I hope 'medical freedom' includes the right to abortion.

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Well put!

Although I disagree with RFK Jr on the existence of a covid pandemic ( I think its a variety of poisonings, with 5G radiation poisoning using internal metals), Its an important distinction, because if there was a poor response to a pandemic, well that implies that our white coats can do better at biomedical testing, containment, etc.

Still, I am contributing monthly to his candidacy. He has done a great job creating an alternative media outlet at CHD, and spreading vital information. Mostly, I just want to vote for someone who is an ethical person who can speak in a way that makes sense. We have not seen that sort of presidential candidate in a long time.

I'm pretty sure the election will be stolen, jiggered, whatever. And there's the trump card of WW3. But, hey, I am in it to initiate the conversation. And ever hopeful of awakenings.

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"..The Neocons are desperate and are pushing every button to make sure that World War III starts this year or by the summer of 2024 at the latest. Their arch-enemy is Donald Trump… If he were to get back into office, which is why George Soros' stooge, Alvin Bragg, has indicted Trump when no former president has ever been criminally charged with far more serious crimes https://jimychanga.substack.com/p/trump-will-be-gagged-next

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Before you consider promoting a DeSantis run for president, read the text below describing his behavior toward inmates as a JAG officer at Guantanamo (covered here from the Connecticut Trinity Tripod, but also at greater length in the UK Independent.) He may seem like the Second Coming for holding hearings on the administration's Covid malfeasance, but he has many deficits--the one described below, and his decidedly draconian views on abortion. I personally don't want to see RFK Jr. anywhere near him, and I don't want him anywhere near the White House IMO.

"Unsurprisingly, not much is publicly known about DeSantis’ official orders and duties. There is only one speech in which DeSantis directly references his time spent at Guantanamo. Forty-two pages of U.S. Navy records released to the Florida Pheonix in 2018 during DeSantis’ gubernatorial campaign show that he was described as a JTF-GTMO (Joint Task Force Guantanamo) scheduler/administrative officer with all other details heavily censored. This past November, an ex-Guantanamo Bay detainee was interviewed on a podcast alleging that DeSantis allowed, observed, and participated in acts of torture to end a hunger strike in 2006 conducted by detainees who were protesting their sentences. The allegations come from 44-year-old Yemen-born Mansoor Adayfi, who was held in the detention center for 14 years without a single charge. Adayfi was released in 2016 and promptly taken to Serbia to begin anew after a review board concluded he was not a threat to U.S. security. The podcast, Eyes Left, is hosted by Michael Prysner, who, interestingly enough, is a U.S. Army veteran.

Out of respect for the men who were illegally tortured in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp, I have chosen not to explicitly explain the brutal and inhumane torture tactics which DeSantis allegedly helped orchestrate. I will not describe their hardships in my own words, but I urge you to listen to the podcast (“Ron DeSantis’s Military Secrets: Torture & War Crimes”) to listen to Adayfi’s account. Adayfi claims that DeSantis began his time at Guantanamo as a seemingly “good cop” who seemed as though he might want to give the detainees fair legal representation. Adayfi explains DeSantis’ attitude quickly changed, and it was revealed that these first illusions of humanity were DeSantis’ attempts to look for vulnerabilities in the men to hurt them more. Detainees had mentioned to DeSantis how the guards often made constant loud noises to keep them awake at night; in response, they increased the noise. Mansoor Adayfi commented that DeSantis watched with visible amusement as he and other detainees were force-fed meal replacement shakes to end their hunger strikes. “Ron DeSantis was there and watching us. We were crying, screaming. We were tied to the feeding chair and that guy, he was watching that.”Adayfi directly references DeSantis, “I’m telling Americans if this guy, if this is humanity. This guy is [a] torturer, is a criminal.”

Why aren’t more former detainees coming forward with similar claims? Ron DeSantis and all other JAG lawyers do not use their real names while stationed in Guantanamo. Mark Denbeaux, lead lawyer for the high-profile case of detainee Abu Zubaydah, explains, “They don’t want detainees or anyone else to know who they are. That secrecy is a big problem… I’ve never seen that reported.”

