Bouncy castles, the latest polling, statism, living through a genocide, what's causing the surge in car crashes, hierarchies, mandates head back to the Supreme Court, we are the majority now
I drive over to Baltimore for medical care, rather than go to local doctors here in rural Maryland (they're overrun and burnt out and full of themselves). But over there the brainwashing is shocking. The nurse checking me in for yesterday's check up was musing about how antivaxxers, Trumpers and anti-maskers are all actually concocting a spurious belief system to fill some neurotic need. I let him ramble, thinking of I didn't pop off I could learn more about his thinking. I've yet to meet anyone over there who thinks opposition to these mRNA and DNA shots are anything but neanderthal knuckle-walking. And that gives me despair. Because they are financially better off than my rural peers but their comfort and ease did them no good in finding the truth. They strike me as blind men in an echo chamber. I think even if every other one of them croaks from the shots they will still support the CDC.
I cannot for the life of me figure out how people think the truckers are the fascists. But I just had a smart friend of many years ponder "who would have thought this is how fascism starts?" Referring to the truckers. Huh??
Right and left politicking is just shadows on the wall. It's meaningless. It's become so bad, it's only there to create an illusion that we've got some kinda choice, but it hasn't mattered who got into office for a long long time, we get the same old crap either way.
Any thoughts as to why this story hasn't made any bigger waves? Is it legit? No one here is surprised, obviously. But the admission that FDA regulators are paid generously to approve Pharma's drugs and the fact that they are marked "men" if they speak out speaks to the core root of the corruption and evil that has us standing in the middle of this pharma induced disaster.
Project Veritas just confirmed what we already knew. The 1992 Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) means that most of the FDA's money budget comes from Pharma. And we already knew that the plan is to inject everyone twice a year forever. Project Veritas is new to this topic and so they are more shocked by the corruption at the FDA than the rest of us who have been paying attention for years.
The mass vaccination campaign was so imprudent and morally loathsome, it would have been devastating to live through even if the vaccines had turned out to be safe and effective.
Those of us who knew that no one could KNOW they were "safe and effective" with any degree of certainty-- and heard the lame responses when we questioned our physicians-- were hardened even before "died suddenly" became a regular staple in the obituaries column. We wouldn't have been able to say "We told you so" without these events, but we would have been right even in their absence, and thus it is hard to see them as anything but senselessly tragic.
There is no better marketing for the ending of vaccine mandates then the vaccine itself. I pray that Sotomayer and the rest of the believers actually ARE vaccinated, received the booster and are lining up for the Omicron specific shot. Then we just wait.
Hi- I would like to weigh in on your piece about surviving genocide.
Isolation can be brutal, living without community.
Our 'mental health' care system is very much based on quick diagnosis and a script for a drug. I like to think of it as emotional well being. Hotlines seem often to be manned by those who buy into the MSM scenario.
So. . . a couple simple thoughts: anxiety can be worked with, with breath work. A simple exercise: breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7, breathe out for a count of 8. Repeat until you feel normalized. (There are many other ways to work with breath)
Also 'shaking medicine' can be wonderful. Mammals reset their systems after trauma by shaking. You can look this up for details. I like to experiment, notice how my body wants to naturally express and let it move in that direction (playing with vibration).
The anger piece: anger tells us where our boundaries lay. And boy are we being boundary violated. Screaming/yelling into a pillow is great. Whacking something soft, mattress or couch, with a twisted towel or plastic bat. Both can help move the energy out of your body so you're not reactive/victimized by your anger. I'm super isolated so I can scream whenever I want. Or 'sing' loudly, which really makes me feel better.
I would love to see a hotline network setup for those who need to connect.
All of what I offer is based on personal experience. All pieces I struggle with and easily forget what helps me.
I am not optimistic that the Supreme Court will overturn Jacobson, even with the Fourth Amendment. The same amendment was available back in the day (1905), and the Bill of Rights had been federalized (made applicable to the states) via the 14th Amendment. Although maybe the Fourth Amendment hadn't been incorporated in 1905? (The Supreme Court apparently took it upon itself to incorporate amendments piecemeal when it chose to.)
On the other hand, the justices might look north to Canada and see what happens if bodily autonomy is abolished by government -- civil war in modern form, i.e. the government versus the people. And a few justices may then blink, making for a 5-4 or 6-3 majority in favor of sanity.
