I get it......genocide, fascisim, etc. but who are the "warriors" ???

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Parents of vaccine injured kids are referred to as warriors. Usually moms -- warrior mamas.

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Great piece each item extremely important - short and to the point.

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I'd consider that the genocide was intentional and deliberate, as a form of population reduction. In 2020, the population was at 7.9 billion and increasing by 80 million per year, so that by 2032 - unless something was done - the population would be nearing 9 billion, by 2044, nearing 10 billion by 2055 ... as against depleting fossil fuel reserves, most of which are estimated to run out in 15 years, and with the end of fossil fuels goes mechanized agriculture - and global shipping. And the WEF people know this very well, and they want to keep the game going at least until they shuffle off this mortal coil, and so they've engineered this and a few other things, like famine in countries like Egypt which import 80% of their grain from Ukraine, for example...

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These are indeed 5 giant man-made disasters, and the count may not be final.

However let me point out that the root-cause is statism, because without State healthcare systems none of that would have happened. In lieu of State healthcare systems we'd take insurances or pay health services out of pocket, including advice. So the health insurance industry would be the closest thing to a State healthcare system, but with 2 major differences: 1) You are free to contract with an insurance or another, and 2) Insurances profit from low mortality and morbidity (which suffices to debunk the superstition that profits are immoral; legitimate profits are always moral, and government always immoral).

So we are witnessing yet another man-made avalanche of disasters due to Statism (or planism or technocratism), of which communism is another example (100 millions murders in the 20th century). The alternative is freedom.

Separate healthcare and State.

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Like the fact you stole the title. Got to beat those Algorithms some how. Linking as usual @https://nothingnewunderthesun2016.com/

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Early on a few doctors (e.g., Dr. Merritt of AAPS.org) spoke of the breaking of Nuremberg medical experiment precepts (also US law): 1-Coercion (media) and 2-No alternatives (as you describe in number 2 of your essay above. Looking again there is precept 7, the injured must be cared for - we are not doing that either - the injured are treated as worse pariahs than you and me, maybe because they are living evidence to the contrary of safe and effective.

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I understand point #5 and how the mass injections keep the “pandemic” going for CoVid 19. Do the flu vaccines do the same? Do they keep the flu circulating year after year??

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The big difference is that flu vaccines are supposedly injected before the pandemic. Geert Vanden Bosche has been warning about the folly of vaccinating during a pandemic. His warning have turned dire lately, have you heard him ?

Anyway at this point it is impossible to place any faith in our healthcare institutions.

And vaccination, though valid as a concept, is very, very ambitious. We don't know enough about our immune system to be able to educate it against diseases.

A reliable vaccine has to be the exception and you should do your homework before you trust any.

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I think the flu vaccines are just useless. Both flu and coronaviruses evolve too fast. But Covid-19 vaccine uptake it much higher, and mRNA shots are strange, so that is pushing viral evolution in weird ways.

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It has come to be regarded as axiomatic that the COVID-19 pandemic has killed a huge number of people, and that the lethality of this pandemic has been colossal. Is this true, or just more of those damned lies known as statistics? I think it is safe to say that many of us will never know the answer to this, because our information sources are bent upon giving us an incomprehensible mass of contradictions, lies, information and misinformation that used to be called the “news”. Now the news appears to be just “stories” which may be fictional or non-fictional, but which the average person has little hope of fairly assessing for validity. It takes an expert in data manipulation to peel away the layers of distortion created by media generated data manipulation. Don’t trust anyone to do it. Don’t even trust yourself entirely. Anyone can be fooled. Even experts. It is easier to say what is questionable than to say what is true, because truth is a high bar to get over, and finding fault with data is not very hard at all.

For what it’s worth, here is a critique of the latest data on COVID-19 mortality. According to Worldometers, in mid-March, 2022, over 6,000,00 people worldwide have died of COVID-19 and about 1,000,000 in the United States alone. You can find estimates that are significantly higher or lower than these numbers, but whatever source you decide to start with, these are certainly pretty big numbers — certainly high enough to produce a scare in every person in the world, as it appears the media has attempted deliberately to do.

How many of them actually died of COVID-19, and how many actually died from the effects of the coronavirus? The answer is pretty clear: no-one has any idea, but these numbers are nonetheless bandied about fairly casually as if they were as reliable as the rising sun. It has been well documented that many people died with COVID-19, but not necessarily from COVID-19, as most of the people who died were quite elderly, and had multiple other serious health problems (called co-morbidities) quite capable of killing them without needing to invoke the role of a virus. Also, for some reason, this supposedly highly virulent micro-organism had virtually zero lethality for those under the age of 20.

