here's a fascinatin' FYI--the Hindenberg was SABOTAGED and the tech was a) clean and b) efficient and c) low cost---but it wasn't OIL. Them evil Rocky-fellers destroyed it--it did NOT 'splode--and AmerKans bought the myth 'bout hydrogen cuz u know who owns the press (guess!). There's a bunch written on'it--here's one link fer starters...


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I just love the list at the end. I shared it with the local constitutional conservatives trying mightily to flip the Central Committee. I need to step it up and talk about WAPF and Chelsea Green more.

Sooo....Novice question: can a person publish their doctoral thesis with a commercial publisher? Or does that become property of the degree grantor?

I would buy The Societal Cost of Autism from Chelsea Green if they could print it. And wouldn’t it would be cool to get a forward from Sally Fallon and/or Mary Holland?

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Hi Peggy!!! So great to meet you at Wise Traditions! A book will follow at some point -- it will probably be a hybrid of my thesis and some of the writing that I have done since then. The nice thing about my thesis right now is that it's free -- so it's reaching lots of people around the world. But yes, a book will be good. 🙌

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IMHO: Narcissism is a fundamental problem in the modern world, and the more educated and more powerful people are more prone to narcissism. Unfortunately, the rest of us have been socialized to be compliant and obedient. We follow the rules and our leaders. We trust our experts because we are good people and believe our leaders are good people. But they aren't. They are often psychopaths and machiavellians for whom narcissistic behaviors are foundational personality traits.

It is difficult to tell the difference between someone who is confident & capable and someone who is arrogant & deceptive. But those with narcissistic characteristics are not only adept liars and conmen, they often convince themselves that their worldview is correct and make up "facts" and narratives to support their worldview that puts themselves at the center which further confuses the rest of us. That's why so many have joined the army of "flying monkeys" who vigorously defend the sanctioned narrative and abuse the vaccine hold-outs.

It is also why the narcissists, psychopaths and machiavellians in charge continue to hold true to their stories, which is why if given enough rope, narcissists often destroy themselves and everyone around them. But this game has never been played on such a grand scale before.

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Find a local naturopath or homeopath or chiropractor and use their services to the exclusion of Big Pharma chemicals. And you might find a local Amish healer.

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One thing I can think to add to that list at the end is, sadly, even if your children have not had the C shot, they need to know they can never partner with anyone who has had it.

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Sharing this link - Tactics of the trans lobby - to prevent parents from having a say in their children's serious medical decisions, which leave many pharma customers for life, who may have been previously vaccine injured to begin with ... Our friends Thompson - Reuters once again ... https://www.spectator.co.uk/article/the-document-that-reveals-the-remarkable-tactics-of-trans-lobbyists

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Very interesting - thank you!

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This is some thought-provoking writing. I see that you are touching on another of my pet theories - "workarounds" are everywhere. In a world of ever-increasing real inflation, people and businesses have to constantly create more workarounds. I think you and RFK, Jr. are on the same page when it comes to public health agencies and the medical establishment effectively becoming Vaccine Promotion Agencies. I just published a book review of "The Real Anthony Fauci." One workaround for the Establishment (to keep people from buying and reading this book) was to not run any reviews of this book. Alas, this workaround didn't work. The book still became the No. 1 best-seller. This is actually a sign of hope. If Kennedy's book continues to sell copies and influence many more people, it might end up being the most important book of our times.


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Yes, and The Real Anthony Fauci documentary comes out October 11!!!

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So what you are really questioning is the need for undifferentiated economic growth? Slavery, crap jobs, war, greed, hate, iatrogenicide, social & ecological destruction, etc will just keep continuing so long as this remains unresolved.

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Degrowth is a big thing in environmental circles. Jason Hickel for example.

The problem is a debt-based monetary system has a growth imperative built-in. We are now seeing the death convulsions of this monetary system.

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"There was a cystic fibrosis expert on the 2015 Menachery/Baric team that designed SARS-CoV-2, with NIH/NIAID/US-AID and Chinese funding, for maximum transmissibility and lethality: SARS-like Cluster of Circulating Bat Coronaviruses Pose Threat for Human Emergence, Nature Medicine.

Biological weapons expert Francis A. Boyle calls the paper the smoking gun that should be the cornerstone of criminal prosecutions, in his legal strategy proposal for ordinary men and women to find and embolden county prosecutors with integrity to file criminal murder and conspiracy to murder charges under 18 USC 1111 and 18 USC 1117."


"The dam is going to break, but only if the water pressure keeps rising."

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The quandary is; even if a candidate is enlightened about the vax issues, it doesn’t mean their stand on other issues is. It ain’t so simple unfortunately.

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Strewth! If I vote on ONE issue (the shot), I am also voting for bigotry, intolerance, and often hate. At least that's the way it is in Australia.

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I find that to be the case here as well in the States.

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Thanks Dr. Rogers! Other ideas...Support Children's Health Defense. Take IPAK-EDU classes!

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Dirty Secret Behind Wind Turbines, They Need Lots Of Oil https://dailycaller.com/2017/03/03/dirty-secret-behind-wind-turbines-they-need-lots-of-oil/

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US energy industry needs ‘backup,’ can’t run on ‘just wind and solar’: Former BP Chief Scientist Steve Koonin | Fox Business https://www.foxbusiness.com/energy/us-energy-industry-backup-wind-solar-former-bp-chief-scientist-steve-koonin

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Why on earth have people fallen for the stupidity of Renewable Energy. It has now common knowledge that as solar and wind has created massive market price volatility and threats of dangers of black-outs from load shedding help to reinforce them.

Renewable energy, especially wind energy the is greatest economic and environmental fraud of all time.

Wind and solar have to be backed up by conventional power plants, because the production of renewable electricity is unpredictable.

Renewable energy, especially wind power has no natural commercial value simply because it cannot be delivered as and when power consumers need it. Fat lot of use that is.

And then they invented tumble driers because Solar and Wind didn't always work. Now they are telling us support renewables for energy to power the tumble driers, knowing solar and wind don't work.

I suspect they think we are all idiots. Koonin is deluded IMO

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US back to ‘Jimmy Carter economic policies’ as inflation rages, David Bossie says


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Another point I just thought of: the toxicants making us infertile (for example likely roles for covid jabs, gardasil etc, as well as the 'transgender youth' who are sterilised via puberty blockers) drive another massive industry of big fertility and commercialise the human being through surrogacy. IVF etc becomes another big money spinner.

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One thing I have been doing is helping out with the Mark Crispin Miller 'Died Suddenly' series by sending in the stories of people who likely died from these toxic Covid injections. At least it provides proof and documentation of the crime that has been committed.

Honestly nothing feels like enough.

Thanks, Toby, for this Substack. I'm not overexaggerating when I say it has been a lifeline for me.

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