This thread ^^ did a million views on Twitter before I got deplatformed for pointing out that Fauci blocked access to the antibiotic Batrim during the AIDS epidemic and his decision led to 35,000 preventable deaths from pneumonia.

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Fauci was also one of the people who blocked early treatment for covid. This led to hundreds of thousands of preventable deaths.

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Quite right - this is his major crime worthy of his being treated as an enemy. But not the only one.

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We will make sure that more and more people in this world will get informed. For example, I translated the new book from Dr. Fareed and Dr. Tyson into German. My friend translated it into Spanish. This book describes how they treated thousands of patients with their early treatment protocol. Their patients had a 99.8% lower mortality rate than patients who did not receive their early treatment protocol. And they informed Fauci in 2020 that they found a possibility to save all or almost all lives. He never responded.

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SO let us Germans know the title & the place to get is PLEASE!

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NIH study calculates 58% of 2020 “Covid” deaths were untreated pneumonia. Thanks Fauch

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Nobody hates Fauci like gay men who survived the 1980s. That fucking scumbag motherfucker.

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In our household, we call Fauci Dr. Faustus. Sold his soul to the devil.

Man is evil incarnate

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Fauci is a criminal and deserves to be treated as an enemy. Consider what that last statement means in the manner of its usage in Caesar's "The Gallic War."

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Oct 24, 2022Edited
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That's nice for you.

If it is so fantastic then why tell us about it?

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Fauci blocked use of Bactrim during AIDS epidemic? How can that happen - sort of like the suppression of information about hydroxy and iverm, then forcing people to Remdeservir?

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Yep, the Fauci Pharma Playbook was developed during the AIDS epidemic.

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On a cultural, non scientific level the movie Dallas Buyer's Club was about the gov't holding back effective treatment during the 80's aids response. Somebody noticed.

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Read RFK Jr’s book. It’s appalling.

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That is exactly what it is!! Assume you've read RFK's book The real Anthony fauci.

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Wow...it's little things like these facts that make a huge difference. I had never heard of Batrim before, but now it's a nice little tidbit that makes his crimes more easily searchable. Thank you.

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The Real Anthony Fauci MOVIE

(based on the best-selling book by RFK Jr.)

Watch it FREE for 10 DAYS starting today!

Pass it on!


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Yes this antibiotic may save lives of those in extremis but to be fair the PCP was also prevented by many ceasing to inhale poppers;the yeast-like fungus Pneumocystis Carinii (now called P. Jiroveci ) is associated with pneumonia and occurs when lung tissue is damaged by amyl nitrate ‘popper’ inhalation. The Pneumocystis is not causing illness but is doing the essential job, that fungi do everywhere, of breaking up dead cells and matter to make way for new. Cease to inhale harmful toxins and the Pneumocystis and the pneumonia will disappear. https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-tiny-water-flea-has-31000-genes


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No sorry blaming people for using poppers does not make what Fauci did OK.

Where does it end - sorry you smoke? are 1kg overweight? had sex with too many pople over a lifetime?

Gay people were treated like vermin during HIV / AIDS crisis and that can never be right.

There are clear signs that the HIV / AIDS was in NYC in female IV heroin users in the 1970s but no higher-up healthcare people cared enough to do anything.

If it had affected white middle-class and upper-class politiciany types do you think they would have been treated with such appalling disdain?

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I don't know why you think that I think Fauci et al harming and murdering thousands of beautiful young men with AZT, causing people to commit suicide for a positive test for a virus that does't exist, not treating the real cause of illness in Africa which is poverty and malnutrition, stigmatising gays, which is still going on now with monkey pox, making $trillions for himself and his colleagues from drugs that only harm and kill when this money could pay off the debt of a third world country is ...OK????

and no one said anything about 'blame'- if something was making you ill and you went to the doctor- would you like to be told what it was so you could stop or not?


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Apologies I was not at all clear in my previous post.

I didn't mean YOU personally (Jo) I meant Fauci-forgivers.

This was crap of me to not be more clear and I am sorry if I have upset you.

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Hi Persian Cat,

Yes sometimes it's not clear which comment is being replied to.

No harm done at all.

Tabby cats G&D and Jo 😺😺🙏🏽

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I often say or type things far too quickly and my brain doesn't catchup fast enough.

Also love your Substack page G&D

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I’m in Austin but didn’t realize you were (I just replied to your X post about schizophrenia/ metals).

I’d like to meet & chat sometime. Please reach out via text. A lot to share.

