5 Children. 4 boys one daughter. New to this substack. (I know (Rudolph Steiners writings and Gian Paolo Vanoli and am a paying subscriber to Steve Kirsch and member of CHD) Our oldest 2 sons are both gay. The other 2 straight. The Daughter suffers from OCD and Agoraphobia. The list is long for all the children. Autism, Dyscalcula, dyslexia, dysgraphia, motor tic disorder, OCD, Agoraphobia, Auditory processing disorder, ADD, ADHD, lack of empathy, dysautonomia, Hyperacusis, POTS, Ehlers Danlos Type III (there is an obvious link between EDS and Autism and homosexuality.) Hemiplegic Migraine, Reynauds, photophobia, vast sensory problems, Gluten dairy intolerance, Leaky gut, suspected MCAS MCAD. There is more. My children are all different as they were raised allowing individual qualities. We have a nationally recognized choreographer and dance teacher (Gay Son) and a Diesel Mechanic. (Straight son) So go figure. All are successful in their chosen fields but their physical health and mental health are severely challenged. Neuroticism and narcissistic qualities are heavy in the 2 gay sons. They both also took the covid vaccine (one has long covid now) and the oldest disowned his entire family (parents and sibs) over our not taking the covid vaccine. (we stopped vaccinating when the youngest one got autism once we realized the vaccines were the problem) The straight autistic son (born in 1999 diagnosed at age 2) we were told was never to be able to go to regular school and always live with us. We did TONS of alt therapies paid for private speech and language therapy, did lovass and aba therapy, plus a gluten free dairy free diet. Put 3 mortgages on the house to pay for it and "recovered" him. No one in his adult world knows he was ever autistic. He has some residue with social cues but has worked hard on that so it is barely noticed. Has undergrad degrees in psychology, and communications. Graduated Summa Cum Laude. He also played high school basketball at 6'8". He has a master's degree in Higher Education Administration and is the director of Residential Life at a University. Their only explanation for his"recovery" the "experts" now say was maybe he was not autistic in the first place? Diagnosed with infantile autism at age 2. Lost speech he had acquired, lost eye contact, stimmed all day with toy cars and watching ceiling fans. When speech came back he had echolalia. He was either out to lunch or screaming his head off. He didn't sleep through the night until he was 7. Wasn't dry through the night til age 12. Qualified for the Caddi and Smirt waivers, as well as MA benefits which we had to reject it was too much money at 750 a month for one child. He had early childhood special education, IEP's and eventually 504's that he refused to use in college. He has not received any vaccines except one flu shot since age 2. With homeopathy and many many other interventions, we detoxed him. We detoxed him from the poison of vaccines. Autism is vaccine damage. So we need to stop calling it Autism. We were so focused on him we didn't realize that actually ALL of our other children are vaccine-damaged to one degree or another. My children were raised with an uber compassionate, creative, hyper warm and fuzzy, loving hands on stay at home mother. None of my adult children can hug me. I get side hugs. They are not close as adult siblings. They never get together or call each other not even the 2 gay sons which you would think there would be a connection. They are all introverts to one degree or another. Their adult emotions are blunted from what they were "raised" with. My husband is probably a high functioning spectrum individual as his his brother so there must be some sort of genetic tendency or potential component and then vaccines tip it over. He doesn't understand why they don't like touch have very little warm empathy and are not more like me. I know why. I held my own children while they were poisoned as babies at the point of a needle. My neighbor's wife committed suicide because she couldn't handle her non-verbal Autistic son's tragedy. His brains are blown. Would it make us feel worse if they used a gun? Autism gets 26 boys born today in my state of Minnesota. That is the pandemic. The collateral damage is catastrophic. Our covid vaccinated co workers family and friends have been zombified. There is something absolutely off in their behavior and there has been a definite change. We got burned by autism and health problems as a result of vaccines so we were on to the covid jab from the get go. I won't take up any more space here. Glad to have found this substack. You are welcome to contact me at Itislovely@proton.me or jeridietz@hotmail.com
Nailed it Toby. I’ve particularly noticed the empathy dysphoria in my formerly loving empathic and intelligent family members. More than lacking empathy, they’re completely indifferent to red flags flying everywhere (ppl dying, New Zealand legislating forced jabs, peaceful protesters (neighbours!) languishing in jail.) This article really helps me to understand AND accept. Only by accepting what IS, can I stop trying to fix it and get on with what I do have power over. Thank you.
