Should scientists at NIH receive patents for work paid for with taxpayer money? Seems to me all those royalties should be returned to the taxpayer. Seems like a major conflict of interest. They push the medicine they will receive royalties on. And squash any other that gets in their way. I believe this practice was approved back in the 1990s. Many people argues exactly what would happen. And it happened.

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the corps are controlled by the polis and the polis by the zs, etc. (inverted power pyramid)

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May 31·edited May 31Liked by Toby Rogers

I share your "alternative philosophy of medicine". I add that the immune system is a cognitive system (please read The Embodied Mind by Francisco Varela et al). Life on Earth is at least 3.5+ billion years old. With that in mind how can anyone today claim to surpass the wisdom of the Earths legacy.

If gene therapy vaccines are needed now something terrible has happened to the Earths natural healing ability. What has happened to destroy the life giving properties of the Earth since the Industrial revolution?

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If You Dare

Being A Doctor Of Medicine.

Lobotomized To The Brink Of Irrelevance.


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As a rational conspiracy theorist (as best as I can be), I ponder & palpate questions and possible weaknesses in the theory. One important question, aside from the Who (i.e., what cabal is managing the whole thing? it can't be just a spontaneous concatenation of alphabet-soup globalist organizations all spontaneously coordinating -- there must be some top-down planning), and the What (what exactly are they doing with all this industrial globalist medical activity) is: what is their motive? Depending on the What (let's say specifically genocide), what would be their motive? How many humans do they want to kill -- surely not everyone except themselves (they need slaves, after all)?

My own speculation is that they do not want to merely gain corrupt power which they can wield in the system as it already stands susceptible to power & corruption in high places (they already have inordinate power, but no doubt want more power) -- they want to dismantle the present organic system the West has, and replace it with an artificial totalitarian system (new world order). However, given the richness and complexity and sophistication and power of the organic West, that's not an easy thing to do, and it's reasonable to assume it has taken them decades to get as far as they have -- which is still not yet finished. Also, it's reasonable to assume they do not want to destroy the organic old order, but are engaging in a delicately complex operation whereby they are using the interlocking infrastructures of the organic West while simultaneously subverting and dismantling it. In this scheme, they can't move too fast because they still need the old order as a "scaffolding" so to speak, as they pivot towards their final transition into total subversion & replacement.

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May 29Liked by Toby Rogers

Spot on Toby with this.

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May 27·edited May 27Liked by Toby Rogers

Numerous models have emerged to account for the catastrophe of COVID - a commercial global coup d'etat etc. I do wonder though if the massive global dysfunction we saw in COVID was the climax of a scientific fanaticism - where the various devotions - masking, testing, vaccination etc were simply expressions of faith in the all-knowing science.

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As always, love the way you break down ideas and then use them to construct a compelling argument!

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May 26Liked by Toby Rogers

Extremely well articulated my friend 🙏🏻🙏🏻

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May 26Liked by Toby Rogers

Well put!

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Thank you. So true and so well put.

If truth is the goal, your analysis of modern medicine's underpinnings needs to be applied to all belief systems.

When it is, they are all found to be wanting in fact or reason yet rule the minds of virtually everyone.

For example, and not trying to sell anything to anyone, just offering free food for thought--

Origins and the materialistic/evolution-abiogenesis belief system https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/solving-the-big-questions-third-edition/category/origins

The Creator is the author of reason, not religious belief https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/solving-the-big-questions-third-edition/category/religion

Cosmology and cosmogony are totally unsubstantiated beliefs and prop up all materialistic thought https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/blog/category/cosmology-lies-as-big-as-the-universe

Death is a fabrication of materialistic belief and empowers man-made religions https://www.asifthinkingmatters.com/solving-the-big-questions-third-edition/category/our-true-nature-and-destiny

Clarity on all of this and everything else is only possible by shedding beliefs and committing to truth no matter where it leads.

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May 25Liked by Toby Rogers

"Psy"-ence is a Cult. its members wear White Lab Coats.

Ontology: All is Self. You are Everything, just another variation of That.

Epistemology: the real Truth is that there never is such thing as One Truth to be found, there are many.

Praxis: if one person is Suffering, we are all Suffering. Therefore, Never Trespass, Never cause Harm.

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May 25Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you for introducing these concepts. I got a copy of Science as Social Knowledge when you last mentioned it. The title alone is so powerful. Science is not nearly as objective as they taught us to believe in school!

