To be clear, I think that SARS-CoV-2 is real and killed a lot of people (we'll never know the total number). It's a bioweapon developed in a joint collaboration between the U.S. military and the Chinese military. I also believe that it could have been contained with minimal loss of life in about a month with proper use of off-the-shelf treatments that the FDA and CDC knew would be safe and effective against SARS coronaviruses.

The PSYOP is that they used pandemic theater as a pretext to shut down the global economy and block access to treatments in order to create the market for the trillion dollar Covid vaccines. It's the largest smash and grab job in the human history. Tony Fauci literally killed millions of people in order to enrich his Pharma friends. Modern American society is a sci-fi horror movie come to life.

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"To be clear, I think that SARS-CoV-2 is real and killed a lot of people... It's a bioweapon developed in a joint collaboration between the U.S. military and the Chinese military."

Yeah, but BigMoney and BigPharma were pulling the strings. It is a bioweapon only by virtue of the identity of its makers, the intention was above all financial, not warfare.

The idea that COVID "accidentally" escaped at just the right moment to enrich BigPharma (and Dirty Tony) via the new but effectively untested mRNA technology, sounds suspiciously like 9/11 arriving at just the right time to allow the neocons' endless war strategy, viz., yet another New Pearl Harbor.


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In fact, the financial motive as top reason for it all makes the thing even more of an abomination. A crime for many motives can be justified to some extent, even if insane, but mass murder for mere financial gain? Merits guillotines for the perps.

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a powerful compilation by the way !

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I don't believe SARS-CoV-2 is real. Look up biologist JJ Couey's revelations about Ralph Baric's infectious clones, which are incapable of creating a global pandemic.

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Dr. Rogers, this comment is such a succinct and accurate description of what happened, maybe it should have been the opening of your article? Just a suggestion… Because without this stipulation (“I believe that SARS-CoV-2 is real and killed a lot of people”), just from the article, it almost sounds that you don’t believe it is…

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Anyone that had it knows it was like no other disease ever. 5G was not even in my town when hubs and I contracted this freak bioweapon. So it wasn’t that! And no we were never stupid enough to be jabbed for this. Virus deniers can F-OFF

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I updated the article to include the images from Bergamo, Italy early in the pandemic. As others pointed out in the comments, Bergamo was the testing ground for both the Covid narrative and the lockdown policies that were soon exported throughout the world. That was the beat in the story that I was missing. Adding that in paints a more comprehensive picture of the global stage play that we just lived through.

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somewhere in the alt coverage around the time i picked up that the coffins were indeed piling up outside the crematoriums since the WHO prescribed cremation, and there's very little capacity for this method in predominantly catholic northern Italy, where they like open coffin funerals (cf goodfellas)

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How about some photos of trucks spraying Dettol on streets and highways... cuz I guess people might lick the asphalt and contract covid???

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"Traditional war propaganda consists of, ‘Rah rah! We’re the best! The other side is evil! We’re going to win!’ We saw that in the various Iraq wars and every U.S. military intervention since televisions first appeared. What we have experienced over the last three years was much more sinister than that. Covid digital warfare appears designed to humiliate and demobilize the American people in preparation for extermination."

I felt that sinister vibe early on. I could not watch television. Even years ago it felt like mind rape. I hated being stuck in some public place like an airport or gas station that had that garbage on. During the pandemic sometimes I'd catch clips of something from the mainstream. I developed a visceral hate of Bill Gates after I saw him normalizing wearing a facemask and saying someday it would just be expected like wearing pants. He was with female anchors all in skirts who giggled nervously like prostitutes who downplayed the sadism of the big spender. None of fthem were wearing facemasks in the clip either. The whole thing felt like a brutal display in BDSM occult...

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Yes I'm noticing sadism in our smirking Trudeau, most recently being loudly boooo-ed by 5000 people while he was opening the Indigenous Games in Halifax. He pranced merrily on, seeming to enjoy their pain.

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wow. I guess you won't be seeing THAT on the Canadian Broadcast network.

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Exactly. Could not agree more. That said, I must give a h/t to Toby on the best analogy I've seen on him: "Gates is like an arsonist chatting with a family in the street while watching their house burn down."

