The issue with number 1 is that ignores the economic reality that self-interested NGO’s have played an enormous role in keeping poor and developing nations poor.

Example, Sandals resorts are for-profit and the organization has pulled tens of thousands from poverty in the Caribbean. But now, the NGO’s are trying to destroy Jamaica by resettling thousands of Syrian refugees there, and giving them “special” tax breaks (aka zero taxes in a high tax country) that are destroying Jamaican businesses. At the request of the NGO’s, these tax breaks are unavailable to actual Jamaican citizens. The Syrian loophole is destroying Jamaican businesses and the fabric of society because it’s hard for businesses that pay high taxes to compete with businesses that pay no taxes. That’s what NGOs often do - destroy so their “cause,” aka funding excuse, continues in perpetuity. They buy off some politicians to create destructive policies. The politicians get rich. Those with the NGOs live far better than the local population. The local population is crushed. This plays out in one form or another in almost every developing and poor nation on Earth.

Rather than invest in capital western governments and organizations provide “free” stuff via NGOs, thereby destroying economies (along with excessively high taxes and regulations that lead to corruption). It might make a westerner feel good to send a free pair of Toms to Africa, but the reality is that puts the shoemakers in Africa out of business. It’s hard to compete with free in the short term, but in the long term giving stuff away free today inhibits real economic growth.

In Afghanistan we didn’t teach Afghans how to build and run schools, we did it for them instead. We didn’t train Afghan pilots or military leaders, we taught the Afghan soldiers to be US infantry, not an independent force that could defend itself.

There is not a finite amount of wealth, it grows, but when wealth can’t grow, people get crushed.

Corporate monopolies, which is really corporate communism, is a huge problem in the west. Failure to ensure the markets remain free and competition viable leads to totalitarian or Oligarchy style rule. Monopolies are terrible for equality and opportunity - it doesn’t matter if said monopolies call themselves “corporation” or “government.” Central planning, in whatever form, creates inequality and crushes the human spirit. It’s brutal.

Freedom depends on competition and choice. Power hungry organizations crush that, whatever form they take. I don’t know that things needs to be hyper-local, but we need to ensure space for competition. I think the libertarian argument fails because it demands massive human suffering before monopolies and harm causing organizations are brought into check. Corporate communism isn’t any better than government communism.

To me, a government of, for, and by the PEOPLE should never claim an organization gets equal rights to an actual person. I’ll support any candidate from any party interested in reinstating Glass-Steagall, creating genuine antitrust laws with teeth, and willing to get the corporate money out of politics and government funding (no big pharma funding public health agencies, no Zuckey funding elections, no corporate support of particular candidates or issues not directly and materially impacting the organization, corporate board reform).

Democrats have been making promises for years to restore competition and advocate for opportunity. Yet, except for Clinton when I was a teenager, when actually in office all they seem to actually accomplish is inflating the asset values of the already wealthy, the tax bills and dreams of strivers, and the cost of daily expenses for the bottom 90%. Say what you will about Trump, opportunity was everywhere, capital accessible to everyone, inflation very low, and wages grew fastest at the bottom.

Biden has done nothing but inflate my power bill and value of my passive investments, crushed public services with useless and cruel vaccine mandates, and ruthlessly empowered corrupt big pharma by attempting to force kids as young as 5 to sign up for their most recent destructive subscription plan.

I was indoctrinated to vote for Dems out of grad school and now live with enormous guilt I contributed to destroying my kids generation by my past votes for totalitarian, racist, misogynistic Democrats. Trump opened my eyes. I’m gonna be voting for populist Republicans for a while, with my vote, my time, my treasure, and a heck of a lot more knowledge than I had as an ignorant blind 20-something pontificating about theories I didn’t actually understand. Marrying a man who I’ll has relatives from Cuba spurred me to learn, and wow, was I dumb to listen to a bunch of insulated professors who pontificate theories while ignoring outcomes.

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Wow! Talk about a point of view. And a well written one. And I see you are going to start writing your own newsletter.

