
Physics knows that their macro and micro theories are in conflict (and are searching for a unified field theorem). Allopathic medicine does not even know what it does not know, because admitting doubt is not profitable.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Brilliant article, Toby. Some of us do not, and have never, knelt at the altar of Big Pharma. If something is wrong with me, I will always look to natural alternatives and lifestyle changes first. My GP (who I'm no longer allowed to see) has been looking more and more unhealthy with each passing year, yet my Naturopath with her bright eyes and glowing skin epitomises vibrant, perfect health. I believe the future of medicine is integrative and it heartens me to see more of these types of doctor's practices springing up lately. But your article highlights how much there is to do and how gargantuan the task ahead of us is. I don't imagine these behemoths will give up their power without one hell of a fight.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

There are two domains of approaches to solving this problem: natural and spiritual. In the natural realm, we simply need to follow our federal and state constitutions. They exist on paper, but we don't follow them. What that would do is restrict the powers of government to those enumerated in the constitution - and only those. All others are reserved to the states and the people. And the states can't just be dictatorships because the federal constitution guarantees to the people of the various states "a republican form of government". In a republic, everyone in the nation, without exception, is subject to the same set of laws, whose aim is to prevent people from harming each other: theft, assault, murder, fraud, breach of contract, libel, slander, etc. It also includes coining the money from gold and silver, negotiating treaties with other nations, and other miscellaneous powers.

All economic activity is regulated by the free market, as long as the laws and other "rules of the game" are not violated. This system of freedom under the rule of law really works: Mises, Hayek, Rothbard, Friedman, and many others have explained in detail the theory of why and how it works.

The disaster of the pandemic would have been impossible if we had had this system in operation. There is no power under the constitution to engage in gain-of-function research to create novel pathogenic and infectious viruses. Any country in the world that tried to do that anyway needs to be protested, ostracized, and boycotted if necessary by the other nations of the world until they stop.

The money for COVID relief spending bills could not have been raised without a Federal Reserve System that can just print money out of thin air, but the existence of the Fed is unconstitutional since only Congress is given the power to "coin money and regulate the value thereof" and "no state may make anything but gold and silver a tender for payment of debts". Without the Fed, the government would have had to tax the people to pay those relief checks that resulted from declaring certain businesses unessential, for paying hospitals incentives to use remdesivir, respirators, vaccines, etc., or borrow the money on the capital markets at ever increasing interest rates. This would have been politically untenable; it's much easier to hide the cost of the deficit spending through Fed-generated inflation, which is a hidden tax.

Aside from merely having a constitution, the people need to know what it says, value it, and hold their representatives accountable - there's no substitute for an informed electorate. So when the lockdowns violated nearly every right in the Bill of Rights, such as freedom of religion, speech, assembly, trial by jury, deprivation of property without due process of law (the value of those "unessential businesses" as well as all their workers), the unlawfulness of various medical mandates like mask-wearing, social distancing, curfews, etc., then the people needed to insist on exercising those rights en masse, and then the authoritarian measures would have collapsed.

There is no power in the various constitutions to prevent doctors from prescribing off-label drugs for early treatment of Covid-19, so all the threats against doctors and pharmacies by medical licensing boards, FDA, CDC, NIH, etc. should have been considered null and void or repealed as unconstitutional. Denial of informed consent for vaccines should have been fought, if only we had an informed electorate.

As for the spiritual realm, God (the God of the Bible, old and new testaments) made the universe and all the people in it, so it should not be very surprising that ultimately we have to include him in our analysis of how we got into this mess and what we should do to get out of it. Since he made everything, it's ultimately all about him and what he's doing in and through human history. People tend to relegate theological truth to a lower status or rank of truth, as if it is not "as true" as scientific truths; it's subjective; no one knows for sure. As long as we think this way, we'll never know how to get out of this mess.

We need to believe the Bible or we're in trouble. Astronomers and physicists have already proven that the universe had a beginning - it does not go back to infinity past - in fact, infinity is just a concept, not something that actually exists in reality. Intelligent Design scientists have disproven abiogenesis (origin of life from non-life) and Darwinian evolution (all living beings are descended from a common ancestor by an unguided process of natural selection acting on random mutation). The Hebrew prophets described a coming Messiah in detail and these prophecies were fulfilled in Jesus. Most academic historians accept a set of minimal facts about the lives of Jesus and his disciples for which Jesus' resurrection is the best explanation, and so on and so forth.