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Gates is a germaphobe who fears the natural world and human contact. He, and all those who are like him, should move to a lunar colony where they can live under a sterile plexiglass bubble and stare at screens all day or do whatever makes them feel safe and happy, and leave the natural Earth for those of us who don't fear it.

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Wow, those words have such amazing capacity to make me feel it right now...all over again. Standing in the airport....

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It was nothing new. They did the same thing with polio. My grandmother still gets freaked out & filled with fear thinking about the iron lung image they promoted to get the vaccine. She won’t hear any other side of the polio nonsense.

I wonder how many people will respond the same way decades down the road??

For me, these images provoke anger & disgust. I knew it was a scam from the beginning & trying to tell people was like talking to a wall. I was angry at people for being so gullible & angry at the down right lies in these images & reporting. Even showing people videos from Twitter where people were showing empty ERs, testing sites, etc-they wouldn’t believe it. We lived in NJ when it all hit. The lockdowns,corrupt governor, & nuttiness of the people were a nightmare. I hate seeing handouts about Covid still hanging in places. I can’t believe people are still testing for Covid if they have a sniffle. The mental warfare they did on people is far reaching.

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if I had a dollar (no longer just a 'dime'; inflation, ya know ;) ) for every time I heard a parent bring up polio, during their 'scoff' at my attempt to get them to even question the vaccine narrative.... and I'm talking about late-to-post boomers or younger. the whole polio thing is so stamped onto our collective psyche, its scary.

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It goes to show how far propaganda & media lies will be embedded. I think too people don’t want to hear because then they would have to admit they fell for the lie for so many years, too much guilt to carry. It’s easier to keep believing the lie.

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Yeah, I as well just “knew” it was a scam from the beginning even though I didn’t have any proof and couldn’t exactly articulate why. I just felt it deep in my bones. But it also may have had to do with me reading about conspiracy theories for a decade + prior and realizing that many had predicted something like this was coming, I just hadn’t wanted to believe it...

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"What’s strange about both of these campaigns is that the FDA & CDC knew that they were lying and killing people in the process." Yes, and many of us will not want to understand that or the larger implications.

If we go back to the Opening Ceremony of the 2012 Olympics in London - bizarre, predictive, creepy, ritualistic and included many dancing nurses (as well as a part where they were like puppets, whose strings were being pulled) we can see the beginning of the Covid pysop being introduced in an 'announcement' kind of way.; a 'we're putting you on notice' level.

The mocking and humiliation are built in to the pysop. Those behind these kinds of operations are letting us know what they think of us. How little we mean and how easy we are to control. It's not strange that they are lying, Toby. That would be true in a sane world. The lying - blatant - is part of it.


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The part we forget most, imo, is that we use the terms FDA, CDC, & NIH so whimsically!

In the end, and under cover of those agencies themselves, there are ACTUAL PEOPLE, human beings, RESPONSIBLE for saying the things they said, writing the things they wrote.

Furthermore, there are THOUSANDS more that work for those agencies that stood by silently and ALLOWED them to perpetuate the lies. Those lies, the censorship of all of the rest of us, and the worldwide, lockstep perpetuation of the knowingly false narrative was a coordinated effort by a few elites, but permitted (and implemented!) by the many who merely were looking out for their own selfish best-interests. Those employees placed their personal well-being above that of the population, in the end, in the name of the ‘public good’! The irony is only overshadowed by the devastating morbidity and mortality of their inaction!

Nice article, Toby!

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A great crime against humanity was perpetrated against the world. A 21st century Nuremberg trial is needed and the crimes exposed and criminals punished. Don’t hold yer breath

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I printed the Moderna consent in 2021. Unfortunately, it states that this is all experimental, you could get the virus, have unknown adverse events and die. They always give you a choice according to their twisted code.

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......BECAUSE they've been fundamentally INCAPABLE of accessing their OWN value since BIRTH - without RARIFIED conditionality, Kathleen (and organized religion, RITUAL was expressly DESIGNED to OPTIMIZE that.....)

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Read the Common Knowledge Edinburgh Substack when you have a chance. Someone really is King of the World.

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.....are you referring to CHARLIE Saxe-Coberg Gotha by any chance, Carole? If so, I'm definitely UP on the 'royals' and their machinations - of two millennia.....between Frances Leader, Matt Ehret and David Martin's disseminations it's hard NOT to be - but, I'll check it out in a BIT......

