Steve Bannon interviewed me today as part of his Covid Pandemic War Room and I spoke about the dangers of the FDA's Orwellian "Future Framework." 9 minutes:


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I was just writing to tell you I listened and was so PLEASED to hear you. Thank you so much

for everything you are doing. I hope S. Bannon keeps you coming back!

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Thank you Duchess!!! 🙌

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What should we be doing to combat this plse?

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Right now I'm asking everyone to do this call to action to stop the FDA's "Future Framework." You can start by reaching out to all of the FDA officials who have a say in this matter (I provide all of their email addresses). Then lodge a formal comment with Regulations.gov (I provide a link). And then if you are feeling up to it, contact your elected officials to explain to them what is happening and why you are concerned (I provide a sample script). In the coming days and weeks I will have additional calls to action as well. Many thanks for standing up for the truth! https://tobyrogers.substack.com/p/the-fdas-proposed-future-framework

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Excellent -thank you! Didn't see original link. On it.

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Also, the warrior mamas at Georgia Coalition for Vaccine Choice have put together a one-click campaign that makes it quick and easy to contact all of your elected officials at once:


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This entire thing started with Operation Warp Speed, a "Republican" thing. With only a few exceptions Republicans supported that and failed to oppose other COVID interventions handed down by these corrupt government agencies in any meaningful way. Republicans, in general, can hardly be counted on to do the right thing about any of this down the road.

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Great research.

I believe in inalienable rights when it comes to: vaccines, abortion, drugs and guns. Freedom is like pregnancy in that you can't just be a little bit free or a little bit pregnant. The current hypocrisy is nuts: progressives want you force vaccinated while conservatives want women to carry babies to term. Please wake up. Because meanwhile Biden is continuing to destroy our republic.

Bruce W. Cain


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Conservatives don't want to kill babies in the womb. Turns out, it's not just conservatives either as a significant majority of all Americans oppose abortion after the first trimester.

The false equivalence of a choice that's made that involves your body and one that involves a different body is what's nuts. Please wake up.

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Most Americans support choice. Just saying.

Americans have been equally divided on the issue; a May 2018 Gallup poll indicated that 48% of Americans described themselves as "pro-choice" and 48% described themselves as "pro-life".[5] A July 2018 poll indicated that 64% of Americans did not want the Supreme Court to overturn Roe v. Wade, while 28% did.[267] The same poll found that support for abortion being generally legal was 60% during the first trimester, dropping to 28% in the second trimester, and 13% in the third trimester.[268]

Support for the legalization of abortion has been consistently higher among more educated adults than less educated,[269] and in 2019, 70% of college graduates support abortion being legal in all or most cases, compared to 60% of those with some college, and 54% of those with a high school degree or less.[270]

In January 2013, a majority of Americans believed abortion should be legal in all or most cases, according to a poll by NBC News and The Wall Street Journal.[271] Approximately 70% of respondents in the same poll opposed Roe v. Wade being overturned.[271] A poll by the Pew Research Center yielded similar results.[272] Moreover, 48% of Republicans opposed overturning Roe, compared to 46% who supported overturning it.[272]

Gallup declared in May 2010 that more Americans identifying as "pro-life" is "the new normal", while also noting that there had been no increase in opposition to abortion. It suggested that political polarization may have prompted more Republicans to call themselves "pro-life".[4] The terms "pro-choice" and "pro-life" do not always reflect a political view or fall along a binary; in one Public Religion Research Institute poll, seven in ten Americans described themselves as "pro-choice" while almost two-thirds described themselves as "pro-life". The same poll found that 56% of Americans were in favor of legal access to abortion in all or some cases.[273]

A 2022 study reviewing the literature and public opinion datasets found that 43.8% of survey respondents in the U.S. consistently support both elective and traumatic abortion, whereas only 14.8% consistently oppose abortion irrespective of the reason, and others differ in their degree of support for abortion depending on the circumstances of the abortion.[3] 90% approve of abortion when the health of the woman is endangered, 77.4% when there is a strong chance of defects in the baby that could result from the pregnancy, and 79.5% when the pregnancy is the result of rape.[3]


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Nice copy and past from the most trustworthy source you could find, Wikipedia (sigh) that doesn't even respond to what I said. Try reading first, then let somebody else do your thinking for you.

