And the notion, put forth by both Democratic and Republicans appointees to the court, that FDA approval means anything, is completely preposterous. All reasonable people should realize that the FDA is captured by Pharma.

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FDA "process" is jaw dropping, horrific. Btw, the 2 that resigned didn't do enough. They should have spoken out, again and again. Not quit. I would have chained myself to the desk, let them carry me and my desk out.

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I agree.

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I just can’t understand it! These are supposedly some of the most brilliant minds in the country! Is the Supreme Court bought off too?

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Yes. It’s getting more and more obvious.

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I've wondered about that, too. "Owning" an elected official only affords the owner benefits while the owned official is in office, plus, the official is tempered by maintaining his/her popularity among the voters for re-election. But a federal judge is appointed for life and has no such constraints on behavior. A SC justice presents the greatest 'bang for the buck' of federal judges. Whether any of them are "owned" or not would be almost impossible to prove (else the blackjack would be ineffective), but there is no question that they are high-value targets for such "ownership."

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Have you not heard of the Citizens Unites ruling?!

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The citizens united ruling was correct as our constitution stands. What we need is an ammendment rescinding corporate personhood.

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"What we need" is far from so simple as that & that is far more complex than US elites can imagine, much less effect. To grasp the magnitude of how rotten corrupt the US has made itself, it helps to read both Margaret Atwood's Payback book and the recent Dawn of Everything by David Graeber and David Wengrow. We have many options; saving the imperial republic is not among them. Corruptions so colossal as US now glibly slides along as business-as-usual can hardly be redeemed, refiormed, etc. It is US Constitutional Interest Group Liberalism at its finest!

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"Correct?" In what cosmological legalism universe?

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I used to think that also. That is why a Scalia or Thomas stands out. On a bench of brilliant minds they shouldn’t.

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Perhaps you will appreciate reading The Best and the Brightest book. It really was one of the very best the Vietnam regime change festivals inspired. Along with Winners and Losers, and Fire in the Lake and Kill Everything that Moves.

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Are you aware of this, Toby?

“Despite the corporate press, Big Pharma, and the federal government telling us otherwise, it is absolutely true that there is no FDA approved COVID-19 vaccine available in the United States today. And there are no plans to make one available any time soon.”

For more details, see:


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This agrees with Mary Holland, from Mary and Polly show on childrenshealthdefense . Heavy hitters, as well as judge's ruling in favor of military. (I have seen it, and these folks make sense to me....)

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They are all explicitly EXPERIMENTS! Enjoy being their lab rat.

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Worse than experiments. Intentional democide (https://margaretannaalice.substack.com/p/letter-to-a-holocaust-denier).

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And yet it *doesn't* have FDA approval. It has the FDA's *authorization*. Big difference. Yuge.

The "A" in EUA stands for authorization. The experimental drugs are authorized, not approved.

And they wouldn't even be EUA-authorized if not for the corrupt, tyrannical refusal to consider HCQ and IVM as legitimate treatments.

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Prelogar at one point, in response to a question from one of the justices explained that the vaccine mandate was necessary to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated and I felt like the universe was about to implode from total stupidity. And then the justice tried to help her and she argued that the mandate was actually to protect the unvaccinated from the vaccinated or from themselves and not one of those explanations ever made any sense.

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They're under the same hypnotic psychosis as all Covidians are. "Your mask protects me, my mask protects you", the same fucking nonsense gamed in some focus group in Langley. It works, and works too well.

Stupidity is certainly part of the problem but there are some very intelligent people who are under this spell too.

This isn't a war based on factual information, it's just as much a psychological war that has entranced at least 30-40% of the population.

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I was hypnotized for a few months in 2020. I had the facts at my fingertips. I knew that Fauci et al were lying about early treatment. Yet I was still hypnotized for a while. A trusted childhood friend did an intervention and helped me snap out of it.

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What did they do? How did you ever snap out? Most people I know that were somewhat resistant to the narrative is because a)They had prior bad experiences with main stream medicine or b)They already distrusted the government due to government lies about 911, Kennedy assassination, Iraq war, etc. I think Steve Kirsch snapped out because people he knew were getting vaccine injured. I think Pierre Kory snapped out because the government didn't bother examining his evidence for early medical treatments. I mean if you want to save the American people from an existential threat, EVERYTHING needs to be examined. Wouldn't you think that would make sense?

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I believe a key tipping point for many, especially lay people like myself, was the blatant suppression of HCQ. When they did the same with Ivermectin I became very angry and have been ever since.

