a multiple choice test, that would be a miracle.
I have been staying calm and sane by knitting while I listen to podcasts /independent media like "The Highwire", Dr. Peter Breggin, Children's Health Defense TV, etc. I'm praying so hard for people to wake up and stop taking the clot shots. I'm praying for the brave Canadian truckers. After people wake up and acknowledge the covid crimes against humanity, the next step is to acknowledge that vaccines do cause autism. We need reparations for the vaccine injury victims.
Everyone that's awake to the madness must speak up in some fashion. It's our moral obligation. I have felt a particular ethical imperative since I teach middle school kids who have been brainwashed by ignorant adults for two straight years. The one thing I have focused on is getting my school back to normal, since what I witness daily is tantamount to abuse. I've now been instructed by my principal to not speak again to my class about covid or masks after I taught a lesson on George Orwell, propaganda and language, and the mask/vaccine narrative (I'm going to write about this in more detail my substack newsletter soon).
If I contradict their stance on covid protocols again I could be fired, and my contract renewal for next year is based on whether or not I comply with their demands. My administration straight up told me that I cannot tie a worldwide current event to the curriculum as a method of fostering critical thinking. They do not want kids to think critically or creatively about their own experiences; they want docile, obedient children to be taught by docile, obedient teachers. This is the state of education today in liberal schools. It's a disgrace.
Additionally, I'm the only teacher at my school to speak up about the mask mandate. Not one other person has said a single word about covering children's faces for seven hours a day. I wrote a letter to my Head of School recently, too, which I'll post here. I'm just too much of a gadfly for these corona-hysterics to handle anymore, I guess.
Hey AAWM, I've got an idea for you: Package your work as a series of short, fun, thought-provoking, non-docile video lessons for 6th-12th graders about current events and Orwell with the goal of raising awareness and critical thinking. Make the lessons you wish your school would let you teach. I would buy it! I bet a lot of parents would. There is a need for lessons to support kids and parents in dialogue, to counteract the brainwashing coming from all angles, to foster critical thinking, and to make it both serious and fun (serio ludere!). There are many online teaching platforms that do the tech for you (https://teachable.com/ and https://kajabi.com/ are two). Maybe it will be so profitable that you find yourself with some financial freedom. What do you think? In any case, Thank you for following your moral obligation, AAWM, and for your efforts to teach critical thinking.
Hi Nurse Nancy,
Thank you very much for this idea! I really appreciate it. I am going to look into these online teaching platforms. I have a lot of great ideas for lessons that would allow students to critically examine the world through literary analysis and history. Thanks!
Awesome! Please keep us all posted!
Yes please. I would buy
Thank you for sharing this. We are fighting our district to get the masks off the kids...in Alabama!!!
If you would teach this class on Outschool, I would absolutely pay for it! And perhaps other classes you would like to teach too!
Plan on them not renewing you. They are so thin skinned that they will find any excuse to not renew. They want obedient workers not actual teachers like you. Thanks for standing up and getting the kids exposed to the manipulation.
Tell them their homework is to watch George Carlin videos and note all the times he questions authority. It'll be fun homework.
Thanks for sharing your experience. This is extremely disturbing and corresponds to my experience-- that children today are taught to be critical about the past but not to think critically about the present. It's the exact opposite of what a good education should be. (And my personal experience tells me the result isn't docile, obedient students-- just rebels without a cause.)
"taught to be critical about the past"
Based on skewed, crafted, and outright false versions of history, at that. I know different people will interpret that in different ways. I'm not talking about Howard Zinn's version being the correct one, either, by the way.
I haven't read Howard Zinn in 20 years, but I theorize that he's not the problem here. If he were still alive, he could update his book to include an entire chapter on the truckers' convoy. Of his Young People's History, he said, "I want young people to understand that ours is a beautiful country, but it has been taken over by men who have no respect for human rights or constitutional liberties. Our people are basically decent and caring, and our highest ideals are expressed in the Declaration of Independence, which says that all of us have an equal right to 'life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.'"
I'm not sure teachers can even teach Zinn anymore, to be honest. His book could be renamed "The Basket of Deplorables: A History."
Scary, isn't it? In Australia now, if your children attend school (as opposed to homeschool) you know they will be taught by an entirely compliant group of people, because they all had to be double-jabbed to keep their jobs. Enough said about the education they are receiving.
Just subscribed to your substack. THANK you for speaking out. I have been all over our school board and principals at our school district about the masks and it's like talking to a brick wall. they hide behind CDC guidelines. Our private schools are full and homeschool would make my super social middle school girl depressed. We moved out of CA to AZ and our governor screwed up the mask mandates for schools and refuses to fix it. we walk around without masks everyday with no problem, but I have to send my kids with them (thankful for chiffon masks) and it makes me crazy.
How I'm getting through it - I have made a deliberate choice to face the future without fear. I can genuinely say that I feel stronger than ever before. It's as if I have put on a suit of armour but I still need to work on emotional resilience - walks, appreciation of nature, being glad to wake up each day. I've signed up to a few substacks rather than using social media. I've started praying and last night came to a profound realisation that we really are in a fight against evil. Evil thrives on discord and misery. I shall be the opposite. I speak up where I can. I attend freedom marches where I can. I have 5 kids and 2 grandkids to protect - I'm in battle mode.
