Interesting. I agree the microbiome is a topic deserving more study and understanding. It seems to fit for importance because it is I. my opinion being “attached” by other vectors too:

1) Ivermectin and it’s ilk. IVM is being pushed by the “evil ones” now which is highly suspicious. Destroying natural beneficial bodily processes/organisms by taking something that “healthy” people don’t need is not good and will have a big impact under your hypothesis.

2) EMF also I have read also can affect microbiome.

Great article.

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The collective is and has been so fundamental to human survival that it would be odd if the group was not also a source of protection even in the case of infectious disease.

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Great, thoughtful article.

If there is one move forward in this Covid/lockdown debacle is the analysis by people like yourself of the colossal strength of our immune system and how it must be understood and nurtured.

Socialisation is more than companionship, it is a necessary part of reinforcing our immunity, lockdowns were a tragic example of that wrong approach.

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I received this through “Substack Reads” and I was so impressed I immediately subscribed to your ‘stack. Now I shall spend the afternoon sifting through all your essays. This one was really really interesting.

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Thank you, Judith!!! 🙌

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Totally agree

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A Swedish saying goes "a little dirt cleans the stomach". meaning good for you. Very handy thought when no wash basin is at hand or other....

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Great read and I agree with your thesis. ‘Eat a peck of dirt before you die’, always resonated with me and I do my best to naturally challenge my immune system. So far working out great. Sixty seven and I haven’t been to a doctor since 1993.

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Please read "The Private Science of Louis Pasteur" for proof of the fraudulence of germ theory. You're almost there!

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PS I posit that terrain theory and the virus existence question are entirely separate issues.

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more detox, keolite, alginate plus, white pine needle tea, nattokinase

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A great read here: https://ahealedplanet.net/medicine.htm

Very informative article and here is an interesting bit, that made me think we are losing our ability to kill bad microbes too?:

True carnivores have high acid concentrations in their stomachs, which not only digest the rotting flesh rapidly, but the high concentrations kill parasites and deadly bacteria in the meat. Carnivores produce ten times as much hydrochloric acid as humans, cows, horses, and other herbivorous species do, at twice the concentration, for 20 times the amount. A carnivore has a stomach pH of between one and two when the stomach is full, while a human stomach has a pH of between four and five. Humans do not enjoy the carnivorous stomach’s protection, and parasitic and bacterial infection was one effect of eating flesh, particularly in the large quantities that early hunter-gatherers could ingest.

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Great article. I have a photo of my son with a handful of dirt from a potted plant before he could walk. He has an excellent immune system, from playing outdoors and in public spaces. We went to festivals, community days and trips into the city to see shows. Exposure is the ultimate. I only ever took a cloth in a zip lock bag with lavender on it to clean his hands before eating. He never and still never gets sick, not even a sniffle. He eats healty living food too, than helps. Nowadays children are living in sterile chemical enhanced cleaned homes, sprayed with hand sanitiser, poisoned with chemical grown food, laden with chemical personal products, and breathing in fragrances on a daily basis, no wonder their immune systems are not working well.

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Agreed. Add to that the disturbingly dysfunctional bullshit detectors of "modern" city people (for much of history, we tended to overshoot on the conservative side though, to be sure) and the fact that many have been so desensitised to actual evil that they consider abortion a routine intervention (rather than advocating for a woman's right to choose in a predicament) or support the genital or hormonal mutilation of minors.

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More gold, Jess, many thanks. Yes, the community microbiome is a thing, and nowhere better exemplified than in the Hadzabi of Tanzania, where hand-washing is basically nonexistent. They butcher a kill, then prepare the meal, cuddle the children, etc., and might rinse off in a stream later, if there's one nearby. These are people who live to their 80s & 90s without experiencing dementia, Parkinson's, cancer, leukemia, atherosclerosis, or dental carries... or RoundUp.

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I will say, the combination of Toby's essay here and Unbekomings stack on glysophate, which includes Toby's essay here on the community biome...takes your breath away by the sheer evil of it.

The seed vault, and how the Rockefeller and other foundations under the guise of eliminating crop failures and starvation made everyone dependent on their chemicals...and the recent bald faced invention of a bioweapon to force a vaccine on everyone...well it is just striking...too striking to ignore or rationalize away.

Same MO

Same outcome.

At at base, all points to the direct attack on individual and community biomes, through our food, water and medicine. Here is the stack on how it all ties together: https://open.substack.com/pub/unbekoming/p/glyphosate?r=94r9t&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

I cannot thank both Toby and Unbekoming enough. I thought I was awake. Well now my eyes are WIDE OPEN.

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Love the way you think, Toby!

I had my own take on using immunity as a metaphor: https://maggierusso.substack.com/p/dreams

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There is nothing better than the smell of soil, the feel of it in your hands, the sunshine, and the satisfaction of eating what you nurtured and grew…. And doing it barefoot for the added benefit of grounding to our Grandmother, the earth. Life really doesn’t get any better. If more had grown their own “victory gardens”, I think the emotional devastation of the lockdowns might have been lessened.

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