Yeah - I write that the Devil is a narcissist in my book. See my substack article with the original monologue: https://maggierusso.substack.com/p/dance-with-the-devil

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Re: Human nature

The Milgram etc experiments have shown that power will bring out the sadist in anyone, and that's why we cannot afford to dish it out to people willy nilly. Humans (and in fact all mammals) have a built-in ethical compass to instinctively guide them through social/herd living. There's no need for anyone to protect us from another, contrary to what Christians, your government or any mafia boss will tell you. One of the most beautiful expressions of this essence of anarchist thought (if you will) is in the theology of the true levellers (land reformists in feudal age!), a radical branch during the brief English revolution + republic:

"In the beginning of Time, the great Creator Reason, made the Earth to be a Common Treasury, to preserve Beasts, Birds, Fishes, and Man, the lord that was to govern this Creation; for Man had Domination given to him, over the Beasts, Birds, and Fishes; but not one word was spoken in the beginning, That one branch of mankind should rule over another.

And the Reason is this, Every single man, Male and Female, is a perfect Creature of himself; and the same Spirit that made the Globe, dwels in man to govern the Globe; so that the flesh of man being subject to Reason, his Maker, hath him to be his Teacher and Ruler within himself, therefore needs not run abroad after any Teacher and Ruler without him, for he needs not that any man should teach him, for the same Anoynting that ruled in the Son of man, teacheth him all things."

Thanks + keep up the good work.

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Thank you for the podcast link! I listened this week and really enjoyed it. Great to hear your voice and more of the backstory. Really compelling journey. I hear people talk about epilepsy as a vaccine side effect but I don’t really know where to fine out more. It’s not as widely documented as autism for example as far as I can tell. Could you point me in the right direction please? My daughter developed very severe epilepsy six months after her second mmr. I wish I knew then what I know now. my husband had a clairvoyant moment and blamed it on the shot but I didn’t want to see it yet. Ready to learn more. Thanks for all you do, hope you read this at some point!

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Back in the 1960s my Latin teacher mentioned a theory that Rome fell because of lead in their cooking pots. Same thing?

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Toby, on the knowing right from wrong point, can we add doctors poisoning children to the list. In other words, does vaccine injury lead to vaccine injury?

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A brilliant point really. 🙌

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Great insights on a wide ranging post.

Kanye is mostly right - and everyone should watch the entire Alex Jones interview. Some moments of head-scratching weirdness - but he's mostly correct ( and people are too scared or brainwashed to admit it). The Kennedys WERE killed because they wanted to stop Israel from obtaining nuclear weapons - and because of highly connected Zionists in the U.S. Deep State. Israel is a terror state - they export terror. The entirety of Syria is proof. The Kennedy assassinations and the USS Liberty attack were the first attacks on U.S. soil- but there will be others. Most recent? Israel destroying the AP building in Lebanon - and the port.

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well said, thank you!

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Thank you for posting this. Just the right amount of humor for a serious situation.

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‘Chromosomes as a vast right wing conspiracy’ ; needed the laugh tonight Toby Thanks.

This post got me thinking that in the long story of history, the destruction of societies resulted in ‘smoldering’ for a few centuries before any kind of new civilized society re-emerged. Maybe we have to figure out to disintegrate gracefully.

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My thoughts are that if a healthy society was to come into being I would not be able to live in it. Because our world is so fucked I can survive in it as a vaccine-injured freak, but a healthy society would mean I would have to engineer my death...

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CDC: ‘1.1 Million Americans Have Died Due to COVID Vaccines’ – Stunning Admission


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Toby, these are great points, as always. But I'm concerned about the killing fields at the end. I dont know why you included the men ecstatic and proud about their triumph over small mammals; it's eerie.

Even more off-topic, why does my profile say "writes Kathleen's newsletter? I don't. Instead, I described myself as Armchair activist. Just saying.

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This is brilliant! You should send this to Toby Rogers directly.

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Jordan Peterson has a method for inoculating yourself against your capacity for monstrousness, wherein you admit that could you be a Nazi camp guard, and own that, as it is human, and then you sort of cultivate that as a form of strength. During a 5 day power outage in the midst of winter in Detroit, my neighbor had power and we didn't. I had like 5 layers on, was reading by flashlight, but we had enough calories to keep warm, though we knew the rich were getting their power back much faster. I realized that if I didn't have the stocked up groceries, I had it in me to go knock him out and stay in his house where it was warm. Once you know you are capable of that sort of thing because you are a primate that wants to survive, you know that you could commit murder or cruelty under the right circumstances, but that actually makes you stronger. IMHO.

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Well as long as it's unintentional then it's okay. :(

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