Hi Toby-

Thanks for a great piece. It sums it up perfectly.

I'm in Canada - your Northern neighbor. It's getting bad here.

Canada is fast heading twds AU.

Despite having a PhD in Immunology & B.Sc in Biochem, not a single one of my family - all hyper educated super intelligent and successful people ... believed me when I started talking about this 2 years ago and warning them that this isn't about a health crisis, it isn't backed by real data and that these policies are almost the opposite of what we should be doing.

Even when presented with the real science, they chose to believe the media science and bureaucrats instead. They still don't get it. That's how deep this goes.

Every single one of them took the jab (s) ...soon to be a mandated 3 ... and they believe that I've lost my mind - even though one of my sisters lost much of her vision after the second shot.

Fast forward to now.

I continue daily science posting on SM and explaining it in lay terms. I know that more and more people are reading it, now that they are being faced with a mandated #3 and starting to feel like something is up, since nearly 50% of those in hospital and new cases are fully jabbed. Moreover, the restrictions are creeping in even on those with the Perks Passes...as I like to call them.

As that middle group begin to experience continued erosion of their freedoms in other ways.... beginning with continued "inconveniences" despite having the coveted fully jabbed Perks & Loyalty passes...they will wake up faster and faster. As the masters get ever more confident in their power, they will cross the line in ways that even the jabbed can't ignore.

I am retired now and as luck ... or is it providence...would have it, I pursued a new career in my retirement: Clinical Hypnotherapy :)

We are in mass hypnosis. Repetition and a powerful focal point are key.

We can break the trance.

Thanks again Toby - & everyone else. Keep going. Chop wood...carry water.

It all counts.


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Brilliant comment! Thank you!!! ❤️ 🙌

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Fellow Canadian here: thank you for your wise words, I agree with everything you said! Perks & Loyalty Pass: brilliant!

It is incredibly frustrating to see how many people remain under the spell, however I remain stubbornly optimistic and believe they will wake up and push back against the insanity. Like you said: keep going...

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Sorry to hear about your sister's vision isssues following hte second shot. IF its any consolation, almost the same sad tale in my family.

I informed them ages ago about the danger of mRNA technology coated in lipid nanoparticles on a person's health, results of early lab trials being unfavorable in animals when trying to make a SARS-COV-1 vaccine, company's history of rushing unsafe products to market with fake lab trial data resulting in the largest criminal fine, etc. etc.

They took it anyways.... aunt winds up with extremely aggressive breast cancer after the 2nd shot. Mother winds up with impaired vision at 60 in her eye. Some type of gel behind her eye came loose and she's got a vein that's thrombosis behind her eye that has not resolve/healed itself as the optometrist said is typical. Hmmm....vein-issues following second-vaccine...never heard of that before... (NOT).

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I am so sorry.

It really feels like we are watching a horror show, doesn't it? You know- the kind where you are watching and screaming at the screen: don't go there! ....and they still go there anyways... When you are a doer, innovator, solutionator, actionater, fixer kind of person.... this whole thing is the worse kind of fishbowl to be in.

My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. And every single person walking the earth right now. Science + Truth + Courage + Human Spark are unbeatable tho. I truly wish that our loved ones had been protected from the shrapnel of ignorance. The best that we can all do is speak out. You did that. I honor you for the courage of speaking out. This is so important, even if it looks like it's not doing anything. It IS.

While this is no comfort to you, I really see the lying posers on the run now. As result, their acrobatic nonsensical contortions are becoming more obvious & desperate every day. Canada has just imposed brand new restrictions.

In the biggest province ( Ontario), vaxxed case rates now exceed unvaxxed- just like the UK - while at the same time, their premier has just put down more restrictions for EVERYONE. This is enraging the vaxxed. They are starting to wake up now. And this is where it's going to get very challenging for the world, IMHO - especially when they start realizing the consequences on the younger populations & their kids. There will also be quite a few compliant Docs who will struggle with their complict silence & participation in the propaganda. Let's face it. It's straight up propaganda. I am seeing many Dr. Vaccinators disappear from social media these days. Unfortunately, you can't erase the footprint.