Since you're talking about how to really promote a government of the people, I'll tell you another corrupt power center that needs to be chopped up. Having a small company that I run, I'm well aware of the political party gravy train that goes on. An encumbent politician in a safe seat, about 70% of all federal politicians, can go raise money from his or her constituents, and then give that money to whatever politcal party, fellow politician, or cause that he or she wants. At least that's my understanding. Certainly, corporate power needs to be limited. But so, too, does the power of encumbancy.

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On political fundraising that’s my understanding as well (and I specialize in international tax). While that area is not my expertise, the regs I’ve read seem to say there are few restrictions and easy loopholes.

I agree on your other points as well.

I’m only 39, but growing up the people who ran for office were pillars of the community and devoted to it. Nowadays there are a few people like that left, but the most of the individuals I know personally, especially on the left, ranging from a sitting congresswoman to our mayor to a county commission women, are morons - they have two brain cells and only one functions. The people voting for them know this, but it doesn’t stop them. Many of these people live within a 2 mile radius of me, some attend them same club and others have kids around the ages of mine….. lots of crossover…… long before they ran for office in their everyday lives it was clear these women are just not bright or thoughtful or even interesting. They are very socially active, but they just aren’t very bright. I know lots of very bright and thoughtful men and women who actually live their values, but nearly all would rather shoot their feet off with a shotgun than deal with our local politics and media……..

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This disgust that so many honest and productive people feel toward politics is an obstacle to localization / decentralization.

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As an addendum and further evidence to support the fact that the elite deliberately pursue ways to keep the down-trodden down, I'd encourage anyone and everyone to look into the non-profit tax filings of "charitable" organizations. Charity never should have been given tax exemption status, it was a sure fire way to ensure that nothing was ever improved. Because plenty a 6-7 figure salary depends on zero improvement. This goes for every single non-profit currently in existence. Non-profits are proliferating, from HSUS, PETA, ASPCA to all the "voter protection" non-profits just trying to help a political party win future races, to more banks becoming credit unions to take advantage of the tax breaks, etc. etc. etc.

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I assume you’ve read/are familiar with “Foundations” by Rene Wormser? This has been going on a long time.

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Yes, it seems to be accelerating and in areas where, even with current laws in place that should indicate they should NOT be allowed to be a non-profit, they are allowed to be a non-profit and influence voting machines, elections, politics, etc.

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Glad to have read this comment. I wonder if Partners in Health might be an exception. Paul Farmer has worked tirelessly to do good in the most difficult areas of Haiti. Mountains Beyond Mountains was an inspiring read.

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There are exceptions. Not all technically NGOs are bad. Samaritan’s purse does amazing work. Many do.

But……… many don’t, and they are generally funded by international organizations (like the UN), western governments, and corrupt foundations like Gates and Soros…….

NGOs have destroyed parts of Africa, South America, and apparently have decided to expand into the Caribbean. Asia has been less impacted, same with much of the South Pacific.

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So really, NGOs are the Walmarts of the 3rd World. Walmart invades a region, destroys the competition, pays lowest minimums, NGOs use this template overseas 👏 hmmm dots... 6th Jan & color revolu...nawwww! Redlickyouless!

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Anti-centralization is the key. Federalism on steroids. The Nazis, the communists were all in on centralization as we’re seeing in the cesspool known as DC and its uni-party. Break it apart..

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Return to a constitutional republic with separation of powers, federalism, individual liberty, property rights, the US Constitution and Bill of Rights, and principles of the founding fathers, free market capitalism, and the independent American spirit that made this country great. Renew ourselves to the Declaration of Independence.

A federal government is necessary (bounded by Federalism and the 10th Amendment), but a large federal government is not, particularly when it’s core is a bureaucracy that has metastasized. Make the government lean again, pare back and disrupt the deep state so that the people are seeved rather than the bureaucratic behemoth.

The US has the best system of government ever devised; it can and should continue to be improved. Replacement is not necessary.

The recent problems are not issues of architecture but of corruption. The final ultimate check on an out of confrol federal government and state governors is We The People. We know how to fix this and the solution is within us.

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A constitutional republic means abolishing the Federal Reserve.

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Maybe an honest assessment of where our constitutional republic went wrong would be a good starting point. The actions taken during Woodrow Wilson's administration caused many of the disruptions being discussed here, federal income tax, the federal reserve, us senators elected by popular vote... This is where I see the unrestricted growth of central government beginning and the steepening of the slide into the swamp.