Gorsuch must believe that he has 5 votes. Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas are the 3 justices who really understand this issue. Amy Coney Barrett may join them in support of religious exemptions. Then the question becomes how Kavanaugh and Roberts will vote. This is quite the roll of the dice on his part given the split decisions in the recent OSHA and CMS cases.
I don't know whether you have since written about that case, but the votes were evidently not there (for the good side). The docket entry for March 7, 2022 is "Application (21A398) denied by the Court" (with no further explanation).
Barrett is a fanatic about Jacobson (as she showed by concurring in the ruling on the federal appeals court upholding Pritzker's mandates). My guess is that, if she joins the other three, she'll do it on narrow grounds: e.g. NY state/city can mandate jabs but they have to allow religious exemptions and it cannot be a sham process. However, the process could include all kinds of tests to make sure that it's a "sincere religious belief." Then the other three would have to trim their opinion to that narrow grounds.
Back in Cambridge, Mask. [Maskachusetts] last summer, my daughter and I almost got hit twice by drivers going the wrong way on Western Avenue. This avenue is the one-way arterial road out of Cambridge to the interstate highway (I-90), so traffic moves quickly.
I take the same route through that intersection, coming north on Kinnaird Street. At the stop sign at Western Avenue, you look to the right carefully at least six times before daring to cross busy Western Avenue. So it was unexpected to find a car heading toward us from the left.
In my 7 pre-Convid years as a car owner in Cambridge, I drove that route maybe 300 times, never seeing anyone drive the wrong way. In contrast, in the 2 months last summer, I drove that route maybe ten times, nearly getting hit twice.
The first time, the driver was wearing a mask alone in his car. The second time, I couldn't tell because of the tinted windows. I had blamed both incidents on impaired alertness due to mask-induced oxygen deprivation.
But perhaps it was mRNA-jab-induced dementia (or both). Cambridge, home of TheScience(TM) in America, is filled with jab and mask fanatics.
P.S. The reason for my driving that route so often is indirectly related to this scamdemic.
The Cambridge school district follows TheScience(TM) also in education, so it has been dumbing down the math curriculum to unbelievable levels. For example, the 6th-grade curriculum, Illustrative Mathematics, in the unit on area, takes 56 pages of nonteaching to get to the section entitled "formula for the area of a triangle" -- but then doesn't even state the formula. Only Palo Alto, California, parents can appreciate how bad it can get.
When I showed the unit's textbook to a friend, a mathematician and math educator educated in Russia, she flipped through it and said, "It doesn't seem so bad" -- until she realized that the giant "1" on the cover meant "unit 1" not "1st grade"!
Thus, I had for years brought our daughters to the Russian School of Mathematics in nearby Brookline, where they learned actual mathematics.
But I feel badly for the many children in Cambridge and elsewhere in America subject to the usual school math, which is brain damaging. (I tried to get Cambridge to change, but it was like talking to them about the harms of masks more recently, i.e. like talking to a cult member).
Thus, I often wonder whether the scamdemic could have been run in a population that had learned to think. Or would the sociopathic fraudsters have been laughed away at the outset? And there's nothing that sociopaths hate more than ridicule.
I have a friend with children in a Cambridge elementary school. They come home with "facts" like "A man can have a baby if he has a uterus" (TheScience) but I was surprised the fourth grader was totally unfamiliar with the idea of adding and subtracting multi digit numbers using the convention algorithms. It seems like the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater in TheScientific math instruction; because previously some children didn't understand the logic behind the algorithms or formulae, we won't teach the algorithms or formulae at all. (Whereas the opposite is done on the "gender education" side of things: because there is no logic behind our contemporary theory, we will ignore basic anatomy and definitions and instead inculcate our children with nonsensical statements often enough for the ignorant to find them reasonable.)
I am not surprised by the math disaster in the Cambridge schools.
Our daughters were in the Cambridge schools until we fled. By a fluke back around 2014 -- during an interregnum when the district's position of "math coordinator" was unfilled -- parents managed to get the district's math curriculum switched from TERC, one of the worst ever created (and made in Cambridge), to the excellent Singapore Math (one of only two math correct curricula in English).
Since then, many teachers and the district math coordinator have waged war on Singapore Math and have been doing their best to undermine it. In the middle school (grades 6-8), they got rid of it using a diversity--equity--inclusion sleight of hand. For a while, the district offered an Algebra I option in 8th grade (instead of having to wait until 9th grade and then not easily being able to take calculus in high school). This option, in an irony not lost on me, was the result of work by Bob Moses, the civil-rights legend (who lives in Cambridge), and his Algebra Project. The project's (correct) argument was that access to Algebra I in 8th grade was an equity issue.
