I tried to send you a picture of my fluffy rescue kitties to no avail. I have the same Thinking points which have placed me in the same delusional category. Hello kindred Spirit!

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shore did! (an' Latin too!)

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Dec 12, 2022
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Boy, yer nasty ain't'cha! thought ya were in-jest (I regret havin' responded) but clearly ya gotta lotta bile ta spread 'round. No time fer that myself, enjoy yer bitters.

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I didn't like his comment so I banned him. I'm sorry that he was rude to you.

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What a treat….Several times, I watched the kitten softly pad over for more fuzzy comfort to be welcomed and cuddled, it made me smile. I would have loved to hear some purrs. Very sweet. …..Yes, “here lies,”the letters blackened on old cement, on an elaborate country cemetery marker, “decency, kindness, fairness, generosity”….and sunlight painful for those who prefer to sit in darkness of chosen ignorance. All around me, complete blankness regarding current news, of dangers to health and economy…. The looming emotional and spiritual filth which has been pumping up under grade schools and neighborhoods, terrifying! without the Zoom technology parents would have had no knowledge or warning….. Until the 13 year old took their life in despair, not knowing who to tell of miseries. Yessssssss! Love the way your brain works, do you ever just think of burnt toast!? LOL. …Back then, hundreds of years, folks still resented anyone who stood out because of conscience and strength of personality….,In my 20s, working at a campus, friends told me, “You’re so intense, you think too much, you’re too philosophical ” my thought was “and I guess you don’t, you aren’t?” Dr Tenpenny remarked recently on a panel, “don’t ever follow people into a burning building.” Sigh sigh. Okay I guess so So close flying cinders almost got me … do be careful …

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>>> without the souped up vehicles and cool haircuts

How dare you suh. My haircut is cool... I did it myself.

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I would argue that this has been in the making for a few generations, that hygiene and sanitation and birth control propelled us forward, that child rearing practices had changed (Lloyd DeMause on this, though he's a bit Freudian), that education had changed lives, so they reinstituted parasite stress, went after the kids (in America) by introducing a reading technique that did not work, getting rid of recess, vaccinating madly, terrifying people so kids didn't go outside and play, infiltrated the education schools, destroyed traditional religious institutions with toxic mimics and wokeism etc. I think it took stealth long term planning, plus globalism and resources and the loss of 40,000 factories. I think they've been bombing us back into the Stone Age for decades. So we go back to what was working before if we can. Chesterton's Fence, as Bret and Heather and GK Chesterton define it.

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You're blaming the wrong party. Blame the people who are carrying them.

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by the way Agamben did not support the jab. It's funny years ago, reading both him and Zizek, it was obvious to me that Zizek had no real substance, while Agamben did.

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by the way Agamben did not support the jab. It's funny years ago, reading both him and Zizek, it was obvious to me that Zizek had no real substance, while Agamben did.

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I think if pharma has to pay out for harms, this can't continue. So, new parameters need to be set regarding EUA and mandating vaccines to attend school. Also, I was listening to a nurse whistleblower on a show last week, and she told of the enormous wages the doctors and nurses were commanding in hospitals at the onset of all this. Also, nurses were let go if they objected to the way patients were being treated. She also said many nurses often went shopping at places like Target because in reality they were not needed in the hospital. There must be many doctors and nurses who turned a blind eye to treatments that killed covid patients, they ALL colluded with the crimes, and I guess they continue to live in denial to assuage their consciences if they have any. These people are not elites; they didn't mastermind any of this, but they allowed death and suffering to continue for '30 pieces of silver.'

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I saw this and felt very bad, because it is obviously the payoff to Offit to get him to shut up. I am not a fan, but he has said one or two honest things over the past few months, some of which must have hurt uptake of the mouse shots. He called them out as BS, and people who view him as some kind of arbiter of truth or reason saw that he was right. There was an original bribe back in 2020, when FDA took the warning about porcine circoviruses off his vaccine label, and this is the next payment. I wonder if they'll take him off VRBPAC, or leave him on but require him to vote Yes on everything, no matter how completely obviously asinine.


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WOW! Thanks for this!

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not sure how in the heck ta git "stuck in the mud" folks ta look up an rethink 'fore they dig their heels in further BUT I kin say 2 things 'bout changin' future gene-er-a-shuns've kids...

1. from about age 9 gotta teach'em 'bout propaganda an' ta think fer themselves... make up their own minds! offer 'em different views... So Johnny, Miss Boulaboula sez ye kin be a girl just by thinkin' y'are an' Mister Donut sez y'are whut y'are an' use yer dang eyes and look'it this chromasone thing... an this other "person" sez ye kin be a Furry--a dog 'er a weasel... Look'it all the evy-dunce each offers an' DECIDE fer (fur!) yerself... This is how ya start it... Nobody should make the "cherce" fer the kids--they gotta larn ta think'...something they ain't doin' today--they just react! (and spit out rote rot...)

