Thank you

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I don't see how the virus itself is lethal. People call it a bioweapon but it's a pretty lame one, with a 99.997% survival rate. The original SARS ended up with a death toll of fewer than 800 people globally, and if an honest accounting of this one is ever done the numbers will be similar. It's just not mathematically possible for a 99.997% survivable virus, plus the 95% (or more) false positives generated by PCR and RAT, plus the magical 99% reduction in flu and pneumonia cases to add up to more than a few hundreds of covid deaths, and those in the very frail elderly. Which is exactly what was happening in Italy in January, 2020. The *response* to the virus, on the other hand, has been morally obscene. "The public" lost its sh*t and the kakistocracy jumped on it to ratchet up the Great Lurch Backward.

That 80% of the population, including the parasite class that people bizarrely call "the elite," *does* want to follow orders, and the more malevolent the better. Why? Because they passionately hate the 20%. The people in the 80%, regardless of income, IQ, and position in society, have from their earliest school days done everything possible to avoid the effort of thinking for themselves, because thinking requires independence, and independence of any kind implies the possibility of being looked at sideways by the rest of the herd--and that terrifies them. They either know or feel that they're *supposed* to think critically, ask questions, challenge narratives, and stand up to the majority to defend the truth. The fact that they're terrified to do it has been their secret shame their whole lives. Then covid-1984 comes along and suddenly submissiveness, compliance, credulity, incuriosity, and fear are *virtues.* Effortlessly-acquired virtues. Not the kind that take constant work, character, integrity, and intellectually honesty. The easy kind. No way are they letting go of that shiny new sense of moral superiority. The source of their malevolence and the thing behind their relentless drive to crush the 20% is their hatred of themselves.

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I learned of your excellent work from a close friend, and just finished your insight piece, "Trans messaging is too sophisticated to be the work of a small sexual minority dealing with severe health issues". I am in a group that has trans-gender person, who experiences great angst and 'dysphoria' when I speak or make some determination about internal directions of the group. "They/she" resigned blaming the 3 elderly white men ("oppressors") for her departure. Oddly, there was no specific 'incident' referenced, so there was no way to know what needed correction.


I mulled over this for about 10 days wondering what went wrong. It deeply disturbed me on a couple of levels. Emotionally, I have worked with groups most of my life, so such a charge deeply offended me, an activist for decades with many organizations, and some that I started myself. I've had female leaders whom I admire still to this very day. I have a tendency to be very rational, scientific and focused on the group objectives, but generally ignore the gender, sexuality, or sexual preferences of others in the group, treating everyone equally, and sometimes disagreeing with directions we were being pushed toward. So, I found your article to be immensely helpful to understand my situation with this person...I think she may be vaccine-injured or a victim of the TransGender ideology.

I read intently her private letter to me (which I later shared with others in the group), on how K did not want to be referred to as a 'woman'. But, oddly, in her salutation, referenced herself as "they / she". My other colleagues attempted to respond to K using 'they' to refer to her. Now, throughout my life I have come to understand the English language such that "they" always refers to "more than 1". So it is very weird to me that we are being asked to alter the meaning of "they" in such a way that it can mean "a single person" -- the very opposite of its original meaning.

Any advice you may have to offer me, will be much appreciated.

FYI: I have put together a website that attempts to address our collective problems in a systemic way with the establishment of public banks and building local democracy. It's lean and to the point. I developed it myself as a software developer of 30 years: http://theSecondRevolution.com : Establishing Local Democracy.

Thank you for your incredible work.

You're a life-saver, an oasis of sanity in a world gone berserk.

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tragic times - always hard to know how best to deal with such despicable determination to harm other living things - those who would deny another's universal right to be let alone, sans interference from any outside influence, have simply failed Karma 101.

There's always a price for that ;) NjW

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Well summarized and well said. Thank you. Especially agree with "so blinded by ideology that they cannot transcend failed paradigms." The questions become: "How do two polar opposite paradigms inhabit the same space, i.e. planet Earth? " and "How will we humans educate ourselves to make intelligent choices between the two?"