All through the history of the Jewish people as recorded in the Bible, and following that the history of Christian peoples recorded by historians, whenever these people who knew the one true God and supposedly followed him - when their faith turned cold, when they forgot about God, when they began deciding for themselves how to live without reference to God, then their conduct became more immoral, and God allowed them to suffer the consequences of their turning away from him. Alexandr Solzhenitsyn said that Russia succumbed to Communism "because the people forgot God".

America and the West in general, has become post-Christian to a large extent. Our founders said "we will either be ruled by God or by tyrants". These problems of lawless government, authoritarianism, creeping totalitarianism of the green pass, social credit score, mandatory injections, digital currency connected to biosensors from the injections, tracking and surveillance, restrictions of all kinds aimed at controlling and eliminating all free thought - anything that would not be in line with the emerging technocracy - God is allowing all these things to happen because we have turned away from him. Only repentance and a revival of Christianity can ultimately save us. If we don't have that, then the best strategy for defeating medical tyranny is doomed to failure, because God's tools of chastening his wayward people are unlimited. But the opposite is also true: if the people regain the faith of their fathers, then no schemes of the tyrants can succeed - God is able to trip them up, cause them to fail, and restore liberty to the people. As Jesus said, "God knows what you need. Seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things will be given to you".

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

You nailed it 🙌🏻🙏🏻

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Such an eloquent and substantive comment, Ari! I agree that our society is paying dearly for turning backs on God. I recently discovered to get an appointment with my GP of 12 years, I now we must be “vaccinated” or submit to a covid test upon arrival. Neither of those will be happening. Through my church I found a doctor who is desperately trying to detach from the controlling agencies and Big Pharma while keeping her income as sole means of support for her children. It’s a tough predicament she is in; one in which ultimately I believe she’ll be forced out. But independent health networks will be on the rise out of necessity and yearning to return to non-allopathic and spiritual based medicine.

Thanks for another thought provoking read, Dr. Toby!

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This is brilliant! Thank you!!! 🙌

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Excellent and correct perspective!!❤️

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"Intelligent Design scientists have disproven abiogenesis...and Darwinian evolution." And I think I'll just stop reading right there thank you.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Regarding #4, it’s a tricky topic without pat answers to me either but the problem we can’t really get around - though it would be more comforting if we could - is that allopathy’s only problem is not bad science (though that is the most important thing to expose), but it is also the puffed up belief that the scientific method is the ultimate arbiter even if done with real integrity - that what is quantifiable/measurable is paramount. That is a paradigm in itself and it is ENTRENCHED.

The topic of placebo is fascinating. If you’re not familiar with Bruce Lipton’s book The Biology of Belief, I recommend. I agree that 90% of alternative medicine is probably placebo but……so is allopathy! The FRAMING of placebo in allopathy is that it basically implies a hoax, a trick, illegitimate, etc. But the PHENOMENON of placebo is present throughout treatment strategies. (And with allopathy and its hubris and negative orientation, the nocebo effect also plays a major role).

The much better question is “why/how is there EVER a placebo effect, what does it imply about the wisdom of the body and the power of the mind, and how can we harness it instead of just using it to disprove efficacy in other treatments?”

But we worship certainty, control and human genius over that which cannot be fully understood. As long as we do that, we’re working at odds with the nature of creation.

Love your collegial style, Toby!

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❤️ 🙌

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

You have nailed it with placebo. I have sat through more than my fair share of pharma and co tinging medical education meetings being “educated” on the newest best practice for.....

If you know anything about statistics, the manipulation to show the effect wanted is sometime so obvious in those presentations. I have many times thought yea and a nice broth would likely do more good than big pharma’s next big thing. Sometimes there are useful medications, but over the years I have become wise to their tricks of playing out a patent, and then making the new and improved using an isomer or something with an acetyl group attached so they can re-patent the drug for a big price. Most patients will be sold on whatever their doctors is sold on. They will respond positively. Mostly placebo, because in a few months the effect wears off.