512-960-7788 - Frances


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Death by pneumonia seems to be a favourite...stay at home until you can't breathe and no antibiotics (@jikkyleaks), it's a virus! Also allows for easy re-categorisation (JJ Couey).

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Hi Toby - I can back you up on this. I covered Fauci during that period and we had a knock down fight about it during an interview I did with him in his office at NIH. Michael Callen was a friend who had been sick with AIDS for years and was dying. His big regret was that after visiting Fauci with Joe Sonnabend who'd had luck with bactrim as a prophylax -- Fauci refused to alert the country. He told me his story a few weeks before he died. Then we confronted Fauci at the NIH in a scheduled interview for a film.

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Would love to turn this into a short video - would you be up for a collaboration Toby?

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Fucking a

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Great work getting all the references together. I would love your expert opinion on this one I wrote.

The lab leak hoax is another distraction, the only way to create a worldwide pandemic is to clone lots and lots of virus and spread it all over the place.

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/lab-leak-zoonotic-spillover-or-deliberate

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Are you back on twitter?

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Nope, I'm still too gangsta for the Rocketman. https://twitter.com/utobian

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Doesn't take much, I got a permaban and appealed it after Rocketman took over and newp, the fact that I stated that oathbreakers should be tried and if convicted, hanged, is good enough to keep me off forever.

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Everyone who thinks Elon is for Freedom of Speech needs to understand that the most important voices are STILL banned!

Love your work, BTW, your article "Why I Am An Abolitionist," is still the best ever on vaccination, overall, that I have ever seen yet.

Thank you so much for all you do!

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Go gab.com

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Mar 26, 2023
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A modern day chimera- an abomination.

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Wish I found you when my kids were babies. My sons are 11and 10 now. I used alternative vaccine schedule on my kids and took more than 5 years instead of two and one shot a time to get the vaccines in . I had huge pressure from the doctors and not much information to go by , just a gut feeling that my preemie 5 lb baby after 3 month in nicu ( born at 2 lb) should not be getting the whole “bouquet” of shots as healthy babies. I was being guilted , made feel as bad mother but I stood my ground, quit my job to stay home so that no day care would be needed and doctor would feel better why my child is not on normal vaccine schedule. Now as more experienced and informed mom I would just fire those doctors . Anyway both of my sons are healthy and I no longer feel guilty or crazy for taking this long to get the shots in. In fact I feel guilty for giving them at all. The 12 year old meningitis boosters coming up and I’m not sure they need it... there is no way they getting gardisil or the big v .

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Very similar story to yours. I knew enough to not go on the official schedule... wish I had just not done any at all.

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Good for you. Wish I had done the same. At least I woke up and refused TDAP, HPV, Meningitis, flu, & now COVID shots. Sadly my twins are 17-1/2 &, though they agree with my stance, may soon choose to get the COVID shots so they don’t have to jump through the government’s hoops 😢 I continue to educate myself & them though!

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This is a scary position to be in, isn’t it? My own son (our ONLY child) is 24; so far, he’s standing strong against the Jab. However, he’s been getting SO much pressure to get it from his entirely-“all-in”, (much) older boyfriend who wants to travel and socialize freely (we’re very close to LA County where it’s like NYC). Hopefully, my son won’t capitulate, and perhaps this will break them up (a mother can always hope!).

Anyway, Kim, I feel for you. Hopefully, your twins will be skeptical/smart enough to at least wait a while longer—they’re not missing much anyway (little is WIDE open), and in a couple of years, we’ll have that much more information to work with, regardless of which way the evidence leads us.

Blessings. To all of us. 💚

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I can't advise. But since there is no protection from malfeasance by CDC or Pharma that would be my argument for skipping the vax. If they were my kids I would insist that the school district, the county and state requiring the vax etc. to indemnify me and my children or no vax. I would hire my own lawyer to write the legal document they would have to sign and notarize.

For me if I bear all the risk, then I bear all the responsibility for the vax. The ball is in my court and I don't gamble. No vax. You have to do what seems right for you. You are in a very difficult situation. My prayers go with you.

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What courage!!! Inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

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All vaccines are poison: http://bit.ly/rethinkvax. Please do not give them any more vaccinations.

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read the book Turtles All the Way Down before you given any more shots. Its the most recent book exposing all the lies of vaccine efficacy. Written with Israeli scientists and Kennedy. Also, the top book is Dr Humphries, Dissolving Illusions. THeyve never used an INERT placebo in ANY vaccine "safety" studies. EVER> think about that.........