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thanks Carole! fascinating, I subscribed.

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Took a look, will read some more...have you seen a blog called "Taking Tea with the Antichrist"...not sure if it is the title...but it talks about Charles being the Antichrist...kinda unbeleivable but the things the guy points out were food for lots of thought...I'll try and find it.

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AAARGH I'm having enough trouble functioning today, and now you are tossing another irresistible thing in my lap! will definitely look at it later 🫣

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I'm sorry!

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Thanks! Will look. and I just found it on YouTube the same thing I imagine https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9007EF2CC138832F

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There's a book on the subject of the house of "windsor"/saxe coburg gota providing the lineage of the biblical antichrist, it's called' "The Antichrist & a Cup of Tea" by (I think?) Nicholas Cohen, and it suggests that it IS indeed ole wife murderin' charlie boy who takes the title.

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It would be strange if they ever told a truth.

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covid was indeed, viral marketing at its finest !


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Coming from such a handle, that's awfully high praise! 😏

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The dancing nurses are just so embarrassing to watch. I feel embarrassed for them. Also, have any of you actually had people you know apologize for how they acted/treated you during covid? I haven’t had one person admit they might have been wrong.

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Not a single apology here either. It only fuels my disgust, rage, and despair. Humanity is largely comprised of cowards.

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No. NONE of these arrogant pitchfork wielding villagers and fanatical brown-shirted jab-tards EVER apologized to me, but then many are now conspicuous by their absence.......... I provided SOOooo much evidence that it was ALL HORSESHIT to my neighbours, friends and family and warned them all NOT to take the 💉 shot. I was told by my parents not to return to their house if I intended to say ONE more word about it. I was called vicious, callous and selfish for "trying to talk people out of taking that wonderful vaccine and thereby encouraging them to take 'suicidal' risks with their health"(??!). My Dad died from the jab, my brother got cancer, & five of my neighbours died after the first 💉 shot. When the jabbed corpse pile grew TOO high to deny, I even had the resentful and regretful jab-tards saying things like "Well, you'll be HAPPY now that it's killed all these people so you can celebrate your being right then, eh?" I would just tap the face of my watch, & say- "TikTok mo'fo'! Ask not for whom the bell tolls? It tolls for THEE!".

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oh terribly sad that these brainwashed folks projected their arrogance on you. boo on them.

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Indeed! Thank you Warrior Mom. I actually had to PHYSICALLY defend myself on the odd occasion too! I recall being on a bus in late 2021/early 2022(ish), and even though I had my overtly displayed marginalized minority gold star, muzzle exemption lanyard on, I had just barely sat down when some clown began to poke me aggressively in the back, & even after having SHOWN him the damned thing, he began an enraged & incoherent rant including the gems-"No, no, NO!! There shouldn't BE ANY exemptions!! This is a DEADLY public health CRISIS!!" but things took a more sinister & potentially dangerous turn when his deluded rhetoric began to take the shape of "mob recruitment", with his impassioned pleas and demands to the other muzzled jab-tards in the bus, with all of his "This selfish, reckless moron is putting EVERY one of you & your children and elderly in dire risk of DEATH because he thinks that the rules don't apply to HIM😡!!", which began to rouse a growing number of OTHER useful idiots & propagandized pitchfork wielding villagers and brown-shirted jab-tards. I began to think "uh oh! This might not end too well for me?", but, immediately attendant upon that thought, a sudden enraged fury filled me & I stood up FIRST, effecting my best "murdery" kinda facial expression and I rammed my hand into the guts of my jacket (in Scotland, where I live, this motion is generally recognised as the primary stage of a potential stabbing, although, I WAS bluffing), & began a furiously expressed series of my own threats to these dangerous clowns 🤡, which I recall went something like "Step right up jab-tards! Form an orderly queue, ass kickings all round! Random butchery for the sheeple!!" again, effected in my best "erratic psychopath" dulcet tones, & to an individual, they ALL immediately reseated themselves and said not another word, eyes pinned to the floor as I rubbed their evident cowardice in with a parting- "Yeah, that's what I THOUGHT!". A couple of months later, I actually ran into the primary rabble-rouser again, in a shop, & incredibly, he must have threatened & abused so many muzzle free pure-bloods that he didn't even RECOGNISE me, & AGAIN launched into his "routine"! This time though, I considered that a more definitive lesson in manners was required, & so, just as he launched his opening tirade, "Oh look! ANOTHER idiot that the rules don't appl-" and I walked right up to him ,nose almost touching nose, & delivered a catarrh filled sounding, protracted exhalation right into his stoopid face, whereupon, he rudely implied that I had been "born out of wedlock" and stormed out. I gave it ten seconds, followed him out, found & cornered him, and delivered him a "Oooh! THAT'S gonna leave a mark!!" application of summary justice. Kinda let myself down, and let my behaviour devolve down to his/their level, but this guy WAS a dangerous propagandized brown-shirt and HAD obviously often exulted in his imagined moral "superiority" to bully & try and terrorize people, and maybe "the treatment" will cause him to think twice before doing it to the NEXT person? But somehow, I doubt it? He had that low animal cunning that had allowed him to think that being in a public place when he kicked off would protect him from harm, & that he could incite OTHERS to commit to doing HIS dirty work, so, although I felt bad about having let MYSELF down, I had no remorse or shame about turning his own crap against him.

