I'd like to see where you are going with this. I don't see any temporal replacement of governments anywhere fixing sin and replacing it with virtue, but I could be missing something.

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Toby, Is it over? It is looking pretty hopeless. I am feeling pretty hopeless.

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"Practically speaking we need a revolution to replace the Covidians with people who understand liberty. "

Are you, Toby Rogers, ready and willing to execute plenty of Jedburgh’s actions?

If NOT than there is no CHANCE at all for a revolution to exist, much less to succeed and CHANGE the current Civilization.

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Look dude, if I were "ready and willing..." the LAST PLACE I would talk about it would be on Substack. See how that works?

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A simple 'yes' or 'no' suffice.

The medium of info transportation at the Present is truly irrelevant!

I'm always.

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Hi Toby,

Very pleased to see you use that expression 'Monopoly Capitalism' - very few people use it.

And what's interesting about the phrase is that Vladimir Lenin uses it in his 1916 book "Imperialism-The Last Stage of Capitalism" - which was a guide to how to take control of all aspects of the economy through the central banking and banking system. That's true COMMUNISM.

And that is the true head of the beast the Money Monopoly, owned and operated through a complex system of interlocking parts that runs the International Monetary System, which includes the 2 key parts, which are the Central Banks Cartel, headed by the Bank of International Settlements, and aided by the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund-which act as central banks to the nations, and the other key component are the bankers institutions that run the economy, which are the banks that are "TOO BIG TO FAIL" - because they are the instruments that are used to own the central banks.

The key to understanding how these banking cartel all acts as a gigantic global hive lies in studying the shareholdings -For example, if you look at BlackRock, Vanguard, and State Street for example - they all OWN EACH OTHER. And this is how it is done. It's one gigantic cartel. The international banks, central banks, and multinational corporations.

And all of the components of the Money Monopoly, which in turn owns, or at least controls, everything, are owned and controlled by the International Money Cartel - which in turned is made up of the entities that bought it all into existence, which are the Monarchies (which includes the Vatican, western monarchies, other monarchies, and the communist parties), the international bankers, and the billionaires!!!!!

They run the International Monetary System. Period.

And this system is all based on the totalitarian doctrines of the ancient Crown Monarchy System, and the origins of that, which are the true SOURCES OF ALL EVIL, go back so many tens of thousands of years that you have to read up on the Sumerian texts to fathom that all of our 3 Abrahamic religions have been FAKED and RIPPED OFF from the true history and legends of the ancient Annunaki, (which Plato called Atlantis, and some called Aryans), and understand that the forces of Good and Evil existed in the Council of the Annunaki Kings, who were called the sky-gods because they flew across the sky in 'CHARIOTS OF FIRE', and they fought over whether mankind should continue to be SLAVES to the RULE OF OLIGARCHY - or mankind, who were created in their image, should be allowed to gain knowledge, understand our true origins, and the true nature of the world we live in. All of which the evil ruling elites seek to suppress in order to keep mankind HUNGRY, IGNORANT, and WEAK, so they are compliant SLAVES.

This was a conflict amongst the ruling kings of the Annunaki!!!!!

And the biblical Noah, bought to us by the Hebrews, who originate from Abraham, who was born in the Sumerian empire city of Ur, and that empire, like all empires worshiped all the ancient gods of the Annunaki -which are the sources of ALL THE PANTHEON OF GODS of all polytheistic religions - Sumer, Babylon, Persia, Egypt, Greece, Rome etc. But it was the Hebrews that originated in Sumer who dreamed up the idea of monotheism and the cult of Yahweh, and the 3 religions that became the Abrahamic religions were all used to do what? Take down the polytheists empires and replace them with empires based on religion. Like the Roman Catholic Church Empire. Remember the Vatican is a monarchy, and the Pope is the King of all Kings!!!!! The Crown Monarchy System - as a virtual empire, a state within all states, using proxies.

This has been the essential conflict between those who want the best for mankind, and those who would enslave us - and the winning faction is EVIL - because EVIL RULES HUMANITY, and the biggest evil is the BABLYONIAN BANKSTERS SYSTEM OF STEALING ALL THE WEALTH with all money as DEBT and INTEREST. Not to mention their TRANSNATIONAL CRIMINAL CARTEL of multinational corporations, all neatly arranged into a cabal membership where we can see them in the World Economic Forum.

