Feb 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I'm glad Raquel Dancho spoke out, I hope others do the same, we won't forget.

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Thank you Toby for making submission to FDA so easy. God bless you.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I second that 🙏🏻♥️

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Yes more and more heart attack stories - weird


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Don't you know it's climate change/mowing the lawn/shovelling snow/cost of energy/sexual intercourse/undetected heart ailments that's causing young and old alike to drop dead. And no, it's not the 'safe and effective' poorly tested, experimental injections that use novel/never worked mRNA tech. We all know that you're hinting at that!

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Almost disorienting listening to Raquel Dancho - I no longer connect reason and compassion with politicians. I appreciate her though it's all too late for that. What the citizens of Canada are grocking is that they don't need a political party or representative to give them freedom. They can take it. It was always theirs. Thank God for that. Lots of spells will be broken over these next few years. Equating elected representatives with 'leadership' will be one of them. This needs to happen. We admire and aspire to qualities like integrity, honesty and courage. Our elected servants should be defined -not by the position they hold (and refuse to relinquish) - but by those intangibles we most value, trust and elevate. I predict when all of this is in the rear-view mirror, quality of character is gonna have a come back.

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It's depressing to read that capture from Facebook - but at the same time it doesn't surprise me as the ACT (Canberra) is the only state or territory in Australia that didn't implement stupid mandates and restrictions on those who don't want the injections, and 98% of people were willing.

My brain can't even compute the disconnect of these people

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this is great, Canadian doctors have invited 3 public health officials to meet with them (advocating for the world and the Freedom Convoys), https://viralimmunologist.substack.com/p/doctors-supporting-the-freedom-convoy

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I fleshed your 3 suggestions out a little. Thank you for making it so easy. I'm a big fan of Harry Browne's _How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World_, so I don't like to waste time petitioning the government for anything.

1. There is no emergency in this age group that would justify this use; cases of severe disease and death are exceedingly low, and Dr. Toby Rogers has calculated that we will kill 117 kids with the vaccines to save one child's life from covid (https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/what-is-the-number-needed-to-vaccinate).

2. The clinical trial of the Pfizer vaccine failed in this age group.

3. This proposed use violates the prohibitions against illegal medical experiments as outlined in the Nuremberg Code. There has been nothing comparable to informed consent with any of the FDA's actions during the pandemic so far.

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Lol...."do you guys want koolaide"....best line of the day! And Toby - not sure those Aussie Mom's are psycopathic more than they are just dumb as rocks.....The human brain's ability to deny reality is really something both amazing and horrifying to observe. The either could not - or simply would not make the correlation between their own 2nd jabs and landing in the ED.... Who knows, with some folks, it's all about the virtue signalling - literally and that being a FB group - maybe they want to look virtuous despite looking foolish - and stupid. All I know is that I'm just so tired of these morons and loons..... Thank God, you're not one of them, Toby! And, as Pablo mentioned - the 40% increase in US non covid mortality - is huge. Tucker Carlson reported on it last night - and even he says he hasn't heard about it and yet many of us have known about it for weeks!!! As his guest (Charlie Kirk from Talking Points USA) said - this is a mass casuality event that *no one* is talking about!!

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Feb 8, 2022

Gosh, being an Aussie mom myself, I wouldn't call them outright morons... perhaps a kinder way of describing their behaviour is that the fear propaganda has allowed their lizard brains (amygdala) to override their logical, rational decion making..?

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

uhh, luv UTobian but 60% to 40% is a decline of 20% out of 60% which is a decline of .. what % again? Anyways, this kind of move over this period is a steady progress of realization (red pilling?) that Dr. Science is a pathetic narcissist at best. But a very talented (i.e. diabolical) eunuch of the Administrative State who survives/navigates all kinds of eff ups. A word salad master.

RFKjr's takedown book documents this. Just ordered the hard copy of his book to deliver to local library as a hedge against electronic blocking by all the powerful 'ZON.

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Ah you are correct! Thank you! Fixed!

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Feb 8, 2022·edited Dec 23, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

"Sorry we traumatised you for the last 2 years" (at least) is not enough.

