Good commentary. I am surrounded in the state of Washington by vaccinated people who, like my first wife, are happy to brag about being up to date and already have received their 5th shot. Of course nothing is going to happen to them. We are defeated not by our opponents but by our own assumptions that make us look like quacks. I am facing the fact that in western Washington (land of Microsoft and Amazon), I reside in Eliteville. We know there is variability in the shots that would be totally unacceptable for approval for most medicines. I would assert this is by design, and the distribution of benign vs dangerous shots is meant to keep the Elites fat dumb and happy, while others in flyover country suffer from "bad luck" with the shots. The Elites will keep supporting the narrative all the while. I know that my region makes me a de facto Elite, but I want to see these other Elites and Tools of the Elites survive to see the narrative and facts go against them once the facts become undeniable about the mayhem the vaccine has caused. So far, my family, including vaxxed and unvaxxed (ie myself) remain on the health side of the leger.

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Oye, soy astróloga, el reloj del cielo marca los ciclos, y los ciclos de estás cucarachas se acabaron. Cuando en marzo pluton pase a acuario tratarán de dar sus últimos golpes. No hay posibilidades para ellos, con Saturno en pisis todo se diluira al final. Sus amigos interdimensionales los han abandonado. Soldado que huye sirve para otra guerra, el nivel espiritual y energético de la humanidad ha descendido tanto que ya no les proporciona alimento. Contacten a Robert Martinez, el está en España y lo siguen millones , el es un ser de luz sin intereses personales. Escuchen su voz. Soy muy exigente en cuanto a información y el es una persona con máxima claridad y sin tonterías románticas .

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It is indeed the Great Double Down, a very accurate term! It's horrifying to observe this and even worse to know that this will be an ongoing trend. They're using blame-shifting with the classic DARVO (Deny, Attack, Reverse Victim and Offender) tactic to cover up the genocide and divert the negative attention to those questioning things or calling it out. They're going to keep trying to erase reality and re-write history. It's crazy-making. We need to stay strong and sane so we can invest our energy and clarity in opting out of those systems as much as possible, building a new life and being the memory keepers of these tumultuous times.

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Thanks for responding. When I read the book, it gave me new hope. I realized that part of the Fourth Turning is a sense of despair that all is falling apart and it will end disastrously Reading the book can inspire hope that there is rebirth after the horrors, as the Fourth Turning merges into the next First Turning. The authors don't whitewash the fact that the Fourth Turning can be pretty horrible, with war, death, and ripping apart of the social fabric. It isn't a fun time in the least. Yet, like childbirth, out of the terrible pains, can be born something wonderful. Not necessarily, they caution, so we must try. But the possibility of a better world, which is not too far off helps to keep us all going.

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Grimmer than usual, post, Toby. I'd suggest reading The Fourth Turning, by William Straus and Neil Howe. They describe history as occurring in generational cycles, each lasting 20-25 years. It's a complex analysis of history, but dates back fairly reliably to the fifteenth century of Anglo-American history. They don't pay much attention to other cultural histories, not presumably because they don't apply to them, but we don't know. According to them, we are now in the fourth of the four "turnings".

In brief, the first turning is a period of creating new systems which were better than the systems of the previous cycle. Such a period in some people's memory is the post WWII period, going up to JFK's death. The second turning is a period of rebellion against the values of the first turning, and corresponds to the 1960's and 1970's in American culture -- the New Age generation. The third turning is the unraveling -- a period where institutions are felt to not be functioning well, and systems start becoming increasing dysfunctional. This period corresponds to when the authors were writing (1997), and extends from the early to mid 1980's and they forecast to end in the 2000's -- the "oh-oh's", as they call them). They forecast the fourth turning, which consists of a crisis period wherein the old systems are replaced, often violently, by a new systems, and is a dark and dangerous period. This corresponds to the Great Depression era and WWII. Wars are not uncommon. Systemic change with uprooting of some features of the old system and the establishment of new or better systems based on new mores that address the failings of the old system.

Necessarily, the new better system will still be flawed, so they cycles repeat. This is the down side. On the bright side, we can look to a new system, and a replacement or at least upgrade to our current obviously failing system. Straus and Howe forecast the climax of the crisis period as occurring during the 2020's, and possibly involving a pandemic, economic meltdown, social division, and civil unrest. Amazingly prescient!!. If they are correct, and I see a lot of accuracy in their forecasts, some time in the next 3 years (+/-) we should be shedding the old system like a worn carapace and growing a new structure better than what we are going through now (admittedly, not hard to beat). This is a natural evolutionary process, they say, much like growing from an adolescent to an adult, or a young adult to a middle age adult. It isn't necessary to apply effort to make it happen -- it will inevitably occur as part of the natural order of things (again, if they are correct). So possibly in 2025, 2026, or 2027, we may be singing, "Happy Days Are Here Again!" Wait until 2025 and the COVID generation (what's left of them) will be rebelling against all the flawed systems we will be putting into place over the coming years, because of their (obvious to them, but not to us) flaws. And so the cycles will recur. I recommend it! It's all a bit fatalistic, as they reject the linear concept of history, a la Hegel, but in this dark winter of many discontents, it can breath in some hope.