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Wow! No, I’ve never studied statistics but I have a general sense that science can be manipulated in myriad ways. Thank you for your insights.

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Brilliant comment - thanks.

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The scientific method was never intended to be arbiter, I think that is where some go off the rails. It's a process, when assiduously followed, allows one to incrementally increase knowledge. It isn't an answer, it is a method of finding and evaluating answers.

I may be misreading your intent, but how do we evaluate without some form of measurement? I can, for example, say a mountain is bigger than a hill. But if I'm standing on the hill, and the mountain is 60 miles away, how do I know that to be true?

If your meaning is inability to measure is not proof in itself of falsity, I agree with you, there. To continue the above, I cannot say the mountain definitely is not bigger, either.

It does not mean it is impossible to know. "There's no way to measure" often seems to really mean "I don't want to measure it". Both because of disinterest, and disinclination to risk being disproved. I believe the great God Zathrus healed my hangnail. Ok, fine. If that's true and useful, I should be able to show him healing other hangnails, too. Right?

Can the placebo effect be used to good ends? In some way, I think so. Would it be ethical to use that effect solely, without informing potential patients? That's one hell of a question. To tell them negates the effect. To not tell them is witholding critical information.

Maybe the answer to the placebo question lies more in the direction of willingness to take make long term changes. Too often, we take the short way.

On the other hand, I'm literally only able to tie my shoes because there are some things in modern medicine which do work. Babies, bathwater.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Great thoughts. I’m sorry if I implied no value in methodical and quantitative scientific inquiry. That was not my intention. My perception is that for so many in our modern culture, it effectively is seen as the final arbiter, for all intents and purposes.

While we are controlling for individual variables through the scientific method, there are myriad other factors in any given individual that contribute toward unique outcomes, and a portion of that has to do with subconscious belief and expectation - always.

This is what I mean about harnessing the placebo effect. My point is that placebo illuminates a reality (which is true in concept whether we believe it or not, so I’m not saying whatever we believe can manifest simply because we believe it) that is outside of the paradigm of allopathy and that is that our bodies are bent toward seeking homeostasis and that no matter what is thrown at it, it is responding intelligently toward that end. That intelligence also manifests negative outcomes through stressful/fearsome declarations by well meaning allopaths who look only at numbers and do not consider the power THEY have over patients through their authoritative declarations - for good or bad. Trusting those with perceived authority plays a huge role in outcomes. As a principle, this can be shown through quantitative data, I’m sure. So yes, scientific studies are an important part of knowing!

This is also why the concept of “double blind” is meaningful. A practitioner’s own belief and confidence is transferred to a patient, irrespective of either’s propensity to perceive it.

Like I said, this is a big topic and I’m not any kind of expert. Bruce Lipton’s book is what turned me onto this insight. An important aspect of it is that we are not talking about surface beliefs but subconscious ones. So for instance, knowing something is a placebo does not necessarily prevent it from contributing to work for an individual! If my mind/body/system has been entrained to respond to a particular intervention with a particular outcome, it can continue to work in that same way even if I am aware.

Another book I’ve not read but enjoyed an interview over is called “Why woo woo works.”

I know what you’re saying about the idea of using placebo in a deceptive (and therefore unethical) way and that’s not it. It would certainly have very limited efficacy if used that way also. As soon as a patient is “in the know” then their treatment is screwed. I had the same wonderings when first introduced to these ideas.

Also at the base of this premise is a focus on wellness rather than sick care. Sick care matters but so much of it is self-perpetuating through a system that creates even more problems than it cures. That’s my opinion.

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

My error, then. I had misread your position. I'm concerned the current mess will lead to a rejection of the scientific method itself, and likely incorrectly read that concern into your statement.

Yes, I am very much in favor of taking a real approach into living well rather than treating symptoms. It is much harder to do, and to prove, and certainly doesn't have the short-term financial benefit but I think will have much better long term effects. I've seen a big shift to near term thinking since the rise of the MBA, I'm starting to think they get lobotomies, there.

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Alternative medicine is 90% placebo?? Where do you get that estimate? If that were true, then I'd have to close my clinic, and open a funeral home, because I am a naturopathic oncologist x 15 years, same location, working with cancer patients, fighting the deadliest, most resilient disease on the planet, everyday till they're well. If what I did were smoke and mirrors and chicanery, then pitchfork-angry surviving family members would have killed me by now.

