The issue is national, state and individual sovereignty; presupposing these are still something we are for, this sets the stage for CHOICE (freedom). If sovereignty is no longer a thing, then FORCE (tyranny) can and should be expected. We think a supermajority unified under CHOICE (@choicevax) in opposition to FORCE (forcevax) would go a long way in ensuring our right to decide, and our right to informed consent.

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Why do you assume it’s the mothers who don’t want their child vaccinated and the father is vengeful. I’ve read stories of the exact opposite.

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All it takes is to pay off one woke judge - ONE, to rule that people can be force-injected for "safety" of the community. And that would set a precedence that undoes everything in those 57 pages.

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Thank you for sharing this resource. I'm a bit confused about the Jacobsen case, which was during smallpox which had a 30% mortality rate. I thought that the Supreme Court ruled that exemptions had to be allowed and that Jacobsen could put in an exemption or pay a fine (around $105 in today's dollars). I know those pro-covid shot site the case as evidence for their draconian measures but I don't see it that way. My understanding of the case comes from this video:

Frontline Dr. Gold


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Yes, all good points.

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Open the link to the legal doc. Click "print" on your computer. Choose "Save to PDF" as the destination rather than the name of your printer. Hit "Save" button (the option given instead of print). Now that doc is saved on your computer and you can print it or share it easily.

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Team Pharma also has the fact that US constitution, court precedents and statutes have been legally, silently and automatically preempted by World Health Organization global International Health Regulations of 2005 and 2017 US Health and Human Services 42 CFR 70 regulations (implementing 2005 WHO IHR within US borders), since Jan. 30, 2020, when WHO Director-General declared Covid-19 “public health emergency of international concern.” PHEIC has not yet been lifted, so preemption of US sovereign law still ongoing.


Shorter summary: https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/on-the-world-health-organizations?s=w

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This article needs to be read by everyone ASAP. The right to refuse medical treatment is the key issue of our time.

Please forward this everywhere, and make use of the linked resources herein as needed.

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I was stunned reading this document because there are hundreds of cases that support the right to refuse medical treatment and I had never heard of any of them. This document represents thousands of hours of research. It's just really nice to know that there is a mountain of case law that supports our position and that indeed our position represents the consensus view of the courts for the last 80 years.

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Thank you so much for finding it and posting it. This is essential to so many cases happening now and likely on the horizon.

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A recent case was filed in Utah on March 4, 2022 pertaining to Dr. Devan Griner, MD challenging the injection mandates at his work. It is a case against Biden, DHHS, and Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services.

This a "right to refuse" case.

In the said case, it is mentioned that the injections are NOT vaccines but "gene therapy" whereby the "Big Pharma" companies in their SEC (Security and Exchange Commission) filings do NOT claim that their shots are vaccines. They state that their shots are "gene therapy" instead.

Lying to the SEC is serious business and can lead liars to prison and heavy fines.

The argument is that the "gene therapy" is a treatment and cannot be forced.

I have trouble with the words "therapy and treatment" because many who take the injections end up dead or seriously injured. Treatment and therapy is suppose to "enhance" someone not kill them or injure them.

I am eager to learn how this case will turn out.

We shall see what happens.

Thank you!

Lise from Maine (former licensed clinician)

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I also have trouble with the notion that a true vaccine can be forced. Medical treatments of any kind must never be weaponized against the unwilling.

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Agree. There should always be choice. All vaccines carry some risk. With risk there should be choice ( and informed consent).

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Fantastic reference, Toby.

Just another reason why I come here every day!

thank you!

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Thank you Edwin! 🙌

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Another fantastic reminder to all. We all have rights & there’s laws to protect us… we MUST reject these deadly EXPERIMENTAL JABS… let’s come together as one, both vaxxed & unvaxxed, we must show respect towards each other & fight the long battle ahead to protect future generations. Hope is on the horizon: he’s an interview that should & MUST bring Fauci to court… please share this information. I think it’s the most important messages for everyone;


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Thanks for your uplifting comment. We all must come together. We need to focus on how we're alike instead of our differences. They want us to be divided, isolated, and afraid to question the approved narrative. All that have been involved in the lies need to be brought to court. So many people have been injured or have died from these shots. They knew they were unsafe but kept pushing them on us.

Everyone needs to reject the shots and the mandates. Don't let them get approval for kids under 5.

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Great! Can you forward this to all religious leaders who have so easily fallen into the COVID Cult falsely based on Romans 13 as proposed by the murderous Dr Collins?!

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One problem with the legal route, even with Standler’s analysis, is the vaccine syllogism.

1. All medical treatments have risks.

2. All medical treatments require informed consent.

3. Vaccines are “safe and effective,” meaning 100% safe.

4. From points 1 and 3, vaccines are not medical treatments.

5. Thus, vaccines don’t require informed consent.

The sociopaths of course don’t accept point 3. Rather, they rely on its opposite. Their paid-off shills don’t care about logic, as long as the money keeps flowing -- which it does as long as they induce the safe-and-effective trance in the many useful idiots, who then find the syllogism completely convincing.

Sadly, many of these useful idiots are judges.

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I see your point, but what if it were agreed upon that C19 shots were not by definition “vaccines,” at least before woke editors at Webster’s conveniently redefined it? AND they were proven NOT 100% “safe & effective” which isn’t too hard if you take an honest look at VAERS? Then their house if cards crumbles. Not my idea. Look for interviews with David Martin. Genius!

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If you are an at-will employee who refuses testing or vaccine based on ethical concerns, can’t they just fire you anyways because you’re both at will and you’re technically not following ‘policy’ of the company?

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Yeah, I suppose. But firing people and then hiring and training new people is expensive. So smart employers should be willing to find ways to reduce turnover. I get that most employers are not smart though.

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I’m trying to get my employer to exempt me from weekly covid testing. I’m wondering if I could use some of this as basis for my argument.

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I think if you give that document a close read you will find lots of useful quotes for making your case.

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I can't help but wonder what the reproductive future holds for so many young people. Have they all just unknowingly been sterilized? Sure plays well into Bill Gates' hand. In terms of Eugenics, so is the new master race, all those that fall in line and obey? The ones that can be managed as part of the herd?

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Yup! Unfortunately you are probably right. Very sad & very scary. Also, masking kids & teaching them that bodily autonomy is not a fundamental human right/responsibility is also grooming them for even worse atrocities! Our own government is setting our kids up to be trafficked in one way or another. Time to obey God rather than men! Parents should be vigilant against these outright attacks on our future, our posterity! But how can they be unless they are educated & informed with truth?! Problem is the mass formation has so thoroughly divided people, it’s next to impossible to talk to those already convinced by the propaganda. PRAY for opportunities to get the truth out to as many as will be open to it, so they can, in turn pass information on! Start with Candace Owens on Parlor.

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