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Facts are facts. All I'm saying is most Americans support choice when it comes to abortion. And they still do. LOL

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And strawmen are strawmen. I didn't argue that most Americans don't support the taking of innocent life in the womb. I argued that most Americans draw the line at first trimester for doing it. "LOL" douchebag

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Very informative. I'm not so sure the Republican party will save us. There are too many RINOs, some you don't even realize they are saying one thing and voting for something you don't want. It is more of one big Uniparty; they are joining forces to maintain their positions in the future as enforcers. The WEF and ultrarich are controlling the puppets to form their NWO. Socialists/Marxists/Communists/? have been infiltrating our systems/institutions for decades. John Brennan was a member of the Communist Party of America and Obama appointed him head of the CIA. It is now becoming obvious that FBI, CIA, Institutions and Unions all know what is going on. I would think being so close to the Deep State all politicians to include Republicans know what is going on. They have been hinting at it for years. Ronald Regan sad, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”

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SADS Death Videos From Around world - Watch. Get Used To It -

Blood Of Vaxed Is Turning To Sludge And Amyloidosis Is Destroying Life - Watch


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The 2022 election IS about Pharma genocide but it is also about immigration, the horrible green energy agenda, inflation, guns, abortion, drag shows, Ukraine......the REGIME is wrong on every issue....

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You were incredibly informative on Bannon today! Thank you so much!!!

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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I just saw your interview on Warroom. Great job, thank you for all of your information and hard work.

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Another knockout on Bannon Toby!!!

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Thank you!!! 🙌

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one issue i struggle with.

globally and in the US, a little over 95% of the 7% infections determined to be "cases" have recovered, according to worldometer data. of this 7% a little over 1% have died with covid19 present and alittle over 3% remain active. no data is available on the "vaccine" status of those active, or whether they are symptomatic.

leaving that aside. sars-cov2 infections generally last around 20 days. the clinical trials were supposed to last 6 months - but were truncated to 4.

assuming that clinical trial participants were at least monitored and reported on, that implies that a maximum of 95% of the infections in the placebo group had recovered by the end of the 180 day trial.

from the analysis of the clinical trial data in canada six months ago - there were 850 infections detected amongst 21,923 in the placebo group - does this mean that as many as 808 of this 850 had recovered from the infection by the end of the trial (77 cases were reported in the injected group).

the canadian analysis (500 medics) is also referenced in todays Dr. Malone email here


docdroid version here:


see page 11 for infections/adverse events and page 12 for the increase from 14 all-cause mortality deaths to 20 in the injected group - almost 50% increase!

here is Dr. Malone's email of today: A few other bombshells as well!


bottom line: why do clinical trials not include "recoveries" in the placebo.injected group in order to determine efficacy?

look forward to seeing you on bannon's warroom again today.

stay on target! :)

PS a critique of a WHO published study below has some sensationally bad headlines for the injections.


here is the study


Serious Adverse Events of Special Interest Following mRNA Vaccination in Randomized Trials

JVAC-D-22-01206 22 Pages Posted: 1 Jun 2022

highlight "..scientists discovering a person is on average 339% more likely to suffer a serious adverse event such as cardiac arrest, stroke, or death due to the Pfizer Covid-19 injection than they are to be hospitalised with Covid-19."

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Your 9-minute interview with Bannon is astounding, important, and shocking (https://rumble.com/v19gqy7-dr.-toby-rogers-moderna-and-pfizers-data-is-terrible.html). Everyone needs to watch it and pass it along to VIPs, the vaxxed, unvaxxed, family, friends, enemies, coworkers, neighbors etc. As you and guest Naomi Wolf explain, the "vaccine" companies' Future Framework is a China-made Trojan horse that will physically destroy America if allowed to proceed. Big Pharma/Deep State has a green light for the mass slaughter of children ages 6 months and up, and with this Future Framework the slow-burn genocide of the US population would continue apace without further annoyance from those who raise a question. Meanwhile the useless scumbag Congress does nothing, moronic Trump boasts about the wonderful "vaccines", and only one governor out of 50 (Ron DeSantis) refused to pre-order the killshots for infants (https://citizenfreepress.com/breaking/desantis-stands-alone-in-defiance-of-the-mrna-drug-cartel).

