I saw that entire show! I love the way you say exactly what you mean; let the chips fall where they may. Keep up the good work!

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Getting here late...but wanted to add:

I was in grad school at Penn in the '80s, six years. My enduring, still agonizing memory of the Children's Hospital of Pennsylvania--so sweetly referred to as CHoP--was the lobby area with tables, viewable from the street through big windows, where the little bald cancer patient children, pushing their IV rigs, or wheeled along in their wheelchairs, would settle in for a McDonald's Happy Meal with their parents.

CHoP was very proud of having the first, or one of the first, hospital-located Mickey Ds in the nation.

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Have you seen CHoP now? It looks like Las Vegas — one gleaming new glass and steel office tower after another. That place is a mad money making business. Beyond evil.

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Took me a minute to find this page. I won't even comment. I know you'll see "it."


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[audible sighgroan]

No, I've been gone from Philly a long time. Just went to Goomaps, couldn't get the little street guy, but from the roofs and PR photos...yikesalmighty.

Children's hospitals seem to be a growth industry alright. Here in the PNW/Pugetopolis they're throwin' 'em up in Seattle, Tacoma, and other cities. Palatial glass boxes. Folksy art. Little ones delivered into the hellmouth.

Are you familiar with the captive media/broadcasting programs in children's and other hospital settings? Example (at CHoP):



Be interesting to get a look at who pays for all that. I mean, the "foundation" front is the first thing that rankles my suspicions....

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What of this is false?


In fact, the researchers posit that wealthy white families are increasingly choosing private care for their children and opting out of state services, which were the source of the study’s autism diagnosis data. Messaging may also highlight that the narrative that Marin County is anti-vaccine is nearly a decade out of date, as its childhood immunization has steadily increased since 2015 and now sits at 95 percent. Moreover, in 2021 and 2022, the county made headlines for having some of the highest adult and child COVID-19 vaccination rates in the country, with over 90 percent of adults and 80 percent of children 5 to11 vaccinated.


I'd like to be able to refute it to people who cite it ... Just saying it's a hit pièce isn't réfutation

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Dude, don’t ask other people to do your thinking for you and don’t copy and paste text written by genociders.

“What of this is false?” All of it.

There is no evidence that wealthy white families are opting out of tens of thousands of dollars worth of services. Furthermore THAT’S THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF THE CLAIM THAT WE’VE HEARD FOR 30 YEARS THAT WEALTHY WHITE FAMILIES HAVE HIGHER AUTISM RATES BECAUSE THEY ARE SO GOOD AT GETTING DIAGNOSIS AND SERVICES FOR THEIR KIDS. So they were really good at working the system and then suddenly they stopped? That makes no sense.

I cited data from birth years 2000 to 2013. What does 2015 and beyond have to do with the data I cited? The genociders should be careful what they wish for — yes vaccination rates are up in Marin County now, and that will also soon show up in the autism data.

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Dude, really? You make a claim, and then tell other people to prove you are right, instead of just providing the evidence?

Did you not read my last sentence? I haven’t done NEAR the amount of research that you have and was asking for your help in being able to refute the genociders - I’ve been a founding member for 3 years and you think I’m copying pasting that to *support* them?

FFS, how you can interpret my asking for more information as wanting someone else to think for me … but that’s how the world is now. Asking for someone to provide evidence for their claim means that you are refuting their claim. Didn’t think I’d get that from you, but alas…

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As a former soft tissue therapist.. I can assure you that a simple injection foam "accuball" and a dense foam roller properly used daily will eradicate almost ALL physical pain. If I could only being 3 things with me into the great unknown, the accuball is 1 of them.

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Got cancer spot on cheek but no MOH surgery. Saw others get huge invasive 😩

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For far too long rising autism rates have been dismissed as one of life’s mysteries….we don’t know what causes it! Pointing out this connection in a short sharp video was brilliant! Perhaps it was the blue berries and kale…….lets have a thorough investigation.

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Unfortunately autism doesn’t only come from vaccines. My son is unvaccinated. It’s definitely also genetic .

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Everything we do in life is based on patterns. You turn the wheel clockwise and your car turns right. You learnt that pattern long ago and you’ve been training it ever since then. You forget to pay a small tax and the notice carries a bigger sum, so you quickly learn that pattern.

Everything in business (or social life) is based on patterns. If you need a change, however small, you test it in a non-threatening way, observe what will happen, and only then decide whether to go for it or not or to modify your concept and retest it.

The pinnacle of human behavior - emergency services, from healthcare to the police, fire fighting, rescue and the military - is based exclusively on pattern recognition, creation, enaction and continuous modification in a controlled way. This is the only way to improve and enrich our life experience.

Once this approach is implemented in medicine and in supervision over it, we’ll have a chance.

Toby’s great short indication of striking patterns goes a long way to it. So simple. Neglecting it may be interpreted as sabotage of public health or, at least, omission in performing public duties.

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I had my daughter in Marin county in 2002. My pediatrician at the time came recommended by other highly educated Asian and white women, and even my very old-fashioned ob/gyn who backed up my home birth. This Pediatrician and their entire practice did NOT recommend the standard vaccine schedule, in fact they encouraged me to do my homework and said they didn’t suggest any shots until children were much older, if at all. It was very normal to be in play group with babies and none of them were vaccinated - it was the beginning of my vaccine education and zero of my three kids were vaccinated for anything. That said, at the same time there were numerous studies trying to determine why Marin had the highest breast cancer rates in the country so people were questioning everything going into bodies - maybe that AND this one very popular pediatric practice may have been responsible for this data?

