Jul 2Liked by Toby Rogers

I agree with your analysis. It’s difficult sometimes not being angry when one has connected the dots.

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Jul 1Liked by Toby Rogers

This applies to ALL vaccines as well as ALL mRNA substances and even many drugs.

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I keep saying it --- COVID and the jabs were the greatest genocide in the history of the world. IT IS PAST TIME FOR Nuremberg 2.0, Short ropes and long drops!!!

Fauci should go first. Gates can be next. Action is needed.

Our book "Invisible Treason" (#1 New Book on Amazon last year.) may be useful. https://www.johntrudel.com

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Sometimes it takes years for the truth to become known. As for the WW II death camps, it too General Eisenhower having the results filmed and shown in schools.....

Surely, by now, some are starting to investigate and report?

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Jul 1Liked by Toby Rogers

I have been thinking exactly this lately, and makes so much sense when you spend time with people who were born before childhood mass vaccination. My grandmother recently passed at 99, and her personality and way of seeing the world, and what she described of her family , friends and acquaintances throughout her life, show what society might be in the absence of mass Vax injury. Far less neurosis, far more interpersonal tolerance, politeness, innate self respect and respect for others, . And sleeping problems in babies and children were unheard of. Bullying unheard of. It was normal and expected that from a young age, you become self aware, critically examine your own emotions, and express them clearly and eloquently when needed. You only have to watch old vox pop interviews with the average person in the street to hear how much more complex, nuanced and precise the common language used to be. Specific, concrete and descriptive rather than impressionistic and emotive . I could go on and on. Our culture is vaxed and that in itself is depressing.

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Oh and also, not sure if this is another dysphoria, but energy.chronic lack of energy in most of the adult population , and dependence on lots of stimulants to achieve a normal level of function. Poisoned mitochondria?

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Jul 1Liked by Toby Rogers

I wrote you years back with my theory that gender dysphoria and trans was likely related to brain swelling, particularly of the precious pituitary, that is so delicate it is encased in a tiny cranium (the sella turcica), inside the actual cranium. Two layers of bony vaults are needed to protect this, the glanduar tissue responsible for so many hormones, including those that regulate reproduction and breast feeding. When the vaccinated child screams inconsolably for hours and has a fever of whatever, they are likely experiencing a staggering headache from the brain swelling. When the cortex swells, the pituitary, which is contiguous with the brain, likely swells too, and is damaged, like when you lightly touch an emerging bud on a plant and the leaf or petal is instantly deformed. That is my theory. It is an aberration, likely vaccine caused, but sadly likely an organic brain problem. Here are the symptoms of "empty sella turcica syndrome':

Erection problems.


Irregular or absent menstruation.

Decreased or no desire for sex (low libido)

Fatigue, low energy.

Nipple discharge.

No wonder so many of them are obese, doughy, maladjusted, with ambiguous secondary sex characteristics.

Vaccines are ruining our world.

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Jul 1Liked by Toby Rogers

Bugging in the ears and a feeling of tingling in body constantly. Like you have been plugged into a electrical socket.

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7 Of the many reasons for no covid clot shots, jabs or booster jabs 2023


The 3 phases of mortality from the Covid vaccine

Phase 1 (0-30 days)

• Blood clots

• Thrombosis

• Myocarditis

• Strokes

• Heart attacks

• Spontaneous abortions

• Pulmonary embolism

• Anaphylactic shocks

Phase 2 (1-12 months)

• Immunodeficiency induced by repeated vaccinations

• Antibody-dependent amplification (ADE)

• Autoimmune reactions

• Prion-like neurological destruction

• Heart failure

Phase 3 (1-10 years)

• Chromosomal damage induced by the spike proteins

• Cancer

• Severe immune deficiency

• Autoimmune diseases with fatal outcome

• Suppressed DNA repair mechanisms (NHEJ)

• Infertility/reproductive disorders

Myocarditis alone is fatal after vaccination in up to 56% of patients within the first 5 years. The particular "giant cell" form of myocarditis will cause over 80% of the death rate in the next 5 years.



The VAERS(Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, (vaers"dot"hhs"dot"gov) is co-maintained by the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). VAERS data Indicates the Covid Vaccines Have Killed At Least 140,000 Americans as of 12/09/2021. This means that the bureaucrat and political mandaters are guilty of committing 140,000 negligent homicides. Actually, these bureaucrat and political mandaters should be charge with at least 2nd degree murder for 140,000 homicides.


Massive blood clots caused by covid vaccines 2022.

Web search "massive blood clots caused by covid vaccines". This web search will show 1,000s of links that presents evidence of massive blood clots in all parts of the body. The clots have caused 1,000s of deaths.


Also: web search article from funeral directors describing the massive clots and other masses of horrible fibrous growths they are finding in bodies of individuals who have taken the jab.


80 Canadian Doctors COVID boosted and then died.

Vaccine Impact 80 Canadian Doctors DEAD Following COVID-19 Vaccine Mandates as


Counties With Highest Vaccination Rates See More COVID-19 04042022

According to data collected by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), counties With Highest Vaccination Rates See More COVID-19 Cases Than Least Vaccinated.

