Thanks for this! A recommendation:The Lessons of History by Will and Ariel Durant.

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Thanks for this very insightful article and ambitious project - much needed!

A film that clearly shows the relationship : Cancer - The Forbidden Cures


Another on how science and money uprooted traditional culture in Africa's Rift Valley :

A Thousand Suns - https://www.globalonenessproject.org/library/films/thousand-suns

Books: The Poisoned Needle - Elenor McBean 1957

Selling Sickness - Ray Moynihan , Alan Cassels Nation Books www.nationbooks.org

Dissolving Illusions - Disease, Vaccines, and the forgotten History - Suzanne

Humphries , Roman Bystrianyk

And a thousand thanks for doing this!!

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The most honest assessment on this subject (that I have ever read) is "Industrial Society And Its Future" and its subsequent, updated and expanded version; "Technological Slavery" by Theadore Kaczynski aka "The Unimbomer". Not for the weak or faint hearted. Not for anyone who has any allusions that anything less than a total breakdown of the system will stop the system from devouring every last vestige of human dignity, autonomy and freedom. Nothing will stop what is coming expect a total technological apocalypse. There is no reform. And revolution is about as possible as stopping the meteor that wiped out the dinosaurs from striking. In a way, it's already happened. All one can do is wake up and watch the the transition with as much detachment as possible. Control what you can, but most people have no idea what this means. Again, I wholeheartedly recommend reading ISAIF and Technological Slavery.

"Do you hear that Mr Anderson? It's the sound of inevitability."

-Agent Smith

(Except in the real version there is no Neo to save the world, and the light at the end of the tunnel is an AI slave patrol bot coming to send you slithering helplessly down the drain of useless waste.)

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Thanks, Toby. Another evocative read that rightly warrants more conversation. And several great comments & links to follow up on.

This one, less erudite perhaps, and written a while back originally though for those who call themselves 'Christian' and are thinking through issues of faith, science & healing...admittedly requiring more rigorous thought in relation to more recent findings


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Jun 27Liked by Toby Rogers

Here's a listing of great readings regarding Science and anti-Power.

List of Resources for Accurate Information Regarding Vaccination

The list includes resources on vaccine science, raising healthy, unvaccinated children, and healing from vaccine-injury.


· Turtles All The Way Down: Vaccine Science and Myth

· Dissolving Illusions: Disease, Vaccines, and the Forgotten History

· Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak

· Miller’s Critical Review of Vaccine Studies

· What About Immunizations? Exposing the Vaccine Philosophy

· Saying No to Vaccines

· Crooked: Man-Made Disease Explained

· Vaccines, Autoimmunity, and the Changing Nature of Childhood Illness

· Vaccines and Autoimmunity

· How to End the Autism Epidemic

· The Business of Baby: What Doctors Don’t Tell You, What Corporations Try to Sell You, and How to Put Your Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Baby Before Their Bottom Line

· How to Raise a Healthy Child in Spite of Your Doctor

· Smart Medicine for a Healthier Child

· The Unvaccinated Child: A Treatment Guide for Parents and Caregivers

· Healing the New Childhood Epidemics: Autism, ADHD, Asthma, and Allergies

· Books by, or forwarded by, Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

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Jun 26Liked by Toby Rogers

Holographic Universe

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Some hopefully useful references on this important topic:

- the Science for the People archives: https://archive.scienceforthepeople.org/

- Silvia Federici, _Caliban and the Witch_ (similar theme as the Ehrenreich book that you've listed)

- https://magma-magazin.su/2023/02/t-mohr/virology-as-ideology-a-critique-of-ruling-class-pseudoscience-part-3-virology-as-ideology/ (all three parts are important, but part 3 is perhaps the most important)

- Jeff Schmidt, _Disciplined Minds_ (on how TheScience's servants of the ruling class are formed)

- Brian Martin's works in science and technology studies: https://www.bmartin.cc/pubs/sts.html (he's a great radical scholar who, sadly, failed the Covid test)

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If you want to understand the unholy alliance of science and power, the best place to start is with Francis Bacon. Most of his writings are notoriously obscure, but The New Atlantis is a short novella worth reading to compare Bacon's 17th century vision to the modern technocratic state. I wrote about Bacon here: https://aetherczar.substack.com/p/23-francis-bacon-and-the-birth-of

I also recommend Robert Frederick's The Hidden Life is Best for a more in depth look at "the greatest story never told of the most influential man who ever lived." His website is a good entry point to his fascinating podcast: https://thehiddenlifeisbest.com

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Jun 25Liked by Toby Rogers

Uriel's Machine - The Ancient Origins of Science by Christopher Knight and Robert Lomas

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Jun 25Liked by Toby Rogers

A thought I had reading this.....If God and Satan exist they must have some deal with Human Knowledge that no matter what its not allowed to tilt the spiritual battle field in any way. That we must remain perpetually in a state where there is a 50/50 chance Good isn't going to win, the Good decision isn't going to be made. That if a particular increase in knowledge can reduce suffering and make life easier there must be a way for corruption to seep into it, bend it, so it can do just as much harm somewhere else, at least spiritually if not also physically.

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This is insightful, into a larger area. Looking at the etymology of the word "science", I find it to have roots in being a word for "knowledge". I have otherwise divided this into empirical and analytical components.

What is the deal with power? Government? A central authority - a church, even. I have written deeply about this - it is power over the mind, and by rule it is how states are run. It is important for the leadership to manipulate or control the minds of the masses, to serve leadership agendas.

Here is a link to philosophy/architecture from 18 months ago that I wrote, which characterizes the problem with civilization as one where there is a central authority, but the people aren't intimate with it, and so they are easily fooled by the people in the authority, and the press is easily corrupted, because they're all private interests. Cheers.


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Jun 25Liked by Toby Rogers

Not really a book, but I'd add the large study (done at Yale, I think?), about which messages were more "effective" (manipulative) in increasing vaccine compliance ... fear / guilt / belonging / obligation, etc.

"Science" being used to understand how to better manipulate people to believe what pretends to be science and to not be curious about real science.

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Jun 25Liked by Toby Rogers

So many great book suggestions from your evidently very erudite readers Toby! I've got lots of reading to do now! : )

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"Education in a scientific society may, I think, be best conceived after the analogy of the education provided by the Jesuits. The Jesuits provided one sort of education for the boys who were to become ordinary men of the world, and another for those who were to become members of the Society of Jesus. In like manner, the scientific rulers will provide one kind of education for ordinary men and women, and another for those who are to become holders of scientific power.”

― Bertrand Russell

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Jun 25Liked by Toby Rogers

The course could include a module on: How modern medicine has been shaped by the Rockefellers; The corruption of science in medical journals due to conflicts of interest with pharma; The corruption of medical science in universities due to conflicts of interest with pharma; The effects of conflicts of interest with pharma on medical education and vaccine education; The influence of pharma on school vaccine mandates; How the WHO/Gates aims to control global health policies and eliminate personal sovereignty for all; The power of media propaganda on science; The destruction of science via censorship; The Church and its denial of scientific facts; the difference between 'experts' with conflicts of interest versus those without in science and medicine; the effects on society when biological science subjects are not taught to all students; the dangers of liability shields for pharma; the suppression of alternative medical modalities; the relationship of power and status attributed to medical doctors; the effects of unregulated power by NIAID and NIH in the grant process; the Milgram experiment and how it played out in hospitals during covid; how to implement checks and balances into science and medicine.

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Jun 25Liked by Toby Rogers

Love this !

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