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UK Health regulators actually admitted they have done no studies on any meds that are given to pregnant women since Thalidomide scandal 70 years ago! Not only vacccine related.

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What. A. Surprise. These people all should be hung. After a fair trial of course

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Jul 13, 2023
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I sent you an email. From proton mail.

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Good for you. The upcoming ‘recommended’ vaccine - why would you do it? Look up the statistics of getting any of those diseases and look up the statistics of injury from the vaccines. Why would anybody choose to get a vaccine knowing those risks? And do t fall for their guilt resins, that coercive manipulation.

There is significant data with backed up studies, showing that all the decreases in those diseases happened before any of those vaccines came out. There is also significant data showing the increase in other diseases following the introduction of each vaccine, especially cancers.

You will find MD doctors out there that will tell you to avoid ever taking any vaccine because of the injuries that have seen over their careers.

 Stay healthy - don’t eat any processed food, try to eat organic as much as you can, do some form of exercise daily and include weight lifting at least three times a week, men, women, and children, take the supplements that are not in our foods - iodine, magnesium, and others. Whole Foods, exercise and not being fat are critical to a long healthy life. Not pharmaceuticals. In the event, you really do need medical help, use it. But stay off their pharmaceutical program.


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You are not alone. My kids are now 21 and 18. The oldest has mild autism and had a classic regression after a set of shots. She ran 105 fever and screamed non stop for days. Couldn't touch her or she screamed more. Because it was vax related the docs told me that was a NORMAL reaction and to give her Tylenol. Now we learn that Tylenol decreases the ability to detox which I'm sure allowed the toxins to cause more damage. I'm certain she had vax induced meningitis that fried her little brain. Being a new mom, I trusted the medical professionals and never took her to the hospital. If a newborn had run such a fever any other time but a vax they'd send her to the ER in a hot second. It took until she was 3.5 but we finally woke up and stopped. My youngest had had only what she got her first year of life and is the healthiest among all of us. We have learned so much on our journey. We have a genetic autoimmune condition that is exacerbated by vax. It basically puts our immune system into hyper drive and it starts attacking itself. It's taken many years to heal. I will never get anything but a tetanus shot (and prob not even that) again.

If you don't want to get the boosters don't. I always recommend people follow their gut. . I sure wish I had. I knew every time my daughter got a vax the situation got worse but it's so hard to go against the grain. There are some great books you can read to help you decide. Vaccines: A forgotten history & Vaccine Epidemic both are very eye opening. Less specific to vax but Robert Kennedy's book the real Anthony fauci is also enlightening. Don't guilt yourself too hard. It will eat you alive. We do the best we can as parents and were taught to unquestionably trust medical professionals. But trust your mama Instincts

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Found you today. Wish I had found you earlier in my career. I am an FNP working in Family Med/Primary. I am definitely one of the “black sheep” in my profession because I question everything and I do not bow down to Pharma. I involve my patients and educate as much as possible. Your articles are easy to read and refreshing to say the least. It gives me hope.

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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Excellent overview of autism and it's possible / probable causes. My heart hurts and I have tears in my eyes. When children are harmed it hits me especially hard, and my moral outrage rises.

I have a BS in biology, minor in chemistry and Masters in physical therapy, so I can find my way around a research study. About 7 years ago I was reading the news and saw two articles "yet again" debunking the link between vaccines and autism. I read every single study these articles linked to, it took me 7 hours. I was shocked. These studies did not prove vaccines did not cause autism, and occasionally a study said the opposite the point the "journalist" was making. I send an email to each writer pointing this out but never got a reply. Since then I have read every single flu vaccine adult study on the CDC website. All this helped me understand the profit motive, politics and callous disregard about harm related to the mRNA vaccines.

I agree that these are crimes against humanity, and many people from the pharmaceutical industries and the CDC should be put in prison.

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Yes reading original source documents is a revelation -- and completely heartbreaking. That's what I discovered in writing my doctoral thesis as well.

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yup. Parents of vaxx injured kids like me who've been speaking out since the 70s and 80s know all this info. Once seen, never forgotten. Thankyou for being active in really researching and doing REAL science.