Wow! Well presented - provocative. Vaccines are the most direct and violent of the medical abuses and are on top of all the daily chemical and vibrational insults to our bodies and minds - humans are amazing in our capacity to tolerate torture and abuse. I've noted it often over the decades....
In Chinese medicine, the spirit resides in the blood. The hyperinflammatory nature of vaccine adjuvants, spike proteins and other toxins or traumas and subsequent disruption to circulation can have enduring consequences, especially for those we what we call Empty pulses and blood deficiency.
"As this happens, we see an insufficient amount of blood volume to fill the vessels, creating a gap between the diminished blood volume and the arterial walls... Chinese medicine postulates that the spirit resides in, and circulates with, the blood. Thus, the lack of blood volume creates an inability to contain/house the spirit, which wanders, creating the anxiety, panic and when severe enough, dissociative states so common in POTS presentations." (This article is about POTS, but there are some other important ideas that speak to vaccine injury as trauma. https://rossrosen.substack.com/p/unraveling-the-mystery-of-pots-with?utm_source=publication-search)
In this way trauma/vaccines with a background blood deficiency can in essence make way for a gap between the spirit and the body. We can't be rooted in ourselves and that takes an inevitable toll. And then consider the coagulopathy and the spiritual "stuckness" and rigidity it would create.
"A very similar dynamic is commonly encountered in athletes who stop exercising suddenly...The excessive nature of the athletes’ exercise schedules and the intensities of their aerobic workouts create an increased volume of blood circulation and a dilation of the blood vessels to accommodate it. When stopping suddenly, the blood volume decreases much faster than the vessels, which constrict much more slowly, leaving a ‘separation’ between the blood and the vessel wall, which requires its abundant contact to maintain its health, integrity, pressure, etc. This space, often described as a blood deficiency (relatively), eg, nature abhors a vacuum, creates “wind” (dizziness, light headedness, vertigo, weakness, etc.) and the resultant pathognomonic symptoms of POTS as outlined above. The concept of “wind” is an interesting one, and at is core is about the body-mind’s ability to adapt to and navigate an invitation to change. When this “invitation” is brought about abruptly, and perhaps even violently as with traumas, drugs, vaccine adjuvants, etc., it can present with dramatic symptoms as per POTS."
But "wind" can also be an external pathogen that brings chaos and turbulence... I think ideology can be that pathological wind...
I understand, and it’s unbelievable. My story has finally been published! This morning, my challenging encounter with the ‘swamp creatures’ went online.
Psychological / spiritual / communicative damage or functional distortion as a result of these chemical innoculations over time .
Specifically the latest mRNA technologies
Has anyone encountered a recent shift in the personality character of friends , associates or loved ones ?
I experienced several incidents since the rollout of the vaccines when , during average conversation the person's eyes and manner was instantly but briefly altered and they , for a moment "appeared" unrecognisable..They really seemed "zombified" if that makes sense . Very weird .
I switched to a predominantly red meat diet and eat plant foods as occasional treats. I'm finding that everything has been getting normalised as I suffered from all sort of physical and psychological ailments. So I think that you can heal if you eliminate the majority of processed and plant foods. The problem is if you continue to ingest toxins that are in these foods that Europeans have not evolved to consume. It's possible that populations that evolved nearer the equator and have consumed plants for a longer period are able to tolerate consuming large amounts of grain products and such, but Europeans are probably more adapted to eating mostly meat and fat.
In reading your paragraph on God dysphoria, I would love to know if you are familiar with the brilliant work of psychologist Julian Jaynes as presented in his classic magnum, Opus” the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral”. mind.': in this work, he posits that modern consciousness is a historically recent phenomenon based on the realization that true consciousness requires language complex enough to create an analog of the real world mentally. furthermore, he argues that in the Mediterranean basin this did not occur before the third Millenia BC Earlier civilizations not fully conscious in the modern sense were able to function due to brain function, fundamentally different from the modern brain, except perhaps those who we deem schizophrenic. He posits that,, the left Sided Language Center known as wern, ickis area, was once bi camera l . in nature Who’s right dominant side presented as a god voice that spoke to the individual in what would now be termed, auditory hallucinations. Dr Jaynes psychological specialty was schizophrenia and he was convinced that auditory hallucinations are far more common, even in the modern world, than is . generally excepted . In cultures where language was not complex enough to model reality directly, a God voice would help the individual by instructing him on how to navigate his life in the absence of his ability to fully comprehend, abstract concepts, not embedded in the language like passage of time. I personally opened this book as a skeptic, but found it remarkably brilliant and believable in its analysis. ,,
After scrolling down and reading, so many interesting and insightful commentary, I would love it if we could organize a gathering of all of us in one place wouldn’t that be amazing oh well wishful thinking???
