Robert F Kennedy Jr will come out on top of this attack because the public are beginning to recognize the corruption of Big Pharma. Based on my interactions with people I suspect that pharmaceutical sales are decreasing. Personally, I was prescribed, and ingested, 20 medications...I now take zero...and I feel better. I understand that doctors prescribed me medications, not because I needed them, but because Big Pharma was encouraging them to do so

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The NYT can run whatever they'd like, I stopped reading believing a word they print years ago.

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When the mainstream media decides to attack and slander Mr. Robert F. Kennedy Jr., it’s because they, the media, have been living in the rotting, festering cesspool of dishonesty for so long, they have forgotten what Shakespeare and the rest of humanity, for eons and still today, know to be true. Which is that a rose, by any other name, would smell as sweet. In essence. Mainstream media, when you want to convince people that roses have a foul odor, the thing you do instead is highlight the untrustworthiness of your alleged reporting and how deceitful it really is. You also expose just how jealous you are of the fresh clean scent of roses as the foul stench of your words drift out of your mouths and off your pages. Again, a rose by any other name would smell as sweet, so take some of that muck and mire you are drenched in and put it to some good use by planting a rose garden in it.



Fearless, standing in the face of traditional falsehood, cancelled and isolated.

At no time sat idly by, to tolerate liberties, even of those who oppose him, violated.

For freedom’s future, past the noise of ridicule amongst the craze.

Transcended, beyond tribal reputation, negativity bias and praise.

Thinks critically, questions the norm.

Faces inconvenient truths, does not conform.

Noble, with humility, invites healthy debate, pleads to be proven wrong.

In truth’s conviction, remains strong.

Why would he who risks to lose everything, risk to lose everything?

Recognizing the rough journey seasons must go through, to become Spring.

From conveniences and comforts, detached.

Boots on, armed with a mighty pen, knowledge, unmatched.

Absent false ego, courageously laying it on the line sans restrain.

Knowing the destruction awaiting, at the end of their game.

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Its time for the NYT to die, for the damage they have caused. Silence is complicity, and they have openly supported the WEF and its agenda. Hollowed out, they will collapse on themselves soon.

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My email to the journalist, etc.

Hello Mr. Nagourney,

I read your article, “A Kennedy’s Crusade Against Covid Vaccines Anguishes Family and Friends,” and was dumbstruck by its weak journalistic merits.

Not only do you focus on his relatives’ feelings—as if it’s some sort of gossip article—but you never dive into evaluating the science that is causing anguish amongst them.

As a progressive, I am disappointed in the divisiveness that this type of journalism prompts.

You and your editors could and should do better. Americans deserve the highest of journalistic integrity, not a hit piece.

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Great article. I'm just wondering if there's a better term than "bourgeoisie" to describe these people that use social approval rather than independent thinking to make decisions and function. I get the use of the term and it makes sense in the context of this article, but to bring it out into a larger context of general phenomenon, it's a bit too historical and wrapped up in Marxist references. It also excludes the many masses that toe the line there as well. I can't think of a great term but it would be really helpful to have one as this is such a critical idea and really boils down the situation and problem to its essence. It's funny because the social conformists have their term "anti-vaxxer" that they use, and it's effective because they've all conformed around it and gotten the mass media on board to the point that it's created such stigma that people literally fear it, even many independent thinkers. But independent thinkers don't do this kind of "mass formation" naturally, so we're in a weaker position rhetorically on this front. We need to borrow this one effective strategy as a rhetorical tool to try to gain some ground in the argument. Is it sinking to their level of name-calling? Maybe a bit. But the strategy has been effective when enough people get on board so the epithet has real sting. "Social conformist" is probably too literal/intellectual.

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Thanks so much for troubleshooting with me. Those are all good thoughts, but no, there are no links in the body of the email and I don't use outlook. I may consider creating a new email account tomorrow with a different provider just to see if I can get them to go through. I've also sent the hard copies. Thanks again!

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Just sent this:

RE: Kennedy's Crusade Against COVID Vaccines

Adam Nagourney, Journalist

The New York Times Company


Dean Baquet

Executive editor

The New York Times Company


Joseph Kahn

Managing editor

The New York Times Company


Dear Mr. Nagourney and your management,

As a native New Yorker and avid reader of the NYT of many years, why another serial, seasonal, hit piece on RFK Jr., with no comment FROM Mr. Kennedy himself? How, in an opinion piece decrying the misguided, dangerous direction of a wayward member of a prominent American family, have you managed to omit even one example of your alleged scientific sins committed by this relentlessly misinformative perpetrator? Not one? You’ve found him guilty, without even basic Journalism 101 investigative due process, of scientific facts violations and of anguishing, never-ending evil to his family. List for your readers these factual errors.