Rumor has it that there's going to be a nation-wide lockdown here in Canada. And as you all know, the only difference between a conspiracy theory and reality is now about 5 days. ( it used to be ....what... 6 months?).

Keep going everyone. Chop wood - carry water.

We are all the seed planters of change. Once the seed is in the ground, they can shut us down however which way they will, but the seed is already planted :)

So just keep planting seeds. Lots of them. With any little thing you can do. It all counts.

Shine on!

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Thanks Suzanne! I agree. It is all we can do! Just keep carrying water, chopping wood and shining on day by day.... waiting for them to either wake up or fall over and do our best to pick up the pieces either way.

I'm in Canada too and agree the restrictions this time are coming across as "REALLY?! AGAIN?!" and Canadians in general are rolling their eyes. Especially with New Brunswick said grocery stores could ban the unvaccinated. At the point, people went... "Wait we are dying people food on vaccination status?! This makes no sense. How does shopping for groceries spread covid or how is it not an essential service? Are we the baddies?!"

I am very interested to see how the higher-side effects from boosters start to make people jump-ship to the pro-freedom side and how many desperate to keep their freedom pass and think "in for a penny, in for a pound" and just willingly take the third. Those who do the later, will probably use the same justification for the fourth/fifth so their will to resist will effectively be broken.

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Such an amazing post! Thank you for your wise words and encouragement.

I live in Ontario and you are correct: the vaxxed are outraged now that the newest restrictions have been imposed. They're missing out on NHL games, concerts, cancelled parties, and long-awaited vacations. The fear propaganda coming from clowns of the Ontario science table and the compliant "media" is ubiquitous, but people ARE waking up.

While driving home this afternoon, I was listening to my favourite talk radio host discussing the latest situation with callers...the majority said a version of the same thing: they did what they were asked to do and took their 2 shots, but now they are losing patience with this never-ending cycle of restrictions in their lives.

It does, however, piss me off that it took this long for people to realize their compliance has prolonged this insanity, but I'll take it for what it's worth.

I remain stubbornly optimistic that we will be okay, but I do worry about how many people have been harmed by these jabs and the tyranny and fear that has messed with the psyche of so many millions of people.

I will continue planting seeds...💖

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I too have noticed a LOT of pissed off people (I’m also Canadian) both we work and socially. They thought they had their lives back with the vax passes and now they’re discovering they were duped.

If nothing else, it will add to the ranks of people who will refuse to take shots anymore!

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Canadian here too. ANYTHING, built on a lie must collapse. The truth WILL come out and prevail. It may or may not take time. I see the boosters as the final test. Alas, I see long lineups for those and starting to wonder this moral panic and hysteria still has legs.

On the flip side, my employees have not been able to process why I have no changed a single habit since the largely man-made medical crisis began. I NEVER wear a mask and questioned everything from the day we locked down (I'm in Quebec) including the ridiculous poor messaging of experimental injections being positioned as a panacea (there are still too many people who have not caught up with facts choosing instead to keep falling prey to government and media propaganda and narratives - of which TV dinner experts have all played their own cynical and outrageous roles in ensuring the public remain in a state of fear). I kept hearing, "Hurry up! Take the shot and this ends!" Whenever I tried to engage them to explain that was not remotely possible it was a look of shock that came back at me. The usual responses of 'you know more than the experts' blah, blah.

But it's not about 'knowing better' but rather understanding no one is infallible including - and especially - PUBLIC OFFICIALS. It's about seeing there was censorship, and the comical mixed messaging and terrible logic and policies to absurd and incoherent heights, as well as soberly seeing that all decision makers not only exude the emperor has no clothes to seem to be, well not very bright, clever or competent. I also realized early the virus brought out the true colors of a country (in this case, Canada has gone completely unhinged as this sad excuse of a human being of a "PM" we have. Justin has shown himself to be the worst sort of person exposing the deep rot of this corrupted country) and that mental illness runs rampant in the West.