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I'm very sorry. I was not referring to you or to naturopaths as a whole. I've just seen lots of really woo practitioners over the years. And some stuff worked and a lot did not. Alternative healers have a higher batting average than allopaths in my experience. Apologies for causing offense, that's not my goal here. I value you and your work enormously and look forward to learning lots more from you. 🙏

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No worries. It's true there is a lot of woo out there, which directs justifiable skepticism toward all of us in natural medicine.

I appreciate you enormously, and have already learned so much from you. Thank you! All good! :-)

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Other than that, by the way, I really appreciate the challenges you raise in your article.

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What an awesome gauntlet to throw. Thank you. One possible piece: promote language and paradigm alternatives to the war metaphor used to define human relationship w/ virusss/ bacteria

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Yes, absolutely! Language matters. And the war metaphors have got to go.

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I think people need to be spoon-fed the risk-reward relationship between many pharmaceutical products. Vioxx helped with migraines but killed a half million people or more. When it comes to vaccines, that information is never presented or considered. If parents understood the childhood vaccine schedule gave their kids a 1 in 30 chance of autism perhaps they’d look at it differently. Peter Aaby’s work in Africa was a perfect scientific example of this: he showed convincingly that DTaP caused more death than it prevented. Most vaccines have this asymmetric negative relationship—how do we educate the world?

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Dec 10, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Yes! That’s how science performed and applied with Integrity can help.

By the way, you don’t know me but you and Jamison Have changed the trajectory of my vocational life and I’m over the moon about it. I’m halfway through my training as an S2C practitioner! I even ended up (with great circumspection) taking a J&J Covid shot for the singular reason that I began to perceive that potential clients were too afraid of me without it; it’s complicated but although I was probably wrong in my assessment, that’s how important this has become to me - all while I continue to disengage from my former career as a performer since every opportunity includes mandatory vaccination. Despite my shot, I

continue to boycott shows/concerts because most require proof of vaxx just for attendance.

I am so grateful to you and Jamison and I give all the glory to God!

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Hi Dr Toby. Everything you wrote here is true.

Luckily there are amazing folks that have started this path for us. Foster Gamble’s Thrive movies have some ideas for example. So does Catherine Austin Fitts website. But to me Dr Tom Cowan and his fellow collaborators with their focus on the new biology are really off to an amazing start as well. I have been learning so much with his webinars. Plus I agree with you Dr Zach as well is amazing. I think the root is build the community you want and stop building your own prison. Everyday be who you want to be and build what you want to see and it will happen just by living it. Thank you for being such an amazing inspiration and helping us to focus on the future we could have if we see it and then go after it.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Some of your questions are too lofty for my contributions, but I hope that someone can help find the right answers. One thing that I have figured out about Pharma’s power base of influence is the ability to advertise Direct-to-the-consumer. The US is one of the very few countries that allow this and this is clearly a big problem. The money spent by Pharma on lobbying and on advertisement is astronomical. This is one of the big reason that the media will not cover Pharma honestly because the media outlets are so bought-off with ads and sponsorships. This must change.

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Yes, direct to consumer advertising must be abolished.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

I don't know if you are old enough to remember, but direct to consumer advertising is fairly recent. It was not always this way. I don't remember ever seeing ads for drugs, or lawyers, for that matter, before the mid 1980's. Please understand that maybe that timeline is off some, but I don't think it's off by much. --- I'd love to see it go away! I'm sick of all the TV and print ads.

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For one, the dent in the narrative could be bigger if somebody like this doctor could get his message acknowledged and discussed:


Another thought is that a large bureaucracy has never been dismantled even by top political pressure. So a parallel society has to be built. Perhaps organizing Private Health Associations to use all treatments in practice without restrictions and on the cash basis mostly bypassing insurance.

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How would people be able to pay these fees? I love the idea of the associations and bypassing insurance, but these people that you are saying we must pay cash to are used to making hundreds of thousands of dollars a year. Are they going to be willing to take a large cut in pay? Not everyone in the country has huge amounts of money laying around to pay them the prices they would probably want. Are the old people on Medicare to be fed to the allopathic wolves? Is that what they "deserve" for being "old?"