But minority students had been not choosing the algebra option or, if choosing it, doing badly in it. The district's solution was to abolish the 8th-grade Algebra option. And when that contentious decision was announced and while it was being argued over, they also announced with less publicity that Singapore Math would be replaced in the middle schools with the awful Illustrative Mathematics.
The elementary schools kept Singapore Math, but teachers were doing their best to undermine it and use worthless materials instead. When one daughter was in 4th grade, they spent months and months on random Common Core fraction worksheets that taught nothing. Eventually I couldn't stand it and met with the principal and the school's math coach to complain. I suggested that they just follow the Singapore Math treatment of fractions, as it was the official curriculum. They said, "Oh, our teachers and math coaches are free to use a variety of resources. Singapore Math is just one of them." But they stopped the stupid worksheets for a while.
A couple years later, when the middle schools had started with the awful Illustrative Mathematics, I went to complain again because students were learning nothing (it was mostly for the sake of other students, as my daughters were learning math in Russian Math). I suggested just using the Singapore Math books, sitting unused in the classrooms. The same two school officials now told me, "Oh, no, Illustrative Mathematics is the official curriculum, and teachers have to use it"!
They were nice people but just clueless -- useful idiots in the dumbing-down operation run by sociopaths (and the principal is now a useful idiot for the religion of experimental gene therapy).
Even though at the school level (the teachers, math coaches, and principal) it's just useful idiots, the overall operation is menticide with a few sociopaths at or near the top (e.g. Fauci for medicine, Gates for medicine and education), and a larger number of shills at the middle level.
That is a shame. And it's clear that it's anything but equitable, as children of parents like you will have a strong advantage due to parental involvement and supplementary instruction, whereas the ones who suffer from poor instruction are the ones for whom public school curriculum matters most. Obviously we cannot demolish the inequalities of where and to whom one is born but we can try to give all kids the advantages we would want for our own.
I used Singapore Math as a homeschooler and loved it, although my kids disdained of manipulatives and pictorial illustrations early on (not all students require this approach but on the flip side it is the one that WILL teach all students). I took a glance at Illustrative Mathematics and groaned. I would say the newer programs enhance the inequity of instruction by emphasizing facility with language and discussion-- not inherently bad things, but "constructing arguments using precise language" isn't an entry-level skill and probably belongs in your language arts block. Ultimately mathematicians treasure finding the simplest and most elegant solution, not the most equitable or creative, and when it comes to basic arithmetic how many classrooms need to reinvent the wheel anyway?
The discussions in Illustrative Mathematics were the worst and produced no learning. For example, in the area unit, students were asked to come up with a definition for area. It's insane! I wasn't sure how I would define it myself (I have a degree in math and a PhD in physics and have taught math and physics at many universities). And for most mathematicians until recently, area was just treated as a primitive notion with no need for definition and no problem. Yet 6th graders are supposed to invent a correct definition?!
Curious about the "correct" answer, I looked at the book's own definition, which shows up only in the glossary (that no student reads). It wasn't even correct. The whole curriculum is a sick joke on the students and the parents.
I tried to get all the other parents in my older daughter's class to rise up in rebellion with me against Illustrative Mathematics. Out of 40 parents, two wrote back to say, "Great that you're fighting it" but did no more. Another, to his credit, went to the principal to express his grave concerns (which were brushed away, as were mine). And another went around to other parents saying, "Don't listen to Sanjoy. He's confused. I'm a math-education teacher, and this curriculum is the highest-rated according to EdReports. It's great." (Her son was a math whiz, as I know from teaching the math club, so maybe it seemed like he would survive any curriculum. But by the end of the year, he told his friends that he now hated math. It was a kind of karma, but I'm sad and angry that the children have to suffer for the stupidity of the parents.)
It was similar talking to Cambridge residents about masks and jabs -- hopeless (and with the kids again suffering for the foolishness of the parents).
This is depressing, but it also made me laugh out loud, especially the part where you tried to foment rebellion among a group of parents. I guess this was an early example of "trust the experts," eh?
I guess there are powerful incentives to making people believe that teaching children arithmetic is so complex that we need innovative new curricula every few years, and since these curricula solve all our problems, a teacher's expertise in math is less important than their teaching certification and willingness to adhere to the curriculum imposed by administrators. I say: here's to remaining "confused."