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Ryszard Legutko warned about this in his 2018 book "The Demon in Democracy: Totalitarian Temptations in Free Societies". I suspect he was largely ignored because he is conservative and all powerful institutions across the west especially academia have been captured by totalitarian leftists (Socialists, Greens, Marxists, Communists) who have made conditions for 'where are we now?' possible. They love total control, censorship, segregation, destroying political enemies by any means, especially camps. The post soviet "end of history" failed to demonize socialism and communism, instead under the guise of tolerance, allowed these rats seats inside parliaments across the west. Liberal democracies were eaten from the inside by these forces who have been weaponized by higher forces - global oligarchs. We are now reaping the consequences.

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"The highest paid bureaucrat in U.S. history, Tony Fauci, has killed more Americans than all foreign wars combined. " And regardless of all the crimes Fauci has commited, he remains untouchable and medical inquisition continue to move forward. Fauci is the USA's great Inquisitor. Literally speaking. He is a Jesuit. People need to learn the history, to understand that the USA was taken over long time ago. A Sinister Force Behind Historical Conflicts, Global Agendas, Revolutions and World Wars Is the same sinister force currently working behind The Corona Operation? https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/a-sinister-force-behind-historical What we are seeing now is controlled demolishion of current world order in order to bring in The New Order of the Ages. They've told us the truth years in advance, but nobody is paying attention to "Bunch of nonsense and "conspiracy theories" 2012/1992 -https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game-addendum The Corona End Game The Truth Behind The Symbols https://lionessofjudah.substack.com/p/the-corona-end-game

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Fauci is the US Mengele

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He deserves a fair trial and then hanging.

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Minus the fair trial! Military tribunal presents the evidence already gathered and gives him an opp to state his final words!

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I posted mine before I read you. You're a genius

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Except if determined to be a sabateur in time if (an undeclared) war

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It's an old joke. "Hanging" is the key part.

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No. He and the other ringleaders need to be administered The Fauci Beagle Treatment.

That's only justice.

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You hit the nail on the head! Bottom up vs top down government. I truly believe this is what our founding fathers had planned for in their initial design of our democracy. But this design has been raped and pillaged by power, money hungry individuals who are elected and then rule far longer than should be permitted (term limits). Like another follower said, it's not just our government that is the problem, it is the capture of our ruling class by large centralized corporations. All this to say, it is a HUGE mess and you are on to something by opening the conversation about how to find a way out.

There's a lot of discussion about a parallel economy. Is that the best way to start? I honestly have no idea but in my own small world, I am trying to do just that. My profession is horribly captured and a group of us have joined in an effort to call out this capture. We hope to form a parallel association that represents dentists who desire to discuss and debate science in a respectful manner so that we may offer our patients the best possible care and our staff the best possible work environment.

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1) Rebuild foundations, bottom-up approach. 2) Overhaul local Councils filled with corrupt nodding baubbleheads. Elect fresh ideas with moral courage of their convictions, unwilling to be captured, willing to protect individual rights and freedoms at the expense of special interests. 3) Outlaw lobbying. 4) Strengthen courts with accountability for judges and judgements. 5) Term limits for every elected official.

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Why fresh ideas? Why not tried and true ideas before revolutionaries got their filthy hands on the rudder?

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Another thought provoking and appreciated read, Dr Toby. I am alarmed that this increasingly omnipotent biosecurity state, being so rapidly forced upon us by ushering in deadly totalitarian techno “responses” to a farcically overhyped plandemic will force freedom loving Christian people into new hyper localized communities merely for the sake of survival. I hope all on this well informed site are paying heed to what is going on with food supply lines. For example, “unvaxxed “ long haul truckers will soon be forbidden from crossing the Canadian side of the border into and out of the USA. Sure seems likely to me that a food shortage is in the works. Stock up! Will the power grid soon be disrupted to further counter dissent and instill more fear? From what I’m learning from The Ice Age Farmer, Daisy Luther, David Stockman, James Howard Kunstler and others, the complete decimation of our economy is frighteningly imminent and local communities with barter exchanges for goods and services will be requisite - that is for folks who can maneuver clear of being hunted down like rabid (“unvaxxed “) dogs and put in “education” camps. Sadly, I don’t see sufficient energy and numbers yet in deployment to counter the amazingly swift authoritarian controls being implemented in western countries. After all, the NWO has been strategized for how many years? They’ve gone through mesmerizing lengths to game all institutions and the mass media. There are surely more previously unfathomable demonic tricks up their sleeves. But more people are awakening, and I still harbor hope we will defeat this, as a single bolt of lightning can instantly reverse direction of a herd and cause a stampede the other way.

