Ooo, good catch on the crooked smiles. I see the eye deviations quite a bit in clinic with the littles. 😢

Started listening to the Rogan interview on my commute. 🤯

Thanks as always for the good thinking. 💡

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Also off-topic but related. Throughout the now-2-year crisis, I’ve been trying to figure out how and when the legal system’s protections for human beings fell apart so that they turned out to be so useless against the onslaughts.

A podcast interview with Attorney Todd Callender on Jan. 30, 2022 pulled together a lot of the pieces, and in the last three weeks, I’ve written up the contents of his audio interview for those who prefer to read information.

Legal Walls of the Covid-19 Kill Box


It’s a long-read on the crosslinks between US federal law, WHO-directed biowarfare, Supreme Court precedents on patenting/ownership/licensing of genetically-modified living organisms, and local (county & state) public health/law enforcement merger, constructed between 1990 and 2021.

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This is off topic but I was wondering your thoughts on the new CDC Milestone updates for children. I have a son with Autism that would of been overlooked and denied early intervention based on some of these updates. In addition, our insurance company is restricting some therapies by adding crazy requirements. This whole thing made me think of your work on the cost of Autism. I am really concern this is just the beginning.

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I've just posted a response here https://escapingmasspsychosis.substack.com/p/is-trudeau-brain-damaged

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I've just seen Marc Mullie's response below - I shouldn't have just relied on the email lol - I'll update my post with Marc's insight as I wasn't as clear on the details of the facial nerve damage as Marc is.

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Feb 28, 2022·edited Feb 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I think that is an astute observation - that the government is struggling to maintain control and its leaders are ending up acting like tyrants - Trudeau's vaccine mandates/commandeering financial system - Biden's mandates/social media censorship etc. And in the cases of Trudeau and Biden - not particularly power hungry/tyrannical personalities. It seems more and more that our 18th century system of government is showing its age - it is expressive of lofty ideals but there is such a disconnect between the pace of change and the pace of lawmaking etc.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers


If you get a cerebral hemisphere stroke, yes, the opposite side of the body (contralateral side) is involved, because the long fiber tracts from the (ipsilateral) hemispheric parietal lobe cross in the brainstem to the opposite side. This means you will get a left-sided hemiplegia (motor paralysis) of many major muscle groups from a right hemispheric stroke. And vice-versa from a left hemisphere stroke in the right side of the body.

An isolated facial nerve palsy is from the 7th cranial nerve (facial nerve) exiting the brainstem after the long fiber tracts have crossed in the midbrain. This means the paralysis is on the ipsilateral (same side) side as the inflammation in the ipsilateral 7th nerve - these "vaxx" injuries are in large part due to inflammation in one of the 12 peripheral cranial nerves (unless it's from a major clotting event in the hemisphere, in which case the patient would unlikely be able to walk). So yes, you are potentially right, but actually wrong, to use Aristotelian terms. :-)

If it was a right cerebral stroke it would be the left face, but there would be disruption of many other muscle and sensory groups, such as swallowing (dysphagia), talking (dysarthria) and hearing, even hemiplegia. But an isolated facial palsy is from inflammation in the ipsilateral facial nerve as it exits the brainstem. It is also called Bell's Palsy. (one of my favourite musicians, Gord Lightfoot, had one early on in his career, and could no longer whistle afterwards from persistent weakness in his cheek muscles).

hope you see this, I wasn't sure how to reply, please let me know.



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Excellent explanation! Thank you! I'll change it above!

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Something I’ve been ruminating on- this too shall pass. We opt out of their madness, but I’ve gone down the rabbit hole that humans are hundreds of millions of years old. This gave me a sense of peace. That we have been through much, and will continue on. Also, highly recommend watching grand-jury.net a part that really resonated with me was the testimony by Meredith Miller, who said there was deep fear on both sides- of covid and of tyranny. I am on the side of the fear of tyranny, and I let it take over my life. It’s important to fight, but keep perspective and take care of ourselves.

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Thanks Toby for the call out - I’ve got a response I will post but I’m in Brisbane with no power or internet due to the massive “rain bomb” tats been over us the past 5 days. Just getting some connectivity back today. Anyway will post soon and put up this post of yours for my readers as well.

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Feb 28, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

When I was growing up, the daily newspaper carried columns on "manners." Parents today don't teach or expect gentil behavior. Vulgarity is in vogue. How boring!

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How a bureaucratic agency can "end a pandemic":

The CDC just changed the way county risk levels are determined.

BEFORE, a county’s level of transmission (which the CDC used synonymously with "risk") was "based on just two metrics: new Covid-19 cases per 100,000 people and the positivity rate, both measured over the last seven days."


NOW, they look at "the combination of three metrics — new COVID-19 admissions per 100,000 population in the past 7 days, the percent of staffed inpatient beds occupied by COVID-19 patients, and total new COVID-19 cases per 100,000 population in the past 7 days — to determine the COVID-19 community level."


Genesee County's test positivity rate was 50% higher the second week of February than it was the first week of August, and cases per 100,00 are almost double now what they were back then.

Michigan's hospitalizations in the week ending February 16 were over 4 times as high as they were the first week of August, which was right before most counties decided kids should wear masks to school.

If we applied the CDC's new metrics to the data from August, I think it would show that there is still much more risk now than there was then. The team of statisticians who came up with a way to make worse data look better must be getting a big fat bonus in their next check.