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Agree, it won't solve the problems until it's taken on a large scale. However, the problem right now is that there is hardly any awareness of alternative approaches. Mr. Rogers himself thinks alt. medicine is 90% "luck" and 10% miracle.

But things to start:

1. Nudge people toward building good health. Just like you build your financial base to support you when you're older, there are ways to actively maintain good health and even improve it over time.

2. Some families (including mine) are already paying most medical expenses out of pocket. So far that we work we can afford it. The conventional advice did not work for us, but also the better doctors and dentists that we found did not accept insurance anyway. That's a start that some doctors are not restrained by the insurance and pharma protocols.

3. I'd love to have insurance against serious chronic conditions or surgeries only, just to avoid financial hit. Similar to the car insurance. Not such that pays for every visit and drug and limits me in my choice of healthcare.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

My points are: Not everyone is working. Not everyone can work. Not everyone makes lots of money.

Not everyone made lots of money when they did work, to be able to save money toward retirement.

Meaning, while I really like your proposal, it's going to leave many people out in the cold, medically, which is not a big improvement from what we already have. You're going to have your haves and have nots, which I know is probably inevitable, but if we're going to start out from scratch wouldn't it be better to include a few more people than we do now? I myself would love to go to a functional or homeopathic doctor, but there is no way to pay for it. I would love to go to a dentist that provides non-poisonous fillings and filling removal, but there is no way to pay for it. More people need to have access to these options without having to sell their houses and live in their cars.

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I totally get what you are saying! I have no solution, but it is great there are avenues like this for expressing thoughts and perhaps some collaboration on solutions. It just sad our medical care has come to this. We are supposedly the richest nation with shit for health care😡

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Yes, I enjoy "talking" to people to try and figure out a way to "fix" our country. I just hope I can see something positive take place before I die. Or before we're destroyed.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Great thoughts here! The positive note, is there are doctors out there that want to practice HEALTH care, not WEALTH care, and the constrictions of insurance companies and being tied to big pharma. Unfortunately they are far and few between. As a health coach, our industry is really working hard on educating people to be proactive in taking care of their health, and becoming your own doctor with educating about choices we all make in life and how it impacts our health. Our bodies are designed to heal if you give it half a chance!

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

I don't disagree with you. The human body is an amazing thing, with amazing capabilities. In my opinion, though you need someone of who you can ask direct questions and get direct answers, when you come up against something you can't find the answer to on Google.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

What you are saying is true about the philosophical foundation of knowledge of the body and a health system. The Vedic wisdom in Ayurveda does have that philosophical basis along with practical knowledge. It is a different way of explaining our existence, the body and health. It is deeply integrative. Some of the thinking is foreign to western ways but not foreign to ancient traditions.

It is however not conducive to pharmaceutical interests and is not considered modern. But it does provide the full philosophical basis.

If the attitude is we have to create something new then have at it. But if you want the complete package that was figured out millenia ago and could use help in speaking the modern vocabulary, then Ayurveda already exists.

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Dec 8, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Interesting...as always Toby. From a personal perspective, I have unplugged from allopathy (albeit, not entirely) and shifted towards functional medicine. Instead of working within the rigid construct of protocols in today's medical/healthcare system, I've decided to run parallel to it. I have seen many others in my field do the same and with great success. Success measured by patient outcomes, not by $ or profits. I think many people are seeing the difference between treatment and healing, evident in the surge of patients to our local naturopaths, functional medicine docs and other holistic providers. This message needs to be conveyed. Big Pharma is not in business to heal anyone...instead, they will keep you alive long enough and sick enough to keep taking the "medicine."

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Yes-Pharma is not in the healing business. They are in the “let’s string you out on drugs by managing your illness.” They have no interest in true healing.

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Excellent suggestion! I like alliteration so I build arguments around the 4 E's: Evidence, Environment, Economics, & Ethics.

