Toby, I agree with everything you have written except about the SARS-COV-2 release. There was no virus and no deadly pandemic. Just look at the numbers. It can maybe all be explained by hospital protocols. The virus is just PCR and antibody test manipulation. I do agree that there have been strange illness, but if you stayed out of hospitals, death numbers did not go up. In my county, Columbia County, NY, a rural place, 2020 had the least deaths for the previous 10 years. Same for many places. You should know these numbers better than I, so do rebut if you feel you can prove a new virus, lab-grown or not.

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The most significant left publication in recent years I'd say is Counterpunch. It has been hideously pro Fauci agenda, though they don't mention him much. Lots of anticorporate muckraking over the years, some foreign policy truthtelling, and a complete crapulence on Covid.

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Check out DemocraticUnderground.com if you want to wallow in pro-Fauci, pro-faux science, pro-vaxx zombie world!

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Interesting observations, Toby!

Check out @SunWeatherMan on twitter and @Suspicious0bservers on YouTube. Pole switch is only part of the picture.

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Great essay - thank you. It reminded of me of Sheldon Wolin's idea of "inverted totalitarianism" from his book Democracy, Inc. Are you familiar with that book? His idea is that under traditional tyranny, the ruler imposes their will on the population through overt force. Whereas, in an inverted totalitarian system the tyranny is hidden and the population is conditioned to identify with their own subjugation. They are ruled by control of their own perception.

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I have this sneaky feeling that fluoridation is worse than even the most ardent opponents believe. They have been putting a mind control agent in our water for 70 years, and to this day, local governments continue to allow it on some flimsy science about cavities. Let that sink in. It's hard not to end in despair and pessimism.

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Yeah...I bought a distiller....Heard flak from health nuts that my water lacked "minerals"...I take a supplement to compensate. Distillers are expensive....but it is a one time investment...don't need to "return the bottles"...hassle with deliveries/vacations/too much/too little....just switch on my machine....up to 5 gallons a day totally pure water like it would fall from the sky. I put it in a jar with some large quartz crystals out in the sunshine on my porch to give it vibrational "structure"....don't know if this does squat....but at least my water is getting some "good vibes"...who knows? I also sometimes meditate over it with words like PEACE, LOVE, COMPASSION, ETC. There was this Japanese guy--forgot his name-- EMOTO? who said that this changes the vibe in water. I just know I don't want to drink Fluoride or processed sewer water....just a thought.

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I hear you. I lived in a small town that didn't fluoridate growing up, but I lived for long periods in urban areas and college towns that did. I didn't discover the insidious nature of fluoridation until a couple years ago. Luckily I discovered it right as I moved from an unfluoridated area to a fluoridated one with my 7 yo. I bought a reverse osmosis filter to take it out. Once you see it, you can't unsee it. My step-kids have lived here their whole lives, drinking the water, and you can see the fluorosis of their teeth. They also have crazy sleep schedules (inadequate melatonin production?) and attitude and behavior challenges, though they are great and I love them.

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here is a link to something about Maseru Emote...enjoy!

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Sometimes people write things that resonate to your core.

The philosophy is beautiful and I genuinely think youve struck onto something here with the poles. Thanks for touching on NASA.

You keep getting better!

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Thank you, Gillian!!! 🙌

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"... he fluid motion, or convection, of the iron creates an electric current..." But only if there's already a magnetic field..... How did it start ?

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interesting idea.

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NASA is about as trustworthy as the FDA.

You notice how these super rare events keep happening lately? The plague! The pole switch! What's next? Aliens? Methinks this is all part of a grand script.

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ha ha....nasa...what a joke.....read Bill Kaysings WE NEVER WENT TO THE MOON....

truth is ...the purported "astro-nots" spent their voyage time in Las Vegas...consorting with prostitutes and getting photographed doing so. This was before instant playback. Now they are terrified that if they speak out everyone will see the pics from Las Vegas or Reno or whatever stupid desert they tramped around on...that was decades ago. Deluded idiots still think we traveled to the moon. We can barely get out of low earth orbit. Look at that whole ship of fools who died on the landing strip a few years ago......What happened to the billions poured into the "Space Race"....ha ha. The joke is on us.

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What scares/interests me is the idea that there really is 'very advanced technology' such as hinted at by the fourth reich and it now is actually in the hands of a very few "elite"....you know--flying saucers--advanced cures for cancer etc etc. Who knows?

I have some very "earth bound" friends who have never lied and exaggerated in the 30 years I knew them...who "saw" a fleet of saucer like objects fly over their house....Oh well.

Maybe they drank some "poisoned water"....who knows. They do not speak of this event any more....Cognitive dissonance I think is the word.