"Thus, I often wonder whether the scamdemic could have been run in a population that had learned to think." This is key to understanding why there has been an intentional dumbing down of the population. They don't need or want critical thinkers in the world they are planning - which is transhumanism. That's why they need to get into your body with the DNA altering jab. Their version of the world they want requires robots and manipulated humans, not real humans.
Page 40, quote: "The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted,[!] assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen."
p.s. Who knows if anyone of those who gave you a like had any idea of the intended meaning of your post.
Any thoughts on how to get people to take the red pill? I mentioned the VAERS data to someone and she said correlation does not equal causation. Then she said that she looked at the numbers and responded back that one vaccine death saves 600 lives… shaking my head because I’m pretty sure her numbers are wrong.
But early treatment can save ALL those lives- no need for vaccines if we’re just treating people. But her head is so deep in the sand. Was a discouraging conversation.
In a word: FEAR. They have been placed is a state of mind controlled by fear. Fear of a virus, fear of losing jobs. It seem only a "greater fear" breaks the spell.
First I ask "How many shots are you going to take?" as that is something most have not thought about up until recently.
Then I recite all the bad stuff that has been cropping up like:
1) Any time the wild virus returns we'll see if ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) strikes you like it did the animals in 2012
2) Around 18 months we will see if "mad cow" strikes you like it did to the humanised mice that were injected with the spike proteins
3) Around 24 months we will see if Alzheimer's strikes you like it did the Macaque monkeys that were injected with the spike proteins.
4) 60% of the injected have detected 'microclots' with the d-dimer test in the first week after injection. Right side heart failure within 3 years is common.
5) The spike proteins impair your telemerase synthesis which is known to lead to cancer, CVD, diabetes, vascular dementia.
6) VAIDS. Luc Montanier the French Nobel prize winner said "If you've taken the 3rd shot go and get an AIDS test. The results may surprise you. Then go sue your government".
Yikes, that's dark, not to mention her math sounds flawed. Send her "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson or "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.
Or ask her to look at the Pfizer clinical trial data and ask her-- at a time when the vaccine was at its highest efficacy and we were facing a more virulent variant-- how many people you would have to vaccinate to prevent one covid death. If the vaccine still looks worthwhile to her, you could ask her to check out the six-month trial data on all-cause deaths. Was the vaccine at all preventative of death? If she still thinks the vaccine is saving lives, she's basically saying Pfizer ran a flawed clinical trial, and that kind of sounds like the ravings of a crazy anti-vaxxer. ;)
You can also say, hey maybe you're right about the 1 for 600 trade; is it okay if we make that one *your* kid? Especially knowing the 600 will all be 85 years old and in a nursing home.
Couldn’t agree more. We have to make clear that “the greater good” is a lie created to lay tyranny on the individual. There is no greater good. It’s a lie to take your rights.
I find it interesting that after Trudeau spoke with Biden last Friday, Trudeau said “President Biden and I both agree that for the security of the people and the economy, these blockades cannot continue,” Trudeau told reporters Friday in Ottawa, before later adding: “Everything is on the table because this unlawful activity has to end — and it will end." And then the following Monday he invokes the Emergencies Act. Just who is pulling his strings? Biden? I doubt it because he is juast a lap dog and is getting his strings pulled as well. There is a lot going on here in the "Bigger Picture" of things!!!!!
These bastards better win... or face trials for 1. Nuremberg code violations....2. Treason in time of (undeclared immoral war).
Both get death penalty.
I say try them on both counts and execute them 2x
Listen for a few minutes about the FDA data at 19:00.
I drive over to Baltimore for medical care, rather than go to local doctors here in rural Maryland (they're overrun and burnt out and full of themselves). But over there the brainwashing is shocking. The nurse checking me in for yesterday's check up was musing about how antivaxxers, Trumpers and anti-maskers are all actually concocting a spurious belief system to fill some neurotic need. I let him ramble, thinking of I didn't pop off I could learn more about his thinking. I've yet to meet anyone over there who thinks opposition to these mRNA and DNA shots are anything but neanderthal knuckle-walking. And that gives me despair. Because they are financially better off than my rural peers but their comfort and ease did them no good in finding the truth. They strike me as blind men in an echo chamber. I think even if every other one of them croaks from the shots they will still support the CDC.
Trump ain't one of us.
Seems like there are lots of self delusion in all this. This guy actually thinks he is fighting fascism LOL:
For a good laugh, see his twitter description (and banner photo too):
The far right ain't driving this.
Lots of indies. Smattering of liberals.