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Ooh, I like! 🙌

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Love it! Evidence and Ethics, things we don't have much of right now.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

At this point or at least very soon, I think big pharma and even the field of medicine as we know it have essentially committed suicide. I suppose that statement will be a bit extreme for some, but think on where we are at right now. Vaxxes being forced. Overwhelming adverse events from these jabs being ignored. The medical community has turned out to be cdc and fda worshiping Borg collective. Pushing whatever is directed from their gods on high. Any healthcare provider that dare deviate from the approved doctrine was punished, even losing their license to practice. Faith in both big pharma and corporate medicine has been damaged badly, maybe even beyond repair. This will only increase as worsening adverse effects mount over time. Leaders need to bring back altruism to the noble and intimate work of caring for the health of the populace. Greed and the dollar has driven us into this madness where we are mass vaxxing essentially the world with an experimental therapy. It’s not even a vaccine. CDC had to change the definition of vaccine so this experimental therapy can be called a vaccine. No one in government or healthcare is addressing the adverse effects. All while pfizer and moderna post record profits. Makes me ill as a healthcare provider. What I know, is we will need to complete change how things are done now. Altruism and healthy life style needs to be forefront. Pharma is necessary, but will have to be completely revamped before even I will feel I can trust them again. We have some good and useful medications that have stood the test of time. And we have new technologies with great promise, but cannot afford to make the errors that have been made in the past, and most recently with covid. I have no strong answers but good moral principles would go a long way. Those have been lost to money, greed, and corporate compliance of one size fits all. Medicine is as much art as it is science, as much spiritual as it is temporal.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Seeing this come from a "healthcare provider" brightens my day! I pray there are more of you out there. Mine are definitely driven by money and pharma, but you give me hope to find a good one somewhere. 😌

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

My first thought is that the Gates/Pharma/Fauci triad has over reached this time. Never have they pissed off so many people. The acceptance of alternative modes of health and healing have been building and gaining ground throughout my lifetime. My father was a 1949 Palmer Chiropractic College graduate who kept many people out of pain so they could go to work over 60 years. Chiropractic was invented by DD Palmer in 1895 and has only increased in acceptance since. Homeopathy is probably the most scientifically developed system of healing ever created and it is dated as beginning in 1795 by a chemist and physician, Samuel Hahnemann who even then was resisted by the blood letters and mercury pushers of his time. It was nearly destroyed in this country after enjoying great use and acceptance when the AMA had enough of the competition. Other factors figured in but the AMA was a big reason for the closing of homeopathic hospitals and schools which counted somewhere around 300. There is a statue to its inventor in DC. It is regaining in popularity and use because it is a gentle healing modality that works. I believe that we are on a good path but the real battle is ahead as the relative newcomer behemoths will refuse to fall. The more we reject the fear that they are indispensable and look elsewhere and resist their mandates, the sooner the financial base under them will erode. If only we could reunite the country undoing the divisions sown by media. I will not be surprised to see migration to states that do not institute methods to enforce the vaccination as NY is attempting to do. I am beginning the research in order to be prepared. Maybe I’ll look at what is happening in Iowa, the home place of chiropractic. We may need to be prepared to open our spare rooms to people willing to lose their jobs to this. Especially fired doctors and nurses who are risking everything rather than kill people by looking away as Remdesivir destroys their kidneys and drowns them as their lungs fill up. It is an evil empire when Fauci would make this poisonous drug the standard of care. If all ICU staff walked out at the same time what a game changer that would be but there are still those that would kill and choose to live with damaged souls rather than a loss of income and loss of a nice house. I keep thinking of the book Station Eleven as I wait for a worst case variant to develop. I am not a big picture planner tending to find a starting point, one thing I can do that leads to the next and on until I am done. It is hard to plan when the actual details or even the big picture is not clear. I do however keep my food growing and storing skills up and do all I can for myself and live on as little as I can. I am retired and see a definite and important place for those of us with less debt and unearned income when things get rough. They certainly cannot get better. Stay healthy, spend only what you must, grow food, make everything you can, turn down the heat, cover the windows in winter, dress for winter, look for ways to be useful, listen for good ideas from others, and be not afraid to perform any act you can of civil disobedience.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