It’s like we’re all situated around the Grand Canyon in different locations. Some of us see water, some only cliffs. Some can see the sky, some cannot. Some can gaze across the canyon, and some have a tree branch in their way and only see leaves. But it’s just as important to focus on the leaves as it is to grasp the expanse of the entire canyon. Unfortunately, everyone seems to think that their perspective is the only valid and objective one, or at least the most important one.

I really liked your perspective, your philosophy of medicine. I’m on board with all of it, I know how much thought work went into it, and would be happy to leave it as is. I’m a clinician, not an academic!

My medical philosophy is scaled down to my individual practice and includes personal values like:

- My patient is the expert on his or her own body. My job is to listen and assist that person in healing.

- Medicine is no place for personal agendas or big egos.

- Every person has a mind, body and spirit, and I am always addressing all three together.

- Can we please bring back the classics of “first do no harm” and informed consent?

I would also add that there are consequences for trying to defy boundaries that Mother Nature very clearly put in place. I am thinking about things like opening up the blood brain barrier, commandeering a cell with man-made mRNA, making chimeras in a lab, or trying to change a person’s sex. No real and lasting good can come of such hubris. Those boundaries are there for a reason.

The Chinese symbol for mankind means occupying the space between heaven and earth. There is so much that is implied here. Mankind is not God, is not above Mother Nature. Neither is mankind mere livestock.

There is a balance.

Mother Nature will always fight for that balance and she will always win; time is on her side. Best to cooperate. Trying to usurp God (like the elites are now) is a fool’s errand and will fail in the end, but that doesn’t mean there aren’t casualties along the way. 😢

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May 25Liked by Toby Rogers

It is lamentably true that the deterministic nature of classical physics and mathematics has infected so many other domains, such as medicine. This has obviously happened because of the technological success of physics and mathematics, giving rise to electrical and electronic engineering, aeronautics etc.

Physics was, and probably still is, seen as the "ultimate" science, because of its mathematical precision and determinism. However, what most non-physicists don't know - and you point out - is that classical or Newtonian physics has been shown to fail at the extremes - the very large and very small.

Everyone inside physics knows this: that these beautiful deterministic formulae are valid within a specific boundary of assumptions. But outside physics, this is either not properly known or is ignored, and absolute determinism is embraced, even in maddeningly complex systems such as biology of living organisms.

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That's it exactly. It's like when the atomic bomb blew up God was dead and man was now the master. We had become death, destroyer of worlds. But even Einstein pleaded with us to respect uncertainty and intuition. Since we didn't listen, I think we are being taught that lesson the hard way. Not only is much of modern life science incorrect; it's actually 180 degrees away from the truth. I think about Dostoevsky's war against determinism way back then. He was right. We're still in that fight. Same basic cast of characters.

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May 25Liked by Toby Rogers

I completely agree with your philosophy of medicine. The WHO, NIH, FDA, CDC, AMA, AAP, ACOG, APHA, BMGF, Wellcome Trust, etc. are stuck in their epistemological ghetto which has caused the death of millions during covid and apart from covid. We are each fearfully and wonderfully made and there is no one size fits all in medicine any more than there is in pantyhose .

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May 25Liked by Toby Rogers

My philosophy:

Everyone is individual, what helps one might not help another

All pharmaceutical drugs suppress something in the body and drive the problem deeper into the body

Suppression can come from many different things, physical, mental, emotional, energetic, lift the suppressions and health will come. If we didn't have any suppressions we'd be 100 percent healthy

All symptoms are the body trying to express that something is wrong, but not necessarily something physical, ask yourself, "what is this ....(e.g. pain in the neck) trying to tell me?

Healing starts from the head down, from the inside out and in reverse order of symptoms

Every action has an opposite and equal reaction (as you sew, so shall you reap)

Pay attention to good fresh unprocessed, food, exercise, sunshine, breathing, having fun

Do what you love, if you hate your job it will make you sick. Ask yourself if I had no money worries would I still do this?

Don't swallow your emotions, that will also make you sick, you don't have to express them to someone else, just express them to an empty room, feelings are there to be expressed not analysed.

When you're stressed, hold the front and back of your head

Be at cause. Take responsibility for your reactions, don't blame them on someone else. You can't change someone else, you can only change you and your reactions

If you need help then find a modality that suits you such as TCM, homeopathy, naturopathy, kinesiology and so on, don't go looking for a magic pill, there's no such thing

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