Anyway, one of the more reticent employees today asked me jokingly, 'are you vaccinated?" and before I could even think a response, continued with "And take a 3rd, a 4th....a 5th" as her face visibly changed to sarcasm. And again before I could reply she closed with 'it's all so stupid." She got it. Another employee told me she and her boyfriend 'felt stupid' for believing the idiotic "vaccines = freedom" lie. She now has nerve problems in her thigh. They took the shot because she wants to sign on to in-vitro sessions to get pregnant and she had to be vaccinated. Could you believe the level of unethical stupidity in a so-called advanced and scientific country that we coerce people in this manner? Superstition reigns with reckless abandoned - as the amulets we call masks attest to.

It was nice to hear this but we have a long way to go. A friend told be 'measures work 100% or else it would have been worse' and made a statement all too common with people who see the civil order through the unique lenses of Covidology: No one is forcing anyone to take the vaccine.

Tell that to the millions who lost their jobs or have been frozen out of social activities.

It was a shocking comment to make. This is why I have limited contacts with people - friends and family.

Very odd - and sad - all this.

And wholly unethical, irrational and immoral.


PS: I apologize in advance if there are any grammatical errors or sentence structure crimes. I had to write that in one draft because I'm late for work.

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It's interesting to me to hear about how your employees gave changed their minds. I'm still holding out on vaccination and will try to do so until I'm job hunting in April or May. I'm hoping by then, with high third booster rollout in various countries, being weary of the eye effects will seem more and more sane as they become more prevalent.

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It's two people out of 16. But I know another two were already skeptical but did it because they believed it was 'inevitable' the government was going to mandate it. The psychology was so powerful from the state people preemptively decided to agree to a medical procedure even if they wouldn't have in the absence of coercion. That's how effective the propaganda has been. I will be interested to see how the others will speak or think in the upcoming weeks. Many believe it was 'two and done' to get on with it. They will be in for a surprise. And just today another employee tested 'positive' with a rapid test which is RAGING in Canada at the moment and fuelling a panic which is leading to more restrictions. It's a cycle of madness.

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Highly recommend also

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Another Psychological Methodology -The Socratic Method - The Socratic Method (named after Socrates 470-399 BC) is a dialectical method of inquiry that uses questions to clarify and unpack one’s beliefs, to understand the assumptions, evidence and reasons used to support them, and to expose any contradictions, inconsistencies and fallacies in one’s thinking.

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Are you on other media? What is SM?

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Hi Mrs P- I am on Facebook ( I’m in the bad girl corner for 90 sleeps but people still come daily to check it out rather than count on fb newsfeed.

Shine on!

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Social Media?

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Mandates are for Persons, Humans, Citizenships, Residents, Registered entities but not People in the Private. Maritime Realm all part of Commerce hence those that want to must learn to rise above and walk on water to the land. Correct your Status and help others that also dont want to be transhumans.

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I just love the way that you take all of my chaotic, intuitive feelings and knowledge that I'm absorbing from every direction, and that's spinning around in my brain like words in a blender and you shake them out like a bunch of tiny puzzle pieces and arrange them into a complete and perfectly constructed image. Thank You!

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Agreed. I tried to say as much just now, but you've expressed it more clearly than I could - so take heart buddy, you got skills too.

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Brilliant, accurate, and fairly thorough analysis, but something is still missing. Genocides don’t just spring up randomly and for no reason, so WHO is behind it all? And WHY are they doing it?

