I think it would be a nice thing if Creation worked to eliminate the poisonous ideas, and the minds that promote them. I do believe that poisonous organizations (and good ones too) tend to carry the seeds of their own dissolution. Creation seems interested in bringing forth the existential questions that are answered, or ignored, by faith. Moving towards greater ethics, compassion, selflessness ripens individuals towards spiritual maturity. Selfishness, arrogance, cruelty mirrors back its own destructive tendencies. Our ideas set in motion things are hard to conceive from our perspective.

In this instance the stunning evil of these actions are likely wholly unknown by those who exist on a steady diet of FB and media narratives supporting their determination to avoid the uncertainty of existence. The rage of the Democratic voter is far from rationally inspired. I believe it is the narcissistic fury that is a response to being irritated by a reality where they are not central. Life can be terrifying, and we are nearly completely impotent to control it. No wonder people flee into illusion to escape that frightening condition.

Good middle class style people have been struggling with the Republican party of betrayal since GHW Bush. We are prevailing slowly. Check out the Tea Party movement which was not racist as the slander machine claimed, but was trying to bring to heel the government to the interests of the people over those of the Timothy Geithner crowd.

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Where is walensky? She hasn’t been seen in some weeks. Wonder if the jab(karma) got her.

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Anyone have a link or Substacker covering which states have declared no covid shot mandates for kids, and are not following the CDC vaccination recommended schedule?

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NVIC should have that. https://www.nvic.org/

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Yes, Toby, thanks, they should but I didn't find it. I'll have to start my own tracker and update it, I think.

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Good day Toby and commentariat,

I deeply appreciate your bring Gaia into the discussion and minds of your readers. Thank you.

Gaia hypothesis is now a theory. When that happened it moved on to be called (sadly) Earth Systems Science. At the point Gaia as a hypothesis then theory dropped off the public radar. The Gaia Hypothesis has made many predictions that proved valid. Thus it became accepted as a valid theory.

When I think of Gaia (including Earth) I think in terms of Dr. Lynn Margulis and James Lovelock and of course Lynn Margulis daughter Jennifer. It is actually for me at least a merging of feeling and cognition and for me that is a Sacred experience. One need not believe in God to experience awe!

Learn more in two wonderful books edited by William Irwin Thompson. Gaia and Gaia 2. Had that been the course we charted, we would not be in this mess today. Still humanity learns the hard way. John Michael Greer makes a very cogent observation:

"DECLINE AND FALL by John Michael Greer

I’ve talked elsewhere about the way that this nascent vision helped guide the first promising steps toward technologies and lifestyles that could have bridged the gap between the age of cheap abundant energy and a sustainable future of relative comfort and prosperity.3 Still, as we know, that’s not what happened; the hopes of those years WERE STOMPED To a BLOODY PULP by the Reagan counterrevolution, Imperial America returned with a vengeance, and stealing from the future became the centerpiece of a bipartisan consensus that remains welded into place today.

Thus one of the central tasks before Americans today, as our nation’s imperial age stumbles blindly toward its end, is that of reinventing America: of finding new ideals that can provide a sense of collective purpose and meaning in an age of deindustrialization and of economic and technological decline. We need, if you will, a new American dream, one that doesn’t require promises of limitless material abundance, one that doesn’t depend on the profits of empire or the temporary rush of affluence we got by stripping a continent of its irreplaceable natural resources in a few short centuries."

As Toby and others on substack have pointed the way, John Michael Greer gives historical depth. Those of us who live through that time remember well what John said so clearly. Gaia and Gaia 2 give us the spirit and the science necessary to rebuild the American and indeed the Dream of Earth.

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I would have gone with the cyclical failure of cultures and empires, but the metaphor is apt.

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That Gaia thing pure nonsense blasphemy even made up by a bunch of freaks that must be punished for such heresay accordingly.