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Excellent post. NWO, under different names, has been in the works since 1800s if not earlier. Russian Czar stood up to them, and won a battle. They swore vengeance on his descendants.... repaid 1917

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Several people who served in the Trump administration saw and named the problem in a similar way. Richard Grenell said that the concentration of administration offices in DC caused a revolving door and echo chamber of the same small group of cronies cycling in and around the bureaucracy. It’s not necessarily the figurehead leaders of these agencies who rotate with administrations, but more so the rank and file who never leave that are the problem. He suggested the best solution would be to downsize government and distribute out the smaller administrative state into regions outside DC. One can look at the wealth accumulated in the zip codes in and around DC to see the grift and corruption manifested in centralized government. If the federal government was decentralized, you’d get a better diversity of opinions and expertise. I am also in favor of term limits. And some agencies are so corrupted they must be torn down completely (FBI, CIA, Dept of Ed.). We need a complete overhaul of the administrative state. Federalism is the answer and a Convention of the States to force amendments to the Constitution.

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Also CDC for sure. I am reading in RFK’s book right now about how CDC was on the brink of being removed with bipartisan (congressional?) support in the Reagan years because infectious disease was no longer a significant problem and cause of death. It was clear in the 70s that cancer was a health issue that needed a lot of focus. Then when the cronies were able to successfully argue that a virus was behind the AIDS epidemic they were back in business.

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Yes-CDC, NIH, USAID, FDA—I should have included all of these agencies in the morally bankrupt and irredeemable category! LOL-thanks for the addendum reminder! Ha!

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I do think FDA is the one agency of those that we really kind of need in order to assure safe manufacturing of drugs and food. I’m not sure what the solution is for the corruption and capture, though.

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Change human nature. Seriously, our understanding must increase. It is the dark side of human nature that manifests in ANY system as “ power over others” the basis of ALL crime.

We, humanity, does have a noble side as well. We must better understand how to manifest those qualities.

In the mean time, people need protection from “group power over others, and, paradoxically, they need “group power” to insure individual rights.

So we must return to the foundational principles of the US, with higher individual morals, a greater understanding of how true happiness is achieved, power over are own dark nature by making our noble nature supreme.

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That’s a noble idea. To enable the good side of humanity, we must first invert the totalitarian system we’ve allowed. Chris Hedges talks about “inverted totalitarianism“ and how our system is thoroughly corrupted. How to do it is the question…

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I agree we must root out systemic corruption. I don’t agree with he “first” part however. Behavior creates results. It is never to early to adopt principled behaviors.

That does not mean being a doormat. Indeed, enforced justice dies not require hate.

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We need to remove all liability protections for Pharma and the direct-to-consumer advertising. The US is one of the very few that allow these and they encourage capture and profiteering-power centralization. Also the revolving door between Pharma and the agencies that regulate them. The FDA is captured and it’s current bias does more harm than good.

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Yes, I believe New Zealand is the only other country that allows the direct-to-consumer advertising.

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Jesus, the FDA is probably the worst. They publicly hold expert advisory sessions and ignore all of it to then do the bidding of the pharma cartel. "Federal" IS the problem.

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But what would you propose as a safeguard against manufacturing without accountability? Part of my reason for my thoughts is I have been involved with advocacy for homeopathic medicines access for 2+ years now as the FDA seeks to shit down the industry through sneaky indirect ways. Since 1938 its manufacture has been regulated by FDA which seems really crucial to me for ensuring that what is labeled on the outside is what’s in the bottle. I suppose if we lost that we could buy/sell really locally and develop trust between small businesses and clientele but there are so many impracticalities involved and it would DEFINITELY shut down broad access.