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wow! that mob psychology is scary insane. its one thing to 'go along to get along' but then to attack people in public? I guess there were a few instances of that here in the States but not as a general rule, gladly. some places, like Florida, kids were never masked and their schools never shut down.

I had gotten a few side-eye looks but the worst that ever happened to me was this kid (seriously couldn't have been legal age to drink booze) 'security guard' in a large public library, had the nerve to come up to me, (first thing in the morning, there literally was 3 patrons) and demand I put a mask on. he was masked up to his eyeballs, the librarian was behind a 5' tall wall of plexiglass AND had a mask on. I gave him the dirtiest look I could and asked him if he thought masks worked and since he had one on, why care if I did? he mumbled something about 'policy'. I put down the book I was trying to check out and left. (this same library was closed completely for the better part of a year! reopened and then closed again within a few months, for 'deep cleaning' because they 'suspected' someone with covid might have been in there. again, its a huge library!)

my poor niece was chased through a Walmart by a woman screaming 'plague rat', because her severely disabled 4 yr old didn't have a mask on. she was kicked out of Walmart, when already in the checkout line, by a security guard, for the same reason. she was forced to leave an OUTDOOR cue-up for a charity food giveaway, also because disabled little one wouldn't/couldn't keep a mask on. fear porn makes people EVIL.

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It's shocking isn't it? The way that

24/7 fear pornography, hourly death-dives, & C19 horror stories that had NO basis in reality really warped people's critical thinking skills and incited a (real) "pandemic" of mass formation psychosis, idiot group-think & herd mentality. Feckless, facile, simpering obedience to corrupt authority: the brown-shirts were quick to emerge. Who, in today's world, has the bovine credulity to think that their government cares, and will "save" them? Billions of people, I discovered to my abject horror. For the entirety of 2020 and much of 2021, I was challenged, harassed and confronted on an almost daily basis by these morons, & that was WITH my stoopid muzzle exemption lanyard on!! Neither did it take long for people's nasty, savage, base and inhuman impulses to rise to the surface, dressed up as the "moral" highground. Narcs, informers, regular patrons of the "snitch" lines, throwing even friends, neighbours and family members under the bus for deviating from the unscientific, counterproductive, & ridiculous fascistic "guidelines" which were NEVER laws, but which were fulsomely misrepresented as such. By March 2020, I had gotten the patent application, number & details for the AstraZeneca jab, PROVING they were LYING about "racing to formulate a vaccine", but nobody thought it anything other than "fake news/internet garbage", and when I outlined & explained specific ludicrous instances of the media's lies, I was called an "idiot conspiracy theorist" and replied to with the most appalling inanities, like-"the news IS the NEWS, that's why they CALL it the 'news', dumbass!". Just incredible. I kept thinking"any day now, they're gonna start to wake up! Any day NOW ....", until I realised that they had become utterly, utterly indoctrinated, beyond all hope of returning sanity, & that the fear programming and psychological warfare used against them had been branded into their tiny brains. It's very sad what's become of people & society now. Those jabs killed my Dad, FIVE of my neighbours (& that was the FIRST 💉 jab, in the case of my neighbours!), & gave my quadruple jabbed brother cancer too. I hate EVERYBODY who has either authored, or enthusiastically participated in the propagation of this horrific genocide, & I will NEVER stop "going on about it" to the idiot sheeple 🐑, or trying to speak truth to power. I can't. They murdered my Dad. Thanks for your kind reply Warrior Mom! Keep fighting the good fight! Love

to you & yours👋.