2. stop all one-lane learnin'... histry' an' litra'chur, an' math an' art an' eco-nomics an' all that good stuff intersect in real life an' learning "ACROSS fields" (an' lanes) helps an' heps! a great deal. So Chumpskies that know how to de-con-struct proppy-gander in their one field won't be blindsided when it strikes from another field (in his case, Med-Sin).... SO many folks'r indock-trine-nated to beLIEVE and trust dok-turds like they wuz gods (gives many've 'em dok-turds quite the ego...) just as an example Folks fall prey to trustin' the "expurts"... as IF ex-spurts agree?! So multi-lane larnin' is important..

It would crush this whole dumb idear that ya gotta be an expert in some area ta opine on it (as in "only a biologist kin say what'a woman is." This insan-itty has gotta go. 'Stead'a "stay in yer own lane" it should be "explore a lotta lanes" so ya kin understand the entire road an' all the drivers 'round ya... An' don't EVER trust just any one source fer history, economics--polly-ticks--anythin'

3. Read. Kids has stopped readin' an their grown ups follwered. Readin's gotta come back or dummies'll breed dummers. Fire made humans smarter (cooked food/more bioavail. nutrition an' brains got bigger!) Readin' duz this too! (Codicil ta this is DUMP them phones, drop the Tik-tok... adults too!)

I think that's more'n my 2 cents but I think.... it's all 'bout THE THINK!

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Amen Daisy.

Dump, dump, dump dump dem phones!!!!

AND the sham of "higher" education.

Lies, debts and brainwashing for empty prestige.

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This is a great list. My kid was reading Orwell and Havel at age 13. The ideas you mention (propaganda, cultural touchstones, history, representative democracy, etc.) were routinely discussed at the dinner table for years before that. And she knows that every institution seeks first and foremost to establish itself and maintain (hell, grow) its own footprint. Every institution. So caveat emptor when the Catholic Church says they caught all the molesters and have set up a magic system to prevent any future molestation, or the school district says parents don't need to weigh in on textbook selection, or the American Cancer Society has no interest in promoting healthful, toxin-free choices.

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yup, an' that's the way forward.... same fer my kiddos--Orwell an' Havel...also Huxley, Malthus! gotta look at the baddies too ;-)

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I watched a doco film maybe 10-15 years ago, on the newly emerged Russia (from USSR) & a continuous Research project that has been conducted for 60 odd years in the boondocks. It was on Minks, the feral, wild animals humans once harvested for their fur.

The experiment was designed to tame these wild animals, through breeding, much like the far, far longer saga of dog & man. Please recall the famous Behaviourist, Ivan Pavlov, father of "Classical Conditioning" was Russian. He was Stalin's cur and USED PEOPLE in the Gulags in many, many experiments... you think only DOGS learned to salivate at the sound of a bell? 🤣

The point being; yes, a designer disease every year and a "speed of science" matching poison, mandated every year. For The Tame Human Programme, all (or rather, MOST) Feral Humans have been slow baited 2 to 4 times. They attempt to force us, The Rump of Truhumans, to OBEY & SUBMIT. Scary fact, if you (YOU! The Unbaited) have SEX with a Transhuman their Spike Protein will attempt to invade YOUR BODY. The Vax, the Clotshot IS A Sexually Transmitted Disease...

*Blondie: "one way/or another/I'm gonna find ya/and getcha/you betcha!/one way/maybe next week..."*

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Bloody excellent little piece sir.

Keep up the good work !

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Is there any chance we can/should view this as a paradigm shift in which the old paradigm (iatrogenecide) has high level nefarious players (i.e. the cabal, the global elite, big pharma, big tech, the capitalistic philanthropists, et al) and many well-intended humans (bureaucrats, academics, clinicians, et al) who believe that vaccines truly are the only way to save us? Would this perspective make our dialogues any different? Would conversation focused on paradigm differences help bring in the new paradigm with less stress and more success??

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What's to stop the cabal from releasing a new gain-of-function virus every winter? Exactly. In fact, I'm thinking this current round of RSV is just that—another weaponized virus released to keep us all sickly and too weak to effectively resist. People need to go back and read history to find out what people have had to do in the past to get their freedom. News flash: Freedom doesn't come from clicks on a keyboard.

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I was suspecting the same thing about RSV, especially because it affects kids more. Covid barely gave kids a sniffle, and most parents didn't vax their kids. Perhaps they needed something to whip up more vaccine compliance in parents? Of course it's just a conjecture.

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