Thank you Toby for enlightening us on the true demonic stage that California has reached by the use of the Pan Doctrine. It's easy to see how California has been destroyed at every level by the psycho Democrats. The bat-shit crazy ideas coming out of California beggars belief. The return of Trump and truthful republicans are our only hope. We're assured of the biggest landslide in the history of the USA. Not because Trump was so good, but because the Nazi Democrats have been so horrendous.

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Well put Toby. Thanks for all your work in this war against tyranny.

We have been fighting vaxx tyranny and the lies of pedotricians and flunky nurses since our son was born in 2009. We've been fighting the Dick Pan since 2015 when our naturally healthy boy was in kindergarten and the Dick robbed him of his PBE with SB277. In 2019 we were able to document enough familial autoimmune issues to get an ME, what a huge relief. One month later we lost the battle against SB276. In three months our still healthy boy, born and raised in CA will finish 6th grade and be kicked out of all public and private schools in CA. So we will join the thousands of other medical refugees and migrate out of my once beautiful California where I have lived since 1972. We will start from scratch in Florida so our boy can go to school. The Dick Pan, the pharma/medical/governmental complex and the PR/MSM propagandists that have subverted our society have won. I will be very busy making a new life but I will stay tuned and do what I can for the victory of freedom against fascism in our home state. This is a real war. Never surrender. Never!

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An important Cult endgame component was always to leverage the indignant DEATHVAX™ survivors, especially when they will join forces with the refusenik “domestic terrorists” in order to topple all current governments. Stoking the forthcoming global revolts would be other false flag events like PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION-22 and PSYOP-POWER-GRID-22. As the death and destruction winds down the elite saviors would swoop in with their technocratic solutions and promises of their 4th Industrial Revolution Arcadia. Of course, we are well aware that this will be nothing more than a posthuman slave hellscape.  https://2ndsmartestguyintheworld.substack.com/p/bombshell-as-predicted-the-mea-culpas?s=r

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I agree that Ted Cruz is likely using this situation for his own political gains while DeSantis and Ron Johnson are in it for reasons that ring true. We need more of them to get out there and speak to this. I would think that anyone with children would educate themselves when the state wants to inject something into them and anyone who really looks at the history and outcomes of vaccinations would run like hell.

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Thanks for writing out “The Pan Doctrine” so succinctly. I wasn’t in California during 276, but even from a distance it affected me deeply.

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As you likely know, Ted Cruz rode shotgun in the lead truck of The People’s Convoy for a circuit of the DC beltway today. Just prior to that, he became the first politician to actually show up with the truckers outside of the press conference - he joined them in Hagerstown, Maryland, and spoke to an enormous crowd. I have to say, that although it is important to start somewhere (a politician finally showed up!), the moment that man began his stump speech, he cheapened my entire day. He spoke in third-grade-level platitudes, and displayed an understanding of of the situation that was entirely focused on his own political aims.

His speech went something like this: “You, the Republican truckers of this country, deserve our thanks! I as a Republican thank you! You have stood up when the Left has mismanaged this pandemic. You are asking for your basic freedom to make healthcare decisions, and I understand that you are not ‘feverish’ as the leftwing media would promote you, but you are pissed off! You want to be heard and for the democrats to back off.” (This is obviously me paraphrasing, but his meaning during his short speech was absolutely clear.)

And you know what, Billionaire politician dude?? We DO want to be heard, but the very first thing you just tried to do, after two weeks of truckers explaining patiently that this is about freedom for ALL and not partisan politics, is to draw your own partisan lines in the sand and divide us! THEN what did you do? You conveniently forgot that it’s not only mandates that we want rescinded, but the “state of emergency” orders that remain in effect, which gives you and all other politicrats unprecedented power, and neither you nor your GOP brethren seem opposed to such power… These emergency orders must be rescinded - how about building a coalition to do this? Where is an admission that you as a politician work for us?? What are you going to do besides promote your very own self and your own corrupt political party? How many CEOs have padded your coffers this week?

Sorry, biased Sarabeth reporting again. 😞 It just made me feel a bit hopeless, that out of all the politicians who are supposed to represent the people of this country, only this one would even show up, and NONE have so far shown any potential for leading us out of this mess even remotely like the leadership displayed by the truckers themselves over the past couple of weeks.

Hmmm…how about: Truckers for congress! And senate! And only first-time politicians are allowed to run for President, and no corporate money of any kind is ever allowed to seep into any politicians pockets ever?? I think that would be a start!

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A truck driver in New Jersey, Edward Durr, defeated the NJ Senate President, Steve Sweeney, in the last election:


Two years ago only 3 members of Congress were on record as supporting us. Now every Republican in the U.S. Senate is on record as supporting us. We've won 6 federal court cases. And a leading Presidential candidate for 2024 is riding shotgun in the People's Convoy. When the people lead, the leaders will follow. So it's on us to keep leading.

Ted Cruz is trying to keep up with Ron DeSantis who clearly understands that medical freedom is a scientific and political winner. Let's keep it going!

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Over the years I have had a number of students, mothers from California--always from California--who had children with autism. One mother, I can never forget, had 3 children, all diagnosed with autism. . . .

