The economic crisis we face
What it means to live in the most extreme negative-sum game in history
Last week I traveled to Connecticut to participate in a four-day writers’ retreat hosted by Jeffrey Tucker and the Brownstone Institute. It was amazing. Speakers presented on a topic or question for 15 minutes that was followed by a discussion for 15 minutes. Below are my remarks from the retreat (lightly edited):
I. Introduction
Over the next 15 minutes I want to talk about the crisis of Covid, the economic crisis we face, and how our economy has changed over the last four years.
The crisis of Covid is not just that the ruling class killed a lot of people.
The crisis of Covid is that the fundamental basis of our economy shifted from a positive-sum game to the worst negative-sum game in human history.
So what do I mean by that and what are the implications of that?
Let’s start by defining some terms. Economists love to talk about games as a way of modeling the different choices we face and the decisions we make as individuals and as a society.
As I imagine you know, in a positive-sum game the total gains of the participants are greater than the total losses.
This is what Adam Smith marveled about in The Wealth of Nations. The butcher, the baker, and the brewer buy goods and services from each other and everyone is better off than they would have been in the absence of this exchange. The synergies that come from the free exchange of goods and ideas are the essence of liberalism.
As we discussed previously, the Scottish economy in the 18th century when Smith was writing was fueled by the great wealth generated from slave-grown tobacco. So obviously the slaves kidnapped from Africa and transported to the New World did not experience a positive-sum game.
Then there are zero-sum games. In a zero-sum game, the gains of one participant are exactly balanced by the losses of another participant.
Gambling and sports are classic examples of zero-sum games.
Mafia-style economies can also be viewed as zero-sum games. Some people do well at the expense of others. Profits come from power and control rather than innovation. It’s a lousy way to run an economy.
Then there are negative-sum games.
In a negative-sum game, the total losses of the participants exceed the total gains.
Wars are often cited as negative-sum games. The resources expended in terms of lives lost, destruction of infrastructure, and economic impact outweigh any potential gains.
Now let’s apply these definitions to our current situation.
When our country was founded, white men participated in a positive-sum economy — free and equal exchange between sovereign citizens. With the civil war, the franchise was extended to people of color. With the gains of the civil rights movement in the twentieth century, that positive-sum economic game was extended to the whole of society.
Covid marks an abrupt shift from a positive-sum game to the most extreme negative-sum game in history. I take the point that this had been coming on for fifty years if not longer. But Covid marked the moment where the ruling class revealed their true intentions.
By Covid I mean, the development and release of SARS-CoV-2, the murderous hospital protocols, government edicts that blocked access to safe and effective medicines, and the creation of the most dangerous vaccines in human history.
II. The Great Poisoning as a business model and economic system
Robert Kennedy Jr. actually figured out this shift right before Covid and I think it’s the most important economic insight of our lifetime.
At a speech at a fundraiser in Florida in early 2020 before we realized that Covid would be a thing, Robert Kennedy Jr. explained that Big Pharma globally makes about $50 billion a year from vaccines but then makes another $500 billion a year from treatment of vaccine injuries. This stunned me at first, but when I started to do the math I realized that he is right. We’ll return to this in a moment.
With Covid, Big Pharma basically doubled its money with another $50 billion a year in Covid vaccine revenue followed by another $500 billion a year from treatment of Covid vaccine injuries. That’s why Pfizer is going into the cancer treatment business for example.
Let’s walk through each piece of this slowly because it’s really mind-blowing.
Vaccines are an incredibly difficult topic to study.
The blacklisting and censorship are so severe that anyone who goes near this topic with an open mind is committing career suicide.
There are no double-blind, randomized controlled trials with a true saline placebo and so there are no proper meta analyses or systematic reviews of vaccines or the vaccine schedule.
The studies that do exist are low quality and contaminated by financial conflicts of interest.
I wrote an article about this problem a couple months ago titled, “Systematic review and meta-analysis are broken.”
It basically takes four or five years to read all of the pro studies and identify their weaknesses and then work through the alternative literature to find the censored studies, read the documents turned over via the Freedom of Information Act and in discovery in the courts, and to interview enough parents of vaccine injured children to understand the scope and dynamics of the problem.