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Hi Andrew,

Wow that is intense. Please name these blasphemers and provide links to how they made the whole thing up. I maybe wrong, but it seems your are conflating Gaia a scientifically valid theory, with the Pagan worship of Gaia as an Earth Goddess. This has always been a problem.

I look forward to be informed by your scholarship.

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It’s not a bridge too far for me! I’ve often thought, pretty semi-consciously, about processes like this. Movements and their proponents have a trajectory of their own built in. Like a force of nature. Like there was nowhere else to go. Of course it sounds as ridiculous to me as you thought it might sound to readers, but it makes sense that a system built on such a destructive foundation would never be able to sustain itself.

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I think the strategy all along was to move the shots onto the liability free for pharma school schedule. The liability free position of EUA could only be temporary. Nothing shocking here. I ruminate often on what feels for me the most shocking stat, over 5 billion people on earth have allowed themselves to be experimented upon at least once with mRNA shot into their blood stream. In that soup of people, I imagine there are so called geniuses, highly educated professors, scientists, doctors, intellectuals, clergy, mentors of young people and yet they all quickly rolled over and rolled up their sleeves eagerly or with little hesitation (not those blackmailed via loss of employment). What are we to make of humans in general based on this fact?

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Doctor Rogers, you inevitably write some of the most thoughtful and thought-provoking pieces in substack. I don't understand, however, your obvious disgust with Trump. As a general statement, Republicans have excellent principles that they don't follow. They are feckless. Someone else compared them to the Washington Generals. The Democrats have NO priniciple other than the pursuit of power. Trump wasn't steeped in Republican or Conservative politics yet he embraced the best of both because he pursued practical solutions, which are at the core of most Conservative belief systems. His biggest sin was getting sucked into the COVID idiocy and taking credit for the disaster that is Project Warp Speed. It is a human failing, but it isn't all encompassing.

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Trump and DeSantis were essentially dealt the same hand -- a pandemic while they were in the executive branch of government (President and Governor respectively).

Trump was lost, confused, and gave us Operation Warp Speed that has killed hundreds of thousands of Americans including his own ex wife (Ivana). Trump partisans blame his advisors and his opponents. Whatever.

Governor DeSantis responded to the exact same crisis with skill and insight. He actually read the scientific studies for himself and hired the best advisors. He made difficult decisions (keeping schools open, turning down shots for kids) and he has been correct every time. Governor DeSantis is good at his job.

I have no idea why anyone is still talking about Trump when we have the option to elect DeSantis in 2024.

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Massive Crowds Of Protesters Swarm Military Base To Protest Brazilian Election Results


Hopefullt this is a rejection of the WEF and a crooked election, rather than an embrace of military rule.

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This makes perfect sense to me. It is the story of the ages, told anew.

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"But how else are we to explain the bizarre actions of the ACIP voting unanimously to support a genocidal policy that is opposed by the overwhelming majority of Americans just days before a crucial election?" This is the result of having two echo chambers in the USA. The "vaccine" promoters have gotten away with every mandate and repressive measure they have enacted, with essentially no pushback. There have been no repercussions; they believe they are invulnerable. They probably believe that since most of their immediate echo chamber wants more "vaccines", everyone else wants more "vaccines" as well. They probably figured that if they lose the midterms, there would be no chance of getting the "vaccine" added to the schedule, so they need to do it before the election while they still have puppets like Walensky in office. I am less convinced things are going to change radically with respect to COVID-19 if there is indeed a Red Wave. How many Republicans have stepped up to the plate and supported Johnson in his endeavors to get official investigations of the pandemic and measures taken? They're all bought, and it's wishful thinking that substantial changes will occur if there is a switch.

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While 'washington generals' like mcturtle are in charge, no things won't change even with an outright red tsunami.

If he and his ilk are replaced, however, then it becomes possible. Probable? Maybe not, at least in the short term... but in the long run it's inevitable.

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I hold it true that thoughts are things, endowed with body breath and wings.

