4) because all the governments are unfixably bankrupt, with way beyond unpayable debt, and their only escape route (as politicians) is a permanent state of emergency (war and/or pandemic) - I.e. they don't want the music to stop...

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I liked what you said about anger being a motivator to get out the vote. Anger can also be a motivator to get out the toxins. I don't think it's that easy, though. Plus, I am not sure that just electing a better executive in 2024 would do the trick. Maybe a large coronal mass ejection from the sun that wiped out the satellites, the 5 G, etc. or maybe a real weather change like a return of the Ice Age or a super volcano going off. You know something to reset the planet back to basic survival skills so big Pharma, big tech, big government, big whatever will be wiped out. I agree with you about the vaccines: Passive resistance? In the meantime never give up.

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No 5G or smart meters, and NO MORE CHEMICAL PERFUMES!

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Come to think of it, let's minimize (or eliminate) all EMFs and VOCs!

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Dunno Toby, I.Just.Don’t. Know. I’m just coming off a 3 week fling with Covid and it wasn’t pretty. I was a Believer, dutifully presented my bicep to Them to put any old thing they wanted into my arm to protect me, and...it didn’t work. So I sit here in the aftermath of the hurricane as ripe as anyone can be for conversion, some kind of balm for my troubled mind and spirit, and I find...You...and you offer a highly specified and intelligent cataloging of all the travesties since WW2 that brought us to this awful point. I wanted to jump up and cheer for you Toby, I really did, but then you dragged out your Big Stick of anger and wanted to beat everyone with it. Jon Stewart, Bill Gates, Fauci...just give ‘em a good whack upside the head to make them See and make them Pay for their stupidity and damage. Retribution and Revenge, yeah, that should do the trick! The clear and concise itemizing of all the mistakes made over my lifetime was like sugar for me and really clarified this situation we’re in but then you brought out your big, salty stick to beat all the perpetrators and...this just doesn’t work for me. Dunno...I. Just. Don’t. Know Toby. Peace to you, brother.....

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Yeah look, I've read your comment a few times to try to understand the differences in our viewpoints. I confess I still don't get it. You're okay with describing 100+ years of toxic harms. But you want to live in a world without agents, where no one is responsible for those harms? That seems like an odd flex to me but perhaps I just misunderstand your argument?

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The rational reason for justice is to set an example and prevedent that "these behaviours are completely unacceptable- if anyone does this ever again they will face a similar accounting - by which society reaffirms its principles of ethics and its definitions of attocity" IMO (of course beating people with a stick does not reverse the harms that have been suffered - that is not the reason why a stick is occasionally needed).

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Hi, I learnt everything I need to know about health, SARS and Covid from HIV and AIDS

I think that we owe it the people who committed suicide due the loneliness, isolation and despair of an AIDs diagnosis, and those killed, bereaved or harmed by the toxic effects of AZT, all indelible stains on politicians, the media and the medical profession, to be absolutely certain what causes disease.

Poppers are known to cause both KS and pneumocystis.

Even Montagnier admitted that poor diet caused AIDS, and that good nutrition could both prevent and cure it. No AZT, no nothing.

Yes AZT did seem to improve the death rate, but that was because healthy people with an a positive 'HIV' test (who would die of something else) where included in the AIDS criteria immediately after AZT's introduction.

Yes AZT does seem to improve 'viral load' but that is because the RNA fragments, not shown to come from a virus, are further oxidised and mutated by AZT treatment and are no longer picked up by the designed PCR primers.

Stigma cannot rightly be attached to promiscuity; AIDS, a disease of oxidation, is only correlated with the frequency of receptive anal intercourse, in either gender; semen is highly oxidising and the anus is very thin. Transmission of 'infection' has not been shown by other intercourse in either gender.