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Nope. I know I shouldn't keep waiting for it, but I can't seem to let go of my hope for apology and reconciliation. :(

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It wasn't just the USA which was tortured and humiliated! We in Europe and the UK also got well slapped. Obviously, the world has moved on now hasn't it? We are all now convinced that Putin is Demented, Ukraine is a benign democracy fighting for its life, the planet is burning and we are to blame and at any moment another deadly virus will appear.

The most depressing thing is that the vast majority of people believe every stupid lie fed to them. I have a gardener friend who knows full well that plants need CO2 to survive and yet he believes humanity needs to stop farming because CO2 is destroying the planet. Absolutely no way of convincing him that any pollution being churned out is from power stations and not from cows' backsides.

I think we here all know, deep down inside, that it's all just going to get worse. People will accept CBDCs, toxic jabs of "living-saving" abilities, insect burgers, destruction of their childrens' futures. All of it. Because they are not paying attention and The Powers That Be know that. If they paid attention they wouldn't have fallen for the Covid Scamdemic!

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It is very discouraging, isn't it? For those of us who think like you, it is like living in a parallel universe...and there is not common point of contact.

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They are paying attention but they are cowards. They are the majority of followers.... As soon as they believe WE are winning, watch how quickly they will shift and say "I always told you so....".

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Well said!

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I have to admit, as a newly retired NYC school teacher, wife, mother, daughter, sister, etc, I did not and do not know enough about viruses and was legitimately scared in March 2020. At the time we were getting 2nd and 3rd opinions from surgeons regarding my 80yo mothers broken neck. Her surgeon wanted to do surgery (she hadn’t had for many reasons and was wearing a brace around her neck) and we were getting other opinions. The virus had just been blasted all over the news and the Drs we visited were limiting the amount of people in their office. I was scared for my mother and would do anything to protect her. I wore the mask and kept her away from strangers and stores. We did NOT do the surgery and we did not do the jab. It took me about 8 weeks to wake up and see the hypocrisy, the manic reporting, tv ads for masks and “we are all in this together” ad nauseum and the attacks on Trump. When Gov Cuomo and Pelosi and Biden said they would not get the jab under the Trump Admin, and then changed course after the election, I smelled a rat. The dancing nurses, late night talk show hosts dancing like idiots, the virtue signaling on social media, etc was just so obvious. No regrets not getting jabbed. All my Dem friends and family got Coofid real bad multiple times. I had it once (if it was it?) in 2022 for 3 days and was better with Vit C, D, zinc, Quercetin and lots of sun and fluids. I was in FL on Vaca at the time and made sure as soon as I was up to it to walk, bike ride and resume life as normal. But life is not normal now and never will be the same. It’s horrific to see what has happened and the side effects of these jabs affecting so many healthy young people. People are still asleep and brainwashed by the msm and “the science” and there is no talking to them. The Dems in my state are still pushing for the jab to be mandated. It’s crazy. I haven’t seen my dr in over 3 years and don’t know if I ever will again unless necessary. Sad and horrifying times we are in.

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So many people were like you, sadly many of those did not "smell a rat" and wake up.

I agree, these are horrifying times.

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Thank you Toby!

If anyone knows what the name of the technique/strategy used for the Dancing Nurses, I would love us all to find out. This is the best I've come to describing it:

"It’s something like this I think…they use “comedy” to make us “feel good” about the fact that they are using comedy to make fun of the fact that they can do whatever they want to us, and we won’t do anything about it…it’s something double and triple twisted like that, that turns an already mushy brain into soup."

There must be a name that describes it though...

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Yes, it was this weird MK-Ultra style hypnosis of some kind. I'd love to find the appropriate term for it as well.

