nothing wrong with speaking German rather than slave English. Problem with English is none are aware it is full of spells and deception. learn about Legalese and Justinian Deception to help you comprehend your status in their system.

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Commissioned Corps Required Vaccines: They believe in natural immunity. Interesting

1. PPD—negative result, or negative CXR or Quanti-Feron (QTF) < 1 year for a positive PPD history

2. Tetanus < 10 years

3. Hepatitis A—two doses, or a positive titer

4. Hepatitis B—three doses, or a positive titer

5. MMR—two doses, or positive titers for measles, mumps and rubella

6. Varicella—two doses, or positive titer for history of chicken pox disease

7. Influenza—one dose (current season/ year)

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Readiness and Deployment Operations Group (RedDOG)


Other Links

Here are some other links related to RedDOG:

US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps

Division of Commissioned Personnel (CCMIS)

Department of Health and Human Services

Reserve Officers Association (ROA) of the United States

National Disaster Medical System (NDMS)

Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Military Officers Association of America

Association of Military Surgeons of the United States (AMSUS)

Society of American Military Engineers (SAME)

Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance (USAID)


World Health Organization/Emergency Humanitarian Assistance (WHO/EHA)

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check out this sophisticated astroturf pharma propaganda psyop responding to the summit, the campaign to stop under 5 vaccination, the anti-mandate movement etc. All framed in highly sophisticated woke terms like equity. https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/apr/03/peoples-cdc-covid-guidelines

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Whoa. That's nuts. A completely astroturf corporate left lobbying effort to pressure the CDC to keep making the same mistakes, only bigger.

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The “pandemic response” is a military operation.

The FDA-unlicensed and unapproved COVID-19 vaccine doses and tests are only legally available because of an Emergency Use Authorization Declaration, which is entirely military in concept.

Such a declaration allows sidestepping the normal approval process for biomedical defense materials only when the U.S. is under attack by various “agents” (weapons), to ensure “national security” or “health and security of U.S. citizens living abroad.”


Our current declaration, in effect since March 27, 2020:


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By the way, all this talk about Fauci and “gain of function” research only serves to justify the EUA declaration which is why we must reject such talk as disinformation, no matter how juicy the evidence may seem.

To clarify, the terms of this declaration do not imply that a virus was actually created in a Wuhan lab as a biological warfare agent; rather the opposite, that the dubious idea of there likely being an “attack agent” in the form of a coronavirus must be upheld in order to maintain the Emergency Use Authorization.

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Agreed. Call it groupthink, mass formation psychosis, bias, hubris, or hysteria - it's all the same. A devotion to a Cargo Cult Religion which includes a sanctioned narrative, amulet (mask), and sacrament (magic-potion vaccine).

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but, but, ... the pHarma IC is more powerful than the military IC. David Martin is terrifying on this subject.

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Groupthink. Yes. Never did I think it would be so important to study psychology.

One of my best friends from college became an epidemiologist who has worked at Johns Hopkins and now UNC Chapel Hill. She married an economist and he works for NIAID (eep, eep, and more eep). We’ve kept in touch, and I actually really wanted their opinion on everything. I discussed masks and vaccines with her briefly stating my own opinions and basically wanting her to poke rational holes in them. She cited that ridiculous hairdresser study on the masks and gave me the show-stopping argument that correlation doesn’t equal causation as far as vaccine injury goes. That was it. And I’m supposed to change my mind because she’s a pedigreed PhD bougie and I’m a lowly acupuncturist. With patients having strokes, heart attacks, autoimmunity and death every week, but what do I know? These super high IQ people care more about belonging to their elite group than finding the truth. I did notice their teen daughter is still masked, so maybe they held out on the v with her. No virtue signaling post about her Fauci ouchie so far, so perhaps they thought twice after our exchange. One can hope.

I shared your thesis, too. They probably at least read the abstract…

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The Red team has been blue-pilled. Groupthink is the Newthink. Tolerance and diversity is only what the Pigs say it is. They are the most tolerant and diverse, so they say, so everyone must bow to them. Everyone!

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In another stack, a couple of days ago, there was a link to a video of Pelosi, saying that if the Republicans win in November, the Dumbocraps will not vacate their seats and allow the change to take place. While, mildly surprising, and more than a little alarming, I was too disgusted to save the link. 😔 However, my opinion is they will create a reason, and a way, to not allow the elections to take place.

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Yet, they all went into fits of hysterics when Trump said he would do the same if Biden "won." I see how it is - "Fine for me, but not for thee." F'ing hypocrites.

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Yep. That would be them alright!

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Apr 3, 2022
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Hmmm. I think that's more like a "coup." It seems like protesters being egged on by operatives is the definition of an insurrection, now-a-days.

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You need to include at least every head of the armed forces. This mandate to the troops has decimated the military. The continued fraud to cover up the DMED data base shows just how broken the leadership is.

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Great points. I'll update the article above.

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Beautifully written, as usual ❤️

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I predicted that BidenHo would be forced to resign in a out five more days, due to the huntergate burisma meta biota wash or at least an iota of this stuff breaking thru

Can you please write about this? Thanks

Life site news About a week ago had first article I saw re jack Massey or Masey in Switzerland

Swivveling around swizzle sticks

I mean, the dox that show BidenHo emails contracts gets a cut , up to half, no less than ten percent, of Hunter pay, that is outright treason....

That for burisma oil

Also dox show request and support for biolabs, we think. Just a guess. I don't look at those dox for fear of knowledge I don't want...

In fact , they themselves swizzeling around the swivvels....are avoiding view of what like thousands of pix that if as likley child porn. Jesus Hunter....

They don't want to see or know if so due to they'd be forced to hand over to the police...

Strange and sordid treason and plain old trash tooo

Now talk on RT of prezidumbential

Pardon of Huntergate burisma meta biota wash both Hunter and brother Jack...?

I don't know Jack.

What does Jack in the crack have to do with this whack whack whack?

Hope you catch my swift drift....

The BidenHo brand is bleeding

Will they also pardon ScKamala in advance for all the present past and future crimes she will commit sleepwwalking and pretending to be woke, a bad joke

ScKamala ; hers/ she/ whore/ her.

BidenHo;. His . / Him/. Diapers / dim / dumb/ done ...sum zero less is less

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Excellent point.

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And of course, the military has also ravaged its own ranks with these biologics in the face of all evidence.

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The PHS is not a military service. It is a uniformed collection of public health agencies of the US government that reports to the Secretary of the HHS. I challenge you to find it in the TOE of the DOD.

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I see your point, kinda, but it feels like a distinction without a difference. PHS is a "uniformed service of the United States." As you know, the other uniformed services are the armed forces and NOAA. Commissioned Corps members have military titles and wear Navy uniforms (with some slight differences in what is affixed to them). The President can take over the Commissioned Corps at any time to use as a military branch. The Secretary of Defense is traditionally a civilian -- so even the military commanders usually report to a civilian boss. So you're saying the uniformed services are not technically the military even though they include the military and can be used militarily? Or am I misunderstanding something more fundamental here?

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The Corps is not TODAY (unless Joe has been unusually busy for a Sunday and I have not heard the news) "a military service." See https://lhncbc.nlm.nih.gov/LHC-publications/PDF/pub2001060.pdf

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The difference between war gaming and Event 201 was not to learn of plan weakness but instead teach the controlled leaders the response needed to forward the agenda.

But you know that...

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