Almost no one has the bandwidth to do that. It’s actually an interesting epistemological problem because the only people who are willing to take this on are parents of vaccine injured children and a handful of academics who are naïve enough to think that they can change the world — and then they get lynched by the drug cartel.
But if one does the hard yards one will see that autism, ADHD, autoimmune disorders including arthritis, deadly allergies, asthma, Alzheimer’s, childhood cancers, diabetes, eczema, seizure disorders, and sex dysphoria are vaccine injuries. The various studies that prove that are generally censored by Google (or de-ranked into oblivion) and so you have to use alternative methods and networks for finding them. All of these medical conditions require expensive treatments over a lifetime.
I am conscious of the fact that many other toxicants also increased over the last fifty years — pesticides, plastics, fire retardants, SSRIs, Tylenol, electromagnetic frequencies, etc. — and all of these toxicants certainly contribute to the rise in chronic illness. And I’m aware that many of these conditions existed prior to vaccines. But the sharp rise in the number of people with these conditions is highly correlated with the ever-expanding vaccine schedule and independent scholars have established causation between vaccines and each of the medical conditions that I listed (see for example, Vaccines and Autoimmunity by Shoenfeld et al., Vax-Unvax: Let the Science Speak by Brian Hooker, and Miller’s Review of Critical Vaccine Studies by Neil Miller.)
Injected vaccines are unique in that they:
bypass the body’s usual defense mechanisms against toxicants;
are given in bolus doses in utero and during infancy when the kidneys, liver, and immune system are still developing; and
usually include adjuvants that are designed to increase the body’s reaction against them.
So if you look at the list of blockbuster drugs that generate billions of dollars a year in revenue you see:
Humira which is used to treat arthritis;
Keytruda and Opdivo which are used to treat cancer;
Dupixent for asthma and eczema;
Trulicity for diabetes; and
Skyrizi, Cosentyx, and Enbrel to treat plaque psoriasis which is an autoimmune disorder.
These are all in the top 20 blockbuster drugs in the world.
Then there is Risperdal for autism, Ritalin for ADHD, and Epi pens for severe allergic reactions, and these drugs generate several billion dollars a year in revenue as well.
What most people don’t realize is that these are all treatments for vaccine injuries. The childhood vaccine schedule creates customers for life.
My specialty is modeling the costs of autism. A study I conducted with Mark Blaxill and Cynthia Nevison showed about $300 billion a year in current costs rising to over a trillion dollars a year in costs by the early 2030s and $5.5 trillion a year by 2060.
The costs of autism will cause the economic and political collapse of the United States in our lifetime.
And that’s just one condition. The other chronic conditions I just mentioned incur hundreds of billions of dollars a year in costs as well. Hospitals, doctors, and Pharma do not get all of that money — there are also costs associated with education, support, and lost wages.
With Covid shots we see increased rates of myocarditis, pericarditis, cardiac arrest, strokes, turbo cancer, rapid onset dementia, blood clots, and sudden adult death. The $50 billion that Pfizer and Moderna made from Covid shots in 2021 and 2022 is just the tip of the iceberg. The big money is in treating the injured. So for example, Eliquis, which is used to treat blood clots, generated 18 billion dollars in sales for Bristol Myers Squibb and Pfizer in 2022 and of course blood clots are a side effect of Covid vaccines.
So instead of the free and equal exchange of goods and services between sovereign citizens, we have an economy based on bondage — people are poisoned and they spend all of their earnings and stored family wealth just trying to survive.
III. Pharma is not the only industry engaged in a negative-sum game
The military industrial complex does this too, by destroying countries and then rebuilding them.
The food industry engages in a negative sum game by making food addictive and ignoring nutrition.
Social media companies promise connection but actually leave people lonely, anxious, and depressed.
Psychiatry is a negative sum game; the more the psychiatrists treat the worse the problems get.
I’m sure you can think of other examples.
The point is that we live in this sort of penal colony economy where we dig a hole and then fill it up again over and over and over and then we’re surprised when we don’t get anywhere.