I'm with you. No fear. And yes, we're fighting against evil. I have four children I'm in battle mode for and I wish my parents were in battle mode for their grandchildren, but they're going along to get along....
It's ok though. Praying, reading, and drinking wine.
I'm in exactly the same situation. My family are all jabbed. Their only saving grace is that they're not pushing the jabs on my kids. This is the hill!
People who are the hardest to wake up are those who can't fathom that evil is real!
My 2 children got the shot, as did their spouses. My grand-daughter is 11. I pray everyday she won't be dragged in to get it! My daughter doesn't like it, but I tell my grand-daughter the truth about everything. Spending time with her keeps me happy, young-at-heart and sane. She says there will be a doctor with a black eye if her mom takes her in for the shot! I hope/pray that since my family doesn't have horrible side effects yet, they must have gotten the saline placebo. I think I've shared enough with them around the edges of their censorship that they won't get any boosters. I connect with nature everyday; grounding with the earth, and absorbing sun/light/love/energy. I stopped drinking wine with dinner as soon as I heard the first hints of a world-wide pandemic. It smelled very fishy, and I wanted to be clear-headed. Two years without any alcohol and I'm VERY clear-headed, and don't rationalize anymore how completely toxic it is! I'm VERY spiritually grounded as well... praying and reading The Bible everyday... prepared for the possibility I may lose family members!
I was in Ottawa today. If you knew me, you would know how NOT confrontational I am. Today I rode the O-train sans mask. Fortunately other unmasked folk were able to help us country bugs figure out the new-fangled system.
Then we protested. Or partied. I am in awe of what we saw.
My son was blown away at being part of history...and being hugged by a random stranger. I haven't seen him smile this much in...two years.
It's the honk heard ' round the world. And I feel fine
Beautiful! Right on!!! 🙌
What am I doing to take care of myself? Well thank you Toby….that’s awfully nice of you to ask and wonder what we are doing to take care of ourselves. I keep thinking I’d like to live through this to see that things to actually get better. I’d like to die knowing that my kids and grandkids Will live in a free world.,I keep thinking, wishing I had an actual man near me that had the same vision as me. I used to think that loving someone meant human connection, intimacy, sharing nature and animals, building fires together, playing music, even throwing a frisbee.… of course all the family things, big dinners trips to the beach, the kids the grandkids, all the celebrations of life…. Even just stopping by for tea.
So what should I do to take care of myself? I read voraciously every day multiple substacks. I watch hours of videos of freedom fighter front line doctors etc. I have attempted to self educate on what the hell virus and disease actually is or is not and more than that how do they even make these things.…… I pray for the crack of reason in the human consciousness while recognizing that I’ve been duped for nearly every decade of my life, knowing that something was off, thinking it was probably me. Turns out it is me and not too many other people around me think about or see things the way I do. I have a whole lot more to discover about this deep vortex. But what am I doing to take care of myself? That is such a good question. What are we all going to do to take care of ourselves? I told my kids there is no effing way that you need to do anything to protect me, you will never see me be afraid of a disease and ask you to take something so that I don’t get it. I just can’t believe we are doing this to little little kids, toddlers, babies. This is all so insane. I don’t think there is anything I can do to take care of myself to get over this belief. Someone please convince me that technology has finally figured out how to beat mother nature.
Frustrating to see people like Steven DiMattei take so long to figure this out, but at the same time glad he and others finally have. Even more frustrating to see so many people blind to this. Listened to part of the CDC sham Moderna discussion yesterday. The public comments showed just how indoctrinated people are. Not only were they urging for approval, they begged them to speed up approval for the babies and toddlers.
As far as the Rs, they receive just as much big pharma money as the Ds. I have yet to see anyone but Ron Johnson do much of anything. Rand Paul goes after gain of function, but he could do so much more.
I am really struggling to maintain my emotional health. The hardest part is so few friends or family I can talk to about this. I walk and I read non-COVID books, but I have trouble preventing my mind from wandering into this awfulness. For me, the key is mental distractions like online word games that preclude any type of thinking about anything else. I feel like I need a support group. I suppose that is what this substack community has become for me.
(FYI Toby, Jeff Childers at Coffee & Covid also urged readers to follow your Action Plan this morning. )
Yes, I saw that and was so grateful! 🙌
leila, i feel your pain and struggle too. if there is any chance you live in AZ let me know, we are putting small groups of like minded people together.
We are experiencing murder by the Deep State. The Deep State has infested all positions of power/influence/ownership.
I call them domestic terrorists. That whole list Toby named.
That would not be my preferred term. However, ANTIFA is the domestic terrorist arm of the evil-doing Deep State. The Deep State is an evil-doing CABAL, who serves the International Private Bankster CABAL (aka, the Globalist, Party of Davos), the multinational corporations (incl Big Media/Tech/Pharma/Money etc) the CABAL OWNS, & the criminal/illegitimate state of Israel the CABAL CREATED.
Now you're talking truth. Of course the real truth will make most here very uncomfortable if it's talked about.