Moreover, diagnostic criteria were changed by the government to increase the likelihood that COVID-19 would be diagnosed by health professionals, whether it was the main reason for hospitalization or death or not. Hospitals were paid bonuses to influence them to diagnose and treat for COVID-19. Not only that, the PCR test offers very poor evidence of infection with the SARS COV-2 virus. False positive rates for the PCR test have been estimated as high as 97%. All in all, it is pretty hard to know who really died from illnesses caused by the SARS COV-2 virus and who didn’t. Death could have been from another virus, or no virus at all. In some cases COVID-19 deaths were clearly fraudulent because the COVID “victim” had died from gunshot wounds or from trauma sustained in a motor vehicle accident. Let’s just conservatively guess at least 50% of those who died who were diagnosed with COVID-19 actually had the SARS-COV-2 virus, and actually died from the infection. One could easily argue for more or for less. The number of erroneous diagnoses, given the lack of reliable tests, the corruption of the diagnostic process, and the confounding variables of co-morbid illnesses would certainly suggest it was significant.

50% of 6,000,000 is 3,000,000 worldwide.

50% of 1,000,000 is 500,000 in the U.S. alone.

Now let’s assume that many of those who died could have been saved with appropriate early treatment. Some clinics have reported close to a 99% survival rate with early treatment. Noted medical researcher and epidemiologist Peter McCullough, M.D. has regularly offered about an 85% survival rate estimate with existing treatments that were available but which were banned by our government in the United States and many other governments worldwide (with notable exceptions such as India, China and much of the African continent). McCullough is one of the most well-published and well-respected clinician researchers in the world, and his estimates have never been successfully challenged by any government or by other scientists. Let’s use it as a rough estimate. If 85% could have been saved, only 15% had to die of COVID-19 anyway, in spite of early treatment. At any rate, the 85% who didn’t have to die but were basically killed by medical neglect shouldn’t be counted as part of those killed by the pandemic.

15% of 3,000,000 (from above revised estimate) is 450,000 for world wide COVID-19 deaths.

15% of 500,000 (from above revised estimate) is 65,000 COVID-19 deaths in the U.S. alone.

We’re not done yet, so stay in your saddle a bit longer. Dr. Bryan Ardis and others have been investigating the role of iatrogenic (doctor or hospital caused) death in COVID-19 patients. He has found evidence that many, if not most hospitalized patients were killed by the treatment given these patients. Remdesivir, one of the only treatments approved by Dr. Anthony Fauci and the government for treatment of COVID-19 has been found to have over a 50% mortality rate, at least when used in treatment of Ebola patients. It was so toxic that a scientific trial in which it had been used had to be stopped because it was killing too many people. Intubation was also widely used, in spite of having a mortality rate of at least 90%. Steroids were only allowed in low doses, unlikely to have much benefit to the patient. Other reports come from hospitals and nursing homes that many patients were suffering from lack of nutrition and medical neglect. How many patients outcomes were worsened by their being ostracized and kept away from their loved ones? The amount of harm caused by the lethal treatment or neglect of COVID-19 patients is difficult, if not impossible to quantify. I’d offer as a guess at least 50% fewer would have died had they received the highly effective MATH+ protocol pioneered by Dr. Paul Marek and and Dr. Pierre Kory, or one of the other inpatient protocols described by America’s Frontline Critical Care Doctors. Admittedly the numbers could be much higher or much lower.

50% of 450,000 is 225,000 COVID-19 deaths worldwide.

50% of 65,000 is 37,500 COVID-19 deaths in the United States.

From 6,000,00 to 225,000. From 1,000,000 to 37,500. This is a potentially greater than 95% overestimation. In the days of warp-speed high tech “vaccines” can the world really be so bad at elementary school level mathematics? It’s not bad math, I fear, but bad data collection, and deliberate bad data collection. Because the intent of the data collectors was never to get to the real numbers, in my opinion, only to over-inflate them as much as possible to justify the emergency power to implement the you-know-what.

Admittedly, these numbers are just guesswork and may or may not approach the real numbers. I’d guess that they could be four times as high or one fourth as low. Even with a high estimate, we are still looking at a COVID-19 death total that is no more than 15% of what is being referred to in the media. These numbers are not vastly different from a typical flu season, as Dr. John Ioannidis stated nearly 2 years ago, and not numbers that would justify calling a world-wide pandemic, even by the watered down definition the WHO used in 2020, after redefining it so they could justify the pandemic protocols being rolled out worldwide.

But could it all have been worth it? Perhaps even more were saved by the pandemic management implemented by governments worldwide. The answer comes in as a resounding “No”. In addition to the psychological and economic harms caused by the pandemic management measures — the lockdowns, social distancing, masking, and mass vaccination, the death rate in 2021, went up, catastrophically, according to life insurance data, and those who followed all the government’s protocols had no measurable benefit, according to a wealth of research studies. Not only that, tens or hundreds of thousands were killed by the vaccines and hundreds of thousands or millions injured. The long-term effects on health of the vaccination program may be unmeasurable, but in terms of increased lifetime incidence of cancer, auto-immune disease, other immune damage, neurologic disease, and cardiovascular disease we won’t know the full extent for at least 10 or 20 years. The pandemic has been what Iain Davis has called a “pseudopandemic”. It has been a vast hoax to try to get people to take a toxic treatment which has enriched the already rich, sickened, maimed, killed or bankrupted everyone else, and which has empowered governments to continue to enforce the same and similar toxic programs in the future. If you still believe the government statistics, buckle your seatbelt. The government and the wealthy may have more in store for you. If not, get ready to fight. The fight is already under way and it will continue until the truth can no longer be hidden.