I am retired and lucky enough to spend hours each day reading a myriad of articles on this subject for over 18 months.

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Yes, most people simply don’t have the time to do the research. Especially medical providers. Truly tragic.

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I think certain people are Bewitched. And, I use that term purposefully.

It IS a belief, a cult an ism and, facts and logic do not permeate into their world.

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Please expand on what exactly snapped you out of it with as many details as you are comfortable providing....

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my brother was vaccinated in NY mainly because he just went along with the program and wanted "permission" to use his gym again. i sent him a few articles from the other side and suddenly, things clicked for him. everything made sense, he said.

he started searching out things- interviews with Malone and McCullough, he discovered the Highwire and Kim Iverson. he is listening to their podcasts backwards and marvels, in hindsight, at how right they were about everything.

lately he sends me things and says he will refuse any boosters. right now, he's got Omicron which he says is not as bad as the flu he had in 2018.

so people do wake up. although i have to admit that he was sort of on the fence and not really in to full on delusional territory

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That’s helpful to hear. The people we have to convince are the “fence sitters”. If we can open the eyes of the 40% in the middle, we will be 70% vs the 30% who are entranced. Then, at that point, we can help the 30% to wake up from this nightmare!

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I've been trying to reach the 40% people in my life. Everything I read, I read with an eye towards figuring out who it might wake up. I did that for a long time, but I've started to stop. Sometimes they seem receptive to the one "puzzle piece", but they hold onto the dominant framing, which takes away the deeper meaning of the piece. I feel like every substack post/podcast/critical analysis is a possible way into the whole, but if people don't have the impetus to search, the corrupt center holds. When a piece is accepted, but when it doesn't lead to searches for more pieces, the 40% remain the wind in the sails for the policies & reality-making actions of the thoroughly captured. How to get a critical mass of searchers? Reading Toby's post I felt despair. If there is only a sliver of possible dissent (which I agree is absurd, in itself), and that sliver is not being used to it's fullest, we're lost. We need Toby Rogers and Robert Barnes in the court room. Or we need at least one justice who is inclined to search. I am happy for you & your brother. I wish I were seeing someone in my life starting to have things click for them. I was especially interested to hear how he made the change. I just recently found Kim Iverson, and between her & Rogan, I'm hoping that more people are being reached. Maybe, the change really is going to have to start with the people, and not with those who were supposed to be the best and the brightest.

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Obama killing more wedding parties with drones than Bush.

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Priceless "surgical strike" precision!

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The whole point is NOT to question the "factual" information. Couldn't an attorney ask, "These numbers are really impressive. Can you give us your source so we can confirm them?"

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But. The rule is... we can't ask questions. From the beginning.

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What is not insane about any of what the covidians emit with their robotic utterances?

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In the last month, Fauci has seeded our national discourse with the implication that the unvaccinated are bubbling vats for mutation for coronavirus variants which defeat the vaccines. It's our fault, you see. Without Fauci having ever explicitly said so.

People reasonably infer from his careful implication, that the unvaccinated are creating the variants that threaten the vaccinated who "did everything right".

Which gets everything exactly backwards from what mothers have been told for decades: that we should NOT demand antibiotics to treat ear infections in our babies, in order to slow the evolution of bacteria to resist antibiotics in order to protect us all.

I can look up for you the Fauci interview, and the ladies on The View playing telephone. JJ Couey had clips last week.

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I think they do make sense. If I can stand to go along with their argument, I realize that vaccines are safe and effective and we need to protect the American people--especially the unvaccinated. Because we know that U.S. is one of the greatest countries and our pharmaceutical companies are developing the latest technologies that are the only way we can address this highly deadly virus which is an existential threat. We rely on our government aided by our technology to protect us. We need to follow their directives to keep us and our loved ones safe. It's a moral duty--like wearing a seat belt or obeying traffic laws. Doesn't this make sense if you believe the lies? It's not that it is nonsense or stupid--it's NOT TRUE! If it were nonsense it would be like Trump saying "cofifee" (or something like that) or Joe Biden delivering a word salad which people translate into a coherent sentence so as not to realize that we are ruled by a cognitively impaired, possibly demented, leader. This isn't nonsense! It's cult propaganda. It's like my friends telling me that if Trump had only been elected a second time, he would have brought back jobs from China (and changed water into wine). When you believe in authority, you can't allow yourself (and they certainly won't allow you) to challenge their directives.

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Diana - I think it’s important to try to think the way you’re thinking in order to be persuasive with those who are so bought in - to operate out of empathy not in an emotional sense but a cognitive sense.