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Looks like they are playing a game on us in 2020 - 2022 like their grandparents played a game on our grandparents in 1918 - 1920, and the outcome of the inbreeding technique which seems to be very popular among the "self-entitled" has become - at least - noticeable, their offspring being lazy, absolutely bonkers and without a scratch of imagination.

Therefore the "young ones" copied the script and made slight changes to decorum, instead of coming up with something new.

Our answers and especially our actions will decide whether their grandchildren - if any - will play the same games on our grandchildren.

If any...

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Yes, and like remdesivir, aspirin was the new "wonder drug" that was given at toxic levels, killing many more.

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I do not really believe that Aspirin is as bad as Remdesivir. I used Aspirin occasionally and I still do, and I am neither crippled, nor dead. I know about Remdesivir from different reports about people being affected or even killed by it, but nothing first hand.

I usually treat any illness with a bottle of Stolichnaya or some single malt, therefore I am not on the Big Pharma's list of favourite customers and I am in no way qualified to discuss their products, but I'll tell you a short story about table salt. Common table salt, the one you buy in any grocery store and has a sell-by date on its package, although salt is generally many millions of years old, already.

Take two elements, Sodium and Chlorine, both of them being potent poisons I would not advise anyone to ingurgitate when in pure state. But mix them up in equal parts and you get table salt, NaCl, which is absolutely essential for those who are not in a hurry to meet their Maker, you know, the guy upstairs who was supposed to be watching over this realm. Chemistry is amazing. As a matter of fact, everything is amazing, but most people want to stay busy in their little square, shiny and expensive mental prisons, called "mobile tech", and skip life.

Whatever, to each their own...

I remember a time when doctors were saying that table salt is healthy and indispensable, then the narrative switched 180° and suddenly our tasty friend became a danger to our very existence, for reasons still obscured by the mist of fancy and complicated scientific language - to me, at least.

When I was a kid, my parents would send me at my grand parents' farm, in the countryside, to limit the damage, as I was a bit overactive, and a nasty nuisance to ... well, everybody.

At the farm, they kept a few cows in a barn, and there were always boulders of salt, for the cows love licking it - I have no clue why, one obvious reason would be that they like the taste - and I was licking the boulders with them, and chewing salt the same way normal kids chew candies.

I still like my meals quite salty, to me salt is not just "salty", it amplifies the original taste of the food, making it more enjoyable. The final point is I have never had any issues because of my high intake of table salt, but it does not mean it is not somehow harmful to others.

Now, knowing how elements can behave in such different ways when on their own or in various mixes, going back to our little tablet, it may be possible that combined with some other elements, in a particular setting, medium, environment, Aspirin will have less desirable effects, but personally I have not experienced any.

I did end up with a quite long answer, but I am not a writer and I don't possess the magical technique of being concise...

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

You’re about the only writer who cheers me up these days

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More good points Toby, linking today as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

Also was wondering if you had seen a couple of HUGE articles on Covid the past couple of days, One was by Igor Chudov that I linked yesterday about a study that shows mRNA integrates into your DNA, which Karl Denninger further elaborates on in an article today, The oher article was in the Daily Mail about a study that shows the virus contains a tiny chunk of DNA that matches sequence patented by Moderna THREE YEARS before pandemic began. I have linked or will be linking all three articles today and yesterday, Once again, both of these points are huge and everyone should be getting this out!!!!!!!

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Yes, I'm tracking both of those with great interest.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Yes; Fauci is 80, Schwab 83, Gates 66, Biden 83. They are old and desperately trying to maintain power.

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You can add a few more to your list although some of them have finally died, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Soros, Pelosi, Cheney and "Papa" Bush. The elite seem to live forever. Either they already have the cure for cancer and other diseases and just keep it from us or perhaps there is some truth to that blood drinking theory!!!!

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Something to keep in mind, anecdotal on my part- I have a crooked smile, apparently. At nearly 56 , I didn't have the vax schedule that those even 10 years younger did.

And? I never realized I had such, until shortly after my Mom's death. One of her best friends pointed it out to me : " You have your Mom's crooked smile!" Mom certainly had almost no vaccines .

Don't assume everyone who smiles like this to be damaged. I may not be " Quite right.." but I get my smile honestly ☺.

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It's a fair point. Thank you for making it.

I track a lot of toxicants and vaccines are a major contributor to total allostatic load. I'm also curious to know more about the health impacts of the 2,056 nuclear tests that have been conducted around the global. The amount of radiation unleashed by those tests surely impacted human health and the human genome as well.

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As someone who is retired from Health Physics( radiation protection) I'd say ...as we do down here in Ga..." That's a dog that'll hunt.."

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Yes. For what it's worth, biologists view asymmetry, not just in human faces, but in the animal kingdom in general, as a sign that there has been some - any - disturbance during the organism's development, or that the creature has suffered an injury. It can be many things that can cause it.

Also, biologists have noted that asymmetry affects the sexual attractiveness in humans, and some other species. Food for thought.

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Feb 27, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

it's refreshing to see a clear visualization of positive outcome amongst all the fear, gloom, and doom caused by government overreach and racketeering (which has been more obvious than usual over the last two years.)

nicely put...

"But just imagine the human flourishing that will occur once we finally get through this phase and end up on the other side knowing what we know now about the inadequacies of bourgeois institutions and the sanctity of personal sovereignty?"

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