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only "80% of the population"?? Gosh you are optimistic :-) Or perhaps it is so in the USA. But certainly not in my native Northern Ireland.

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In Houston, Texas, USA where I live, I'd say a good 10 - 20% more or less get it. Well over that % are unvaxxed.

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It is far worse than any of the bullet points mentioned. The pyramid cap now has the science and has used the science, or will in the near term, to invade our bodies with synthetic biology nanotech containing Q dots that can receive instructions (and transmit data) to perform multiple operations within their 'host'. This already in the inoculations given. This as just recently revealed in patents and revealed by long time big pharma patent expert Karen Kinston. From rewiring the brain and taking control at the cellular level of every other organ's function to simply killing the host on command. The command to carry out specific instructions can be sent via any 5G device (smart phone), end use fiber optic devices or LED photons.

Think a herd of 1,000 cattle, not just some of the young or old, died en masse in a heat wave? Think again!

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I ran for Congress in 2020. But Cuomo threw third parties off the ballot for 2021 (through language snuck into the Covid emergency budget, if you can believe that). I don't have 250k to spend to get the ballot line back, so I didn't run for Congress in 2022. Two things we might try to overcome the party system: 1. Support Ranked Choice Voting in your state. 2. Use the Write-In option. (If a write-in candidate is well-known enough, and there is RCV, a win is possible.)

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Though you mention universities and colleges, I think they deserve stronger language than used in your reference to them, especially the Ivy League -- and within that cohort -- especially Cornell University.

The Ivy League presidents and all of the heads of their law schools and medical schools have shown their true despicable colors. They have disgraced academia beyond repair IMO.

As for Cornell and the absolute wretch "running" that place, she sat alongside that lying cretin Albert Bourla on the New York State Forward Reopening Board -- or some such Orwellian BS title. A three or four drive to Pfizer's HQ in New York, we have the head of the world's premier life sciences university collaborating to destroy truth, basic human rights, and the lives of Cornell University's staff and students.

Well...we all should have known the utter degradation that had affected "the academy" when the same remained absolutely silent over the crime syndicate's official story of Sep 11. Heads of physics departments across the "fruited plain" should have been up in arms over the absurdity of three buildings falling to earth in seconds with two of them ejecting enormous sections of steel and concrete into nearby buildings. Did physics curriculums change as a result of "unprecedented" action of those buildings that day..?

Instead, complete silence. And by that silence cooperation and collaboration with a crime.

So, yeah...Add "Big Academia" to the list, especially the Ivy League, and let's highlight the collusion between Cornell and Pfizer. There are no words...

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I can't like this comment enough. All those young adults coerced into getting the shot! How the parents are grieving, frustrated that they can't protect their children now just because they are over 18! Even RFK Jr's son got the shot to stay in school. A young woman, a tennis star, died suddenly at my son's school.

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❤️ An inexcusable, unmitigated crime at the hands of yet another group of people the rest of us are supposed to bow to -- the "geniuses" in our vaunted colleges and universities. As an example, Harvard's motto is "Veritas".

You just can't this crap up.

I'm very sorry to hear about RFK Jr's son and of course any young person murdered by these cretins and their "policies".

I pray in God's name for Justice to be done and that I live long enough to see it.

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I’m astounded that your comment, I refer mostly to the 911 parts of it, got only one like - two with my like. Since 2004, the year I awoke to the 911 lies, I have watched the JFKization of that event (smother it in contradictions and assertions) and now, these days, I watch the same process blossoming in regard to Covid and the vax. It creates a helpless feeling. It’s a tactic to get all of us at one another’s throat. If only two likers actually SEE the clear Covid/911 link and correlation, (in terms of tactic to keep us apart) then I fear for our future.

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Just saw that comment, just liked it.

No amount of denial and bluster will change simple truths of 9/11: That steel frame buildings do not collapse into their footprints without demolition jobs. That even if small fires at the top of WTC 1 and 2 could cause such collapse, the official story has never explained the simultaneous collapse of WTC 7. But rather than face the horrible truth of what really happened, people preferred to believe that it was all the fault of distant scapegoatable foreigners rather than crooks in power at home.