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The idea of term limits sounds tempting but it helps to remember that the culture of DC requires an experienced person to work within it. I am very glad the Ted Kennedy was there as long as he was. Seeing his speech about raising minimum wage shows me that even term limits has its limits. When does the greed end: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SicFn8rqPPE

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Fat Teddy never did anything to improve the lives of US citizens.

Return to the original rules for selecting Senators and we'll see fewer useless geezers bloviating about bringing home pork to buy votes.

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You are the first commenter to be obscene and not engage rather than shout.

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your comment, "I am very glad the Ted Kennedy was there as long as he was." is obscene.

Economically speaking, you should remember that the minimum wage is always zero.

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Did you bother to watch the video? Having an opinion is not obscene. Using a keyboard to curse at someone you do not know is.

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ok I watched the video and as expected it was kennedy SHOUTING his economic illiteracy at the microphone.

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States rights is the answer. And maybe Ciunty rights

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I consider myself a Progressive lefty and supported Bernie Sanders. Basically, it makes sense to me for the floor of society to start inching upward along with technology. I always have an ear for libertarian type arguments as the principles they come from are sound but where I diverge is I don't think the federal government is the biggest threat in the room. The unchecked multinational companies look to me like the biggest threat.. Their respective influence and take over of the federal government is the problem as I see it.

I guess if its not a democratic federal government acting as a check on multinationals, well then what will?

All that said, I got to admit I don't see how our institutions can be restored. And even if we could restore them I'd be worried about the kind of countermeasures we would see. Capital Flight and perhaps the bottom pulled out from under the US Dollar.

Hyperlocalization does look to be a key piece of the puzzle as if we were ever to really challenge the powers of the largest corporations we would need to do so from a place where we aren't dependent on said corporations.

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Bernie’s socialist policies are based in central government redistribution………….. they didn’t work in the USSR, Cuba, Vietnam, Cambodia, or anywhere else it’s been tried.

If Bernie were advocating for more opportunity and constraining the influence of huge organizations I might agree with you, but he’s more interested in attacking Elon Musk than stopping Pfizer from forcing 5 year olds into big pharma subscription plans. Bernie is not for localized anything….. he’s for big central planning and destructive redistribution.

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Bernie is a moot point. The progressive noises from the left aren't going to lead to anything. We didn't even vote on M4A in the middle of a pandemic.

I do think if Bernie got his way instantly we'd be the car that caught the car. But ditto to Rand Paul and the libertarian segment of the right.

That said I do think single-payer is the superior way to organize healthcare and would prefer we do that and don't think that is equivalent to communist Russia. But it would have to be done root and stem. You leave around billion dollar industries like insurance and pharma they will find a way to sabotage any attempt. Which is to say I've about given up on it coming through electoral politics. Hoping GoFundMe just turns into a beneficent version of health insurance.

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I once agreed on single-payer healthcare - before I spent 15 years specializing in international tax. Private healthcare throughout Europe has been on the rise because centralized medical services are not patient oriented.

Also, the main difference between European and South American universal healthcare is how it’s funded. South America tries to engage in redistribution which makes everyone poorer and their health care is crap. Venezuela most recently increased its wealth tax in the summer of 2019. European plans are largely funded through border adjusted VAT taxes. This is a more stable form of funding so the systems function, but it’s very regressive. The rest of government is largely funded through flat income taxes. People clamoring for “single-payer” healthcare here aren’t clamoring for a European system, even if they think they are, because they are obsessed with a redistribution funding model that doesn’t work.

I didn’t appreciate it at the time, but I now see the wisdom of McCain’s plan. McCain had great policy ideas, but was a war monger, so I’d say great domestic policies, as bad as Bush foreign policy. I am a huge fan of healthcare credits. Everyone at every level gets $8000/ person/ year to go buy whatever healthcare plan they want. Open HSA’s to everyone. Then let the market compete with only necessary regulations to prevent higher rates for preexisting conditions so long as a person has maintained health insurance. Excess funds for the young (and usually broke) can be redirected into HSA’s.