"Sorry we stole your money, wrecked your lives and economy" does not work.

"Forget the whole thing and let's go back to "the old normal" is not acceptable, for "the old normal" meant financial rape and absurd policies anyway. Every abuser must suffer the consequences of their actions, or the rule of law is dead for everybody. No mercy for the tyrants and their servants.

Crimes must be punished and wealth and connections should not place anyone above the law. All executive powers must be based solely on the decisional powers of the people, not some self serving "elites".

Politics has become a racket for a very long time and new people and new laws are badly needed, this must be our primary goal if we want to put an end to this nightmare.

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Politicians must be held Criminally responsible for KNOWINGLY Mandating EXPERIMENTAL and dangerous medical intervention

Pfizer Documents Show FDA Knew of Death Risk


None of the puppet politicians talk about people, adults and children being killed and injured by Mandated by them poisonous jabs. They don't talk about fathers like Dan Hartman who lost his son to Pfizer injection. and Toronto City Council removed his testimony out of their record. These politicians are evil murderers.

The Real Face Of Evil: 17-Year-Old Sean Hartman Was Killed By The Pfizer Jab. Twitter Removed His Dad's Account For Speaking The Truth


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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Just submitted a comment, THANK YOU for making it so easy, Toby.

For spiritual practices? Talking to God all day, every day, whenever I think of it throughout the day. Asking for His help for all of us. Reading the Bible and appreciating that He and His wisdom and His provision never change.

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This was going to be my response to Toby’s query but you got to it first and said it much better :).

My comment is posted and my prayers are ongoing (and the main thing that allows me to keep going) 🙏🏻♥️

Sooo much admiration/appreciation for Toby and everyone here!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

I read some of those comments from people opposing the protests. Apparently, it’s fascist to want freedom. That’s a lot scarier than the mandates. They are willing to give up even bodily autonomy for perceived ( only perceived) safety. I doubt this level of brainwashing can be undone even by a good slap.

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You asked for the best spiritual practice during the trauma caused by the Globalist Special Interests. Kundalini Yoga, for which Russell Brand - the comedic actor turned podcaster has made some nice YouTubes for meditations that work. I teach this yoga style and can recommend workouts and meditations for any malady or stressor. Thanks Toby - would love to have you on my weekly Freedom Hub webinar!

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Feb 8, 2022Liked by Toby Rogers

Commenting about spiritual practice:

So I really have to balance what I listen to, because if I only listen to political updates, it puts me in a state of anxiety and stress. I listen to pastors John and Lisa Bevere on the MessengerX app - their content is biblical, encouraging, and challenging in the best way! Start with their course Relentless, you won't regret it! It's the truth we need in times where truth is hard to find.

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Lovely! Thank you! 🙌

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Your posts are a great highlight and format, and I appreciate that you always welcome discourse.

The mothers wanting to inject their children after suffering adverse reactions themselves is truly horrifying. What happened to maternal instinct? Even if you supported the vaccines, and The Science™️, after experiencing a reaction, wouldn’t a red flag be raised for, at the very least, perhaps a hereditary component? Or are some doctors labeling these severe reactions as “normal”?

I was discussing vaccine injury with a Doctor friend of mine, and their take was that there should be no compensation by any government for vaccine injury, because ultimately it was that person’s choice to inject, regardless of known side effects, and taxpayers should not be responsible for that person’s decision. I have deep empathy for the vaccine injured and thought this was a rather callous viewpoint, but do understand the reasoning the more I see these types of accounts. How many times can you be crippled by the same thing until you stop doing it? To not do it to your own children? And then a parallel of addiction came to mind. Perhaps there is a component of fanatic reliance on the substance of governance or authority at play here. An addiction to not only authority and outsourcing of responsibility, but also an addiction to the self-righteousness afforded, and the immediate inclusion into the exclusive clique of holier- and smarter-than-thou. Cliques and self-importance are powerful influences, with direct, observable neurological effects. Something to ponder.

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I think those mothers were simply straight-up brainwashed. Watching propaganda on tv, coupled with the slower brain waves that tv induces, throw in fear 24/7, and voila! Actual psychosis.

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