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My now 21 year old has mild autism and severe learning disabilities/ADD. In retrospect I know it was vaccines. Thank to an occupational therapist that she saw for developmental delays turned us on to the idea that there could be a link. At my daughters 3 month well check she had a reaction to a vaccine, though the doc office wouldn't call it that...she spiked 105 fever and kept it about that high for a few days. She screamed non stop. Couldn't touch her or she screamed more. Doc said oh that's normal for vaccines. Give Tylenol, which now we know causes even more damage by blocking release of glutathione (the body's detox amino acid). Sadly I still trusted the establishment until we met that OT when she was 3.5. It scares me to think about what would have happened if we kept going. OMG. she might have died. Anyway. These two books you recommended I have not read yet. Vaccines; a forgotten history is a great one as is vaccine epidemic if you haven't checked those out.

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I'm so sorry about your kids, I wish the best for them. 💕 Exactly, once you see it you can't unsee it. I bet that was hard to speak up 40 years ago, I imagine so few people were awake back then. Is it a relief to have more acknowledgment and support after these covid vaccine injections rolled out?

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my entire family ignored my warnings. My sister became psychotic. Gave my mom the Moderna shots. Mom was severely injured. Then got heart injury/kidney failure and died after 20 months. My sister kept ALL of it including the shots hidden from me. She got the nursing home to refuse to inform me how my mom was. I had no idea she was sick and dying or had heart surgery. My daughter was manipulated by my sister in remaining silent. I now want nothing to do with my own daughter. My sister is persona non grata to me. I never want to hear from or see her ever again. I could get into more detail but I think thats more than enough. And, No, none of my family ( except my husband and adult kids) EVER admitted what I warned them about was correct. I spent years in the 80s and 90s being THROWN OUT Of Drs offices when they found out I would'nt vaccinate. I never backed down. I asked them to sign a paper stating the vaccines they wanted to give my kids were not dangerous and would not cause ANY severe side effects. They got enraged. Thats how I knew they were complicit.

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Toby and Nova123

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My wife and I had just been going along with the CDC vaccine schedule for our three lovelies, trusting (naively, it turns out) that things were more-or-less the same as when we were growing up. Then in the wake of the twisted COVID vaccine hype and rollout I started looking into the matter and came across Dr. Paul T's book. The medical profession has permanently lost my trust; I am beyond furious at the lies and incompetence, I'll allow no more vaccines for my kids now, and I pray that they will be spared paying a heavy cost for my dereliction of duty.

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Same here my friend. Prior to the Covid mass hysteria I was flying blind. Always got the 'flu shot' and my children were mostly fully vaccinated (opted out of Guardasil).

Not any more. Over the past 18 months I've learned the depths of Evil and lies present in BigHarma. They've lost us as prey forever. I hope to turn the tables soon.

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The covid hysteria has been a wake up call for many who didn’t have the opportunity to look into this corruption. I think that covid will be the grave for big pharma and the entire medical system. I hope to see it in my lifetime.

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Yes, but who knows how many millions along with them. Be ready to build replacements. Should probably also put finis to all intellectual property (IP) except trademark, as well as nearly all regimental licensing.

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I sure as heck hope it sinks their ship. Fauci got too cocky and it was his undoing. Thank god. He is evil incarnate

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How they were pushing Guardasil is exactly when the red flag popped up for me and ironically I put my guard up. That's when I stopped with annual check-ups as well and haven't missed them. (Kinda like how my cats only got fleas because of a trip to the vet.) Never did flu shots either. It's a moving target and no guarantee the virus was completely deadened or weakened enough. Please check out - rightingthewrongs.org to help turn the tables.

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That one is scary as hell. We were long since off the shot train once it came around but my daughter had a friend who had it and had the classic horror story reaction. Passed out in the office, was temporarily paralyzed for atleast a month and some lasting nerve damage. She was a bright healthy cheerleader and athlete. Life was ruined.

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A couple of years ago I made the arrogant comment to a colleague that the rise autism was purely related to increased diagnosis. Another colleague chimes in that she had seen the effect on a child immediately following a vaccination. I had respect for my colleague and started to be open to the “other side” or the anti axers. 2 years later, I now understand the war for humanity that we are in and have the chance to fight on the right side rather that blindly collaborating with forces that simply desire my destruction. All thanks to my colleague who took the chance to speak out, presumably knowing the risk to her reputation that she faced.

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thanks for being open minded. Have you read Dr Humphries , Dissolving Illusions, and Turtles All the Way Down? These two books destroy the illusion of "safe and effective" using only medical sources from the govt itself. Indisputable.

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Thanks for all this!

A few books you might like, if not already in your library.