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Love it!

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You should research the health benefits of apricot seeds. Especially since you had skin cancer issues. It cured my benign skin cancer in my nose, my athletes foot and my tennis elbow in about a month or two eating only two seeds per day. And I don’t take any medicines at all ever. Never have. I don’t take vitamins or supplements or anything else. I don’t take Tylenol or ibuprofen. I just eat the seeds. Good luck and God bless.

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Good to hear. I found out about apricot kernels in 2020/21. I avoid pharmaceuticals like the plague.


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Leatril is potent ingredient and reason why pits should never be removed from dry fruit. Need to be able to suck on them.

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Seeds don’t contain Laetrile, that’s the synthetic lab created version. They contain amygdalin which is a very valuable health ingredient to the human body. Look up Dr Hovind on apricot seeds.

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Laetrile is the synthetic, man-made version of the naturally occurring amygdalin in fruit seeds. Laetrile failed to help cancer in the 70s and 80s, because (just like everything we take these days), it’s synthetic. It’s not the real form that occurs in nature. Eat actual seeds. You won’t be disappointed. Apple, apricot, peach, bitter almonds, especially those in the rosaceae family of fruit.

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Toby, you've been a shining light in this dark vaxxed and upside down world. Thank you!

I have an interesting story for you. I was always interested in promoting my own health through diet/life style. Became vegetarian then, vegan, water fasts, saunas, raw food, you name it. At 57, teaching school, new super strong wifi installed at school, my health tanked quickly, had to quit the job- Electro-sensitivity- What the Hell is that? Why did it hit me? and not any others? What the heck do I do? Docs have zero idea. So on my own figuring this out- felt impossible. My whole body stopped working- all levels, digestion, sleep, energy, mental state, you name it, all tanked.

I learned that the medical folks have no idea how to create health. So forget them.

I moved several times to get away from cell towers, etc, I live totally hard-wired, in nature, but the biggest discovery I've made to turn around my health- I started eating meat after 40+ years of none- a lot of it- everyday, and cut out all carbs/sugars. I would have bet $$$ that it would not be good for me. I actually did the meat diet just to prove it's bad. I was so completely wrong.

It's been 20 months of my meat life style and my health continues to improve. People are desperate for health improvements but they think I'm crazy even while watching me improve. It's a huge reality shift.

Now, whatever the big THEY tell us, I do the opposite. THEY say- Meat is terrible for your health and bad for the planet- So, I know the opposite is true, by virtue that THEY are trying to ruin us, vax us, and make us into weak and sick slaves to THEIR system. So Please, get super strong so we all can be the Warriors that we need to be to finish THEM and get our beautiful lives and our amazing health back. Much Love to You!!

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The late Dr. Nicholas Gonzales understood that everyone is unique, so not everyone will thrive on the same diet. Sounds like you're an Extreme Carnivore according to his system.

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Can’t say nuf about Dr. Gonzalez. Cured many a cancer patient. Untimely passing. Wife Beth carrying on his healing w/ Nicholas Gonzalez Foundation.

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A friend of mine was a vegetarian, sometimes vegan for 37 years. Her health tanked and no doctors could help her. Lots of issues from nerve problems to autoimmune. Desperate, she tried the carnivore diet and her health vastly improved. It’s been 4 years now and she says it has taken that long to heal the damage she did to her body by not eating animal products, especially her nerves. Myelin sheath of nerves is made of fat. Anyway her diet now is strictly meat and fat and she says she feels great.

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it's real simple to know what to do in life to improve your health - you just do the opposite of what the WHO and all medical doctors recommend as they are constantly pushing needles on everyone and they keep pushing a plant based diet.

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My sister was vegan for years and got extremely sick and still is battling with the results. She just recently started eating meat again, hopefully she will have some positive results 🙏

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Thank you for your comment. It's quite the reality shift to support eating strictly animal products. It's lovely for you to add this healing story.

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May God bless you and keep you, sir.

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Toby, DMSO (at 70%) is terrific for scars, even very old ones. It has the power to remodel and heal the skin... I just tried it and am blown away. :-)

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I wonder if it would work for my son’s chickenpox scar on his face? I stopped vaxxing him after age 1 1/2 so he never got the chickenpox (or MMR) shot. Then at age 13 he caught chickenpox from me because I had shingles. Unfortunately, he scratched up his face before I could warn him not to do that.

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It's well worth trying. I tried it on a scar that's 50 years old, when I let someone burn my wrist with a cigarette on a dare. It started looking a bit funny couple of years ago. In 10 days of several applications per day, it's hardly there. I gave it a rest a couple of weeks, just rubbing with coconut oil. Now I am doing another 10 days. It's so cool watching it heal every day! I never woulda believed it! :-)

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Topical!? Hook me up!

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Yup, topical. I got a bottle via amazon, from the DMSO store.

You dilute the full strength to 70% with water, and apply. Easy peasy. :-)

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Whoa. 🤯 Will try.

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You can also dilute it with pure organic Aloe Vera. :)

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Dang, you're good lookin!

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It's that expensive haircut. 😉

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