PCR cannot be used as a test as there are so many 'genomes' registered for HIV that thousands are found in healthy people and millions in people with symptoms. A positive antibody test, presence of globulins that bind to proteins, not shown to come from a virus, may be ignored if the patient does not have a history of blood transfusion (though a virus by their definition would not survive) or is a Black African or a gay man. This is mind bogglingly unscientific.

Virus-like particles may well exist but until they are shown to cause anything we do better to focus on what we do know causes disease; poverty, loneliness, oxidation, medications, drugs and poor diet and not kill anymore people with toxic anti-virals or vaccines, and go from there.


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Wait…so HIV is uniquely linked to anal sex?

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the oxidation condition known as AIDS is correlated (not necessarily caused by, there may be other factors that affect people who often have receptive anal sex, such as drugs etc, but a mechanism of oxidation by semen through the anal wall is entirely possible) with receptive anal sex.

HIV categorically has never been shown to exist in any way and if it did and was the cause of AIDS it would also affect other forms of intercourse, which it DOES NOT

hope this helps


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A friend of mine has told me to investigate the origins and truth about HIV/AIDS to understand Covid. I have RFK Jrs book but haven’t read it yet.

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Hiya, they are absolutely right, that's how it happened to me!🙏🏽

RFK isn't quite there yet on viruses, i thoroughly recommend you read Virus Mania by Engelbrecht and Torsten, if you only read the chapter on HIV and AIDs every thing will fall away in an instant and you will see clearly.

here's my synopsis of the work of the Perth group til you can get a copy!!! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/the-importance-of-intellectual-freedom



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Great article, full of information, but you merely state, when we take control, as if its going to be handed over to us. And no talk at all about a plan or an idea on how to achieve this. I know, I get it, we can't talk of such things lest the goon squad come along and haul us off to the gulag. But if not now, then when? I feel like we've been not asleep at the wheel but snoozing and conscientiously aware of our collision course for long enough.

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We cannot have that conversation on Substack for obvious reasons. But I encourage people to have that conversation in real life.

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I have been inspired to look into the origins of IVM and discovered many fascinating things. Did you know that Merck donates $4 billion worth of Ivermectin to Africans as a prophylaxis for worm infection in river blindness, although there is no evidence that it is effective in this method?

Not suspicious at all.


Now a demand is being created for IVM (by banning it )for a respiratory 'virus'

I don't know what exactly but something very off is happening.


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Ok, I've been utilizing Ivermectin for decades and decades. It won the Nobel Prize in medicine. Research it's discovery, and movement into human medicine; it's amazing.

Non-toxic and with multiple methods of action to benefit the user.

Perhaps a useful drug for many forms of cancer, to boot!

pHarma is terrified of Ivermectin!! It could literally slay the dragon of both "viruses" and "cancer!" Dear God, they would be put on the street begging for pennies, lol.

No vaxxes? No viruses? No cancer? PHarma would die of starvation, lol.

Anyone dissing that wonder compound is highly suspect imho.

As a side note, Alex Berenson's position on it proves he is working to get his "cred" back is the eyes of his masters, to me.

; ))

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and winning a Nobel prize is definitely a gift from the establishment for services to pharma! https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/beware-the-nobel-prize


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yet it's made by pharma?

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Lol. Found in nature, but produced by pharma. Penicillin anyone?

Aspirin? Willow bark

HCQ? Quinine? The secret from Peru that stops malaria?

Ivermectin, soils where animals were startlingly healthy!

I wish pharma hadn't hidden the antiviral effects, just like they've hidden the usefulness of Fenbendazole in certain Cancers....

Mike Yeadon said every useful drug has already been discovered. (Mostly)

I agree. Let's use what we already have much more intelligently and compassionately.

As to pharma, just like any place there are humans, it's neither all good nor all bad.

And even a blind pig finds a nut once in a while!