Exley, Imagine You Are An Aluminum Atom -- Prof Exley's research group has measured aluminum levels in Azheimer's brains, and found extraordinarily high levels of aluminum. Then they measured it for autistic kids, and they were even higher.

Olmsted & Blaxil, Denial: How Refusing to Face the Facts about Our Autism Epidemic Hurts Children, Families, and Our Future -- detailed, painstaking research on the history and timeline of autism. The child psychiatrists 100 years ago diagnosed rare conditions with 1 in 200,000 prevalence, but autism was never found.

Olmsted & Blaxil, The Age of Autism -- excellent history of the connection between mercury and autism

Lyons-Weiler, The Genetic and Environmental Causes of Autism. Review of over 2,000 peer-reviewed papers.

Also this site is excellent: vaccinepapers.org -- includes full-text copies of the research it cites

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Yes, all of those are excellent resources and I commend them to everyone! 🙌

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Hello Toby -

Thanks so much for an excellent post on this subject, one that is quite near us as it is for many others. You see, our second child was born in 1987 and, like we did with the first one, we went with the typical battery of vaccines that were recommended back then. After receiving one of the MMR boosters, around age 2, the boy began to strangely digress and began to act as though he did not understand what we were saying to him. We were home schooling his older brother, who was 5 at the time, and the younger one could legibly write some letters, could speak quite a few words, and would imitate his brother in school - we even had to get him a desk like his brother's. Anyway, over the next few months his speech all but disappeared, he could no longer write anything, and he became more and more withdrawn and self-oriented ("autistic,' as it were - άυτος- "self").

He is now 33 and he has never developed much further - we suspected the vaccine from the start because the condition followed so closely following that event. We knew nothing of vaccine-caused adversity at the time, so we had no idea that others were experiencing similar situations. We just used the sense God gave us and just knew that the vaccine must have had something to do with it. We began resaearching the matter via library resources, etc., and, of course, found nothing but refutations of vaccine harm stories, studies that supposedly discounted the vaccine harm theory, and various other (what appeared to be) scientific research that denied this idea as even being plausible. Still, since the matter seemed so obvious to us, we never really dropped the subject - we just tabled it, so to speak, and carried on the best we could with the matter and did all we could for our kids, especially this one who had suffered such developmental harm. We saw doctor after doctor, none of which had any solution or explanation for his condition, only "pervasive developmental disorder, NOS.". Later this became "autism spectrum disorder - significant," but, again, there was no remedy.

Knowing what we know now, and understanding the way in which the public health system has been "captured" by the pharmaceutical industries, I am finally satisfied that our initial theory was probably correct. It is no relieve for our son, but it is somewhat reassuring to know that it was not something we did or failed to do as parents (as the medical industry implied), but rather the result of a toxic dose of some agent that we innocently and trustedly used at the recommendation of people in whom we trusted - now understood as trust misplaced.

"...For thy merchants were the great men of the earth; For by thy sorceries (φαρμακεία - pharmakeia) were all nations deceived." - Revelation 18:23

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Thank you for your message. I'm so sorry for what you've been through. Yes, your initial theory is correct. It's not your fault. I very grateful to you for your courage in speaking out to educate others. Blessings to you and your family. 🙏❤️

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Even if it TPTB think it isn't the vaccine what I don't get is the lack of "professional curiousity" from people.

Like no offence, I have heard your son's sorry story so many times - I am in the UK but I don't think you are (irrelevant).

Your son wasborn in 1987 and mine in 1999 and yet you tell the same story as hundreds of other people.

Did you all get together and make it up together as that is the only thying that makes sense other than a causative agent?

The MMR freaked me out at the time (Wakefield) but when the health visitor and NHS people told me "you had it so did your school friends and you are OK" that was it.

That was a lie and I knew it - we had measles at 1-2 years old and girls had rubella at 12 years old.

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Thank you for this article. I have been reading a lot into all the childhood shots following the rollout of the C19 shots and it really opened my eyes to what is going on behind the scenes that we are not allowed to talk about. Great information.

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Hi Toby,

I wish you and mRNA-vax-critical blogist “el gato malo” could get into dialogue on this. You both make compelling arguments but at opposite ends of the spectrum in terms of pre-covid vaccines.

I have posted something similar on his blog, with an excerpt from your blog post here.

El gato malo considers risk / benefit analysis by looking at disease prevention vs. reported adverse events. And then zooms in on MMR when looking specifically at autism.