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.....do believe mine applies WELL here, Toby - 'institutional/ized NARCISSISM'.....

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Political mockery is a powerful weapon in controlling the masses. Horse paste, anti vaxxers, injecting bleach all good examples of the system mocking those who question the official narrative and that push back against totalitarian power.

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I think Hannah Arendt and Desmet talk about this--the absurdity of authoritarianism? Can’t find a ready quote. But it’s related to the emperor having no clothes. Just listened to an Iranian women speaking about this phenomenon in relation to the Khomeini coup. People were told if they did not view him bathed in a halo of light, they were literal bastards. She was a child of eight and completely convinced that she must have been adopted because she didn’t see it. Her father bless his heart made sure to seize the moment and teach her to believe the evidence of her eyes. Fascinating.

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It's called "rubbing your face in shit" or "pissing down your back" and getting you to say you like it and "can I have some more please." Then you know your slave unit is "broken in" and will do anything you say on command without question. Which is exactly what happened.

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Jul 19, 2023
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and clearly not all that busy at their jobs as well.

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RE: The images that became iconic were testaments to NY’s failures to think critically and logically about the challenges at hand.

NYC was "ground zero" of the Covid theater. It was a massive success not a "failure." We need to stop using that language. The "pandemic" wasn't "botched", it was a massively successful piece of psychological warfare and straight up murder.

Mistakes Were Not Made

A poem by Margaret Anna Alice

The Armenian Genocide was not a mistake.

Holodomor was not a mistake.

The Final Solution was not a mistake.

The Great Leap Forward was not a mistake.

The Killing Fields were not a mistake.

Name your genocide—it was not a mistake.

That includes the Great Democide of the 2020s.

To imply otherwise is to give Them the out they are seeking.

It was not botched.

It was not bungled.

It was not a blunder.

It was not incompetence.

It was not lack of knowledge.

It was not spontaneous mass hysteria.

The planning occurred in plain sight.

The planning is still occurring in plain sight.

The philanthropaths bought The $cience™.

The modelers projected the lies.

The testers concocted the crisis.

The NGOs leased the academics.

The $cientists fabricated the findings.

The mouthpieces spewed the talking points.

The organizations declared the emergency.

The governments erected the walls.

The departments rewrote the rules.

The governors quashed the rights.

The politicians passed the laws.

The bankers installed the control grid.

The stooges laundered the money.

The DoD placed the orders.

The corporations fulfilled the contracts.

The regulators approved the solution.

The laws shielded the contractors.

The agencies ignored the signals.

The behemoths consolidated the media.

The psychologists crafted the messaging.

The propagandists chanted the slogans.

The fact-chokers smeared the dissidents.

The censors silenced the questioners.

The jackboots stomped the dissenters.

The tyrants summoned.

The puppeteers jerked.

The puppets danced.

The colluders implemented.

The doctors ordered.

The hospitals administered.

The menticiders scripted.

The bamboozled bleated.

The totalitarianized bullied.

The Covidians tattled.

The parents surrendered.

The good citizens believed … and forgot.

This was calculated.

This was formulated.

This was focus-grouped.

This was articulated.

This was manufactured.

This was falsified.

This was coerced.

This was inflicted.

This was denied.

We were terrorized.

We were isolated.

We were gaslit.

We were dehumanized.

We were wounded.

We were killed.

Don’t let them get away with it.

Don’t let them get away with it.

Don’t let them get away with it.

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All of this should completely collapse the “healthcare” system and Big Pharma!

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“Mocking the victim “ is a critical part of an effective psyops operation because it makes the victim feel guilty and instead of seeing reality and questioning the true perpetrators of their evil situation, it makes the victims question themselves. Since any sane person has self doubts, at a minimum as a good scientist you need to question yourself, and some have very deep self doubts, focusing victims of extreme self questioning can be very effective for stopping evaluation of reality as your article does. When faced with a false reality, you either question reality or question your self. This tragic lesson comes from the all too common and heartbreaking “battered wife” psychology were the victims admitted they were beaten by a brutal psychopath but disgustedly claimed “they deserved it” and stay attached to the monster. The goal of the techniques you discussed is not only degradation and dependency. It is “obvious” degradation and self doubt to cause a loss of the ability to question. Very much an MK Ultra technique. The success is evident in how many people still hold to the narrative like the women with 5 shots who has had Covid ten times. That psychology is way beyond rational and logic won’t change that. Only an incredibly strong Significant Emotional Event (a brilliant friend of mine coined the acronym a SEE) will break through that emotional conditioning to open the victims up to new logic. Whether we have time for a Mass SEE before the WHO takes over and shuts down all Medical, Financial, and information Freedom is our challenge.

