It's wild to watch the blue check bougiecrats on Twitter engage in 2-minutes of hate anytime Pharma commands them to. They do not seem to realize that they are in an information bubble that exists to serve the Pharma narrative and that critical thinking is not allowed. I think Pharma must be laughing (with contempt) at the bougiecrats too at this point because they are just so darn easy to manipulate.

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This is the sort of nonsense that happens in a corrupt dictatorship. It's flat out embarrassing that the AP is servicing the cartel rather than reporting the news.

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Excellent piece and well done, congratulations! My one quibble is that the media organizations themselves are the recipients of Pharma money through the Gates foundation, as the Columbia Journalism Review's exposé makes clear. https://www.cjr.org/criticism/gates-foundation-journalism-funding.php

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Yes, great point and link! Thank you!!! 🙌

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Thanks for the reply.

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Jesus, is there nothing that the Gates Foundation hasn't infected?

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No. I do not believe there is anything left the megalomaniac hasn't corrupted.

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No, doesn’t appear to be……

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MSM "journalists " are complicit in NUREMBERG code violations. Can carry the death penalty. Sorry, EU leaders.. you can't just dismiss it. It's well established International Law. Catholic Church teaches essentially same thing.


And no, NOBODY will forget. Go to any discussion not censored and people clamoring for NUREMBERG trials and the hangings.

Merry Christmas Albert.Bourla@pfizer.com


Francis, false pope, deserves punishment also

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I believe you are correct.

But as Certified conspiracy nut, and btw auditor...kinda goes together. I will check this.


I must say I am quite impressed..

You're going places!!!

Btw, other conspiracy theorists;

Police detectives

Fraud examiners

Arson investigators

Missing person investigators





All number of scholars

Conspiracies happen ALL THE FREAKEN TIME

Someone that uses this CIA Phrase to dismiss possible truth out of hand are Idiots.

And victims waiting to happen

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I checked and result: you are the man.

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Hahaha, 12 out of 10 clowns!!

Too bad this clown is crying.

The damage that the propagandist at the AP, NYTines, et al., are doing to humanity is truly breathtaking. As we are transitioning out of covidmania into an autoimmunity hellscape, where TB, shingles, smallpox, measles and hep will all run rampant because these media jackals took their 30 pieces of silver and sold mankind into perpetual sickness, I hope, truly hope, that the blame and accountability for this disaster will be laid squarely at the feet of the pharmabros and that RFK Jr will be acknowledged for his role in trying to save us. I'm not holding my breath.

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A thought on Autism Speaks - Ginger Taylor of the blog Adventures in Autism and one of the contributors to the book Vaccine Epidemic wrote of AS and my take away was this was another non profit like those dedicated to various diseases like American Heart Association (remember heart healthy labels on sugary cereals) that are formed to create salaries and provide high end expensive offices to these people. I would say it also gives them access to high money donors. She pointed out in one piece that the actions taken were not in the interest of the autism community thus their reason for existing is not altruistic. CHD is one organization I donate to every month.

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Autism Speaks is horrible. No one should donate to them ever. Not just useless, actively harmful.

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I know many in the biomed world have no use whatever for AS

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Provo!! Mainstream media needs more writers kicking them in the a__! I was very happy to watch Glenn Greenwald's brilliant, ballistic performance, which dissected 4 lies told by NBC's two reporters about Julian Assange, still on youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6TizS6SPeSI

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Yes, GG is doing such great work on this! 🙌

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I used to read corporate media newspapers, as I wanted to know what BS is being spread in order to do my best at countering it. I cannot stomach them anymore. Thanks for doing the reading for me. Corporate media is panicking at the loss of eyeballs on their media. Hence, legislation in the works to prevent it. Can’t stuff the cat back into the sack. They are playing “whack a mole” and losing. Can’t say I’m disappointed. RFK’s book has been a best seller now for a month and we should all be angry at how this unelected little psychopath/sociopath has SO much power and control of our society. He should be jailed for his crimes.

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I quit my subscriptions to NYT, WaPo and NPR and let them know why and now out that $ towards substack subscriptions where the real journalism is happening.

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Edited my own response. To be clear, obviously the psychopath/sociopath is fauci, not RFK, jr, lol

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Thank-you for the clarification. I thought you meant joe obiden.

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I concur! But the best part of the sticke here, is that you refused to link the AP article. ZERO FKS GIVEN TO MSM... BRAVO!

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😂 That's my rule -- fascists do not deserve clicks. Alternative media -- the Defender, Joe Rogan, various Substacks get more traffic than the mainstream gatekeepers at this point. The old media empires are dead (and that's one of the many reasons that they are lashing out right now).

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Yes, it's amazing how many random "small talk" conversations I've had over the last month with strangers that have led to the realization that there's no way either of us is getting our information from the legacy media. A revolution just when we need it!

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Thanks, Toby!! These clowns are “journalists” in LA who were on a mission to discredit RFKJr after his amazing presentation in front of the Health and Welfare Committee and the bipartisan vote against the governor’s proposed rule change to add CV19 shots for K-12 schools.

Their ignorance and willingness to look like idiots is astounding.

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You are right. The book, like most of RFK Jr's work, and especially his recent speeches are intended to expose a much deeper and pervasive corruption. I add the same comment I made in response to Steve Kirsch'e note on reading the book in 5:

"I believe it is important to think of the implications of the facts exposed in this book about the integrity of our entire political and governmental institutions. Two points are very clear. 1- Fauci's crimes have been known for many decades to many citizens including many in congress and many administrations of both parties. 2- The fact that Fauci's crimes continue to go unabated tells us how deeply our governmental and political institutions are corrupted and for a long time. Thinking of which party may be best representing the citizenry and its constitutional rights is not even a question. We don't have a democracy, it is all a fraud!"

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You still get your choice between the Fraud-o-cratic or the Corrupt-ican parties. What’s the problem? We offer clear choices here in the good ol’ US of A. That’s what our founding fathers demanded of a functioning democracy.

It is still “functioning” isn’t it?

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"The bourgeoisie is obsessed with trying to defend vaccines and discredit ivermectin even as they refuse to read any of the underlying scientific literature because to understand the truth of this situation would reveal that everything that they believe is a lie."

The C-19 narrative is indistinguishable from a cult religion, with its high priests and priestesses, magic elixirs, and exhortations to the faithful that they "Must not question!" "Must not doubt!" "Have faith, little sheep, in FrAUdCI our savior!" Like a cult, they will exile any who doubt the narrative because the thing they fear most is people asking questions.

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Interesting that this "opinion piece" came from a supposed news integrator. ie an organisation that is supposed to just gather up the news and disseminate it to their outlets. Yet another example of them blowing their cover in their desperation to control the narrative. A hastily assembled attack on the truth that will surely fail.

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Good point. 🙌🏼

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Thanks Toby for the review - fantastic!

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Another slam dunk

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RFK is the bravest moral man in America. Those who lack bravery or morality are by nature self-serving. Everyone knows reporters of this ilk are not journalists but propagandists. Sadly, our world has become populated with them. That’s why I no longer watch the news or read any of the papers you reference. I’m hopeful real journalism in America will return, real debate, real science. Until then, I will selectively search out sites like this one to give other views to the one-theme narrative now replaying in our nation’s halls. A true democracy deserves nothing less.

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Bravest for sure. I fear for his life, because of what "they" have done to silence the others in his family. May God bless him and watch out for him and his family.

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