Each day we send them forth to fill, the earth with good results or ill.

That which we call our secret thought, speeds to the earth's remotes spot,

and leaves its blessings or its woes, like tracks behind it as it goes.

It is God's will, remember it, in your still chamber as you sit,

with thoughts you would not dare have known, yet made companion when alone.

And after you have quite forgot, or all outgrown some secret thought,

back to your mind to make its home, like dove or raven it will come.

So let your secret thoughts be pure, they play a vital role for sure,

in molding worlds and shaping fate, God's system is so intricate.

Ella Wheeler Wilcox (with a little editing)

Gaia seems a 'hypothesis' to enable us to talk openly, about the universe God organized in a politically correct manner, without offending the secularites among us.


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Liz Truss Allegedly Sent A Message Saying: “It Is Done” To Blinken After Nord Stream Sabotage


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I love this! Does it make sense? Superficially no, not at all. Pure fantasy. On the other hand, does it make as much or more sense than everything else that's gone on? Sure does. I'm not religious, but I've had to admit the insanity is best explained by Satanic influence or aliens. And yes both are crazy ideas. But if it walks like a duck.....

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Trump was the death -- or at least first mortal wound -- of the OLD retardican party, the corrupt "Washington Generals" who willfully and willingly play second fiddle to the demoncraps "Globetrotters". So you are actually kind of right, even if for the wrong reason.

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I agree. His hostility to Trump is misplaced. I do NOT like Trump, he's deeply flawed, and his intellect is shallow in the extreme. But - he finally demonstrated that you can tell the Democrats and their sycophantic media to take their bogus accusations of racism, and every phobia they come up with and shove it, and enough voters appreciate you for that you can WIN! A tremendous contribution. Not to mention, no wars, good economy, racial progress after the Obama hate-filled years, pretty much all good until COVID.

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I believe Trump is corrupt as a human being. What I do like about his years of service is that he was so focused on his own agenda that he didn’t bother trying to get connected to all the systemic corruption that he called the swamp. So yes, we were lucky to enjoy a good economy, and avoid the swamp we find ourselves in today over these last three years.

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I'm 71 and Trump is the best president since I've been old enough to make a judgement. Maybe tied with Reagan. That Trump and Reagan outshine the others is a reflection on the utter failings of the others, not an endorsement of either. Yes, he's corrupt - but wasn't sold out as you rightly pointed out. Trump's best quality was he didn't come to office beholden to all the special interests and string-pullers, which is why they had to destroy him. AND he favored a lot of good policies. Even though he was not up to the job, and was unable to cope with the machine he was up against, at least he wasn't a part of it - except for his partnership with them once COVID hit and we got Operation Warp Speed. DeSantis seems to have it ALL best I can tell. Integrity, right ideas, and a complete understanding of how things work. Nothing will ever shock him.

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Desantis does seem to have everything... EXCEPT the integrity. He's already very quietly and deceptively positioning himself to run in 2024 while pretending not to... and he's taken _huge_ donations NOW (while it's still legal since he's "only" running for state office) from some of the crony (i.e. fake) capitalist people we most do NOT want him indebted to.

Despite that, he's been an excellent governor and he has improved greatly in his time there. So if (when) he runs and (hopefully) wins, we could hope for that to continue. It could, after all, so hopefully it will. And if so, he'll almost certainly be lightyears ahead of every other president in the last century _except_ Reagan and Trump. But unless he repudiates his paymasters -- it's always possible, I guess, and so I hope he will -- he won't be what we all would like him to will be. Or at least not AS MUCH so as we hope.

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John. Good thoughts. Reagan and trump both lacked compassion for peoples from “sh”thole countries and allowed lots of harm (especially Reagan to Latin/So. American countries). Yes, just look at our 40 year politician as POTUS. He can’t hand out the “return-the-favor” candy fast enough. Killing our country with corruption and cronyism, for sure.

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