On February 21, 2020, the NYT did an investigative retrospective on “WILLOWBROOK SCANDAL: Beatings Burnings and Betrayal....” As fellow New Yorkers, didn't Chapter 7, about Willowbrook Mental Institution on Staten Island, in RKF Jr.'s best-selling book (clearly, not to be named), spark even the slightest curiosity or outrage in you? Though Willowbrook was shut down many decades ago, there is not a New Yorker today, alive at that time, who can or will forget this endless NYC horror, as we watched it unfold on TV and in print for months - right in broad daylight. Who was behind it? HOW did this happen? Was there no scientific oversight? Didn't, AT LEAST, the Willowbrook section, which had NOTHING to do with COVID, make you want to do a little background checking through the 60 (sixty) End Notes cited for this chapter, alone?

Global censorship has arrogantly snuffed out all but the approved, regurgitated copy-and-paste script, which knowingly resulted in destroying lives, livelihoods, businesses and families. BECAUSE MSM and social media have ousted the unclean masses and left nowhere ELSE to go, ENTER: a huge awakening world of new communities emerging out from under the mainstream thumb.

Alternative media, growing by leaps and bounds, by intelligent investigators, is hungry to know the ACTUAL FACTS behind who and what has destroyed their world in JUST TWO YEARS. Apparently, the NYT has no such curiosity. Unmasked, relentless smears and doxing of those who aren't playing nice in pieces like this, easily explains the sweep of droning, virtue-signaling, mainstream narratives onto the dustbin of oblivion, in real time.

These off-beat, indefinably uncontrollable outcasts, these naughty scoundrels, are now the upstart online independent media. COMEDIANS are running ratings circles around your rote stenography. These untouchables have long since dumped vapid cable TV and MSM, in case you’ve missed that headline. Ignore their reporting on what matters to THEM at your peril (see: mandates, truckers). They see clearly, the devastation you have wrought, gladly watching your readership, ratings and profit margins tank, and gladder still, to see the back of you.

Investigate THAT.



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I was so grateful for this piece and for how easy you made it, Toby, for us to channel our frustration in a constructive way -- as you so often do! Unfortunately, the emails I sent last night to Nagourney and boss were returned as undeliverable. From reading the comments below, it doesn't sound like that happened to others. Maybe I was a day too late, and their inboxes have filled up? I guess I'll print my emails and send them snail mail. Thanks so much again!!!

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Wait say more please. I tested all of these emails. We know that they work because some of my readers got replies. Do you think they *changed* their email addresses!? Can you try again and see if it was just on your end or if there is something else going on here?

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Thanks, Toby. I tried it again tonight, and I got the same mailer-daemon... "Undelivered mail returned to sender." I'm still not hearing that anyone else has run into that, though. I wonder it's something related to the fact that I'm sending it from a protonmail account? I can't imagine why, but that's all I can think of. I'm relieved that no one else seems to be having this problem!

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Thanks for your reply. Yes, I'm watching the comments on here and CHD republished this article and I'm watching the comments over there too -- and I have not seen anyone else mention it. I of course wrote to all three email addresses listed here and none of them bounced. Hmmm, I cannot figure out what's happening. Protonmail should go through. Is there a link in the body of the email? That shouldn't be a problem though. Do you use Outlook to aggregate your email? Outlook sometimes has problems (and one has to remind it to send).

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Many may be surprised by the NYT. I have known how "bought" this "paper of record" is and has been for many years. I used to subscribe then I read a big piece about the Geier's father and son, investigating vaccines and autism. Rather than attack or challenge anything in their work, the TImes made points like: The father and son dress alike, they have shag carpeting. In other workds let's all feel superior and laugh and these scientists, since we can't disputen anythng they say. So the playbook has been written for thier piece on RFK's book: don't refute anything in the 400+ pages -- lets just interview the family and see if they will say bad things.

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Toby, I just saw your piece posted on "The Defender" . . . woohoo . . . the NYT will be deluged with letters! I've heard back from someone at CHD but am awaiting permission from her before sharing her email address here for those who might want to forward their letters to RFK, Jr. . . . In the meantime, GREAT work, Toby!!!

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Thanks Deb! 🙌

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Great analysis Toby! Way to frame such nonsense with Semmelweis comparison. Perfect.

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RFK is definitely the Semmelweis of our era. Semmelweis + FDR because he is also fighting fascism.

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My email:

“Good afternoon. I have read your recent NY Times piece about RFK, Jr. Have you read the book in its entirety? What specific parts of the book are inaccurate or shameful? I’ve read the book twice since November, and nearly every sentence is supported by a legitimate cited reference. I would be interested in reading a thorough review of the book.”