Center rights etc
I cannot for the life of me figure out how people think the truckers are the fascists. But I just had a smart friend of many years ponder "who would have thought this is how fascism starts?" Referring to the truckers. Huh??
Commies tell the big lie. Their bread and butter.
Amazing people keep falling for this crap:
Now if you want to be free, you're a flipping white supremacist!
Black writer goes up to other blacks at Ottawa Protest.... So you one of them White Supremacists. !!
Right and left politicking is just shadows on the wall. It's meaningless. It's become so bad, it's only there to create an illusion that we've got some kinda choice, but it hasn't mattered who got into office for a long long time, we get the same old crap either way.
Any thoughts as to why this story hasn't made any bigger waves? Is it legit? No one here is surprised, obviously. But the admission that FDA regulators are paid generously to approve Pharma's drugs and the fact that they are marked "men" if they speak out speaks to the core root of the corruption and evil that has us standing in the middle of this pharma induced disaster.
Because we have no media
James O'Keefe is brilliant and brave! God Bless James O'Keefe and Project Veritas!
Project Veritas just confirmed what we already knew. The 1992 Prescription Drug User Fee Act (PDUFA) means that most of the FDA's money budget comes from Pharma. And we already knew that the plan is to inject everyone twice a year forever. Project Veritas is new to this topic and so they are more shocked by the corruption at the FDA than the rest of us who have been paying attention for years.
Great writing once again. I appreciate everything you are doing. David
Thank you David! 🙌
The mass vaccination campaign was so imprudent and morally loathsome, it would have been devastating to live through even if the vaccines had turned out to be safe and effective.
Those of us who knew that no one could KNOW they were "safe and effective" with any degree of certainty-- and heard the lame responses when we questioned our physicians-- were hardened even before "died suddenly" became a regular staple in the obituaries column. We wouldn't have been able to say "We told you so" without these events, but we would have been right even in their absence, and thus it is hard to see them as anything but senselessly tragic.
It's a chastisement from God.
There is no better marketing for the ending of vaccine mandates then the vaccine itself. I pray that Sotomayer and the rest of the believers actually ARE vaccinated, received the booster and are lining up for the Omicron specific shot. Then we just wait.
As a diabetic, which means circulatory issues, she does herself no favors by taking the clot shot
Sotomayor is definitely shortening her life with each additional shot that she takes.
Hi- I would like to weigh in on your piece about surviving genocide.
Isolation can be brutal, living without community.
Our 'mental health' care system is very much based on quick diagnosis and a script for a drug. I like to think of it as emotional well being. Hotlines seem often to be manned by those who buy into the MSM scenario.
So. . . a couple simple thoughts: anxiety can be worked with, with breath work. A simple exercise: breathe in for a count of 4, hold for a count of 7, breathe out for a count of 8. Repeat until you feel normalized. (There are many other ways to work with breath)
Also 'shaking medicine' can be wonderful. Mammals reset their systems after trauma by shaking. You can look this up for details. I like to experiment, notice how my body wants to naturally express and let it move in that direction (playing with vibration).
The anger piece: anger tells us where our boundaries lay. And boy are we being boundary violated. Screaming/yelling into a pillow is great. Whacking something soft, mattress or couch, with a twisted towel or plastic bat. Both can help move the energy out of your body so you're not reactive/victimized by your anger. I'm super isolated so I can scream whenever I want. Or 'sing' loudly, which really makes me feel better.
I would love to see a hotline network setup for those who need to connect.
All of what I offer is based on personal experience. All pieces I struggle with and easily forget what helps me.
I am not optimistic that the Supreme Court will overturn Jacobson, even with the Fourth Amendment. The same amendment was available back in the day (1905), and the Bill of Rights had been federalized (made applicable to the states) via the 14th Amendment. Although maybe the Fourth Amendment hadn't been incorporated in 1905? (The Supreme Court apparently took it upon itself to incorporate amendments piecemeal when it chose to.)
On the other hand, the justices might look north to Canada and see what happens if bodily autonomy is abolished by government -- civil war in modern form, i.e. the government versus the people. And a few justices may then blink, making for a 5-4 or 6-3 majority in favor of sanity.
As you say -- dangers and risks.
Gorsuch must believe that he has 5 votes. Gorsuch, Alito, and Thomas are the 3 justices who really understand this issue. Amy Coney Barrett may join them in support of religious exemptions. Then the question becomes how Kavanaugh and Roberts will vote. This is quite the roll of the dice on his part given the split decisions in the recent OSHA and CMS cases.