It seems that the best explanation I’ve come across is that this is being done by a mix of globalist technocrat elites and their wealthy banker partners for the purposes of ushering in a new “4th industrial revolution,” where nation-states and humans with individual rights are being sunset as “legacy” social organizational structures, in favor of all humans on the planet being connected to the IoT and turned into digital avatars, to be mined for data and digitally monitored and controlled with passports, social credit scores, and digital currencies. With this new paradigm, humans at the lower and older ends of the socioeconomic scale are going to be less necessary as automation and AI replace many of their jobs, relegating them to a permanent underclass and rendering them an overall social liabilty. Thus, the need to liquidate them but doing it slowly and without it being too obvious as to what’s happening, lest the peasants become aware and revolt. So, a manufactured bio-weapon which slowly increases heart problems, diminishes fertility, and shortens overall lifespan is being used under the guise of “public health.” It works slowly enough on multiple levels to provide plausible deniability and cover as to its dangers, but rapidly enough to affect overall social population decline as its use continues to be pushed by institutions and officials caught up in the mass formation, unaware of their complicity in the bigger scheme.

We must resist at all costs if we don’t want to be reduced to nothing more than digital data before being deleted.

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Well done. #Truth

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I don't know if I need my comfort blanket now or not. More connection? This is about all I have right now. My family and friends have become strangers.

On a tangential note, I think Billy Joel needs to come out with a new song - "Lemmingrad".

And I need a T-shirt saying "when life gives you lemmings".

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Sister and family separated as well

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I'm so sorry. You are not alone.

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An important correction needs to be made regarding your information about Dr. Desmet. He further divided the population into 3 categories: 30% hypnotized, 40% movable herd, 30% aware of the tyranny and opposed to it. Victory comes when the 30% opposed wake up enough of the 40% in the middle to create a super majority that moves to shut down the tyranny.

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Yes I'm aware of his 3 categories. In your mind how does that impact the analysis I've written above?

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I loved your analysis and prescription to address each of the 4 underlying conditions that must be present to avoid mass effect. That is a long-term strategy to avoid a repeat in the future. But we are dealing with a clear and present danger of death, vaids & tyranny brought about by the current mass effect with vaccines as the rally point and a globalist media machine pumping out lies 24/7. Desmet argued our best hope to get out of this asap is for the 30% awake to actively and aggressively educate the 40%. This is a short sweet little video on the subject called how we win. https://freeworldnews.tv/watch?id=61b0d2310b30510f180874ac

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Dec 10, 2021
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True but ignorance is bliss approach has its limits...eventually ignorance is no longer bliss. The awake ones must keep expressing the truth and facts, some others will listen and be impacted albeit a slow process.

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You write " I think Curtis is correct when he asserts that it was a mistake to argue that the Nazis were uniquely evil — rather the lesson of World War II should have been that the shadow of evil resides in the hearts of all men." Of course, this insight is at the basis of Christianity, although many flavors of modern Christianity push it under the rug.

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Yes, in Protestant churches it's the idea of "total depravity".

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Given the democides in the Soviet Union and Cultural Rev China I'd say there is nothing unique about the Nazi's penchant for murder.

Einstein called Germany "A nation of philosophers" and they were. Very bright and well educated. If it can happen there, it can happen anywhere. It is happening EVERYWHERE now.

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Like Hannah Arendt said: The banality of Evil

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This is an interesting thread to pull. I think if we were to look at people who have manage to be immune to this mass psychosis, we would find that they largely believe that evil resides in the hearts of all men. When that evil is indulged it grows more powerful. This is reminiscent of the Native American tale of the two wolves, the good and evil that lives within us. The one that get fed survives. How long has this evil been fed to attempt such a malevolent act on humanity???? How many generations would it take to develop on a world wide scale? How did they recruit so many to their cause across the globe? Can something of this magnitude be done without an organizing and driving force behind it??

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Toby I agree with your analysis at the end as to what can be done. What you suggest is very right-hemisphere centric. I know you've been following some of what I've been saying about the left/right hemispheres, and even if you only take it as metaphorical, it's instructive - i.e. the right hemisphere needs to be the master once again - a perspective that would be toxic to totalitarianism.

Love your work!

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Thanks for that. It is necessary to brainstorm about strategies to reverse engineer and transcend the domination - a word not used often enough. Also demystification - since people are hypnotized. and more ....

