What’s with the shock on Naomi Klein? She’s an awful human being. And has been all along. Time to stop branding everyone ‘for the people’ just because they say they’re ‘for the people’. She never was. She always was a globalist.

She and her husband ran a lot of the AIDS in Africa program. I’ve worked with AIDS patients. You live a very very healthy constrained life, or you die. During this time I was reading horrible stats out of Africa - 30% of this country suffering from HIV etc. One day out of curiousity I checked the death rates from these African nations with massive HIV rates. A slight slight reduction in population increases in the heavily AIDS ridden countries. Where they should have been showing giant drops in population, in the order of 20-30% population decreases, they were showing 3.7% increases compared to 4% increases in low hiv areas. This made no sense. My friend’s stepdaughter was in Africa at the time working on AIDS research. I told him their numbers are being exaggerated by 20x. He scoffed at me. He checked with his step daughter. She scoffed at me. Two years later she told my friend to call me and say the AIDS incidence has been quietly downgraded by 95%. My point of this? Avi and Naomi were in charge. They pooled money to treat X numbers of people. Yet only 1/20 of X was needed. Where did the money go? I have contended the massive Left wing funded NGOs, including all of Obama’s orgs got their seed money from the vastly overstated AIDS in Africa program monies.

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Great information on Klein. I am both shocked and not. Has there been any other statements from Klein confirming her 180 degree turn around?

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Guy…are you mixing her up with Naomi Wolf?

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LoL! Nope. I am aware of the difference. Thank you for pointing out that I conflated Klein's astute observations of capitalistic greed tyrannies with valuing the individual. In fact she is likely woke, and wants a 'friendly' globalism. I'll do a bit more reading around that.

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She likely is making a killing (via capitalism) while advocating for a ‘friendly globalism’!! There is no such thing. There never will be.

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Nope. Globalism by definition removes the individual from the picture. Woke is the belief in some form of friendly globalism and requires being totally asleep to believe it. I love the irony of the evolution of 'woke.' Too funny.

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Guy...are you a libertarian. If I read your comments from that point of view they make sense to me.

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I haven't assigned my self a category. A long time ago, 40 years, I would have said 'anarchist' of some sort. That stopped when I discovered Taoism and the total freedom I perceived there, beyond description or category. And so perhaps I'll associate myself with being fluid, on the path to greater awareness and freedom from ideological constraints of any sort. A human in flux, rather than stuck to stories, categories or even concrete ideas of what is true or truth beyond the Buddhist/Taoist idea that *everything* is impermanent.

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No turnaround. She’s been a big globalist all her career. She has been on their side her whole life. Just because people wring their hands and say ‘we care about people’ doesn’t mean they do.

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Great point. She pointed out the evils of *capitalistic* globalism while being woke and looking for a benevolent globalism. Thank you.

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She certainly has not walked it back, deleted it, or shown any indication that she understands the ramifications of what she's said.

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Oh boy, what a big blunder! Thank you!! And also, Toby, I just saw the parenthetical at the bottom of today's piece on Naomi Wolf's new piece. I guess I don't know who Naomi Klein is and must have always just noticed the "Naomi" part of either name and assumed they were both the same Naomi (Wolf). Thank goodness I didn't go around sharing that huge mistake with a bunch of people! What a scary thought. Thanks again for the help!

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I just read Naomi Klein's most recent piece, "The Fall of Canada, Danger in the US," and I was so relieved that it seemed to articulate the position on the Trucker convoy that we would all expect from her. But, how to rhyme it with the tweet you wrote about? Is there any chance her account could have been hacked, and that tweet wasn't actually hers? I'd love any thoughts or insight you may have.

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Rejen: the article you reference is the latest post from Naomi WOLF, NOT the Klein discussed in the post offered above by the Tobian.

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Truly left-wing intellectuals understand that this is not about a local right vs left (or republicans vs democrats) conflict, but about a unified globalist and capitalist ruling class vs we the people of all countries.