Choice works. Competition works.

Some issues with centralized medicine are quality of life. Over two year waits in the UK for cataract surgery, 10-month waits in Italy for young athletes to get ACL repair. Limited access to craniofacial reconstruction unless it’s something like a clef lip. Limited investments in research and development for quality of life conditions. Universally underfunded hospital systems.

I don’t want to trade access for lower quality because the reality is we have very good access here, but a regulatory system that drives up cost astronomically and a tort system that’s terrible for both doctors and genuinely injured patients. It’s great for scams and overtly litigious people.

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I'm going to respectfully disagrre on one point, Dennis. I think the federal government is a bigger problem than the large corporate multinationals.

I'll just cite two examples. The Bysh/Cheney search fir fuctitious WMD cost the world trillions with hundreds of thousands of deaths and broken lives. The federal government sent the troops into Iraq, admittedly at the probable behest of some corporations. But the feds had the power.

Same with the Pandemic. The feds are the ultimate power brokers here, too.

The Swiss have a large corporate influence as well. But their decentralized federal system greatly helps reduce the influence and harm that corporations can influct.

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My thoughts are evolving on it. Realizing more and more that what we have is a combination of large corporations and corrupt government. That it probably is wrong to try to think of one separate from the other at this point.

For sure the authority resides with government. But the propaganda to manufacture consent is funded by industry.

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Right now the industry is being funded by our tax dollars…… once redirected to the corporations they buy the messenger to ensure the cycle continues.

I’m still amazed we funded this IP for the Moderna vaccines, yet rather than “US government” being on 50% of the patent, Anthony Fauci and 4 guys that report to him are the ones who own, and directly get royalties from, the vaccine sales. I only recently learned this is true for thousands of drug patents, particularly vaccines, where individual employees of the NIH and CDC get lifetime royalties from these drugs, largely vaccines, they then require with complete immunity for both themselves and the manufacturers.

Both are problems, but I personally believe the first step is to severe the relationship. No more big pharma funding for the CDC snd NIH. No more personal enrichment from big pharma by regulatory personnel. I I do think that severing of the money flow from taxpayers to big government to big business is priority number 1. It’s going to be hard to break because every point in the chain has a huge motivation to keep people like Brandon in power……..

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The funding of cdc, fda boggles my mind

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Great point. The government is the only agency that can compel and directly harm. Corporations would have no reason to lie about WMDs, even if many profited from the war. Once their lies were discovered tort would reclaim the profits. Iraq was purely political, deadly, destructive, and more pointless than WWI.

Likewise, mandates for vaccines might hurt some smaller areas in healthcare, but it is government mandates crippling the entire healthcare system. It is the government mandates crippling public services like police, firefighters, schools, etc. While those services are more local, thus the especially localized harm in big cities, the federal government often conditions funding on falling in line. Those poor kids trapped in masks at public schools are being dehumanized and harmed, in many cases, to increase the federal dollars the districts are getting from the feds for keeping the harm going. Same with overtly racists race ideology and overtly misogynistic gender ideology.

I think we would better prosper with more market competition and limits on the huge corporate behemoths where profits are currently first reallocated to the c-suit (before their political funding, shareholders, or much else). But I agree the immediate, brutal, lethal, crippling harm comes from a massive, immoral, central government that can kill people without recourse and take money from the private sector without accountability.

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Not true about Iraq. Bush & Cheney were both oil men. Cheney's Halliburton had everything to gain from 9/11 false flag --> warmongering --> grab Iraq's oil.

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Dec 30, 2021
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I just started on that one. Atlas is next. Just finished Pandemia

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Dec 30, 2021
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But now that you're incorporated you are part of the enemy. :)

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Dec 30, 2021
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I'm glad I walked right into it then.

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Umbrella insurance……

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Federations of city states are the proper solution, where the federations are exclusively limited to defending an objective and rational idea of natural rights, and where city states can experiment with various preferences using systems of consent.

This book is a proof:


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Catholic teaching has always taught problems should be solved at the most local level practical.