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The social connectedness is and more meaning-making time with friends is going to be tough to get when so much of society, and even family or friends, are so brainwashed/ caught up in the "mass formation" about covid.

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My thoughts, exactly, Trent. My spouse and I have two family members right now, out of many, whom we can connect with. No friends who aren't brainwashed.

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I'm in FL. A neighbor literally said to me the other day that the Surgeon General and Governor should be killed because of their actions. You can't work with that.

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It’s stunning isn’t it? Hard to believe a virus could break those bonds so easily. Just stunning!

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Hard to believe the propaganda has gotten to everyone so efficiently.

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Because cognitive dissonance (gaslighting v your own lying eyes) is the fastest route to learned helplessness and mental breakdown and then submission. Speak truth; keep speaking it out loud and to others. That is as crucial as social connections with like minded, faith in God and physical health. Get outside. Walk. Hike in nature. #Perspective is strength.

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From Au.. Love your writing... but the core issue is spiritual... as Jesus said .light has come into the world, and men loved darkness because their deeds were evil.. for everyone practicing evil hates the light..and does not come to the light lest his deed should be exposed..

Returning to the fear of God is what is needed.. if we would return to God he would fight for us but when we shun Him he cannot enter..

praying for pharma to be deposed, but more that we all acknowledge we cannot change this without God..

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Thank you. I will read this again but it is succinct, offers clarity of the current situation through a break down of its components, and those videos are great suggestions I'll look at tomorrow.

"rather the lesson of World War II should have been that the shadow of evil resides in the hearts of all men." JBP says this empathically - it is / was one of his main talking points. Ordinary Men describes the process in gross detail.

And I will be honest: the solution that continually pops into my head is to turn all the leaders of this bs into worm food. Totalitarianism writ large in me. Pretty much everything happening around the world is an example of repugnant bullying and I want to end it.

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Arendt makes the case that totalitarianism is always global in ambition, and argues that the Nazis always had global ambition. She says Mussolini was dictator, but not totalitarian, at least not before 1938. The US posture of Full Spectrum Dominance = statement of totalitarian intent. Old fashioned nationalism is a genuine alternative to "globalism." Clarity is important on this point.

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I became concerned about peak oil and other signals of pending collapse when it was pointed out to me in the Crash Course (www.peakprosperity.com/crashcourse - free, 4 hrs) that if fossil fuels were still so abundant, why would they be drilling at the bottom of the ocean or in the Arctic? among many other obvious signals. I highly recommend Chris Martenson's website.

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The march towards totalitarianism is due to the tendency of high functioning clinical psychopaths/sociopaths (those with no conscience) who seek out positions of power and authority. These people are far overrepresented in politics and as Fortune 500 corporate officers. They then engage in the genesis of evil in society. Does anyone not see Fauci as a clinical psychopath at this point? Fauci, along with Peter Daszak and Ralph Baric, were all involved in gain-of-function research with both DARPA and the CCP that led to the pandemic, and these men have been lying about their involvement for several years now. We need to appreciate this as a manifestation of clinical psychopathy at the leadership levels in society.

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Agree -have a look at CEPI to see the other shady characters

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Excellent, thank you. I agree with the notion expressed by one of the comments that a bigger agenda formulated by the technocratic globalists, driven by eugenic and overpopulation obsessions, rides above the pharma. Use of medical tyranny to reach the bigger objectives is part of the strategy, not the goal.

Evil always exists as there are always psychopaths among us, and over-represented as politicians and corporate executives. The conditions that allow cult-like psychosis, as you covered in your note are the key to evil taking control.

Getting JFK Jr's book circulated, and read may be one very effective way to awaken people to recognizing their condition( diseases), and ............!

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Psychopaths also exist among our ranks. Many of them no doubt the ones who wish the unvaxxed to die.

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I agree. They are especially well represented in the political professions and corporate executive suites.

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I have known a few, including one who was diagnosed.

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