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hee hee I'm still dubious . Yes I'm sure many things that grow are super for us, rosemary really does help us remember, ginger 'really is' (according to our science) antiemetic, fungi can do all sorts of things and even sort out psychological conditions. Antibiotics are great for people in extremis who can't cope with detox symptoms where bacteria are proliferating on dead tissues, but unless the root cause of disease is addressed it will only help for so long, and we know that peri-natal treatment ('just in case') and long term use of antibiotics is very harmful to health as it makes leaky guts, affects kidney and brain barrier function. increases chance of allergies, enhances toxic effects of vaccines, removes protections from cancer etc

How do we know that some parasites are not also symbiotic and destroying them by long term prophylactic use of ivermectin will have a negative effect?

Aspirin may relieve a very bad headache, but the headache is caused by the body using inflammation to relieve itself of the toxic effects of stress etc. The inflammation/ fever needs to be supported not suppressed. We also don't know that cancer itself is not a healing mechanism to encapsulate toxins to protect the body etc https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/nothing-in-nature-is-meaningless

Everyone is startlingly healthy on soils when allowed to live freely, left alone by humans, with no pesticides, insecticides or pollution. and food is grown regeneratively. We know how to be healthy.

As to antiviral and malarial effects I see no evidence that viruses exist or cause disease at all and am not convinced about mosquitos that only live and affect people in certain areas. I don't think that nature is out to get us or that we can only be saved by pharmaceuticals https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/a-tiny-water-flea-has-31000-genes I only see the toxic effects from poverty, stress, pollution, factory farming, drugs and medications https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/seeing-is-believing

I'm not saying pharma is bad, I'm saying I'm wary when the WHO, UN and World Bank get involved and tell me that such and such a thing has been eliminated, eradicated or prevented, and all thanks to them and their generosity, as I know exactly how they came up with the rubbish about smallpox being eradicated by a vaccine https://georgiedonny.substack.com/p/lets-hope-the-monkey-pox-nonsense


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I do agree with you. But there are useful compounds found in nature and tweaked by pHarma. *Sometimes even for the good.

Nothing is 100% bad. Not even pharma, lol.

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Hi again,

Yes I totes agree. Nothing is bad.

I just found out from a comment that 'Merck gets a tax deduction for giving ivermectin to Africa. While they do not get taxable cash from the sale of ivermectin, Merck does get a refund of $$ which would otherwise go to governments. Say an ivermectin pill costs 1 cent to make, and they give it away at 11 cents per pill. Merck then gets 10 cents in tax credits, which “after tax” , assum a 30% tax rate, in a simplified way equals a 3 cent profit per pill given to Africa for free...' this is why I post on substack!

This is for a drug that hundreds of millions are advised to take weekly. Merck. Is. Making. A. Bomb.

I see evidence that IVM is useful for microfilaraie for those invected with worms, but see no proof that any prevention of infection by weekly dosing could not also be due to changes in numbers of people living by rivers, farming or employment practices, better sanitation, nutrition or health care for example.


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Trying to explain all evils of the world in terms of vaccines is a classic "when all you have is a hammer, everything looks like a nail" error.

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It's a fair point. But I list 9 other toxicants in addition to vaccines and invite readers to add others.

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I should have said "toxins" not "vaccines" originally, my mistake.

I completely agree with you that these toxins are a source of great misery. I also agree that great misery causes irrationality. But irrationality is a plague we humans have dealt with since time immemorial. Why do you think they made Socrates drink the hemlock?

The remedy for irrationality is primarily a philosophical issue, not a medical/nutritional issue.

Your analysis is kind of like those who say "We just need to return to actually respecting The Constitution!" Well if that was a good remedy then why did history unfold as it did? Likewise, if eliminating toxins was the cure, then how did we ever get into the situation in the first place? People were objecting to various of these toxins the whole way along, and it fell on deaf ears. And they were not deaf because of toxins. The deafness has another root cause. My difficulty in convincing you of that is illustrative.

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This is not my first rodeo. I wrote a doctoral dissertation on this topic. I document regulatory capture at FDA, USDA, CDC, EPA etc. -- from the inception of those institutions.