IV. So what are the macroeconomic implications of all of this?
Over time, the consequence of this system is that all wealth drains out of the middle and lower classes and goes into the hands of the Feudal Lords at the top of this negative sum game. The result will be endless economic stagnation, recessions, and depressions even as the GDP looks great because Pharma is generating all of this seeming economic activity as they take up an ever-larger share of the economy.
In the very near future we will reach a point where the global economy sinks into a depression. And when that happens:
We will not be able to use Keynesian stimulus to flood the economy with more money because that would trigger catastrophic inflation. So the Democrats’ key policy tool is off the table.
Austerity won’t work because that will kill demand. So Republican’s key policy tool is off the table.
The ruling class will somehow try to blame us, in the crazy way that they do, for the economic crisis.
And when this happens, quite literally, the only way to generate trillions of dollars of economic stimulus to jump-start the economy will be for government to STOP poisoning the entire population. Vaccine schedules for the whole population should not exist. Individualized N-of-1 medicine is the only way forward. If we prohibit vaccine mandates for school and work, over time the trillions of dollars that are currently going to Pharma to treat vaccine injury, will go back to individuals and families and they can spend that money on whatever they want — education, housing, transportation, starting a business — in the free and equal exchange between sovereign citizens. That’s how we get back to a positive-sum economy with genuine growth once again.
So we face an information problem — most people don’t realize that this is happening and the first twenty-five times that they hear it normality bias will keep them from comprehending it.
And we face a collective action problem in that the benefits of the current system are concentrated and the rewards of moving to a different system are diffuse.
But at the end of the day this is just a political organizing problem. The status quo is untenable, a bus headed over a cliff. The science is on our side. We just have to build a movement that is large enough that when the moment comes we will be able to force government to do the right thing to build the better world our hearts know is possible.
V. The Wuhan Cover-Up
That’s where I initially intended to end my remarks. But then I started reading Robert Kennedy Jr.’s new book, The Wuhan Cover-Up, on the plane. It’s astonishingly good, perhaps the most important book in American history. So let me just say a brief word about his book and how it fits into the argument that I just made.
Bobby’s thesis is that the U.S. has a massive biowarfare program going back to World War I.
After World War II the U.S. recruited the top Nazi and Japanese biowarfare scientists to expand our program.
When the Cold War ended we recruited the top Russian biowarfare scientists to join the U.S. program and our biowarfare program kept growing in spite of the absence of any viable foreign adversaries.
Now there is a new class in society: 13,000 psychopaths who work at over 400 U.S. biowarfare labs.
SARS-CoV-2 and everything that followed is their work.
What’s clear to me now is that the biowarfare industry has captured:
the military,
the media,
the political system,
the regulatory agencies,
the intelligence agencies, and
international organizations.
And with the help of a massive amount of propaganda, the biowarfare industry has also captured the American mind.
This is our economy now. The tentacles of the biowarfare industrial complex reach into nearly all sectors of the economy. So Bobby’s book is consistent with what I said earlier but the situation as he describes it is so much worse.
Our economic system now is the opposite of liberalism. It’s the fulfillment of the dreams of the Third Reich. With CRISPR, the biowarfare industry can infinitely change the DNA and RNA of humans and viruses. They’re bad at it right now. But the temptation is too great, they will never stop playing God.
Why hasn’t big business pushed back against this? Companies including Walmart, Apple, Ford, and Nike have a lot to lose from this widespread destruction of American society. My hunch is that it’s because the biowarfare industry has captured capital itself. Pandemics, chronic disease, and response is a growth industry — one of the only growth industries on Earth at this point. DNA is the new terra nullius to be conquered and colonized.
So first it was the childhood schedule, then Covid, and now the plan is for new pandemics as far as the eye can see.
That’s the system that we are fighting to overthrow.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for those who are building the parallel society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what is on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
I read somewhere some military guy had said “the First World War was fought with chemical weapons, the second with nuclear, and the third will be with biological weapons”. We could think of covid as being the beginning of WW3 - ruling class vs the people of the world.
Every piece you write, my initial response is... excellent work, thank you for synthesizing the situation.