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Like it or not, more of us need to run for office. I totally agree that our elected officials are woefully uninformed and/or uncaring. Local first, then advance upward if time (age) permits. Money? It should have no bearing. Votes, a good message, and legwork win elections, not money.

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Unless we begin to see justice done for the murdered and their kin, we no longer have a legitimate government. Governments are put into place to protect and serve their citizens. Ours no longer does that.

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What do you mean "Governments....into place to...'serve their citizens.'"?

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Believe it not, that was the concept of government in better times. Remember, even our useless Constitution said that our "federal government" served WITH THE CONSENT OF THE GOVERNED. That's what made it so different from monarchies and other dictatorships. We the People were supposed to rule through OUR SERVANTS in our State and Federal governments. Of course, I don't know if that ever really happened, but it was SUPPOSED to.

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Maaan, all due respect and all that but I'm here to point out you're raging.

Not here to discuss the pros and cons, raging is sometimes fun, sometimes highly effective, but it sure does one thing most every time: it distorts your outlook. I know you asked for additional stuff for the list of horrors, but I'd like to talk you into toning it down a little, because there's a real risk of losing credibility by going to unwarranted extremes. And we don't want that.

The very first sentence is alienating for the reader, sounds like an opening to a clichéd moral harangue: "oh, we are all so crap, why ain't we better??". Granted, there are many ways in which a circumspect thinker may choose to ascribe agency to a society, and the way you do that will have a large impact on what the phrase "a society dedicated to iatrogenocide" will end up meaning, but you know, the ordinary understanding of 'dedication' and 'society' does suggest the meaning that all or most people want to see a significant portion of their fellows killed off by some weaponised disease. Including your readers, most of whom, after all, are likely to be members of society.

Let's check out the claims.

As for weaponised batshit leading to the plague, your first point, I have no quarrel, that seems by far the likeliest explanation... but it does matter a great deal whether it was an accidental or intentional release. I think human greed, short-sightedness, ignorance and narcissism is in plentiful supply to explain an accidental spill. Which, if my memory serves me right, had been happening with tedious regularity already at all high-grade bio-weapons facilities forever, even before this unfortunate incident.

Your second point - could you explain a little (or point me at the article where you covered this bit)? Is this about Ivermectin? I've heard about people who recovered with it very quickly, but also people who still ended up on plastic lungs and then recovered with the protocol treatment - or did not. I still think motivated self-interest coupled with narcissistic attitudes to consequences, responsibility and luck are quite enough to explain what happened. Is it comforting to posit a cabal of evil geniuses who are behind it all? Is it even scarier to think that a large bunch of bog-standard humans with a pinch of rather boring sociopaths are quite capable of bringing about the mayhem we've witnessed?

Point the third: hospitals use the wrong protocols because of the profit-orientation of pharma companies, the unhealthy relationship between them and medical research and government as a whole, and because they are told to. This does not tell us that "the best-trained medical professionals are so blinded by ideology that they cannot transcend failed paradigms", for a number of reasons. Firstly, most hospitals are not staffed by "best-trained medical professionals". Secondly, almost everyone is blinded by ideology, we already know that, and those who think they are not should be particularly cautious: there are specialised, more sophisticated ideologies going around that are designed to make them think so. (Check out Zizek's amazing movie, The Pervert's Guide to Ideology on this subject). In addition, when paradigm-shift occurs, very few people ever "transcend" the old one - adherents of the old paradigm typically need to die out for the new paradigm to come to dominance.

I'll pass on point 4: I don't have the skills to check the statement, and don't care to make the heavy investment of time and attention to get them. My sense of things suggests (and has been suggesting for 25 years or so) that vaccines are a pretty risky bet, and the stuff I read (partly thanks to you) about non-specifi long-term side effects rings true, but again, I can see this as a stochastic process without any real perps apart from a small bunch of ridiulously rich folks greeding way too much the way they have always done.