You of course look more broadly at the correlation of a rise in autism and the vaccine schedule as a whole, not just the MMR vaccine, and studies comparing vaccinated vs. unvaccinated.

Here is an excerpt from el gato malo’s blogpost covering non-covid vaccines:


El gato malo writes:

“all medicine everywhere and always is a cost/benefit calculation.

the covid vaccines appear to be terrible risk reward. the flu vaccine looks basically worthless …

but some vaccines are excellent, pose very low risk, and generate real, well established clinical benefit that saves and improves lives.

sanitation and health advances did not make measles less prevalent, they just made it more survivable.

nearly every disease was less likely to kill you in 1960 than 1900.

deaths dropped by maybe 90% from 1930-60. … then in 1963, the measles vaccine was created (though the modern version was not until 1968).

here are reported cases of measles in the US. immediately prior to 1963. they were hovering around 450,000 cases per year, about 0.25% of population, but this was highly focused on kids. [the CDC statistics on measles pre-vaccine was that : close to 500,000 cases were reported annually to CDC, resulting in:

• 48,000 hospitalizations

• 1,000 cases with encephalitis (brain swelling)

• 400 to 500 deaths. that alone is far in excess of all VAERS reported vaccine AE’s in US for ALL vaccines.]

then from 1964 to 1970, cases, which had been consistent for a generations dropped 90%. then they dropped 90% again by ~1980. by the mid 2000’s, there were usually less than 100 a year.

mumps and rubella are similar since the shot became unified and are basically eradicated in america.

and yes, this is backed by sound randomized controlled trial data.

a wide survey including many RCT’s is available HERE.

there were 5.3 severe outcomes per 100k and one death in 1.8mm people vaccinated which is 0.06/100k.

this gain is well worth the cost.

eliminating measles cases is a clear benefit.”

The looking at MMR and autism, el gato malo discussed a study on the Japanese MMR vaccine program:

“this points VERY strongly to some cause other than MMR. even its complete removal did not affect the uptrend. it accelerated instead.”


Personally, I find your data more compelling, as it goes both narrower focusing on autism and broader by looking at the whole vaccine schedule and comparing vaccinated and unvaccinated.

Again, I hope you both can discuss the matter together, as you are both important commentators during and beyond the pandemic, who seem to have a lot in common.

Best wishes,


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Absolutely superb writing, Toby. This one just came out yesterday, may resonate. > https://ijvtpr.com/index.php/IJVTPR/article/view/29

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Fantastic link! Thank you!!!

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i unexpectedly found myself on the front lines of the autism epidemic some 20 years ago when i "mind melded" with an autistic 5 year old who's mother had come to see me about chronic fatigue. His pain in response to the inflammation in his brain was horrific.....no wonder these children bang their heads against walls. After this experience my practice shifted to treating autistic children with a protocol i developed that included clay baths. The thing about clay is its innate wisdom...it has the ability to ferret out where mercury and other toxins are embedded in the cells and magnetically draw them out of the body. I worked with some 600 children for a period of 10 years and it never once occurred to me that this condition wasn't triggered by vaccination....the evidence was overwhelming.

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When it comes to vaccines, all of these adjuvants are clearly the cause. Anything that "stimulates the immune system" can cause damage, even if it's Mercury or aluminum free.

But why are we vaccinating in the first place for diseases that dropped before vaccines existed? It's like the idiots somehow became medical researchers when the money flowed into research.

Consider this and the points made


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It's simple really: it's all one big depopulation scheme. They're obsessed with vaccinating every single man, woman, child, and infant because they want us all sickly and dumb, or better yet dead.

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As Gandhi said-

“Vaccination, instead of doing good, works considerable mischief by giving rise to many new diseases. Even its advocates cannot deny that, after its introduction, many new diseases have come into being.”

And so… autism was born.

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This article is amazing. Every parent should read this. Thank you for putting your own interests on the line to tell the truth as it is, not how people wish it to be.

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Admittedly I was a skeptic about childhood vaccines but the covid “vaccines” has changed me. I was born in the early 1970s and know that there are many more vaccines required now than when I was young. Were the vaccines given then different? By that I mean, the measles vaccine I got is not the shot currently administered. Why the change, especially if the vaccines developed and used more than 50 years ago worked. Should we be concerned with other drugs approved by the FDA? So many questions, so few in the know willing to answer.

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read the following books for the answer: Dr Suzzanne Humphries, Dissolving Illusions, and the most recent book, Turtles All the Way Down. Good for you for opening your eyes.

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