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My letter to Adam Nagourney:

I had to look you up online to understand your motivation for this article. It was clearly intended to do damage to Mr. Kennedy but why anyone would want to harm someone who is defending children, health, truth, and democracy itself, I confess to puzzlement. Often I look at the young and hungry reporters, the clueless talking heads and realize that their motivation is their need to get ahead in their new profession and make a name for themselves. Included in this group are Chris Hayes and his teenyboppers. All wearing their Clark Kent glasses to look authentic and older. Truly too young to know what they are damaging in their personal quest for legitimacy and advancement. They say things they have no real understanding of in terms of the harm to truth, our journalistic heritage, journalism’s service to democracy and holding power to account for its excesses. I was surprised to see your photo. You are old enough to know better and to have at least remembered the history of journalism or at least read about Murrow and watched Cronkite. The latter I knew well on the evening news. Today news is dead and is only political theater while state run media is the new offering. The last honest coverage I remember was the Vietnam War and never has this country allowed that to happen again.

You surely know that close to half of the country is aware of the covid lies that you and your employers and colleagues spread. They know that the fake vaccines don’t work; the studies were severely truncated; and the control groups given the shot to prevent future comparisons. The shots were never guaranteed safe for everyone although the sellers of that jab continue to spread that lie. They know that these criminals cannot be sued and if the vaccine kills them it won’t be on the news and their family will be out of luck. If someone like Maddie DeGary has her life ruined as a preteen it will be on her parents to watch her suffer and drain their savings to save her. The VAERS data are not talked about without claiming VAERS is flawed but why that is is not questioned. We know that masks don’t work having heard exposure experts, doctors, and scientists explain the facts and the studies. They know that lockdowns harmed and did not help because they watched Sweden, saw graphs of cases from neighboring states showing that locked down and masked states had the same surges as those that did not take these actions. They saw Florida protect its elderly while New York endangered them. They also saw what happened in Gibraltar and Israel. They know that Florida with its old population has had half the deaths of California with its locked down, masked up population of young people. If they read the Dr. Scott Atlas book they know that the governor of Florida took the time to learn the facts without pursuing a hidden agenda. They know that the illogic of pushing an unsafe concoction on people that was designed for a long gone variant must surely be have nefarious purpose. The refusal to speak honestly and out loud in print and on television of the harms and deaths by the jab while those injured are treated as non persons that are just collateral damage is painfully known by those and their loved ones. In short, the truth is out and the gig is up and you and your employer are out there naked for all to see. The people, even as you write such false words know that the continued masking is without good reason since the virus hardly notices that cloth as it goes through and around it and that they have harmed children without any purpose whatever. Truly, you only damage yourself. For the few you titillate, there are many more who shake their heads at your words.

Sadly, the left is most deluded by all of this and the Democrats are most complicit in pushing it with the help of many Republicans. I used to be a Democrat but truth has always been more important than belonging so that is the last group of any kind I can lay claim to. There are luckily for our nation, brave people who have risked all to remain able to live with themselves and protect patients. Many have taken their inspiration from Bobby Kennedy. He has an established reputation that goes beyond family name. That reputation is based on integrity, sharp intelligence, broad knowledge, and courage to go where others are afraid to tread. Without the light of his bravery and refusal to ignore the inconvenient truth he follows, others may not have had the courage to speak truth and stand up. What you may have missed is that lined up in this army of great people are the best and the brightest and most moral of physicians, scientists, data analysts, lawyers and everyday people. The group of those who are in service to power, money, and mendacity do not understand that this army will not accept lies, turn away, or give up truth, or stand down. This cohort only grows as no one who knows truth ever goes back to the cave.

I listened to an exiled leader of the protests in Hong Kong say: isn’t our purpose in life to not hate ourselves? How profound that question is. There are those who cannot lie and do what you did without self hatred and to prevent such a condition, people like Bobby Kennedy, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Pierre Kory, Dr. Paul Marik, Dr. Nagase, Dr. Urso, Dr. Jessica Rose, Dr. Stephanie Seneff, Dr. Ryan Cole, Mr Aaron Siri, Del Bigtree, Mikki Willis, Dr. James Lyon Weiler, Dr. Joel Hirschorn, Dr. Joseph Mercola, Ronnie Cummins, Senator Ron Johnson, and so very many others are spreading truth to keep this democracy alive and save lives. Maybe you should reconsider your purposes and ask what you will do to prevent hating yourself. Damaging our democracy and putting its population at risk: those who go to work every day supporting our way of life and economy, those actions deserve self hatred. Nothing you can write will ever change the mind of a single person who supports and respects Bobby Kennedy so you should give that up. You only belittle yourself.

Linda Blossom

Interlaken, NY

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Woohoo!!! Great letter ❤️❤️❤️❤️

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Thanks! I was offended for Bobby!!

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Here's what I wrote... not perfect but...

Maybe you should challenge RFK jr to a public debate about vaccine safety since you seem to think you actually know something about it. Trust me, he would wipe the floor with you.

The man has won countless lawsuits against huge corporate interests, including Monsanto and he is credited with major victories regarding keeping our rivers and lakes free of pollution.

He is a brilliant litigator. But instead of researching what he has to offer on the issue of vaccine safety you decide to tow the line for your Pharma bosses.

Whatever happened to real journalism?

You should be ashamed.


Lisa Finkelstein

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I just wrote to him...

Thank you for providing his email👍

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