I don't know whether you have since written about that case, but the votes were evidently not there (for the good side). The docket entry for March 7, 2022 is "Application (21A398) denied by the Court" (with no further explanation).
Barrett is a fanatic about Jacobson (as she showed by concurring in the ruling on the federal appeals court upholding Pritzker's mandates). My guess is that, if she joins the other three, she'll do it on narrow grounds: e.g. NY state/city can mandate jabs but they have to allow religious exemptions and it cannot be a sham process. However, the process could include all kinds of tests to make sure that it's a "sincere religious belief." Then the other three would have to trim their opinion to that narrow grounds.
Back in Cambridge, Mask. [Maskachusetts] last summer, my daughter and I almost got hit twice by drivers going the wrong way on Western Avenue. This avenue is the one-way arterial road out of Cambridge to the interstate highway (I-90), so traffic moves quickly.
I take the same route through that intersection, coming north on Kinnaird Street. At the stop sign at Western Avenue, you look to the right carefully at least six times before daring to cross busy Western Avenue. So it was unexpected to find a car heading toward us from the left.,+Cambridge,+MA+02139,+USA/@42.3653591,-71.1094953,18z/data=!4m5!3m4!1s0x89e37757592732d5:0xbdcd407e0da763b2!8m2!3d42.3648954!4d-71.1090125
In my 7 pre-Convid years as a car owner in Cambridge, I drove that route maybe 300 times, never seeing anyone drive the wrong way. In contrast, in the 2 months last summer, I drove that route maybe ten times, nearly getting hit twice.
The first time, the driver was wearing a mask alone in his car. The second time, I couldn't tell because of the tinted windows. I had blamed both incidents on impaired alertness due to mask-induced oxygen deprivation.
But perhaps it was mRNA-jab-induced dementia (or both). Cambridge, home of TheScience(TM) in America, is filled with jab and mask fanatics.
P.S. The reason for my driving that route so often is indirectly related to this scamdemic.
The Cambridge school district follows TheScience(TM) also in education, so it has been dumbing down the math curriculum to unbelievable levels. For example, the 6th-grade curriculum, Illustrative Mathematics, in the unit on area, takes 56 pages of nonteaching to get to the section entitled "formula for the area of a triangle" -- but then doesn't even state the formula. Only Palo Alto, California, parents can appreciate how bad it can get.
When I showed the unit's textbook to a friend, a mathematician and math educator educated in Russia, she flipped through it and said, "It doesn't seem so bad" -- until she realized that the giant "1" on the cover meant "unit 1" not "1st grade"!
Thus, I had for years brought our daughters to the Russian School of Mathematics in nearby Brookline, where they learned actual mathematics.
But I feel badly for the many children in Cambridge and elsewhere in America subject to the usual school math, which is brain damaging. (I tried to get Cambridge to change, but it was like talking to them about the harms of masks more recently, i.e. like talking to a cult member).
Thus, I often wonder whether the scamdemic could have been run in a population that had learned to think. Or would the sociopathic fraudsters have been laughed away at the outset? And there's nothing that sociopaths hate more than ridicule.
There's so much vaccine injury in the younger population that they have to water down the curriculum every year or few would ever pass.
I have a friend with children in a Cambridge elementary school. They come home with "facts" like "A man can have a baby if he has a uterus" (TheScience) but I was surprised the fourth grader was totally unfamiliar with the idea of adding and subtracting multi digit numbers using the convention algorithms. It seems like the baby has been thrown out with the bathwater in TheScientific math instruction; because previously some children didn't understand the logic behind the algorithms or formulae, we won't teach the algorithms or formulae at all. (Whereas the opposite is done on the "gender education" side of things: because there is no logic behind our contemporary theory, we will ignore basic anatomy and definitions and instead inculcate our children with nonsensical statements often enough for the ignorant to find them reasonable.)
I am not surprised by the math disaster in the Cambridge schools.
Our daughters were in the Cambridge schools until we fled. By a fluke back around 2014 -- during an interregnum when the district's position of "math coordinator" was unfilled -- parents managed to get the district's math curriculum switched from TERC, one of the worst ever created (and made in Cambridge), to the excellent Singapore Math (one of only two math correct curricula in English).
Since then, many teachers and the district math coordinator have waged war on Singapore Math and have been doing their best to undermine it. In the middle school (grades 6-8), they got rid of it using a diversity--equity--inclusion sleight of hand. For a while, the district offered an Algebra I option in 8th grade (instead of having to wait until 9th grade and then not easily being able to take calculus in high school). This option, in an irony not lost on me, was the result of work by Bob Moses, the civil-rights legend (who lives in Cambridge), and his Algebra Project. The project's (correct) argument was that access to Algebra I in 8th grade was an equity issue.