I need to give this some thought, then I’ll comment also.
Thank you for writing such an eye-opening piece!
When I was 20 and 21 I was headed to an MD PhD program at the University of California, San Diego. One day I woke up, and I realized that the pharmaceutical company sponsored our university and our research laboratories, and that the degree I was pursuing was all about developing and prescribing pharmaceuticals for people not helping people be truly happy and healthy. So I had an existential crisis and dropped out of college. Then spent many years pursuing a spiritual path to discover the meaning of life and how we’ve gone wrong.
Wow Rhonda. I often wonder how many saw what you saw on the way to becoming one of the medical professionals. I once supervised a massage therapy clinic in a school and one of the students had actually become a physician and had to quit or lose her mind because she could not handle letting people down every single day and watching them suffer and having nothing to offer them. Her call to service was so strong, she wanted to try being directly hands on. (She also shaved her head and joined a Zen Buddhist Monastery.) I had so much admiration for her and for you for seeing it BEFORE you became predated upon. I'd love to know how/where you landed.
ah you're adorable! first time reader here. My husband was multi-jabbed as a child and late teen by his hysterical pro-jab nurse mother. He is a "natural' dyslexic - inherited and our non-jabbed/pharma-free children "suffer" from 1) first child severe dyslexia and 2) second child dyscalculia and dysgraphgia - they got super healthy food, and a healthy upbringing. There are a few factors at play - our toxic world, massive new EMF radiations that we've never had to deal with before, natural genetic factors, destiny and the struggles required to birth a shift in consciousness that we will be going through. I totally agree that jabbed and Pharma children will suffer enormous struggles - but I'm seeing that with Pharma-Free children too. It's the era we live in.
The other thing that we forget too, is that not everyone used to be taught to read and write and do maths. Now everyone is expected to, so are we picking up problems that used to be there, but no one noticed?
5 Children. 4 boys one daughter. New to this substack. (I know (Rudolph Steiners writings and Gian Paolo Vanoli and am a paying subscriber to Steve Kirsch and member of CHD) Our oldest 2 sons are both gay. The other 2 straight. The Daughter suffers from OCD and Agoraphobia. The list is long for all the children. Autism, Dyscalcula, dyslexia, dysgraphia, motor tic disorder, OCD, Agoraphobia, Auditory processing disorder, ADD, ADHD, lack of empathy, dysautonomia, Hyperacusis, POTS, Ehlers Danlos Type III (there is an obvious link between EDS and Autism and homosexuality.) Hemiplegic Migraine, Reynauds, photophobia, vast sensory problems, Gluten dairy intolerance, Leaky gut, suspected MCAS MCAD. There is more. My children are all different as they were raised allowing individual qualities. We have a nationally recognized choreographer and dance teacher (Gay Son) and a Diesel Mechanic. (Straight son) So go figure. All are successful in their chosen fields but their physical health and mental health are severely challenged. Neuroticism and narcissistic qualities are heavy in the 2 gay sons. They both also took the covid vaccine (one has long covid now) and the oldest disowned his entire family (parents and sibs) over our not taking the covid vaccine. (we stopped vaccinating when the youngest one got autism once we realized the vaccines were the problem) The straight autistic son (born in 1999 diagnosed at age 2) we were told was never to be able to go to regular school and always live with us. We did TONS of alt therapies paid for private speech and language therapy, did lovass and aba therapy, plus a gluten free dairy free diet. Put 3 mortgages on the house to pay for it and "recovered" him. No one in his adult world knows he was ever autistic. He has some residue with social cues but has worked hard on that so it is barely noticed. Has undergrad degrees in psychology, and communications. Graduated Summa Cum Laude. He also played high school basketball at 6'8". He has a master's degree in Higher Education Administration and is the director of Residential Life at a University. Their only explanation for his"recovery" the "experts" now say was maybe he was not autistic in the first place? Diagnosed with infantile autism at age 2. Lost speech he had acquired, lost eye contact, stimmed all day with toy cars and watching ceiling fans. When speech came back he had echolalia. He was either out to lunch or screaming his head off. He didn't sleep through the night until he was 7. Wasn't dry through the night til age 12. Qualified for the Caddi and Smirt waivers, as well as MA benefits which we had to reject it was too much money at 750 a month for one child. He had early childhood special education, IEP's and eventually 504's that he refused to use in college. He has not received any vaccines except one flu shot since age 2. With homeopathy and many many other interventions, we detoxed him. We detoxed him from the poison of vaccines. Autism is vaccine damage. So we need to stop calling it Autism. We were so focused on him we didn't realize