(Btw, 1958 on, commies and freemasons are running the Vatican. They do the exact opposite. Cheerleaders for NWO. Traitors) Catholic Church is in eclipse outside Vatican structure. A remnant

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We the people of our state of Hawaii are forming our state assemblies and grand juries ready to bring our state local leaders back to the Constitution and our Bill of Rights. We are all studying National Assembly and listen to Red Beckman. We meet weekly and now study the grand jury process to listen to grievances of our neighbors. Educate others and do self transformative work to empower our sincerity and awareness.

Our sovereignty rests on individual respect and purpose founded in liberty. I share 6 tools for such recognition of the unique purpose, valuable and significant, we each must be aware of in order to shine with sovereignty. These are based on natural quantum world principles that are the foundation of our constitution and of the youniverse into which we need to expand awareness.

We are each sacred under God and need to remind a new government as the present is impeached and brought to its knees to pray again for all those wrongfully mandated and injected.

And all the blood money earned and stolen like the gold coins of Judas, be returned to the people who lost wellbeing and life of their families.

When we replace our scared with sacred, divinity can fill our government again as written in our precious declaration of God and constitution. There is much to be grateful for and a lot of replacements to be made. We each offer ourselves as our greatest weaknesses show us to our greatest strengths. Thank you for glowing out into the world with gentleness and non violent communication. I recommend studying Dr. Marshall Rosenberg in these matters, which bring fighting people together merely with communication. Look on YouTube. Thank you Gandhi, one of my many blessed teachers.

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This is an excellent article Toby. Of course many of us have seen the potential for alternative societies arising from the Corona-Vaccine-Chaos (CVC :). For example, I saw that a few brave doctors here in New Zealand were being censored and demonized for speaking out. At the same time, the run-of-the-mill pharma-hypnotized GPs felt those who chose to be unvaccinated were not wanted in their clinics. So naturally I wondered if a new, more holistic medical group would arise. And that seems to have happened already with an alternative to the WHO emerging.

Also, I think you may find interesting parallels between your notion of hyper-localization in society and the concept of "micro-services" in software architecture design. The latter strives to break down all architecture services in very small units, each of which can run on its own independent of the rest of the system. This design makes the whole system much more resilient, with independent units being able to continue working when other components break down. You will find quite a lot on the web about micro-services and how they make systems more robust.

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“ I think we have at least as good a hand as the ruling class right now... A revolution is building and we are already running circles around the ruling class intellectually, morally, and spiritually…”

Very well said and I completely agree with you—we have the momentum and the ruling class is being exposed more and more every single day. We can’t give up, especially now that they are backed into a corner. The game is ours to lose at this point but we must go in for the metaphorical kill. We need to increase our pressure here, and become more vocal.

Afterwards, yes, hyper localization with everything—especially medicine and food. Food because that “system” is extremely centralized and already at risk of collapsing. We must vote for people who fight for food and medical freedom.

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I agree with you: it's hyperlocalization, if we're to survive the collapse of liberal democracy. I live in a small town (under 600) in a rural area of northwestern Pennsylvania. A friend and I have been talking around this issue of creating a parallel society for a few years now. For a while it was just talk and then the pandemic arrived. We see the urgency now of starting to do something to enable us to "cut ties," as it were. A note of context: he is a conservative Republican whose brother was our congressman and I'm a former Democrat who has been stranded. What we have set our sights on first is a large community garden. Last fall a local small rural church congregation turned over 2 acres to us just for that purpose. What we need now is someone to plow up the sod and donations to build a cheap deer fence. We think beginning with a food supply is the foundation on which we need to build. A second idea we've floated is the necessity for flat-roofed buildings in our area (grocery stores and schools mostly) to transform those roofs into vegetable gardens, as is often the case in cities. We also want to encourage people to grow some of their own food. We then want to teach people how to preserve that food for the winter months. I don't know where we'll go after that. Maybe investigate the establishment of a local currency of some kind. We're also working hard to discourage people from sending their kids to public schools. The buildings could be put to better use and the idea of public education in its current form is collapsing anyway. I would love to see some comments here on what others are planning to do. Our group of 2 (so far) is casting about looking for any other ideas we can "steal" and adapt to our own uses here in Pleasantville, PA, and yes, that's the real name of our town. LOL

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