But minority students had been not choosing the algebra option or, if choosing it, doing badly in it. The district's solution was to abolish the 8th-grade Algebra option. And when that contentious decision was announced and while it was being argued over, they also announced with less publicity that Singapore Math would be replaced in the middle schools with the awful Illustrative Mathematics.
The elementary schools kept Singapore Math, but teachers were doing their best to undermine it and use worthless materials instead. When one daughter was in 4th grade, they spent months and months on random Common Core fraction worksheets that taught nothing. Eventually I couldn't stand it and met with the principal and the school's math coach to complain. I suggested that they just follow the Singapore Math treatment of fractions, as it was the official curriculum. They said, "Oh, our teachers and math coaches are free to use a variety of resources. Singapore Math is just one of them." But they stopped the stupid worksheets for a while.
A couple years later, when the middle schools had started with the awful Illustrative Mathematics, I went to complain again because students were learning nothing (it was mostly for the sake of other students, as my daughters were learning math in Russian Math). I suggested just using the Singapore Math books, sitting unused in the classrooms. The same two school officials now told me, "Oh, no, Illustrative Mathematics is the official curriculum, and teachers have to use it"!
They were nice people but just clueless -- useful idiots in the dumbing-down operation run by sociopaths (and the principal is now a useful idiot for the religion of experimental gene therapy).
Even though at the school level (the teachers, math coaches, and principal) it's just useful idiots, the overall operation is menticide with a few sociopaths at or near the top (e.g. Fauci for medicine, Gates for medicine and education), and a larger number of shills at the middle level.
That is a shame. And it's clear that it's anything but equitable, as children of parents like you will have a strong advantage due to parental involvement and supplementary instruction, whereas the ones who suffer from poor instruction are the ones for whom public school curriculum matters most. Obviously we cannot demolish the inequalities of where and to whom one is born but we can try to give all kids the advantages we would want for our own.
I used Singapore Math as a homeschooler and loved it, although my kids disdained of manipulatives and pictorial illustrations early on (not all students require this approach but on the flip side it is the one that WILL teach all students). I took a glance at Illustrative Mathematics and groaned. I would say the newer programs enhance the inequity of instruction by emphasizing facility with language and discussion-- not inherently bad things, but "constructing arguments using precise language" isn't an entry-level skill and probably belongs in your language arts block. Ultimately mathematicians treasure finding the simplest and most elegant solution, not the most equitable or creative, and when it comes to basic arithmetic how many classrooms need to reinvent the wheel anyway?
The discussions in Illustrative Mathematics were the worst and produced no learning. For example, in the area unit, students were asked to come up with a definition for area. It's insane! I wasn't sure how I would define it myself (I have a degree in math and a PhD in physics and have taught math and physics at many universities). And for most mathematicians until recently, area was just treated as a primitive notion with no need for definition and no problem. Yet 6th graders are supposed to invent a correct definition?!
Curious about the "correct" answer, I looked at the book's own definition, which shows up only in the glossary (that no student reads). It wasn't even correct. The whole curriculum is a sick joke on the students and the parents.
I tried to get all the other parents in my older daughter's class to rise up in rebellion with me against Illustrative Mathematics. Out of 40 parents, two wrote back to say, "Great that you're fighting it" but did no more. Another, to his credit, went to the principal to express his grave concerns (which were brushed away, as were mine). And another went around to other parents saying, "Don't listen to Sanjoy. He's confused. I'm a math-education teacher, and this curriculum is the highest-rated according to EdReports. It's great." (Her son was a math whiz, as I know from teaching the math club, so maybe it seemed like he would survive any curriculum. But by the end of the year, he told his friends that he now hated math. It was a kind of karma, but I'm sad and angry that the children have to suffer for the stupidity of the parents.)
It was similar talking to Cambridge residents about masks and jabs -- hopeless (and with the kids again suffering for the foolishness of the parents).
This is depressing, but it also made me laugh out loud, especially the part where you tried to foment rebellion among a group of parents. I guess this was an early example of "trust the experts," eh?
I guess there are powerful incentives to making people believe that teaching children arithmetic is so complex that we need innovative new curricula every few years, and since these curricula solve all our problems, a teacher's expertise in math is less important than their teaching certification and willingness to adhere to the curriculum imposed by administrators. I say: here's to remaining "confused."