that actually ALL of our other children are vaccine-damaged to one degree or another. My children were raised with an uber compassionate, creative, hyper warm and fuzzy, loving hands on stay at home mother. None of my adult children can hug me. I get side hugs. They are not close as adult siblings. They never get together or call each other not even the 2 gay sons which you would think there would be a connection. They are all introverts to one degree or another. Their adult emotions are blunted from what they were "raised" with. My husband is probably a high functioning spectrum individual as his his brother so there must be some sort of genetic tendency or potential component and then vaccines tip it over. He doesn't understand why they don't like touch have very little warm empathy and are not more like me. I know why. I held my own children while they were poisoned as babies at the point of a needle. My neighbor's wife committed suicide because she couldn't handle her non-verbal Autistic son's tragedy. His brains are blown. Would it make us feel worse if they used a gun? Autism gets 26 boys born today in my state of Minnesota. That is the pandemic. The collateral damage is catastrophic. Our covid vaccinated co workers family and friends have been zombified. There is something absolutely off in their behavior and there has been a definite change. We got burned by autism and health problems as a result of vaccines so we were on to the covid jab from the get go. I won't take up any more space here. Glad to have found this substack. You are welcome to contact me at Itislovely@proton.me or jeridietz@hotmail.com
Nailed it Toby. I’ve particularly noticed the empathy dysphoria in my formerly loving empathic and intelligent family members. More than lacking empathy, they’re completely indifferent to red flags flying everywhere (ppl dying, New Zealand legislating forced jabs, peaceful protesters (neighbours!) languishing in jail.) This article really helps me to understand AND accept. Only by accepting what IS, can I stop trying to fix it and get on with what I do have power over. Thank you.
Wow! Well presented - provocative. Vaccines are the most direct and violent of the medical abuses and are on top of all the daily chemical and vibrational insults to our bodies and minds - humans are amazing in our capacity to tolerate torture and abuse. I've noted it often over the decades....
In Chinese medicine, the spirit resides in the blood. The hyperinflammatory nature of vaccine adjuvants, spike proteins and other toxins or traumas and subsequent disruption to circulation can have enduring consequences, especially for those we what we call Empty pulses and blood deficiency.
"As this happens, we see an insufficient amount of blood volume to fill the vessels, creating a gap between the diminished blood volume and the arterial walls... Chinese medicine postulates that the spirit resides in, and circulates with, the blood. Thus, the lack of blood volume creates an inability to contain/house the spirit, which wanders, creating the anxiety, panic and when severe enough, dissociative states so common in POTS presentations." (This article is about POTS, but there are some other important ideas that speak to vaccine injury as trauma. https://rossrosen.substack.com/p/unraveling-the-mystery-of-pots-with?utm_source=publication-search)
In this way trauma/vaccines with a background blood deficiency can in essence make way for a gap between the spirit and the body. We can't be rooted in ourselves and that takes an inevitable toll. And then consider the coagulopathy and the spiritual "stuckness" and rigidity it would create.
"A very similar dynamic is commonly encountered in athletes who stop exercising suddenly...The excessive nature of the athletes’ exercise schedules and the intensities of their aerobic workouts create an increased volume of blood circulation and a dilation of the blood vessels to accommodate it. When stopping suddenly, the blood volume decreases much faster than the vessels, which constrict much more slowly, leaving a ‘separation’ between the blood and the vessel wall, which requires its abundant contact to maintain its health, integrity, pressure, etc. This space, often described as a blood deficiency (relatively), eg, nature abhors a vacuum, creates “wind” (dizziness, light headedness, vertigo, weakness, etc.) and the resultant pathognomonic symptoms of POTS as outlined above. The concept of “wind” is an interesting one, and at is core is about the body-mind’s ability to adapt to and navigate an invitation to change. When this “invitation” is brought about abruptly, and perhaps even violently as with traumas, drugs, vaccine adjuvants, etc., it can present with dramatic symptoms as per POTS."
But "wind" can also be an external pathogen that brings chaos and turbulence... I think ideology can be that pathological wind...
Wonderful share Ann - thank you for posting that.
Don’t forget lead poisoning
I understand, and it’s unbelievable. My story has finally been published! This morning, my challenging encounter with the ‘swamp creatures’ went online.
Encl. https://unbekoming.substack.com/p/heresy
love yah toby- you are right on the money
Psychological / spiritual / communicative damage or functional distortion as a result of these chemical innoculations over time .
