The cat video was hilarious! Your insights about securitization were fascinating. Always appreciate your thinking points.

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Spot on analogy about the U.S. killing the buffalo during Manifest Destiny and the WEF killing cattle for The Great Reset. History repeats itself, and I suspect it’s the same culprits behind both...

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I also very much enjoyed your commentary on the state of the world. Right now the government terror in Lahaina has affected me deeply. I pray for fewer living nightmares and more good dreams in the coming years.

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GREAT CAT VIDEO, Sir Toby! I can definitely relate, and the the contrast between the two cats is perfect! I laugh every time I think of it!

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Your Huxley, Orwell comparison was bang on !

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With the decline in reading proficiency (33% proficient or above in 4th grade last NAEP exam), one can add to their concerns that the people will be unable to read books!

This was inflicted by the Democrats and the teachers unions who didn’t want to teach during the pandemic. This will ultimately hurt *everyone* due to less income for these children (& less tax $ coming in to support programs like Social Security and Medicare).

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Hah! I love the cat video. I keep positive by listening to 80s and 90s music all day long. Living in a 1970s RV also helps.

There were evils back then but they seemed smaller.

Yes to everything else you wrote.


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Love the Orwell/Huxley POV!

Parallel Economy Examples

BruceWales©️8/10/23 4:30. Since somebody asked-

I store a trailer with stuff in it in neighbor’s yard in exchange for keeping an eye on the place, informing him of what may affect his property. I trim his dead branches, sweep pine cones, etc out of his pickup bed, have turned his main power breaker off when he forgot after one of their very few family get togethers, have purchased vehicle cover for another of his stored vehicles.

I water another neighbor’s garden and am encouraged to harvest and keep zucchini and tomatoes during the hottest weeks while they travel.

Another neighbor pays me in homemade jam from her pears and apples for shopping for her, taking out her trash, cleaning up the pine cones from her yard I use as fire-starters in winter wood-stove, checking her mail.

Two neighbors give us surplus chicken eggs when they feel like it.

I water another neighbor’s apricot tree over the fence. She made me an apricot pie a year ago.

Another neighbor is going to re-weld my aluminum back door this week so I can drill new holes for the hinge screws that have wallowed out.

He has already given me chicken manure from his pens that I have incorporated into my soil.

When a roundabout was installed at Granite Dells and Mud Springs, a few of us planted assorted plants.

I have given mint plants, chive clumps, and oregano plants to many others. Soon I will gift volunteer grape vine plants as I have given volunteer peach seedlings to others. This spring I gave 7 neighbors each a book on Lasagna gardening techniques.

Another neighbor across the street who prefers a gravel yard look, blows his leaves across the street to me where I turn them into mulch for my garden or put in my ongoing compost pile.

Btw, he ordered too much gravel. So he offered the remainder to me which covered my two driveways!

Another friend hired me to drive hay many states away in times past.

Currently, having suffered a stroke, he pays me $20.00/hr to cook breakfast, dust, mop, clean house, monitor rat traps, organize tools, drive him to appointments, etc.

I gave my chiropractor’s wife chives, etc. she has given me rhubarb seeds.




Co-thriving, not competing.

Just building mutually beneficial relationships.

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During the lockdown I watched the "grand poobahs" we elected release their inner tyrant in amazement. They did so with joy and reckless abandon, or snooty snobish superiority. Now they want us to pay them to not break our windows as if they are organized crime mobsters. Just like the -shoot me now or shoot me later- phrase that was popular about ten years ago. Not the way I want to live. My life is a gift from God. These people are shameless to their everlasting shame.

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Oh, that's so cool re Orwell and Huxley. We still need both of them tho, right?

I've often thought, in one of my fits of pique, that I would get a few folks and a soapbox to go over to the UCBerk Campus to read 1984 out loud to those youngsters (and others). Maybe we read Orwell Mon&Wed, Huxley Tues and Thurs...

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That's a great idea. I wonder if you'd be arrested though? I know that's extreme thinking but....

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I would certainly be ready for that possibility but under the circumstances it might be worth it.

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That would be fantastic! The youngsters and wokesters definitely need to be reminded of the extraordinary wisdom of some of their forebearers.

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I think in a hundred years from now the world will still be full of corruption, but the issues will be different. The average Roman was actually entertained by the carnage of gladiator games, we have moved on. We still have to confront and solve issues of our era, the corruption related to Pharma and other than surgery the failure of the pharma based medical system. Despite the censorship there is a growing awareness that we need better systems that promote health. People need better options, otherwise they are forced to accept what in the long term does not work. The emotional labour has been taken up by a minority always, and the majority benefits, and that is okay as long as headway is made in the right direction. On another note, I watched a show on netflix, several young women were murdered in Spain. The ex female lover of the mother of one victim was blamed by the media, then the court and jailed without one shred of evidence. Later using DNA analysis, they found the guy who was guilty. It was shocking to see scores of people scream 'murderer' to the innocent woman, and the media fanned the flames with cruel judgments. When she was released, no one apologized. The unvaccinated are owed a huge apology from all those who denigrated them, the media, their so-called friends, neighbours etc... who treated us as second-class citizens. Since apologies are not forthcoming, we have to resort to the imperfect legal system in an attempt to rebalance the scales.

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You don't think the average American is entertained by carnage?

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Good point

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All such great points. Perhaps Huxley understood “Babylon” and Orwell the “Beast System.”

One thing is for sure, if the people doing the emotional labor were running the place, we would not be here.

Loved the videos. :)

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Thank you again Toby. Always appreciate your support -invaluable investigative journalism and philosophical outpouring of truth, as I see it. Blessings to you and to all the warriors out there.

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Toby... sorry but today I just had to really applaude you for your choice of cat video. I have played and grooved with it many times and shared that around to inspire folks. Thank you!! Oh yeah... btw... right on with the heavy stuff in the article.

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Great quote re: Team Vaccine. As to Huxley vs. Orwell, as I wrote in my book, Words from the Dead: Relevant Readings in the Covid Age, "I've always argued that the novels 1984 and Brave New World need to be read together as companion volumes if one wants a true picture of the social engineering that has taken place in the West." I cite Neil Postman's quote, suggesting that the future we'd be facing was more Huxleyan than Orwellian. While this was true in the West up until Covid, it was during the "pandemic" that we saw the iron Orwellian fist unleashed from its velvet glove. It's arguable—as many commentators are now saying—that the plan was a gradual creep toward Fascism 2.0 all along.

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That's a truly brilliant analysis of how to properly value stock in Big Pharma.

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