There is a YouTube video of B. Gates from 3 weeks to a month ago. In it he speaks of the next pandemic and then mentions Smallpox. About a week after the release of the vid, uncontrolled vials of smallpox were found at a Merck location in the Eastern US. He laughed as he discussed "millions of people dying." --- Smallpox vaccines are no longer given, as the disease was "eradicated." The older people who were administered the vaccine as children, now have waning immunity from that vax. --- It's been a couple of weeks since I watched the video. It made my skin crawl, so I have not watched it again. I think, he spoke of an mRNA smallpox vax. --- This man scares me to death (he always has), he is not benevolent.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Great subject material Toby! I believe the answer to your question revolves around the General Adaptation Syndrome. Hans Selye won a Nobel prize for his description of what the body does to deal with stress and how unresolved stresses are what destroy the body. This involves common sense which md’s sorely miss as does most of our society. It should be called uncommon sense! How many straight A students do or did you know that are some of the stupidest people out there? Our education system tells these mental morons that they are the brightest so they become very difficult to talk to.

Remember back in elementary school when you had to do some seriously embarrassing thing and remember what your belly and pooper felt like? This was your body beginning to show you the rules of life. It was saying that if you choose to enter into a stressful situation your body is going to structurally and physiologically alter you to keep you ( baby soul) as protected and safe as possible.The body perceiving your danger alters your structure by moving you into a state of fight/ flight pulling your head down and forward, tightening your hips, buttocks and spine, altering your hand posture into a clench and inwardly getting the energy to do this by down regulating digestive, and immune and hormonal systems. It is truly brilliant as our bodies fully know well that the digestive, immune and hormonal systems are for life later on. Fight/ flight is about surviving the moment. That is why animals under stress don’t eat their kill but wait till things are calm to eat. It’s a brilliant system that’s designed for a thinking human to realize you can’t live a long health life staying in a state of fight/ flight. But you would actually have to respect the body and pay attention to it as it is the vehicle that keeps you alive and does all things for you. Fight with it and you lose the life fight.

Stress comes in from three different areas of life: the mental- emotional life, the environmental chemical life of food air and water, and the care of your structural body, your frame.

Selye explains that when you stay in stress your body compensates for it by putting out more energy which it gets from your storage centers, the organs of your body. So long as your body can put out the energy you need to handle the added stress and still handle digestive, immune and hormonal systems you won’t have any symptoms of dis-ease. Symptoms start when those systems are having problems and it’s your body communicating with you that things have to change or further breakdown will occur. But that would mean you need to access your life and change your circumstances to improve your health but isn’t it financially convenient to hide the cause and instead blame the body for not handling the life you determined you want by poisoning it’s response with chemical poisons, the good old allopathic way. It’s the chemical companies, big agriculture and money that wants the way they make money that has them in the power position not to change.

Medicine started by Rockefeller has always been a scam. Read the details of polio from somewhere other than mainstream news and you will begin to awaken to ongoing great scam. Polio was and still is the result of chemical poisoning. Back then it was DDT and other newer pesticides that caused the nervous system attack. Detoxification and physical therapy where well documented to relieve people of their symptoms but it was squashed in favor of the vax. Look into animal husbandry and you will see that animals that suffered from the same poisoning where properly diagnosed and given appropriate care because they are more valuable to our handlers than we are. They didn’t use the isolation of the polio virus as the key to diagnosis. They already saw they weren’t finding it present in most victims so they switched their “scientific principles “ and began diagnosing by symptoms. Meningitis was a major one. If you look back in the city town and state records you will see the once they started vaxing meningitis was moved to a different column and was no longer used for diagnosis of polio. This sound familiar?? BTW polio is now called flaccid paralysis and still the result of the bastards poisoning us and calling it help. I got more if you want.

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Dec 9, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Beautiful comment. I need to point out, though, that the entire hormone system does not shut down. During Fight/Flight/Freeze cortisol is produced. Being in a continuous state of FFF, causes continuous production of cortisol, which wreaks great havoc on your body/health. Ulcers, heart problems, digestive problems, etc.. This is the cause of the breakdown of the body, of which you speak. However, as you point out, allopathic medicine recognizes none of this, everything is treated separately with a different drug(s). Getting yourself out of the situation causing all the damage is not always immediately possible. At which point you could turn to Functional Medicine Practioners, Ayervedic Practices, or far Eastern types of practices. The limits for many people with these, are access and money. Are we going to have insurance in our NWO? If so, these practices need to be covered. If not, how is John Q. Public going to afford ANYTHING, to help himself get through life and sicknesses?

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