You may wonder how Mansoor Adayfi ended up in the Guantanamo Bay detention camp. According to Adayfi, he had traveled to Afghanistan as a teacher’s research assistant and was kidnapped by warlords, held for ransom until age 23, then was sold to the CIA in exchange for a hefty cash bounty. Adayfi remains vocal; he tweets often, expressing his concerns, and has published a memoir titled Don’t Forget Us Here: Lost and Found at Guantanamo, in which he hauntingly recounts the hellish nightmare of the Guantanamo Bay Detention Camp. Ron Chernow, a Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer, boldly states, “[Adayfi] tells a tale of both casual cruelty and organized sadism that should make every American politician redden with shame.” No major news networks have picked this up yet, but I imagine if DeSantis runs for president and becomes a significant candidate as the polls indicate, this will surface. I urge you to share Mansoor Adayfi’s account and to vote with humanity.

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Very interesting. Thanks

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Mar 27, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

No, Peak Prosperity is behind a paywall because he was getting censored on Youtube. Not sure if FLCCC is even having webinars anymore. If I see a PDX kindred soul, I will keep you in mind.

In the meantime, onward.

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FLCCC is continuing their weekly webinars. Check out their website.

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Thanks Connie! Its hard to make time for all the great stuff. I feel guilty when I can't get to it all.

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I know what you mean. Fortunately the FLCCC webinars are maintained on their website for future viewing.

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Just a heads up with new evidence, convincingly contradictory that Ebola was produced in a lab 🧪 headed up by Anderson of Wuhan coverup fame. One ☝️ evil 👿 little club here. https://youtu.be/u32u0UA1vqY

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Zika and microcephaly in newborn babies was just lying with statistics. One of Bill Gates' favorite books.


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The microcephaly was from massive use of fungicides.

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Mar 24, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

Interesting mix of comments. What's that expression: Don’t Let “Perfect” Be the Enemy of “Good”. I learned that from a surgeon. Strive for perfect, and your patient may not do as well.....might even die.

I live in Oregon and if you want to wait for perfect, come to Oregon and witness demonic satanic forces in power. Oy vey!

Toby--Where is Ukraine and all its tangents in this narrative?

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You live in PDX area? We’re pulling a substack group together for coffee. Interested? Maybe Saturday mornings.

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Southern Oregon--Medford, but what a great idea!

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Lots talking about it in blog responses. Jeff Childers’ substack called Coffee and Covid is where reader’s comments suggested local chapters would be a great solidarity minded idea, especially in places like our wonderful blue woke State of Ore-gone. Best

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I used to see a lot of Oregon names on the FLCCC weekly Wednesday webinars. Maybe 4 or 5 in southern Oregon and a scattering along I-5. And there is several at Chris Martenson's Peak Prosperity too. There is a Northwest grouping.

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Thx. I’ll look at those blogs.

Is Chris Martenson's Peak Prosperity a substack?

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I haven't read all the comments....but has anyone asked what has been done to ensure safe and fair elections??? The bosses are selected, not elected...

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Maybe everyone with their clickbaity headlines on beforeitsnews.com is wrong, but I generally think we have military white hats fighting the globalist cabal and we have to be vigilant, and should go out and vote, but also not think there aren't good things happening behind the scenes. I think the crash of the US dollar and global financial system connected to it is coming, and it is a necessity to return power to the people with gold-backed currency. You have XRP trending on Twitter a couple days ago.. supposedly tied to a gold-backed Quantum Financial System that can't be tampered with by a minority while making crime more difficult, Trump talking on Rumble about a "Quantum Leap in the Standard of Living" possibly hinting at this, a quantum.gov website, and companies like IBM building quantum computers, the deep state isn't defeated but I think the bad guys aren't the only ones messing around in the shadows.

My gut might be steering me wrong, but my gut tells me that DeSantis is more likely to be corrupt than Trump, that Trump was insulated and fooled about vaccines and now his silence around them is tactical for some reason.. and that RFK Jr. might be a good choice but the Democrats are too brainwashed by vaccine propaganda and the DNC is corrupt so running as Democrat is irrational for him, independents don't have a history of winning and the culture isn't changing fast enough to distrust mainstream institutions so that looks irrational, and RFK Jr. doesn't have four years of experience fighting the deep state like Trump does so he's likely out of the loop on what's going on.