In this article I am arguing that the problem of irrationality/ideology is compounded by the problem of neurological injury from toxicants. That's not really a controversial statement given that toxic injury is all around us.

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There is zero chance that a doctoral thesis would be permitted to articulate the real root problems here, because the University system is a central player in these problems and they'd have massive egg on their face for accepting such thesis. Indeed, no student who understood and wanted to articulate the root problems would be permitted to graduate with a PhD, he'd be driven out.

I already had agreed that toxicants exacerbate the irrationality problem. But if you want to get to the root of the problem, you're gonna have to rethink the University system, for one thing.

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Your certainty regarding things you have not read does not inspire confidence in your conclusions.

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Yeah, PhD's have all sorts of trained immune responses to keep out contrarian information. If I thought it'd do you any good to summarize the missing elements from your thesis, I'd have offered it. But I could skim it if you want.

This isn't my first rodeo either. I don't have a lot of patience with credential-wagging as a form of answer.

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I’d say don’t forget the damages of Social Media on the brains. Trained to get dopamine hits, trained for a short attention span, etc.

This is why I am a Substack person now! Deep thought, long articles, and a more engaging experience.

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Yes, I agree with all of that. Social media is incredibly damaging.

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You’ll want to delete that spam link below!

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Remove plastic and rubber soles from all shoes. Return to leather soles. Encourage people to walk barefoot on the bare earth as often as possible.

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You are so right!

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Add to the list:

1. Flame retardants soaked on polyester pajamas for infants through adults.

2. Clothing made from recycled plastics and synthetics. (Becoming very difficult to find cotton, which is also often laden with pesticides.)

3. Aluminum foil, plastic wrap, and packaging for all food.

4. Sunscreen with toxic chemicals - my entire generation has spent the past 30+ years slathering it on themselves and their kids, blocking Vit D in the process. The skin is our largest organ.

5. HFCS has been replaced with Maltodextrin - same toxin - different name.

6. Infant formula’s first ingredient is HFCS.

7. DDT and current pesticide spraying. Our old neighborhood in FL is sprayed regularly with Naled.

8. Lead painted children’s toys such as Thomas the Tank Engine which poisoned an already mercury toxic generation (those born in late 90’s to early 2000’s). Abundance of plastic toys.

9. EMFs from computers and Wi-Fi. (The number of Wi-Fi signals extending to my house is now in double digits.)

10. Our water supply is not just devoid of minerals and nutrients, in many areas it is run through reverse osmosis which makes it dead, not capable of keeping plants alive - let alone humans. Oh, not to mention, we are running out of drinking water altogether.

Depressing but I keep hope that if this is indeed a “great reset” we can go back to natural living with the knowledge to do things better.

On the plus side, homeopathy can detox gently and effectively.

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Only breast milk is good for babies. Of course Covid Injections dried up mother's milk.....and/or contaminated it.

Damn these devils are efficient.

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I know why I like my old cotton t-shirts, lol.

And 100% cotton sheets. And sleep in the nude.

; ))

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Organic Cotton!

Watch "The True Cost" about the garment industry....

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Great additions!!! 🙌

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You are simply the best.

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Mr. Rogers, can you provide a link to your thesis / study of autism and vaccines please? I saw that in one of your articles and meant to look it up but then lost the tab. I would like to read it. Thanks.

I think if you reply I will get an email notice.

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Thank you. I look forward to reading it. I apologize for not acknowledging that you are Dr. Rogers not just Mr. And of course, Mr. has amusing connotations in this context. I did not intend that. Please forgive any offense.

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All good.

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Thank you! If I may, the endocannabinoid system, the body’s master regulatory system, present in each and every cell membrane of the body, enables the body’s natural response to the myriad problems you’ve listed here. Starved of support, Endocannabinoid system deficiency inhibits this natural response. Endogenous phytocannabinoids (not CBD or THC) can be produced sustainably, without petroleum-based extraction/refinement, to support the endocannabinoid system. Please let me know if I may send you products of these pure, unadulterated, unrefined cannabinoids, produced in my company’s cGMP facility. There is vast and growing amount of peer reviewed research available to which I can also point you, as well.