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Interesting thesis. Two points of questioning for me:

1) "The purpose of scholarship should be to reduce suffering and improve well-being for real people."

Really? sounds like a slippery slope to me, and WEFers and progressives everywhere use the same rationale. I'd say the goal is to bring us closer to reality, regardless of whether it makes us suffer or not (in the long run, getting closer to reality is the only way to reduce suffering, but you have to have the patience of Job!)

2) For the examples you cite of a social polar shift, Klein, Taleb, Chomsky, Rogers doesn't consider the very real possibility that one or all of these individuals might have always had a secret alignment with/assignment from State Power, as agents of a controlled opposition whose job is to instil questioning individuals with trust, and then pull them over to the dark site when the shit hits the fan (cf JB Peterson, IMHO). Not saying this is the case here, or that it is either/or; only that it needs factoring in to this model.

I see you have written about the "autism epidemic," which I consider a very iffy term, since autism is a word like UFO or God that refers to many different things, some of which are mutually exclusive (Einstein is also considered on the spectrum, right?)

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Hi Jasun, do you mean Toby has written about the “autism epidemic” in this article, or in a different one? I can’t find the reference in this article. I’m asking as my son has autism.

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it seems to be the one he has pinned, tho it is from 2021: https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-political-economy-of-autism

If you are interested in an alt. take see my recent Big Mother https://landmademan.com/big-mother/ (and alsoSeen and Not Seen)

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Ok, great, thanks Jasun!

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Jordan Peterson controlled opposition? Good Lord! How does one come to this conclusion?

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Jordan B. Peterson worked on the UN Secretary General's High-Level Panel on Sustainable Development, editing a document that was released in 2013 entitled 'A New Global Partnership: Eradicate Poverty and Transform Economies Through Sustainable Development ' https://twitter.com/jordanbpeterson/status/1447262824250609672

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2013 was, in social and political terms, a LONG time ago. At the time, Peterson was a well-regarded psychology professor at the U of T. There is nothing nefarious about him then working with the UN. Moreover, he's talked about his involvement publicly, saying that his experience was profoundly disillusioning as to the kind of people in the UN and what their actual goals are.

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I listened to this a long time ago. Hardly makes him controlled opposition.

Surely if you’re going to make these kind of statements you can do better.

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surely you can get a bit more wised up, politically speaking, and not ask others to do your work for you?

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Been wised up longer than I care to describe

Thanks for the advice

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Great post Toby. Thank you.

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I like the story, it's very nicely written and presents reality inside. Just to be clear, what happened is that few people with technology were able to manipulate so many of so called "educated" class.

I have written on that before but it was IT technology and cognitive science research which allowed this. They were able to use neurological research, together with data they gathered via social networks, smartphone and Internet to trigger the correct puppet reaction. I have noticed that in 2020 and I am even more sure about that now. It was nothing more than manipulation of idiots and triggering their emotional issues. I can even see the IT guys laughing behind screen or Indian guys removing content from Twitter causing liberal super star trauma as she thing about everything on society and just only forgot that whole her privacy is at India or Marc Zuckerberg home.

To return to original story, yes the magnetic field was distributed and till the people will defend them self's and understand the scale of tracking and manipulation via Google, Facebook and Twitter we are not going anywhere.

I will try to be futurist here, if there is about 80% of population easily manipulated via bias and their total lack of privacy concerns then we will be living in new world. The acesss to Internet (the real one) will be only for smart again. The one who understand how VPN works, what is search engine and others. The knowledge will be again for very small class and the rest of "liberal" left will live in digital prison.

Also to add this movie it summarizes pretty well - Johnny English Strikes Again, https://www.imdb.com/title/tt6921996/

The plot is about IT businessman which convince UK Prime Minister to handle all data to him, because they are not able to protect their IT infrastructure and then of course he uses it against the UK to destroy everything. I think it´s exactly same with democrats and big-tech now.

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Thank you Toby, once again another brilliant article. I find your commentary - and your writing - so gratifying.

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Thank you, Melanie!!! 🙌

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COVID was indeed a significant pole switch, in that it was the breaking of the 2nd seal of the apocalypse as stated in Revelations. pharmacy = sorcery apocalypse = unveiling

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Very interesting. I like that you include fluoridation of the water supplies which began in 1945 as part of it, which I agree is a blue print for authoritarian control as well as a mass poisoning of the population for profit.

On a similar vein, I just took a stab at redefining the so-called "co-dependency" dynamic by suggesting a continuum from submissive to sadistic that is related to the "agreeableness" dimension of personalities and innate survival mechanisms.

See: https://maggierusso.substack.com/p/compliancy-continuum

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