As for the mainstream media (no. 5), firstly, the gossiping of low-grade mercenaries has never been a reliable source of information, but secondly, there are (a small minority of) dedicated and idealistic journalists who daily weigh the balance between doing unwholesome work for the essentially misleading global news business and hardly being read by anyone at all: the mainstream media does not have to lie every single day to make its contribution to keeping the general population dazed and confused: in fact, a tendentious mixing of truth with disinformation works better.

No. 6: come on, the Chinese didn't do all that badly: their draconian isolation methods reduced the impact, I'm pretty sure :)

No. 7 (the spectre of surveillance capitalism): I think it is overstated, and on purpose (you know, keep them dazed and confused and helpless) - in actual fact, the strongest support for the notion that digital profiling is accurate and effective comes from the marketing blurb of social media companies - not a reliable source at all.

Your claim no. 8, is just exaggerated and when you say " incapable of logic, reason, common sense, and critical thinking" you actually seem to mean "disagree with you on important stuff". You know, all of these things (logic, reason, crit thinking) are matters of degree. There is a massive epidemic of learned helplessness - particularly in the 'North' - the centre of the global machine, what Ivan Illich called the "A-deal regions" - but even there, people mostly don't really want to follow malevolent orders (that notion is an attractive tool for feeling superior, and for laying the blame firmly on others). They are misled by a very complicated social arrangement and the powerful few who are invested in maintaining it into thinking that they are pursuing their self-interest in an enlightened fashion - while in fact they are essentially following orders, or, rather, mostly behaving in a manner that is predictable and profitable for their oppressors, who are, of course, also actively engaged in promoting those patterns of behaviour.

Let me pass mostly on US politics, I live elsewhere. Looking at it from here, "system-critial leftism" is not extinct in the US, although it is mostly the luxury pursuit of a small minority who do not communicate well with outsiders.

The last thing hurts me the most: you know the term "rebel alliance" comes from a massive for-profit media franchise of several decades standing that teaches mythological thinking to generation after generation in a highly effective manner? You know that Star Wars is not an accurate representation of human affairs, right? Maybe the reason people in their right minds (i.e. people critical of the current setup - post-industrial networked capitalism, as a first approximation) don't want to 'take power' as you put it is that they realise that it would not do them any good. The very institution of government as we know it is ripe for replacement. Meaningful action is often less than spectacular, but my bet is with becoming as autonomous as possible while participating in and building autonomous human networks. For a literary vision that actually features human beings instead of superhuman (and subhuman) puppets, I cannot recommend Cory Doctorow's Walkaway enough.

But love ya! Keep up the good work! :)

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I have comfort now that I see the truth that i didn't see before , about the evil that is in the world, I am thankful I am awake and have more of a sense of purpose in my life than ever before about serving others in whatever way I can. Sure it was traumatic realising the truth and feeling betrayed and abandoned by those institutions. I feel powerful now, however, that i know my enemy and it was not who i thought it was. These days I am often brought to tears at the thought of those incredible people who have sacrificed so much to bring us the truth and fight for the truth whatever the cost to themselves personally . Without the iateogenocide we would never have seen such incredible acts of love for humanity as we see now from the awakened and the freedom fighters, or as you say the rebel alliance. Those who are motivated by love for humanity and lack regard for their own comfort and security. They are showing us the true potential and worth of humanity. I also now have faith in God-whereas before my awakening I had none - and my own death doesn't scare me anymore. Having a sense of God is deeply comforting and seems to give some of us courage and strength that we have never had before. I am sad for those being genocided and know any day it could be my loved ones or me, but somehow the fear has gone and i just want to live the rest of my life, however long that is, to try and honour the truth and further the incredible potential of humanity

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Also here are papers by assoc Prof Peter Parry from U of Queensland about pharma psychological profiling of doctors https://www.croakey.org/evidence-based-medicine-or-marketing-based-medicine/ also https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AXS_oiEzeTw

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And here in Australia the federal government quietly slipped $77million into the budget for covid vaccine injury compensation .....


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Huzzah ✊

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