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Thank you for this… it gives me hope - I feel so hopeless about our country so often 😞

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Bang on! This whole rollout of the depopulation agenda has been the largest and most successful psychological operation in the entire history of our supposedly sentient sorry species. Dumbed down to levels unimaginable. I think I'll print this one out and slip it into the "Druthers" (Cdn) publication I distribute.

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Bill Gates is definitely up to no good and he’s staying under the radar. I wish someone knew how to monitor the nefarious crap he’s up to he needs to be watched and neutralized.

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Let's see - there was the tons of dust in the upper atmosphere plan - blocked by Swedish aboriginal groups and advocates (or said to have been) - but the genetically modified mosquito release in Florida did go ahead - I sure would like to see an update on that.

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The mosquito story will be on radio, giving new meaning to the phrase “sound bite!”

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Why do people like Toby continue to assert that these jabs “provide a bit of protection against Covid in weeks 6 through 16”? Please explain how this protein specific gene therapy provides ANY protection against ANYTHING… even the Wuhan strain.

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‘I don’t know how our society is ever going to recover from the complete moral and intellectual collapse of nearly the entire “expert” class.’ --- I think we’ll be fine without most of the experts. Blind obedience to experts while ignoring people with firsthand experience is causing the mess we are in.

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Add Lisa Marie Presley to the list!

A song about the first major victim of Medical Tyranny. Watch THE BALLAD OF TYPHOID MARY. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-ballad-of-typhoid-mary.

More history: The “Plandemic” Is compared to the Salem Witchcraft Trials. Watch 1692 Was a Very Good Year. https://turfseer.substack.com/p/1692-was-a-very-good-year

BONUS: Free Download. THE ALTERNATIVE COVID NARRATIVE HANDBOOK. A Collection of useful links. Get it here: https://turfseer.substack.com/p/the-alternative-covid-narrative-handbook

Subscribe to Turfseer's Newsletter. Songs, music videos and much more.

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"Ballad of Typhoid Mary" [ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yciKelQHWzQ&t=2s ]

Just watched & listened. Fascinating history of public health scare. Thanks.

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Thanks so much. By the way I have a song related to your namesake. Have you heard it yet?

Covid Zealots meet Jonestown. Listen to Turfeer’s hit song I DRANK THE KOOL-AID. https://soundcloud.com/turfseer/i-drank-the-kool-aid

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You're most welcome.

"By the way I have a song related to your namesake. Have you heard it yet?"

A: No, i was not aware of your other songs. Thanks for mentioning. I just listened to your wonderful composition "I Drank the Kool-Aid." Twice now. Love it. Excellente!

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Glad you liked it. And please check out this review of my entire Scamdemic Collection which was published in the Feb 2022 edition of New York Music Daily at https://newyorkmusicdaily.wordpress.com/2022/02/07/turfseer/

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Congrats on that great writeup ... satire's a powerful weapon ... i've always enjoyed a good satire ... i see u do as well ... :-) .... satire may be the best weapon we have in our arsenal against the evil ones ... the evils aren't so good at satire, mocking and memes ... such humorless tyrants ... i frequently see comments by a substack commenter whose handle is "mymusicdaily" which is the same name as the publication u linked to for the review ...

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Yes they are humorless.. That's because they were hatched in pods. Watch POD PEOPLE BARBECUE. Origin of mask-wearing zombies revealed in song!


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The recent revelations of pharma researcher Sasha Latypova indicate that the entire infrastructure for the experimental Covid injections was established and managed by the US Department of Defense. Add to that the release of the Twitter files revealing how government intelligence agencies had a back door to social media for censoring and de-platforming anyone who dared question the official narrative, and a chilling picture begins to form. Thirdly, you have an FBI director on the recently leaked list of World Economic Forum guests for 2023. It becomes harder and harder not to see the barely hidden hand of eugenics behind it all, as suggested in the documentary Eugenics to Pandemics. No wonder the media—the elites' mouthpiece—can't or won't "learn" from the disasters of the past three years. https://tubitv.com/movies/672129/shots-eugenics-to-pandemics?

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No discipline is pure because of greed and pride which run the human race, unless spiritual awakening occurs

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And unfortunately practitioners of applied science, such as doctors live in an atmosphere of confusion and repression and denial of truth

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Although on shows like CSI, the motto is look anywhere, you have to look to find out what you have to find out in science it’s not that way. This is partly because science has been bought off by industry. In fact, the message don’t look that way is as loud as look where you have to. In fact it’s louder. In fact, it’s drowning out look where you have to. Science has been castrated and lobotomized.

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