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So many to add:

Toothpaste: (except the natural) which is flooded with Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS), as are our shampoos, soaps, dish soaps and laundry detergent. An ingredient known to cause cancer and I believe, banned in europe, because of its petroleum source. Commercial toothpaste is the only thing in the world that can erase a Sharpie marker. If you use the kind with "scrubbing microbeads" those are actually little plastic balls that you swallow and that get embedded into your stomach lining, so that's nice.

Also Aspartame, which was going to be denied by the FDA until Donald Rumsfeld (who at the time was CEO of Searle) used his power to get it approved despite overwhelming evidence that it was deadly. The FDA's own toxicologist, Dr. Adrian Gross told Congress that without a shadow of a doubt, aspartame can cause brain tumors and brain cancer and that it violated the Delaney Amendment. Rumsfeld and Reagan hand-picked a new FDA commissioner, Arthur Hayes. "One of Hayes' first official acts as FDA chief was to approve the use of aspartame as an artificial sweetener in dry goods on July 18, 1981. In order to accomplish this feat, Hayes had to overlook the scuttled grand jury investigation of Searle, overcome the Bressler Report, ignore the PBOI's recommendations and pretend aspartame did not chronically sicken and kill thousands of lab animals. Hayes left his post at the FDA in November, 1983, amid accusations that he was accepting corporate gifts for political favors. Just before leaving office in scandal, Hayes approved the use of aspartame in beverages."

Diet coke, anyone?

Obviously, there are just two items on the household (not industrial) level.

All of this cullng shit has been going on for decades. Life is so good though, we as a country just look the other way.

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SLS isn't banned in Europe but it should be.

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I just read that both SLS and SLES are banned by the European Union, in addition to parabens which our FDA loves. Not true?

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It must be a new thing.

I am really allergic to SLS so always had to look out for it since I found out that's what I was allergic to 20 years ago.

I am in the UK.

Many apologies mate.

EDIT: It is allowed in toothpaste but not in food according to EMA.

Like who wants foamy food any way?

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No worries, I'm really not sure. I had "known" this for a while but looked it up to confirm--seems to be true, but who knows. Petroleum jelly is banned because derived from the same stuff.

LOL re toothpaste--yes because technically you aren't ingesting it. But when you brush at least twice a day, you are ingesting some each time. That's why toothpaste is considered one of the more toxic household products. They treat it like a soap even though it goes into your mouth and directly into your bloodstream.

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Amen..... the anti-fluoridation crowd has been on to the government marketing poison since the scheme began circa 1950.

A 1955 Congressional hearing had a number of distinguished scientists and doctors offering evidence of harm in a plea to end the CWF programs, yet politicos including future President Gerald Ford went on record in that same hearing demanding that the magic potion of fluoridation be made available to every American.

I wonder if the f-proponents in government had anything to do with the inclusion of a crazy reference to fluoridation in "Dr. Strangelove" that is still being used to trash the opposition?

In any event, to those who ignored the opposition to fluoridation, this is where it leads.

- “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls who live under tyranny." - Thomas Jefferson (1787)

- “Many people seem to think that if a majority can be persuaded to vote in favor of doing something, it is in line with democracy for that something to he done. This indicates a misconception about the nature of democracy, which is primarily concerned with the rights of people as human beings, and not with the dominance of the majority. A majority vote which violates ethical or moral principles or deprives individuals of rights they should be free to enjoy, is not democracy but tyranny. It is a subversion of democracy that will bring democracy to an end in the degree that it is allowed to operate.” - Frederick B. Exner, MD, FACR in “Duties of Legislators Regarding Fluoridation of Water Supplies”

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Democracy is mob rule. The US is supposed to be a Republic

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