This transnational cartel rape, pillage, and plunder the world.

Otherwise called STEALING.

The TRUE REVOLUTION we need is to TEAR DOWN THE MONEY MONOPOLY and their MONOPOLY CAPITALISM structure - and release the pent up energy of mankind to allow everyone to meet their cost of living in a fair and equitable manner, while SHARING in the ABUNDANCE of land, food, and resources that our amazing planet provides FREE OF CHARGE!!!!!!

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So it's all down to human frailty. It is what it is, therefore stop investigating, right?


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I liked your reference to Lenin's book and history of banking and communism, but as a Christian, I have to part company on your comment, 'But it was the Hebrews that originated in Sumer who dreamed up the idea of monotheism and the cult of Yahweh, and the 3 religions' The mystery of the Trinity is not from feeble man, but originates with God himself. We don't understand it, yet it is taught in the bible. No man dreamed this up. Thanks again. I'm ordering Lenin's book. :)

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Mary Lou, I see you were replying to my comment.

I can well understand that if you've been raised as a Christian, and I was raised as a Catholic, that you will RESIST what I have said. But dig into it. You'll find I am right.

The evil, ugly, and rather VILE truth is that the elites of the kingdom of Judah created the religion you know as Christianity, and denied what the man whose real name was Yeshua, and rebranded as Jesus Christ was teaching - he was an Israelite, who preached a return to Moses' laws, and to resist not just the Romans but also the Elders of Zion, the Israelite elites. They hijacked his movement and created Chrisitian and perverted it with lots of things that the man they renamed as Jesus Christ, who was of the Jewish noble lines, never taught. That's hard to swallow. But if you dig into it and stop accepting the DOGMA of the Roman Catholic Church which for 2,000 years has promoted the CROWN MONARCHY TYRANNY, then you'll start to see what I am saying is closer to the truth. By the way you don't have to "order" Lenins book you can download it free from the Internet Archive.

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What are you talking about? What reference to what book by Lenin?

You are either confusing me with someone else or you are just smearing me with something you made up out of whole cloth.

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I just emailed you from my office email address and my home email address, suggesting a way that you could support a take down of the COVID-19 vaccine criminals. Interested in your thoughts.

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It would be a sin to decieve so for the sake of clarity I now question even the oft stated fact that there was a Covid 19 virus at all. If there was no pandemic we should question those who to this day still talk and write as if there was. They could be part of the story that we are being spun. The solutions to the man made problems are there waiting for us whether we are gently herded or driven into the pen.

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Not only is there zero evidence of a release, there is zero evidence of what they call a "virus" transmitting and causing disease.

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I would add deadly sin 0 - before all others - the sin of playing God - aspiring to create lethal new pathogens - aspiring to be the all-powerful protectors of the population - etc.

This is off-topic - but I as I try to imagine the reasons for the hoax assassination attempt - I think that is the commonality with the COVID pandemic hoax - a reaching for an absolute type of control - control over the very hearts and minds of the population.

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The crisis started when money became debt-based through the creation of central banks.

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Revolution is a regular phenomenon in the human civilisation. It’s is a point in the circuit of human civilisation that we can never escape. We are doomed to repeat the same things over and over due to our nature and ambition. While we may be able to alter our destiny slightly, we can not escape it.

Those best placed to blow this vaccine harm apart are those who were paid for unknowingly carrying out the genocide fraud. They have to continue it they would lose their job and be attacked as a heretic, so they subconsciously collude with others like them to keep up the charade that nothing is wrong here.

It has been made too horrific for anyone to take the blame. Parents because they pushed their children to get the jab have to stay in denial. The only other option is to accept they stuffed up majorly and poisoned their children.

Politicians and public servants will never take the blame either because they don’t want to admit to poisoning millions of people.

Revolution will come because of this.

I believe what preceded a lot of civilisational collapse is executive dysfunction amongst both the rulers and the ruled. This makes people extreme and immoral when the executive functions of their brain are malfunctioning. They lose foresight and cannot see the big picture and can no longer deescalate their own thoughts when in confrontation.