Who is Not deep state? Having difficulty figuring this out. We have each other💖
Trump is not Deep State. There are ways to discern who is a Deep Stater, and it is important to watch what folks DO and what is the OUTCOME, rather than their WORDS.
During the 2016 election, Killary indicated at every opportunity that she would usher in WW3 for her private bankster masters. Thank GOODNESS Trump won. Trump initiated NO new wars, while Obama had initiated three bloody wars of regime change in Libya, Syria, and Ukraine. Now, Deep State candidate #LyinJoeBiden's administration is picking up where Obama's left off. The Deep State wants WW3, and it wants the US, Russia, and China to destroy each other, so the Globalists can rule.
So, one litmus test is to observe how warmongering folks are and how much they want our troops and CIA involved in other nations' affairs. Trump's words resulted in no new wars. In fact, Syria thwarted the Deep State's efforts at regime change in Syria, with the help of the Russians, and with the help of Trump. Trump STOPPED Obama's CIA program that funded ISIS. I believe Trump was working in the background with Putin, Xi, North Korea, to thwart the Deep State's warmongering plans and wage peace.
Note that all the Deep State democrats embrace warmongering George W. Bush, John McCain, etc. Trump was up against the Deep State Democrats AND the Deep State Republicans.
Deep Staters want globalism, not sovereignty. Deep Staters want open borders. Deep Staters want to eliminate the Rule of Law. Deep Staters want to eliminate our fundamental, inalienable, Constitutional rights. Deep Staters want to concentrate power into the Federal Government (federalize elections, federalize police, federalize gas taxes for the purpose of tracking people, etc), to further enable ruling over the many from the very few. Deep Staters want war. Deep Staters want to sexualize our children.
Been reading old anatomy journals about human organs written in the third person while playing golf with my friend Tyler in an abandoned lot on the north side of town. Sometimes we fight.
So great! 🙌
Staying well? Got hold of a place in France with a field for price of small UK appartment. Macron has banned me from everything except shops. He want's to "emmerde" me. He 'emmerdes' himself. It just makes me stronger. I do a walking meditate. I enjoy my nascent garden and the wildlife. I jack in to see what's happenin' now n again. I learn. I grow and am centred. I greet each day. I drink too much...meh. Stay strong.
I'm in France too but not in the countryside. It's much harder in the cities not to be demoralised. The majority seem okay with the pass vaccinal. Lots of my son's primary school friends are now vaccinated (and infected with Covid-19). I'd rather be in the UK.
I’m jealous 😉sounds amazing
Toby, your thinking points posts are succinct, profound, and thought provoking. I read them once, think about it for a while, come back to read them again, think some more, and often times go back for a third read. I am so glad I found you. Thank you.
And creative cooking is what keeps me sane.
People seem to need to believe the “best intentions” from those in positions of power.
People have always trusted their doctors priests teachers.
Things went wrong…sometimes, but in the main they were “trusted”
It is hard for a whole global population to have the blindfold of almost childlike trust pulled from their eyes.
They have been lulled into a false sense of security with McDonalds and welfare.
Mattias Desmet is right. They are in Mass Formation.
First protest in history with bouncy castles?
Good exercise and keeps them warm!
Isn't that the best?! Keeping the kids occupied, so they don't get bored. 👍
All bouncy castles are seditious insults to divinely ordained monarchs everywhere, and should be banned.
Morning gratitude meditation, movement, yoga and knowing that every protest I’ve attended, every letter written to the school board, council member, doctor, FDA, Governor has been done for my children and every child. I know I’m on the right side of history and that brings me the ultimate peace.
I am praying to the one and only God of the Bible, and trusting in His strength. He promises that He is in control, and if I can’t trust the One Who spoke the universe into existence, then I am hopeless……But, “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Roman’s 15:13)That’s what I’m doing to get through this, day by day.
I love you Toby, but I think the campaign for utilizing "democide", especially "stochastic democide" will a very lonely path.
I watch a lot of football. The announcers love to say, "The defensive backfield has been decimated this season!!!" Americans generally aren't very educated, and those who understand the real definition, their questions are "So what? 1 out of 10 is gone? How does this change anything? Why did the coach kill 1 out of 10, can he do that?" For the masses decimation has lost the original meaning and now just mean BAD THINGS HAPPENED.
The general public doesn't know what "democide" means either, though I am pretty sure CNN would claim it is our plot name to kill righteous Democrats. If more than 5% of Americans could correctly define "stochastic", and not through a multiple choice test, that would be a miracle.
I am just going to stick with genocide.
A good time to learn new words, is when they are applicable.
Old guy here - I need naps AND caffeine (drug of choice).
Perhaps I was a bit too hard on coffee! 😂
I have been staying calm and sane by knitting while I listen to podcasts /independent media like "The Highwire", Dr. Peter Breggin, Children's Health Defense TV, etc. I'm praying so hard for people to wake up and stop taking the clot shots. I'm praying for the brave Canadian truckers. After people wake up and acknowledge the covid crimes against humanity, the next step is to acknowledge that vaccines do cause autism. We need reparations for the vaccine injury victims.