<< theepochtimes"DOT"com/most-vaccinated-counties-see-more-covid-19-cases-than-least-vaccinated-counties_4381975.html/?welcomeuser=1 >> Also, Visit "Real Not Rare" at <realnotrare"dot"com>


How Did We Know That the COVID-19 Vaccines Would Decimate Global Fertility?



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I would add "intuition dysphoria" to your list. Maybe this falls under God dysphoria, if you define that broadly enough. But I believe in a priori knowledge. That you emerge into this world already carrying the accrued wisdom of ages. That your consciousness is separated out from the collective consciousness to go on this individual journey but never completely severed from it. The idea that the human mind is a tabula rasa at birth is just beyond ludicrous. Even if you're a hardcore materialistic atheist, do you believe that evolution would spit you out blind into the current moment? Don't you think certain thoughts would get grooved into your DNA over thousands of years? I suspect vaccines and other neurological harms separate you from this internal world, that is really a gateway, the only gateway, to true wisdom. So we believe we are ignorant and lost, and we look to a constructed reality, a culture, to find truth and guidance, only to be manipulated and exploited. Power, whether it's monetary or epistemological, wants you to believe it owns truth. It wants to separate you from God and yourself. You make a better slave that way.

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Jun 30Liked by Toby Rogers

Great research topic. My daughter just graduated from high school and is going to study cognitive and behavioral neuroscience, so I'll suggest it to her. (But good luck getting research backing!)

My main take away about how humans used to be before vaccine injury (and everything else like electromagnetic pollution, standard American diet, etc.) is that they were always pretty much in a good mood, not irritable, and they worked together and in nature seamlessly.

I don't want to fall into the trap of idealizing the "romantic savage;" however there are complex and thoughtful books on how Stone Age people experienced the world. I read deeply on this topic when my children were young because I was interested in the idea of an "essential" human nature and how to raise kids. Are humans essentially bad and in need of having their impulses curbed, or are their instincts and impulses good? If my child wakes up in the middle of the night and is scared, should I send her back to bed to cry it out or let her into the parental bed to feel comforted and not alone, for example?

I read classics like "Continuum Concept," "Nutrition and Physical Degeneration," "Don't Sleep, There Are Snakes." Tribes of humans who had not come into very much contact with modern civilization tended to work together on physically taxing and painful tasks, like carrying a heavy log through the jungle, without complaining, telling jokes all the time. They might all sleep together on a mat, and someone might wake up in the middle of the night and start telling jokes. People would laugh and talk for a while, then go back to sleep. Or, think of the old 1922 film "Nanook of the North" about Inuk and his family (staged though it was) who always seem to be pretty much in a happy mood.

I am a highly-sensitive person with other highly-sensitive people in my family, and I read Elaine Aron's books on the subject, which look at qualities like sensory overload and introversion in a positive manner, instead of medicalizing them or labeling them as neuroses. In other words, I am sometimes easily tired from sensory overload, but I'm also processing more information than other people in productive ways, and my capacity for empathy, spiritual insight and intuition is enhanced.

But perhaps there is an overlap with vaccine damage, too, because I'll get pretty irritable if I don't get my share of quiet time. The group orientation of Stone Age people seems impossible to me.

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Jun 30Liked by Toby Rogers

"The less a person knows about the workings of the social institutions in his society, the more he must trust those who wield power in it; and the more he trusts those who wield such power, the more vulnerable he makes himself to becoming their victim."

Thomas Szasz

I read his book "The myth of mental illness" where he argues that the "mind" is not an organ therefore it cannot become diseased. The brain is a different matter. It's physical.

So I think many of the problems are psychological and many are physical. But the mind is powerful. The placebo effect is 60% as effective as actual pills or drugs. So the mind can "make a heaven of hell or a hell of heaven"

The real danger is turning verbs into nouns, processes into events that cannot be changed. I still believe the mind is the most powerful element in the equation.

Quoting Szasz once again: "In the animal kingdom the rule is eat or be eaten. In the human kingdom define or be defined."

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Jun 30Liked by Toby Rogers

I think there is some level of truth to what is being asserted Toby. A great research topic and possibly essay or book.

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Jun 30Liked by Toby Rogers

Since the age of 10 1/2, after a severe adverse reaction to a vaccine, I have lived Life as a "Highly Sensitive Person" or hypersensitive. It has informed, coloured and modified every experience, creating sometimes bliss and sometimes torture.

Needless to say, I have never had an injection of anything, since then.

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Jun 30Liked by Toby Rogers

My initial reaction is that your points sound both quite plausible and, if accurate, an extremely valuable way of looking at these issues. Which means, in my opinion at least, this is definitely a line of thinking that ought to be developed and debated further.

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Jun 30Liked by Toby Rogers

Thank you so much for giving me a platform to speak truth!

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Jun 30Liked by Toby Rogers

Your body is yours and yours only! They want access to that including your soul! I could get real deep on jab ingredients and how everything ties together! But just a nobody with a cell phone!

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