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Thank you for the great information on Commander Bannon’s Warroom today. Between you, Kirsch and Wolf (and many others) we have a fighting chance to stop this horrific fratricide from happening!

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today is the day that 12 billion doses have been administered globally..

first injection on 10 december 2020.

on that date there were 70 million "cases" and 1.7 million deaths with covid present.

now there are 546 million "cases" and 6.3 million deaths.

who is asking the question "what would cases and deaths have been without injections?"

or, to put it another way, "would cases have been 600 million with 7 million deaths without vaccines?"

by the way, love this video (skip to 2 minute mark) that posits that the clinical trials CAUSED the outbreak of new variants/strains.


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Hoping someone here can help me. A few months back, someone posted in the comments on this or another substack, a link to an excellent document that was essentially (very pointed) questions that parents should ask themselves and their pediatricians before they decide to have their kids vaxxed for covid. I thought I saved it, but can't find it anywhere. I am desperately looking for it (or something similar) to give to my son, before he has his beautiful, happy, healthy 1-year-old daughter covid-vaccinated because some stupid pediatrician recommends it at her next check-up. Thank you for any help you can provide.

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Hi, LP. Unfortunately I don't have the link you're seeking, but I did create an at-a-glance summary of the EGREGIOUS mischaracterization of the Pfizer trial data that got submitted to the FDA that might possibly catch the attention of a person who will not read an important piece like this one, or click a link, or view a video.

I located the Pfizer report and rolled up my sleeves to independently derive the math that Pfizer used to get their EUA, then presented it in a one-page format that's easy to follow. Then yesterday I sent it to Robyn Openshaw, and she immediately published it at the bottom of a Substack post she wrote on the topic.

After reading the post, you can click to enlarge then take a screen shot of my image at bottom.

Here's the link:


(And if anyone wants a link to all of the source documents, just let me know.)

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Thank you so much for this, Laurie! This is just the type of info for which I'm looking...straightforward, no snark, just the facts. I really appreciate it; praying that it will get through to my son and his fiancee.

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It's my pleasure. That's precisely why I created it - because mental real estate is our greatest commodity ... but it's hard *not* to look at a single page placed before you. ;)

Once people see something like this, if they become curious (or outraged) enough to inquire, THEN you can follow up with the background information that might help them believe what they are seeing.

To that end, here are some resources I used ... all listed in one place for easy sharing:

1. CLARE CRAIG'S 4-MINUTE VIDEO ON TWITTER- "Dr Clare Craig explains why the FDA should NOT have granted approval for roll-out in the 6 month to 4 yr old children cohort"


2. FDA BRIEFING DOCUMENT (66-page PDF) - https://www.fda.gov/media/159195/download

Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee Meeting | June 15, 2022

FDA Briefing Document: EUA amendment request for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for use in children 6 months through 4 years of age. (The table I annotated can be found on page 39.)

3. PRESS RELEASE (1 of 3) - 12/17/21 - The Pfizer clinical trial in kids under 5 fails:


4. PRESS RELEASE (2 of 3) - 02/11/22 - Pfizer adds a third dose and that trial also failed


5. PRESS RELEASE (3 of 3) - 05/23/22 - Then Pfizer announces an 80.3% effective rate, based on 3% of data




This 4 min video should be mandatory viewing for all parents considering vaccinating their kids

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The scumbags and their media minions are currently all-in on a propaganda campaign to convince the public that their sudden rash of serious health problems are all due to increased temperature due to, you guessed it, global warming, caused by humans. So don't pop the champagne corks just yet, the permanently deluded just got themselves an off-ramp.

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Very grateful to you.

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