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Mar 27, 2023·edited Mar 27, 2023

There are no "white hats" working diligently behind the scenes. That's straight out of the Q psyop to keep people sitting on their hands "Trust the plan" and do nothing while the country burns to the ground before their eyes. The only way our country can save itself, is to stop killing babies and corrupting our children, repent and turn back to God. Otherwise, His Wrath is upon us.

PS- did you know that IBM supplied computers to Nazi Germany to allow more efficiency in the killing camps? True story.

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All of this is theater. DeSantis is a loser having his image handled so he'll become president. Look into his past. RFK Jr works for an occult division of the UN. The Epoch Times is owned by Steve Bannon. These people are all fake heroes created by the same people that created the plandemic and the Ukraine war. What's next? Tulsi Gabbard is Mother Teresa (she actually was an evil witch)? All of this is theater to herd people in the direction they want. Look into Tulsi's past.

Everybody needs to start doing their own research instead of falling for the mere appearance of these personalities. The Epoch Times took money from Trudeau, runs stories primarily about China bad and ran the recent story claiming the world is running out of sand. SAND! Apparently China is dreading their own seas for sand so now the world is supposed to want to go to war with China over a global sand shortage. It's almost as idiotic as the alien weather balloon invasion.

One third of Zero Hedge stories are retreated Epoch Times garbage.

DeSantis was a lawyer for the US military and the top proponent of torture in Guantanamo. Look into his voting record in Congress. Look into Tulsi's history before joining the military. All of these people are low level. They'll never call the shots for anything no matter if they become president. They're disposable.

As for RFK Jr., see All Connected to Sachs Stone video on YouTube. You'd think by now we'd realise that our anti-Covid heroes are no such thing.

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We MUST support these two giants RFK, Jr./DeSantis. They are fearless fighters.

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The perspective that a 15-min city intent is to isolate people is not accurate. The intent is to move cities in a direction that is human scaled that allows for all to get the goods/services that are needed in close proximity to where we live. This is about removing the current auto-domination of a constraint that tethers most people.

Transitioning cities in this direction means more bicycle facilities, more local mom/pop retail, conversion of streets to be human scaled and safer, and perhaps greater investments in transit and zoning changes to allow more variety in permitted uses so that we can move away from the current isolation of residential land from retail strips.

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Julianne Romanello is one to follow who’s an expert on the reality of smart cities.


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That is the lying cover story. Look a little deeper, and you have never imagined a system so predatory...

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15-minute city is Newspeak. The purpose of 15 minutes cities is digital slavery & 1000% 24/7 full control over our lives, with full surveillance & censorship. It is Big Brother on steroids They’re going to try to move people off their healthy living land where we can grow our own food.

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You'll own nothing and be happy.

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PS: And crime will be uncontrollable.

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I don't care what the intent is. The powers that be want to force us to reduce our "carbon footprint." That's what these cities are about and you better believe they will enforce that reduction with travel restrictions, vehicle ownership restrictions, and other curtailing of basic human rights.

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As with so many of these things... in the abstract, perhaps they could be fine. In actual practice, some seriously rotten people are running things, corrupt institutions design the rules to benefit insiders, and things go bad quickly. I just don't trust any of the people promoting 15-minute cities and there never was a grassroots movement to support this idea in the first place. But yes, in an ideal world, this idea could be great.

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Not just in the abstract. In real life, 2023, Detroit, where I live, the idea of “15-minute” cities as being actually implemented is all good. Some particularly odious zoning regulations have been rolled back and people are being given more individual freedom to figure out where and how they want to live. “Mixed use” retail/residential is being encouraged again, mandatory parking minimums waived or abolished and so on. I do not know what is going on elsewhere, but at least here, in the midst of all of the insanity, this is actually government ceding power albeit in small ways, to the will of the people. I think hear that the motivation is not nefarious; people are leaving the city by the tens of thousands and they are desperately floundering about trying to find a way to make life in Detroit more bearable.

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Like Elon's NueroLink being presented to help paralyzed people walk again. Sounds like a noble cause, until you start perverting it to be cloud connected and controllable, ie, hackable. If something can be co-opted to make the globalists plan for ultimate control, it will be.

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What if we don’t wanna live next to a strip mall?