I believe the jab has caused a lot of executive dysfunction from my observations of society but it’s not something people want to admit. This is why there is so much corruption in the public service and our bureaucracies as well. Because morals and foresight fly out the window with executive dysfunction. Group think among state employees will ensure they can get away with anything they want. Like a gang, they protect each other.

So we are definitely at an inflection point in time. We have reached the point in the circuit of civilisation where revolution will eventually take hold. It will start in the lower classes and head upwards. When you’ve lost everything, cannot feed your family and have nothing else to lose, revolution becomes necessary for survival.

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Excellent summation, thank you.

Your readers might also find riveting an interview on the Tucker Carlson Network between Tucker and Jeffrey Sachs.

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Paying for a yacht with a soul is too much of a price.

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As with Madeleine Albright, I'm sure Bill thought it was worth it. Very likely so did Satan. 🤔

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What kind of yacht? ☺️

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What kind of yacht is worth selling a soul for? For some, even an inflatable boat.

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Striving toward virtue is the answer. One way to curb malignant envy (not all envy is bad, it is natural and harmless to think you would also like a nice house etc....) is to realize comparison is a faulty yardstick. People tend to envy a positive in another's life while ignoring the negatives in that person's life. Nip the comparative thought in the bud, and envy vanishes. I don't see how society can elevate as long as pornography is mainstream and not seen for the 'destructive sleeze' that it is. Nothing wrong with sensuality between loving people, I am talking about the sale and objectification of young bodies, particularly young girls, many who were molested as kids. Cultivating kindness, honesty etc.... must include chastity. People can do intermittent fasting, they can diet, well it is equally possible to go on a lust diet, and only engage in physical intimacy where emotional and spiritual intimacy actually exist. Nothing wrong in having material supply, in fact it is necessary, but if it means exploiting another then you have greed. These values should be taught to kids young, as habits rule the world.

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Sex addiction is the most prevalent addiction worldwide, across all ages, races, incomes, religions, etc) as it is free and freely available via the internet, according to SA (Sex Addicts anonymous).

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Is it addiction or indulgence though? So many people indulge on junk food, and when they choose to eat healthy, they stop and do. When we say 'addiction' it gives the impression that it is bigger than choice. I think society emphasizes that junk food is not good, but junk food sex is normalized.

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IMO, sex addiction involves a sub-consciously created additional identity that takes over the 'authentic' Self, and it has to be 'un-created' to become free of it. Addiction is destructive on many levels. Indulgence is occasional self-gratification without compulsion and destruction.

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So, if someone is 'addicted' to food for example, you are saying a false identity is engaged in the activity. Or, if someone is a heroin addict, it is the false identity. I don't know. Maybe these behaviours are coping mechanisms to deal with emotional deprivation. Or, as you said maybe it really is another identity. I think pornography though is destructive at its core, a little or a lot is still engaging in the 'dark' side, just like a little or a lot of cocaine. I'm no expert on addiction, but we all know instinctively what is wholesome and what is not.

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Yes, the core 'cause ' of any addiction is absolutely created from a negative emotion. The mind makes up the 'identity' as a bridge, a coping mechanism, between the authentic self and the addictive self. No addictions are 'wholesome'.

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Is Doran FInk kin to Larry Fink?

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Very good summation. Many well intentioned missions/ principles/ persons have gone awry not just over the course of the history of the United States, but during the human existence. Human beings are intrinsically imperfect/ flawed. The best case scenario is that we are taught/role modelled on the best virtues. Then again, we often need to learn the hard way that human relationships are prone to devolve into pettiness, envy, retribution, greed and lust, all of which motivate us to territorial offenses. The decline of a faith based society creates a society focused primarily on worldly, material worth. It requires a lifetime (if ever) of hurting others and being hurt by others to learn grace. Some people never learn the truth that every one of us has something of value to offer just because we have been wonderfully created by God Himself! Every one of us has been created in His image; imagine that! My advice to my grandkids is simple: just because you can, doesn't mean that you should. I truly believe that God and my Saviour Jesus Christ have made a path for me to experience this same Grace, and ultimately, forgiveness in my human failings. I was not born sinful. I was born pure and innocent. I hope to leave this world and achieve the same when the Lord calls my name at the end of my earthly time. Peace.

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"Well done, good and faithful servant!"

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