And it's about the safety and efficacy of technological innovation and supply looking for "markets" with the help of governments, which are currently transforming their countries into health dictatorships.

Such left-wing intellectuals will firmly stand with the truckers and the people against their governments, and with medical doctors who understand the new biotech risks and are therefore on the forefront of this fight against the new globalist ruling class.

Naomi Klein has some learning in front of her. Let us hope she is able to transform her thinking to prepare for current and future battles. Perhaps someone should help her.

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Toby, there are 3 young girls at my daughter's after school center with heart problems. They are seeing cardiologists. All 3 are covid vaccinated. These are kids under 13. And girls.

How do we see how many subscribers someone has? I canceled my paid subscription to AB tonight. Done with his insults.

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I was deceived into thinking that Naomi was an intelligent woman, until I read her denigrating remarks about the truckers having a "fake freedom convoy". You will have to put a bullet in my head before I kiss Fauchi and Gate's butt and inject one of their lethal experimental Jabs into my body. The Truckers represent a choice whether someone wants to do that or not. Naomi Klein is not here to protect me. She sold out, and sold her soul. I'll never read anything by her again.

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Don’t mix her with Naomi Wolf. You might be.

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Wow ! Naomi Klein was a Wolf in Sheep's clothing! She just lost all of her credibility with me

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On the other hand Naomi Wolff is with us opposing the vax regime. What do the sheeple say? "Vaaaaaax!"

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Feb 18, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Shirky McSmirkface...😂🙄🤣

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby, this Twitter string (https://twitter.com/euniqueje/status/1494006936701964288?s=21) says to show video of three blood samples: Normal, double-jabbed and triple-jabbed. I don’t know what I’m looking at. Is this legit?

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I am not, nor will ever be, a twit member. The link only provided me with 1 video. Did you see all 3 mentioned? The 1st video shows nice, smooth, separate cells. The only different ones she pointed out were the white blood cells, lumpy ones, because the unvaxxed person had a current covid infection.

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Yeah I've seen the images and I do not know what to make of them either. So I reserve judgement and let's just see what more info comes out.

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Feb 17, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Very nice points today Mr.Utopist! I love and live of utopias. Without any utopia all ideals are just philosophy, that you can discuss but not make it real.

Txs for summarize all of that, very helpful, very nice you share it!

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Klein sold out a long time ago. Did you read any of the books showing the HIV scam? Yeah well, stephen lewis is her father in law and he's in on that whole AIDS in Africa thing. they are operative for the never really went away British Empire operating the drug dealing banking porn ring known as the Company.

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??? Her father is Michael Klein. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Naomi_Klein#Family

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Stephen Lewis is FATHER IN LAW for Naomi Klein.

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Feb 17, 2022·edited Feb 17, 2022

I wrote father in law up there. I suppose I could put in the hyphens. father-in-law. Avi lewis is her hubby right? And stephen lewis is his dad, is that not right

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Yes. It was a curious link, Klein-Lewis. As someone very interested in Africa myself, Stephen Lewis always struck me as a deeply honest person, but not so bright as to avoid being manipulated here and there. On AIDS, most of us were pulled by the nose, that he too is like us is insufficient for drawing any conclusion.

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Everyone has their price; RFK Jr. has been observing this as well. "It is quite stunning to watch liberals applauding censorship, particularly the muzzling of the bullied mothers of injured children, in order to protect pharmaceutical products from criticism"-RFK Jr.

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Endless thanks for all the work you’re doing. You are making such a difference!! You’re one of the ppl I’m praying and giving thanks for every day. Without ceasing :)


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Thank you!!! 🙌

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Feb 16, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Insightful. Thank you.

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Feb 16, 2022·edited Feb 16, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

The context was spying behind enemy lines during WWII. Can't quite remember the quote or who said it but it goes something like this:

"Acceptance in a group is more dependent on how you use a knife and fork than anything else."

Is this another way of saying elitism or tribalism? It certainly seems to apply to Naomi and the DNC who once they got theirs, don't seem inclined to let anyone else sit at the table.

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