Specifically the latest mRNA technologies
Has anyone encountered a recent shift in the personality character of friends , associates or loved ones ?
I experienced several incidents since the rollout of the vaccines when , during average conversation the person's eyes and manner was instantly but briefly altered and they , for a moment "appeared" unrecognisable..They really seemed "zombified" if that makes sense . Very weird .
I switched to a predominantly red meat diet and eat plant foods as occasional treats. I'm finding that everything has been getting normalised as I suffered from all sort of physical and psychological ailments. So I think that you can heal if you eliminate the majority of processed and plant foods. The problem is if you continue to ingest toxins that are in these foods that Europeans have not evolved to consume. It's possible that populations that evolved nearer the equator and have consumed plants for a longer period are able to tolerate consuming large amounts of grain products and such, but Europeans are probably more adapted to eating mostly meat and fat.
Europeans for centuries fermented and DRANK the grains.
Doesn't mean it helped their health in any way, shape or form.
Good point. I do very well with weissbier.
In reading your paragraph on God dysphoria, I would love to know if you are familiar with the brilliant work of psychologist Julian Jaynes as presented in his classic magnum, Opus” the origin of consciousness in the breakdown of the bicameral”. mind.': in this work, he posits that modern consciousness is a historically recent phenomenon based on the realization that true consciousness requires language complex enough to create an analog of the real world mentally. furthermore, he argues that in the Mediterranean basin this did not occur before the third Millenia BC Earlier civilizations not fully conscious in the modern sense were able to function due to brain function, fundamentally different from the modern brain, except perhaps those who we deem schizophrenic. He posits that,, the left Sided Language Center known as wern, ickis area, was once bi camera l . in nature Who’s right dominant side presented as a god voice that spoke to the individual in what would now be termed, auditory hallucinations. Dr Jaynes psychological specialty was schizophrenia and he was convinced that auditory hallucinations are far more common, even in the modern world, than is . generally excepted . In cultures where language was not complex enough to model reality directly, a God voice would help the individual by instructing him on how to navigate his life in the absence of his ability to fully comprehend, abstract concepts, not embedded in the language like passage of time. I personally opened this book as a skeptic, but found it remarkably brilliant and believable in its analysis. ,,
Please help me find info “on building the parallel society”
After scrolling down and reading, so many interesting and insightful commentary, I would love it if we could organize a gathering of all of us in one place wouldn’t that be amazing oh well wishful thinking???
Amazing perceptions!
I need to give this some thought, then I’ll comment also.
Thank you for writing such an eye-opening piece!
When I was 20 and 21 I was headed to an MD PhD program at the University of California, San Diego. One day I woke up, and I realized that the pharmaceutical company sponsored our university and our research laboratories, and that the degree I was pursuing was all about developing and prescribing pharmaceuticals for people not helping people be truly happy and healthy. So I had an existential crisis and dropped out of college. Then spent many years pursuing a spiritual path to discover the meaning of life and how we’ve gone wrong.
Wow Rhonda. I often wonder how many saw what you saw on the way to becoming one of the medical professionals. I once supervised a massage therapy clinic in a school and one of the students had actually become a physician and had to quit or lose her mind because she could not handle letting people down every single day and watching them suffer and having nothing to offer them. Her call to service was so strong, she wanted to try being directly hands on. (She also shaved her head and joined a Zen Buddhist Monastery.) I had so much admiration for her and for you for seeing it BEFORE you became predated upon. I'd love to know how/where you landed.
ah you're adorable! first time reader here. My husband was multi-jabbed as a child and late teen by his hysterical pro-jab nurse mother. He is a "natural' dyslexic - inherited and our non-jabbed/pharma-free children "suffer" from 1) first child severe dyslexia and 2) second child dyscalculia and dysgraphgia - they got super healthy food, and a healthy upbringing. There are a few factors at play - our toxic world, massive new EMF radiations that we've never had to deal with before, natural genetic factors, destiny and the struggles required to birth a shift in consciousness that we will be going through. I totally agree that jabbed and Pharma children will suffer enormous struggles - but I'm seeing that with Pharma-Free children too. It's the era we live in.
The other thing that we forget too, is that not everyone used to be taught to read and write and do maths. Now everyone is expected to, so are we picking up problems that used to be there, but no one noticed?
What a very wise statement.
I agree with your analysis. It’s difficult sometimes not being angry when one has connected the dots.
This applies to ALL vaccines as well as ALL mRNA substances and even many drugs.