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Toby #5 seems to be the ultimate goal. I’m sure you have seen or heard what Geert Vanden Bossche says about this. I feel the dark force running this gambit knew this is exactly the way it would play out. If GVB is correct in his hypothesis and if the world continues to spiral into dissent from war, inflation, famine and migration mass exodus. We will see modern civilization implode. Maybe that was the plan all along?

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You left out the journalists. Like Nuremberg leaders, medical people and journalists should be tried. I also find it amazing that I have not read of one hot dog prosecutor in the nation willing to step up. I've been to police who sent me to County attorney (twice), mayor and sheriff. No luck so far. In my County (Cheshire NH) 7 died with COVID in 2020. 105 have died since with COVID. I'm not a medical person but I think it is death by hospital and death by vaccine. See also: https://granitegrok.com/blog/2022/03/covid-truth-and-reconciliation

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I have a confirmed reality of #4. We moved my 91 year old MIL into Assisted Living last month. She caught Covid last week and was feeling horrible. What did they do? Taped up plastic sheeting over her door with a zipper on it. They put on full PPE just to come slide her food under the plastic to her. She said they haven't even checked in on her or asked how she is feeling. I brought over the FLCCC protocol. She called me next day "that was a miracle"!

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If she had been in a hospital they would have blocked you from slipping her the FLCCC protocol and she would have died.

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My God...what an evil nightmare! The protocols some hospitals/nursing homes have had are inhumane and pure evil. Animals are treated better! God bless your tenacity and may God’s angels in heaven give your MIL the FULL ARMOR OF GOD!

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Thank you. The reason she even had to move into Assisted Living is that she started having balance issues and complete loss of leg strength after being vaccinated last summer (against her best judgement). She is now wheelchair bound. She told me this past weekend that she met another woman who knows the Vax put her in the wheelchair. And apparently this lady wheels around telling everyone that the Vax crippled her! BTW - we are in Marin County - the highest Vax'd county in California and the nation! so it takes GUTS to speak out against the almighty vaccine!

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Marin, Sonoma and the counties in the Bay Area were and are still the worst places in CA…full of mandates, mask wearing, lockdowns and outright pandemic of fear of this virus!

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Well, I TOTALLY understand! I was born and raised in San Fransicko, 3rd generation. I used to go to Marin County quite a bit! Marin is extremely Liberal. I currently live in San Mateo county, which is very Liberal as well. I’m not a Liberal by any means. I speak out all the time, that’s why I was forced to retire. I said no to the PCR test and subsequently it would have been the jab. I love God my Father and knew it was wrong…being forced???? You KEEP SPEAKING OUT! You’re doing God’s work-lol! God loves His children!

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Yes the Bay Area and surrounding counties are Super Liberal and the worst in terms of masking, vaxx passports, mandates and a overall mood of fear (verging on psychosis) of a virus they are sure is gonna to kill them! So sad!

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May 12, 2022Edited
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I'm so very sorry for your loss. 😢

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Love this article! Keep pounding that drum Toby!!!

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I would add the phony PCR test into position number two on your list. While Fauci's crimes stay at number one, without the fake PCR test - and the asymptomatic deception - this shitshow would not have got off the ground. Worryingly, the same groundwork is already underway for a marburg pandemic in the not so distant future. Fauci's NIAID is funding marburg "vaccine" research (which is ricin based, what's more), a PCR test has already been developed, and NIH have gone so far as to publish papers on asymptomatic spread of marburg infection. Why so much attention and investment on a virus that has only killed a few hundred people in the last two decades? And let's not forget Gates' GAVI have suggested that marburg will be the next pandemic. Something's up and it sure smells like a duck.

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We need frontline Drs to develop a protocol for treating it!

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Wow! You are straight talking, truth to power, down to Earth, say it like it is, guy. We need more people like you in power. Dems are lost creatures when faced with real evil.

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It cannot be concluded that the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab. It is possible and perhaps likely that it was intentionally released by others, such as the CIA, in Wuhan to provide a plausible culprit. It is only provable that the virus originated in a lab and that Tony Fauci funded development of these types of viruses. Given the way the plandemic was used to remove Trump and the timing it seems likely that the release was intentional. The delay of the December impeachment into January, for no apparent reason, so that it distracted the administration from the COVID situation is suspicious in itself.

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BINGO! I also think the Democrats/RINOS/Leftists/Progressives (did I mention them all?) are DESPERATE. Nothing good (luck) lasts forever. I think they overplayed their losing hand(s).

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Absolutely Iatrogenic. Tracy Chapman ~ talking 'bout a revolution. . . https://youtu.be/Xv8FBjo1Y8I

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