Apr 11, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Has she considered Rife technology or a Biocharger. Energy medicine. FDA banned Rife technology in the 1930’s and the technology is still around. Should tell you something….

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Apr 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Do we know who is maintaining the athlete Airtable? John Stokes was still posting on Instagram as of 2 days ago --- i.e, he has not died, as far as I can tell. On Jan 20, he posted that he was cleared to return to sports & exercise.

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Just for kicks, I researched how Ivermectin was trialed, it's safety profile, adverse events etc.

You can find this info yourself, but the punchline is - there probably hasn't been a more rigorously tested (through trials), safer or more effective anti-parasitic released in the past 40 years, and that's not an exaggeration.

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Agreed. And it's safer than aspirin.

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Hi Toby. I have just completed my first article on Coley's toxins, the first immunotherapy for cancer. This is a great summary of resources for your friend to look through. I hope it's helpful! All the best, Monica


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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I wanted to thank you for sharing Rebecca's GoFundMe information. I was able to donate tonight. My niece who is 38 and has three-year-old twins is dealing with an aggressive form of breast cancer, and a young lady, Auti Angel who I was aware of due to the SCI community died this weekend due to breast cancer. I've lost several close friends to cancer and Bec's story is too similar. I do hope the family can appeal to the drug company for financial assistance for treatments as they are available for others who don't have insurance coverage in other countries. In the US the Patients Assistance Program helps people with financial advice and help contacting the drug companies and may be able to assist them with who to contact in Australia. I tried finding info for them on the drug company's site but it won't allow me to access any info outside the US. I wish I could do more to help research info for financial help. Sometimes financial help is available by contacting people based on the specific cancer type as private funds are available set up by families of past patients. I wish Bec, her son, and family peaceful days.

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Thank you zuzu!!!!! Rebecca began a new round of treatment this week. She is so grateful for the outpouring of love and support that she has received from around the world. It makes an enormous difference to know that people care and are cheering for her.

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Apr 6, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Just in case, they may want to make an appeal to the denial of coverage of the drug which is on the PBS by Medicare by the government (and therefore the private insurance) due to her cancer not being one of the "regular" kind which are "approved for treatment by contacting this Australian Pro Bono legal group for cancer patients -

Pro Bono Program | Cancer Council NSW


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Yes, great idea!

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I have to give you enormous credit for being ahead of the curve on just about everything.

Except that naturopathic physicians have been addressing widespread mitochondrial damage for many years. Our medical conferences are all over that. And if we weren't one of the forbidden words (like chiropractor and acupuncturist), then this would be widely known. You should check out these conferences. For example, Environmental Health Symposium https://www.environmentalhealthsymposium.com/about-ehs-2022

and Southwest Botanical Medicine Conference.


Nutrition is simply advanced biochemistry, including mitochondrial biochemistry. The better we understand these areas, the better we can match patient biochemical injuries with a focus on what they especially need.

I discuss cancer as mitochondrial injuries in this series of videos:


But of course, that discussion stands on the shoulders of giants going back nearly a century.

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Great links! Thank you!!! 🙌

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Apr 5, 2022·edited Apr 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Not to be the turd in the punchbowl, or anything...but Fauci and Collins are correct about the Oswald Institute of Virology...errrr...Wuhan... They KNOW for CERTAIN that wasn't the US DoD Lab that created that specific virus...because they kept the receipts from the Lab that did... Whether the one that did it was in Ukraine, or (post-Soviet) Georgia, or Ft. Detrick or UNC, or any of the hundreds of CIA/DoD Labs that they oversee/saw around the world, the only way we'll get the real answer out of either of them, will be with a fully charged Marine battery, a pair of jumper cables, and an extended-stay booking, at a Black Site.

You might ask ... How can I say with any certainty that Wuhan WASN'T the point of origin...? Thanks for asking ... For one thing...That's NOT how Covert Operations actually WORK, in the real world. If that Lab WERE the ACTUAL point of origin, and not the designated fallguy - then any FOIA'd document you pulled up for it, would be blacked out for "National Security" reasons. That's some simple math.

If there's evidence and a trail of breadcrumbs leading somewhere in the world of Spooks and Hybrid Warfare, you can bet that somebody left that trail to lead you astray... Like the poorly written Anthrax letters, or a car left in short term parking, stuffed with Korans and suspect-identifying pocket litter. In those cases it was "sparkle" to create a "legend", in this case it was a strategically placed red herring, designed to be deployed only in case of "Emergency". If someone like Montagnier could break through the Operation MOCKINGBIRD, STATE Media blockade, on alternatives to the narrative...well then you'd need a way to put that onto your enemies, and not onto YOUR BioWeapons programs.

And let's be clear - this wasn't caused by a "Leak". This BioWeapon was deliberately released, as part of a time-phased plan. Event 201 running as the virus was bring spread, deliberately, at the Wuhan Military Games -wasn't a "coincidence". It was preparation for what they had already set in motion. The Chinese think that we sent it there with infected athletes, who stayed in a hotel just around the corner from the Wuhan "Wet Market" - mistakenly regarded as ground zero. https://www.zerohedge.com/geopolitical/china-state-tv-host-covid-19-came-lab-leak-united-states . It seems like the most plausible theory. And it would explain how it got to so many places, so quickly. And also, how the US Gov't knew so much, long before they should have. https://www.naturalnews.com/2020-03-19-cdc-was-hiring-quarantine-program-managers-november.html and https://www.rt.com/news/486072-us-intelligence-israel-coronavirus/

But let's back things up a little bit... Instead of ASSUMING that there was a leak at Wuhan...what about Ft. Detrick? It shut down in August of 2019, because of a loss of containment. Which is odd, since they have those all the time, without notifying the press. I think that's another fall back position, really. Again...this was NO ACCIDENT. Covert Operations don't rely upon happenstance and serendipity. They're time phased, compartmentalized and often quite elaborate.