"Thus, I often wonder whether the scamdemic could have been run in a population that had learned to think." This is key to understanding why there has been an intentional dumbing down of the population. They don't need or want critical thinkers in the world they are planning - which is transhumanism. That's why they need to get into your body with the DNA altering jab. Their version of the world they want requires robots and manipulated humans, not real humans.
BREAKING - there's now PROOF of their FABRICATION.....
.....i.e., admits 'novel' was NEVER isolated.....
Page 40, quote: "The analytical sensitivity of the rRT-PCR assays contained in the CDC 2019 Novel Coronavirus (2019nCoV) Real-Time RT-PCR Diagnostic Panel were determined in Limit of Detection studies. Since no quantified virus isolates of the 2019-nCoV were available for CDC use at the time the test was developed and this study conducted,[!] assays designed for detection of the 2019-nCoV RNA were tested with characterized stocks of in vitro transcribed full length RNA (N gene; GenBank accession: MN908947.2) of known titer (RNA copies/μL) spiked into a diluent consisting of a suspension of human A549 cells and viral transport medium (VTM) to mimic clinical specimen."
p.s. Who knows if anyone of those who gave you a like had any idea of the intended meaning of your post.
Thank you!! 💛
Any thoughts on how to get people to take the red pill? I mentioned the VAERS data to someone and she said correlation does not equal causation. Then she said that she looked at the numbers and responded back that one vaccine death saves 600 lives… shaking my head because I’m pretty sure her numbers are wrong.
But early treatment can save ALL those lives- no need for vaccines if we’re just treating people. But her head is so deep in the sand. Was a discouraging conversation.
I'm starting to think that at this point people are hardened in their mindsets regarding covid and the shots.
In a word: FEAR. They have been placed is a state of mind controlled by fear. Fear of a virus, fear of losing jobs. It seem only a "greater fear" breaks the spell.
First I ask "How many shots are you going to take?" as that is something most have not thought about up until recently.
Then I recite all the bad stuff that has been cropping up like:
1) Any time the wild virus returns we'll see if ADE (Antibody Dependent Enhancement) strikes you like it did the animals in 2012
2) Around 18 months we will see if "mad cow" strikes you like it did to the humanised mice that were injected with the spike proteins
3) Around 24 months we will see if Alzheimer's strikes you like it did the Macaque monkeys that were injected with the spike proteins.
4) 60% of the injected have detected 'microclots' with the d-dimer test in the first week after injection. Right side heart failure within 3 years is common.
5) The spike proteins impair your telemerase synthesis which is known to lead to cancer, CVD, diabetes, vascular dementia.
6) VAIDS. Luc Montanier the French Nobel prize winner said "If you've taken the 3rd shot go and get an AIDS test. The results may surprise you. Then go sue your government".
Yikes, that's dark, not to mention her math sounds flawed. Send her "The Lottery" by Shirley Jackson or "The Giver" by Lois Lowry.
Or ask her to look at the Pfizer clinical trial data and ask her-- at a time when the vaccine was at its highest efficacy and we were facing a more virulent variant-- how many people you would have to vaccinate to prevent one covid death. If the vaccine still looks worthwhile to her, you could ask her to check out the six-month trial data on all-cause deaths. Was the vaccine at all preventative of death? If she still thinks the vaccine is saving lives, she's basically saying Pfizer ran a flawed clinical trial, and that kind of sounds like the ravings of a crazy anti-vaxxer. ;)
You can also say, hey maybe you're right about the 1 for 600 trade; is it okay if we make that one *your* kid? Especially knowing the 600 will all be 85 years old and in a nursing home.
The old folks are getting killed off by the shots even worse than the kids
And the old and frail are less likely to get immunity from the shot.
“ have to return decision-making to individuals ”
Couldn’t agree more. We have to make clear that “the greater good” is a lie created to lay tyranny on the individual. There is no greater good. It’s a lie to take your rights.
Great points as usual, Toby will be linking tomorrow @
I find it interesting that after Trudeau spoke with Biden last Friday, Trudeau said “President Biden and I both agree that for the security of the people and the economy, these blockades cannot continue,” Trudeau told reporters Friday in Ottawa, before later adding: “Everything is on the table because this unlawful activity has to end — and it will end." And then the following Monday he invokes the Emergencies Act. Just who is pulling his strings? Biden? I doubt it because he is juast a lap dog and is getting his strings pulled as well. There is a lot going on here in the "Bigger Picture" of things!!!!!