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

So we'd go from the two worst choices imaginable to the two best choices? From Lose/Lose to Win/Win?

We can still dream...

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If you think Ron DeSanctimonious is a great candidate instead of being a member of the bi-partisan war party and an establishment Republican Bushie, you haven't paid attention to his history pre-Covid.

Call Them Bushies—Not RINOs or the Uniparty - https://www.larouchepac.com/call_them_bushies_not_rinos_or_the_uniparty

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DeSantis almost single-handedly stopped vaccine passports nationwide and you're out here calling him names? What are you doing?

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Toby I am calling him out for his alliance to the bi-partisan war party gathered around the Bush family. Why do you have such a problem with that? After all I only started following you for the way you called out new normal "progressives" in your article from Brownstone Institute. Yet here you are stating an obvious fallacy that he is almost single-handedly responsible for stopping vaccine passports. You are ignoring, "almost", all of the others who were actively involved in stopping the passports from being implemented. I am aware of the good DeSantis has done but it doesn't make me ignore who his funders are or why they fund him.

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The Biden administration fears that they will have to run against DeSantis in 2024. So that gives him extra leverage that no one else has in this country. And he used it to good effect in March 2021, by immediately speaking out against vaccine passports and forcing the Biden administration to back down. That's huge. He's been good on CBDCs recently too.

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I've read some of his alleged history. It isn't pretty. I also don't know if it's true. If it is true. He's playing his role towards an Oscar nomination and we'll all be screwed. I have no opinion on the validity of what I read at all. I pray it's not true to hedge my bets.

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Mar 22, 2023Liked by Toby Rogers

DeSantis and RFK Jr.. that I could get behind. DeSantis has proven his strength and leadership against the multi trillion dollar vaccine cartels. RFK may be the only sane Democrat left.

We need to unify as a country around leadership that will truly defend our freedoms!

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🙌 Amen and amen!

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Mar 22, 2023·edited Mar 22, 2023

Just a few of the reasons why DeSantis is not the right choice (according to his latest interview)

"I think what it takes is to have a vision for the country"

Pardon me but it's not HIS VISION but rather carrying out the will of the people! His vision? You mean his backers vision! Been there done that the last thing you want is someone beholden to his campaign donors. The man has been bought and paid for!

"I'm gonna focus on is Biden because I think he's failed the country. I think the country wants a change. I think they want a fresh start and a new direction"

Gosh where have we heard this before - perhaps every single "politician" that ever ran for anything? Sound like Obama - deja vu? Wasn't his slogan hope and change? C'mon people!!

"but I can tell you a lot of people realize the country is not going in the right direction"

Can we at least come up with some new campaign rhetoric? Although Trump might be a buffoon at least he doesn't read from the same script! Seriously? This is the best he had for a National TV interview?

"All I'm interested in doing is getting things done and accomplishing things. I don't need a title. I don't need fanfare."

Puh-leeze!!!! Anyone whose watched his press releases/conferences knows there's not a modicum of truth to this! If the man could rent out Times Square with his gaggle of goons standing behind him at every single announcement - he would! OMG! The man has an ego the size of a small planet! This is the line of the year thus far!

"The approach to COVID was different. I would have fired somebody like Fauci. I think he got way too big for his britches, and I think he did a lot of damage."

Sooh, now he's playing to the masses because we all know Trump did not have the power to fire Fauci!

You see how this man is already lying? I could continue with the entire interview but my point is, the man is as fake and as phony as Obama! STOP paying any attention to him - instead rightfully glorify and aggrandize RFK Jr! He's going to now every ounce of attention he can derive!

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He also appointed Libby lock, dominions lawyer to a fair election committee. Yikes!!!

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Mar 23, 2023·edited Mar 23, 2023

This was brilliant information!!! I spend my life reading and am usually up on everything but somehow missed this! I can't thank you enough for sharing it!

That said everyone should read John Funds books to educate themselves regarding the machines alone and just how corrupt the entire voting system is! The lies are even more profound then the Covid injections! I beleive there's also a movie called Election Dysfunction which is also a must watch!

Anyhoo, the way I read this is a) political suicide since DeSantis implemented an election integrity commission and b) what better way to win an election but hire the folks who engineer the corruption!!!! Unbelievable!

Wow Wow Wow - thanks again!

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