Our timeline is faulty. Levels of immunity in the population, and sewer samples lead to the inevitable conclusion that this disease was with us (here in the USA, and in Europe) far sooner than we realized.

Remember "Mysterious Vaping Illness"? Well the mystery remains unsolved, because not all of the folks who died from that, actually vaped anything... Certainly not all of them used the black market THC vapes, with Vitamin E used as a thinner, that we were told might be the culprit. And LOTS of people used those black market vapes - without incident. So at best, that was a co-factor. And the symptoms were IDENTICAL. How does a chemical/mechanical lung injury, cause a fever, anyway?

Additionally there's THIS - just 50 miles or so from Ft. Detrick: https://www.washingtonpost.com/dc-md-va/2019/07/17/third-person-has-died-after-respiratory-illness-outbreak-greenspring-village-fairfax-officials-say/ . Again, identical symptoms. And anecdotally there was a gnarly chest cold/flu reported by many, going around the country, starting in the Summer of 2019... I think I got it in December 2019. I recall people talking about it on the radio. I heard Jello Biafra talking about touring musicians getting really sick in the same timeframe. The only reason that we don't know for certain that these were all early Covid cases, is because the CDC insisted that none of these patients, presenting with identical symptoms, had any known viruses ... And they'd never LIE... would they?!?!

And of course the Drosten test hadn't been unveiled yet - so could they know? Should they have been looking for sequences from Moderna patents, or HIV? In reality - I think that they DID know. They were probably tracking the spread and lethality of their virus, part of a "soft open" - for what they were going to roll out, in earnest, in October, in China.

Lots of US Labs were working on those kinds of viruses. http://dilyana.bg/project-g-2101-pentagon-biolab-discovered-mers-and-sars-like-coronaviruses-in-bats/ . The Russians have been hinting at this, for several weeks now. A bioengineered virus, deliberately released upon a targeted enemy nation, would be hard to tell apart from a naturally occurring zoonotic outbreak. And we were already deep into our hybrid warfare against China, by October 2019.

The Wuhan Lab, was set-up as a fallguy, complete with an elaborate backstory, just like Oswald was. 'Blame Russia (and maybe Cuba) for the President's murder... Pay no attention, to the men behind the curtain'. Same idea here. These "Whistleblowers" from inside WIV...look to be about as authentic and convincing, as CIArramella and Vindman, or that spook from Facebook. And the Epoch Times has a cozy relationship with them... don't they?

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby, is there a way to get behind the Vanity Fair paywall? I'd like to save the article as a PDF and distribute it to my circles. About time, we're seeing some investigative journalism from MSM.

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Can you try it with a different browser? I do not subscribe and yet it is not paywalled when I visit the link.

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I was able to view it and forward it. Thanks for the follow up.

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Beautiful mom and son, I hope your friend Bec turns out okay Toby. 💕🙏

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Always appreciate your perspectives. Prayers sent for Rebecca's graceful recovery!

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Toby, please check out research by Dr. Seyfried on mitochondrial treatment for brain cancer. Dr Seyfried’s theory is that cancer is a Mitochondrial Metabolic Disease. He has worked on aggressive brain cancer for many years. I have used simple diet modifications suggested by him to control pituitary tumor ( a benign tumor, but can be dangerous since it can cause pressure on optic nerve causing blindness) with excellent results.

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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About the sacrifice of themselves to moloch, I’m reminded of the closing scene when the followers of N.I.C.E. kill themselves before and during “the curse of babble” from Merlin in That Hideous Strength.

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Great stuff as always!

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Apr 5, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Txs Toby great stuff!

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Is it ironic, tragic, farcical or some other descriptor, that Pfizer’s CEO is a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine?

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GVB is a vet, too, though.

And let's not forget, Gates is a HS dropout.

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I was making snarky because of the criticism leveled at Ivermectin as being a horse medicine.

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Oh sheesh, I hadn’t read that molnupiravir is mutagenic. Fantastic. 😓

Glad you mentioned the mitochondrial disorders. I have young people come in with ME/CFS. Gardasil girls. I agree with your hunch about other factors and your thoughts on exercise. People feel tired for two reasons: they either don’t have Qi or the Qi they do have is stagnant. Exercise (as we think of it in our culture) basically moves the stagnation. Not helpful if you attempt to use more energy than you actually have to work with.

Slow, gentle practices like Qi Gong can still be appropriate and nourishing. The Chinese were so smart about these things… it’s a shame we discarded their centuries of hard-earned wisdom.

You’re right- it’s years of recovery, and so much damage is done to mental, social, and emotional well being. Thanks, science. 😢

Prayers for your beautiful friend. 🙏

Thanks as always for your heartfelt and thoughtful write up.

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