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Very well said. I was astounded by the number of so called “highly educated” people who went along with this - like Gupta ( but then I have no proof of whether he is a doctor or a hostage)

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I vote hostage.

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I wonder what kind of SEE would be necessary.... because I cannot think of one that would get these people to wake up....not even after learning that the shots they took were KNOWN to not block transmission...or infection....I thought that would be a SEE, but nope.

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I am not sure either, or I would be doing it daily. Blogging is part of it but we basically are talking to the choir. I was minimally involved in getting Senator Ron Johnson's Senate petition to treat any WHO agreement as a treaty requiring Senate approval. I have a statement to that effect for your Senators to sign at my website. I would suggest you send to them. There are motions to exit the WHO in the House I strongly support, so contact your Congressman to support those. These are no where near the SEE we need, but they are a start. Since the Covid scam was a massive emotional psyop, only another will stop it. Perhaps the rise of turbo-cancers will work. If people went nuts over fear of Covid, maybe fear of cancer will work. That could well be why they are hiding the cancer data so religiously. Maybe the huge increase in fertility and live births will do it for some. the huge increase in excesses deaths for others. Whether we have time to get those messages out is another question. There's some steps above to take, and to get anyone that will listen to take. They are at least a start. It is not over by far.

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Thank you.

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I've got it:

Let's just be battered, because they are so brilliant and powerful.

Let's not do anything like form grand juries to investigate these as crimes, especially in states that allow grand juries initiated by citizen petitions.

Oh no, that would be futile. Nooobody would like it.

It was our fault for existing.

We are shameful.

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I agree. Your reply is a shameful distortion of what I wrote. Please reread it. "If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the results of a hundred battles." Sun Tzu, Art of War quote. Sun Tzu advises "To know your enemy, first understand its strengths and weaknesses." The only reason I started No Treaty Medicine.org is to fight the WHO power grab.

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.....what concerns me MOST, Vic - is that there WILL be a LOT of them who are FURIOUS with US (actually THEMSELVES - but SO thoroughly MORTIFIED, may NEVER admit AS much) for HAVING been RIGHT; our motivations JUSTIFIED.....I'm at present TRYING to figure out HOW to set up contingency for a statewide voluntary phone bank - because I have ZERO faith in the COMMONWEALTH (of MA) any longer to effectively respond - and on VERY short notice but, NOT confident it's even POSSIBLE : (

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Paraphrasing Mark Twain's wise words "It is easier to fool people than to convince them they have been fooled." Definitely organize but don't give up hope. If you keep in mind that this was not a pandemic but a long planned "military biological attack with the shots being military countermeasures". i.e. it was intentionally caused by man, very evil ones. Anything caused by man can be stopped by man. As Bob Marley said when asked why he went on stage the night after he was shot in an attempted assassination, he replied something like "the people that want to do evil don't take a day off, why should I?" Organize, Resist, and according to Marley "Get Up! Stand Up! Don't give up the Fight!"

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Yes, we must not give up. We must not just roll over and let them win without a fight. ( Non violent of course, just keep telling the truth.)

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They might turn their fury on those who gave them the jab.

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This has already been begun in some sections of the major media and antisocial media platforms with it being suggested that "these anti-vaxxers had 'inside-information' about the uselessness and harms of the jab, but kept it to THEMSELVES😡!!". It began around the same time as the "amnesty for C19 liars" shtick in the Atlantic magazine. Incredible. After ALL the "science-deniers!" medical misinformation shit they vomited at us too!

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That won't work with 75% of those injected - but, still - fallout from their resentment, definitely WON'T discriminate.....

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Yes, a lot of psychology being used on us. A lot of abuse too. We would all be better of to learn more about psychology and abuse control.

