Thank you for being a warrior for truth Toby. Our family wrote to everyone on your list. I've been on the phone all week to Congress - not that that will do any good. It is hard to watch this all go down. These people are pure evil.

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Yep, they knew exactly what they were going to do all along. Sell out the children and make $$$$ on their graves.

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Thankyou for watching all 6 hours and venting about it so we didn't have to!

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Sure glad I stumbled upon your incredible substack articles, Toby! I’ve been sending links out to many people. Thanks for being on top of the evil madness that has gripped so many unquestioning souls. Hoping for some bolt of lightning to turn the stampede in the other direction. I thought maybe Fauci’s financing of beagle butchery might do it, but not a peep on the mainstream about that. Keep up your sterling work!

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Thank you for your message! 🙌

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Fantastic work, Toby! Thanks so much for it all. Geeze, between you and Mathew Crawford youse'r opening this mad hatter's tea party wide open! Again... thanks.

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Toby, I quoted a stat on a YT video yesterday from an earlier piece of yours (something to do with pfz and 5 year olds) and the buggers over at YT took it down. Now I KNOW that you are on to something big! :-)

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Yeah, I'm an outlaw. To paraphrase Charlton Heston, "when they outlaw truth, only the outlaws will have truth."

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Amen, Toby. Damn it feels good to be an antivaxxer!

Have you seen this video on Mass Psychosis? https://youtu.be/09maaUaRT4M The lies get more and more unhinged by design

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Yes, I love that video! 🙌

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Right now on my personal Facebook feed I have seen no less than 10 versions of “Already made an appointment for <our 5-11 yr old>, so excited!” My wife has received 5 different texts from other moms with the same basic message. We are about to see a lot of kids get ruined for life because their parents are ignorant fools.

Perhaps the country needs to see dead and permanently damaged children to wake up from this madness but it makes me sad.

I, for one, have reached out to closer friends to just ask them to look at the data. I’ve lost one lifelong friend for just asking him to look at the data before subjecting his 6 and 11 yr old boys to this insanity. He called me a conspiracy theorist and hung up on me. Later he texted me to not call or reach out to him ever again because “your dangerous.” Not one has even agreed to just ask questions.

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Yes, I've seen the same. I'm often surprised by which of my former friends turns out to be the biggest sheep. You're a good person for trying to reach them. They'll call again in a few years when they've witnessed vaccine injury themselves. But then it'll be too late.

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We must be open to playing the long game. I’ve already witnessed a super healthy college lacrosse player friends son be brought down Guillain-Barré Syndrome days after the second dose that he didn’t want to get. Forced by parents so he wouldn’t get tossed from university. He’s currently paralyzed and showing slight signs of improvement after weeks in the hospital. The parents are incredulous and dumbfounded - they are coming around to the fact that this is a vax injury and I feel horrible for them - seeing a child like this, with full fault on you - is devastating.

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The heartbreak is everywhere right now.

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One of my nieces developed POTS after my sister got her vaxxed. Her 13 year old sister started "cutting" after her shots. Covid itself can cause psychotic breaks, and anything the disease does, the vaccine apparently can too.

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Holy Jesus. If you give a first name I'll have my prayer group pray for him.

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They will never ever admit to themselves or anyone else that they gave kill shots to their kids. It doesn't work that way. This is wilful blindness and it takes a miracle to overcome it.

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Yikes , I guess he showed you his true colors 😳

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Excellent article, Toby. That ACIP meeting was a travesty of science.

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Outstanding research, keep up with all the amazing research & do not be scared to do what you believe in... To all Parents, you need to WAKE UP & keep your innocent, healthy kids safe from these DEADLY EXPERIMENTAL INJECTIONS! They WON’T benefit from the JAB, it will take over their NATURAL IMMUNE SYSTEM, these experimental injections are BULLIES!

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Excellent write-up.

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Nov 3, 2021Liked by Toby Rogers

Great comment. ONe of the participants asked for a graph that was presented at the FDA meeting but was too fuzzy to see at that meeting. It was of titres for 11 year olds (given 10 microgram dose) and tires of 12 year olds (given 30 microgram dose). My thinking is that the latter should be about 3x higher, but has anyone seen this data? If it is not 3x higher, this is a good check on whether the data are falsified (sometimes when we make up data, we forget to make all of the lies internally consistent). Anyone have any leads on this graph?

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Great report thanks.

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The slovenly Pfizer phase 3 trials remind me of the utterly sloppy trials of AZT in the early days of the HIV-AIDS panic.

The stupid media blabber continually about "vaccine effectiveness" in the double digits for the three covid vaccines but never mention those are useless relative risk reduction numbers; the number of interest would be absolute risk reduction and it's well below 1% for any of them.

What you report means that puny value would have to be even less than that.

I received two inane responses from my congressman and governor about removing Chen from the panel. It made me realize individual voices don't count for anything, especially via email. I'm looking for groups to ally myself with, in this fight against the vaccines, starting with the Thomas More legal group. I've spent more than 20 years in the pro life movement and seen that a vocal, active group can really make a difference. But as an individual, my voice is just a "flea fart in a hurricane" as we used to say here in old Maryland.

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Unfortunately look forward to reading your daily take. I wish it was regarding something that will not kill many humans😢 Thank you for being bold enough, analytical enough, caring enough….

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Thank you. I appreciate your analysis.

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Great work. Why do they get to keep saying rare? https://joesheehan.substack.com/p/rare

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Crimes Against Humanity!!!

------Nuremberg 2.0------


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