It seemed to me, that she believed so totally in the government child-scheduled-vaccine requirements, that she didn't even notice that her children weren't normal when they were injected with the mmr vaccine. In fact, I truly think the government wants the parents to not look at the changes in their child after the vaccine, as they have imbedded within their protocol a completely manipulated criteria of lies, of what a healthy kid is. This mother accepted her destiny with little emotion, or vaccine-regret. To me that was shocking.

Another crafty move is happening right now. The CDC has changed the minimum number of words a 2.5 year old has in their vocabulary from 50 to 20. And why did they do this? Because these little kids have been wearing masks for two years, and unfortunately they have not learned important expressions, how to breathe properly, how to speak and smile and are emotionally deficient. Here is the article: "Instead of Admitting Mask Mandates Harm Kids, CDC Lowers Expectations for Speech Development" https://childrenshealthdefense.org/defender/cdc-lowers-expectations-speech-development/?utm_source=salsa&eType=EmailBlastContent&eId=3386d740-a35d-4955-9f54-2e5e0de4ebe2

So rather than be honest and stand by the research, which shows the harm of masks in little kids, and how it impacts their early development, they change their criteria.

I think it is going to get worse, with these government agencies. The people who run them have lost it, are in denial and running for their lives with arrogance. They are very sick people who--if they wakeup--as some have done--will most likely want to attend church/synagogue/mosque everyday for the rest of their lives.

In denial, they coerce the population to be in denial as well. Woke is thriving within the masses. No change will come until denial is overcome with facing up to the truth. Meanwhile, it will continue, and those of us who see through the evil, must survive!.

The more people who learn of the Pan Doctrine, the more hope there is. Dr. Toby, you are providing the most important information for the future of an educated, free and compassionate humanity. Bless You!

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Thank you Toby! I want to get involved with others looking to turnover these bills. Waiting to hear what we can do...

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Here are some great groups in California who are fighting to overturn bad bills and pass good ones:




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Digging today and found 2001 Model State Emergency Health Powers Act (MSEHPA) drafted by CDC, Johns Hopkins and Georgetown team just after 9/11.

As of 2006, the following states had adopted some form of the MSEHPA (Arizona, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Maine, Maryland, Minnesota, Missouri, New Hampshire, New Mexico, South Dakota,Tennessee, Utah, and Virginia.)

More may have adopted the legislation since 2006.

In September 2006, another step of merging law enforcement and “public health “

DOJ Bureau of Justice Assistance “Role of law enforcement in public health emergencies


at pp. 18-20:

“The Role of Law Enforcement in Mass Vaccination and Preventive Measures

Law Enforcement’s Role During Voluntary Restrictions

Law Enforcement’s Role During Involuntary Restrictions, Including Quarantine”

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Cyclical fulfillment- Wow! Makes total sense.

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Pan and his cronies want to define any facts that contradict his Pharma junk science as "misinformation". And he wants to use taxpayer dollars to promote his Pharma junk science agenda. This is Gleichschaltung. We've seen this before. Pan, the CA Democratic Party, Pharma, and the Pharma astroturf groups want to Nazify all aspects of CA society. Pfizer is the new I.G. Farben. More here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gleichschaltung

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Pfizer may also be the new Enron. As in, cause a disaster and then go bankrupt and legally dissolve.

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"After a eugenics-driven attempt at a new world order was aborted during WWII, Sir Julian Huxley (the grandson of Darwin’s bulldog and himself a life long member and even president of the British Eugenics Society) spearheads a re-organization of the British imperial grand strategy with the intent of repackaging eugenics under a new name but with the same effects as those outlined by Hitler earlier. This was most clearly outlined in Julian’s 1946 manifesto for UNESCO where he said: “Even though it is quite true that any radical eugenic policy will be for many years politically and psychologically impossible, it will be important for UNESCO to see that the eugenic problem is examined with the greatest care and that the public mind is informed of the issues at stake so that much that is now unthinkable may at least become thinkable.”

What form did this repackaging of eugenics take in the post WWII era? Pan knows!

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I hear Lil Dick Pans time is up this December. But it appears someone like Wiener will be taking over Lil Dick’s position. (How appropriate Weiner takes over for Lil Dick 🙄) In my dreams someone like Anthony Trimino gets elected governor this November and is somehow able to overturn all the destruction and chaos Lil Dick and Lil Weiner have created and the children of California will be able to once again live free as God intended. Evil people never win and these two are about as evil as evil can get. The end. ☘️🌝🌟🌈

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How do we educate those who want to kill the truth-tellers?

I want to send a lot of this to my Democratic Senators and Congressmen, and I have.... but given their steadfast devotion to the DNC party line, I'm hesitating more and more because they have the power to deplatform and otherwise harm the courageous leaders in our movement. What should we do?

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Great essay that remind us that fascism has been alive and well in the land of the free for a long time. SARS-Cov-2/Covid-19 were invented to allow institutionalization of fascism/totalitarianism globally and openly; normalizing the ideology and its practice!

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Wow, that's exactly what's going on at the Washington State Board of Health meetings! Thanks for explaining it so clearly.


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