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As I understand it, no increase in overall mortality happened until the deathvax was deployed. Covid was pure theater and fraud. Thanks for this article, Toby.

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Many thanks for all YOUR work Robert.

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I'm an amateur compared to Toby

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I really enjoy your podcast. So many truth bombs.

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There was nothing unusual at all happening in India - it was pure propaganda foisted on the easily misled Western media consumers in order to manufacture rationales for massive vaccine dumps subsidized by taxpayers.

The funeral pyres in India are normal. This is simply how the Hindus do it- mass cremation.There are relatively few burials in India and based on tradition there have not been for several thousand years if not forever.

The CNN's, BBC's of the world are counting on the Western media consumers knowing nothing about the religions, traditions or culture of India.

There was nothing going on in India other than increased testing with the phony PCR tests, fear mongering and priming the pump for a vaccine dump.

The uptake of the "vaccines" was around 1.5% in India, not meeting the expectations of the Pharma ghouls, and the uptake in Western countries was stalling. This translates into massive numbers of pre-produced poisonous vials sitting on the shelves with a shrinking number of readily available arms.


Manufacture a crisis in India in order to "sell the solution" and dump massive amounts of vaccines on "Third World" countries all subsidized by taxpayers from Western countries with, of course, profits going straight to the Pharma corps and their parasitic investors.

India is the most important market for the global vaccine business, because it is by far the largest: 1.3 billion people with a biddable fascist government and a health system almost completely co-opted by the Gates Foundation.

The African continent has nearly as many people but more than 50 governments that need to be individually manipulated and subdued by the Gates/Pharma machine. India is the prize: Getting everybody vaxxed results in staggering profits.

In India the government purposefully induced COVID ANXIETY SYNDROME in the population.

COVID panic in India was deliberately engineered in order to increase vaccine uptake.

“Vaccine hesitancy” among the people of India is due to a long history of being used as guinea pigs for pharmaceuticals, ranging from dangerous contraceptives to deadly experimental vaccines.

India’s healthcare has already been devastated by neoliberal swindles, engineered in significant part by Bill Gates, aimed at replacing primary care with pharmaceutical verticals.

India has been used by Bill Gates and his ruling class allies as the testbed for every imaginable attack on the people, ranging from demonetization to sterilization. Grossly exaggerated reports of COVID catastrophe must be consumed critically with all this in mind.

Delhi, the focus of the media’s messaging, and the source of many of the media’s horrifying scenes of suffering, has the most toxic air in the world which often leads to the city having to close down due to the widespread effects on respiratory health.

Respiratory diseases including COPD, TB, and respiratory tract infections like bronchitis leading to pneumonia are always among the top ten killers in India.

Pretty easy for the media to fake a "respiratory plague" in India, same in N Italy, as it already exists for reasons other than a fictional "killer virus."

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Glad to hear that India had a low uptake of the vaccine. Glad to hear that Indian does not trust Gates or the medical plans of the west. Thank you for the excellent well written piece on the covid story from India.

God Bless you.

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This is a great summation. I'm sure there is more to add. The problem and I mean problem is it is preaching to the choir. The Libs I know still believe covid was the bogeyman and speak as such. Then others who don't want to know, still don't and others still think life just goes on as it always has but with a few hiccups. Now excuse me, I have to go hang my new blue and yellow flag.

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yeah, that would be the thing with most of the folks in my 'in person' world (as opposed to the folks here on Substack and in the medical freedom movement, etc); as far as they're concerned, its over now, why talk about it. the rose-colored glasses never came off, no mistrust in the MSM or federal government is admitted to. lots of cognitive dissonance, though.

my bff even posted that exact pic of the morgue truck on her FB, at the time. although she has stated that she is inclined to believe the bioweapon line of thought, she still considers Scopes and Politifact to be 'trusted sources of info'. ugh. she's gotten really good at shutting down my attempts to inform her, by saying crap like: its always been like that, its nothing new. (as if that means its not worth either being informed or trying to do anything about it. just shut up. my mind can't be bothered)

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Problem is they will react the same exact way when it happens again. My one close buddy who thinks like me but doesn't pay attention always says, "so what, nothing I can do about it." I don't even know what to say to that.

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neither do I anymore.

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