On the other hand, it’s also sometimes important to virtually SCREAM and just know you’re not the only one seeing it through a lense that renders it all MADNESS. If there’s a psyop in all this I feel like I’m the recipient more than the pharma believers are. Ignorance is bliss for a while? When you feel alone, being gaslighted WORKS. The dissonance can be excruciating. I get why the character in 1984 finally longed to be able to truly believe 2+2=5.

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the wearing a seat belt or obeying traffic laws arguments never work for me because you don't dissolve your seat belt and inject it into your body. you clip it closed when you get in the car and unbuckle it when you get out, leaving your molecular entity unchanged.

the same goes for a million other faulty analogies that are being used now by people who have lost the ability to reason to badger, humiliate, convince, ridicule, etc the people who have chosen to sit this particular experiment out.

anyone who compares an invasive medical procedure with no long term safety data to something like having auto insurance, wearing a seat belt, getting a gun permit or any other false equivalences can be easily discounted

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No, of course they don't, since the vaccine doesn't stop the spread, as the CDC admits. The vaccines don't protect anyone except the pharma companies and all their paid-off politicians.

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We are living in a clown world.

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I heard that too and I felt my heart sink. WTH.

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You have GOT to be shitting me. This is what I couldn’t make myself watch.

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In great anticipatory admiration for the upcoming legal opinions that SCOTUS will deliver, certainly qualifying for inclusion in the next Lewis Carroll adventure, I hereby offer my own legal opinion more in the style of a chapter from Joseph Heller:

Dr. David Martin has determined from his patent research that many aspects of the development of the "novel" coronavirus are patented, including the actual structure of the spike protein.

Inasmuch as the mRNA injections cause a person's immune system to manufacture spike protein, any mandate or coercion to submit to mRNA injections must clearly be unlawful, for they force that person to violate the provisions of patent law by manufacturing spike protein in their bodily immune system apparatus.

Without a specific and individual waiver by the patent holder for each and every mRNA injection delivered, the worldwide vaxx program must be immediately suspended.

For those unlucky if unknowing criminals already duped into taking the injections, I would recommend a class action lawsuit against governments, health authorities, et al., for their intentional and premeditated incitement to unlawful behavior.

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Wish I could give you multiple likes!

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This was not just a difference of opinion today. The Democratic appointees live in a completely different fact-free universe -- a dystopian fantasy metaverse created by Pharma.

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Don't you also feel, Toby, that the other justices were focused mainly on the legal questions and factual information, while the three were making completely emotional-based arguments? It was unsettling to think that these people, who are appointed to determine the constitutionality of government actions, don't have any devotion to the constitution whatsoever.

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The discussion before the U.S. Supreme Court on this question was significantly less robust than if the same question were the subject of a high school debate competition because there are just so many things that one is not allowed to discuss before the 9 Justices because industry capture of our whole society is so extensive.

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My jaw was on the floor listening to them spew complete lies. I’m appalled that they were able to get away with their so called “facts”. What an embarrassment. And these are educated legal scholars….I’m speechless.

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It was so bad.

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I hope they’ll have intelligent discussions behind closed doors.

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They're in the thrall of the same psychosis that grips the world. There is no such thing as intelligence when you're terrified and under the direct control of BigHarma who offers them salvation from the anxiety they created and profit from.

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I will fight it until I’m dead.

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Same here, and I'm good with that. Centered in a way and strangely calm.

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It’s almost like being forced into a car at gunpoint. No good will come of it, so don’t give in.

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I will raise you from the dead to keep on fighting. After that nothing can hurt you.

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I have grandkids to fight for. They deserve better.

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How many were boosted and masked? Your hope is misplaced.

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I turned it on for three minutes right in the middle of that lie about hundreds of thousands of kids hospitalized and many on respirators. I was so shocked and demoralized that I turned it off. And then realized that the mass formation stuff is absolutely real and remembered that the highly educated are apparently more susceptible according to Dr. Desmet (strangely). As an attorney, it made me feel shame that the US Supreme Court Justices could be so ignorant and brainwashed.

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Yes, it was shocking and horrifyingly sad.

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I'm following a spiritual practice to be able hear the "lies" that trigger me, and recognize my trigger, yet not necessarily agree. For example, when the vaccines first rolled out, I was deathly afraid to get vaccinated. I couldn't bear to hear any claim about how safe and effective the vaccines were--for fear these claims would make it more likely for me to get vaccinated against my will. Just as MSM wants to censor any information that leads to vaccine hesitancy--I wanted to censor or immediately discredit any information leading to vaccine mandates. Now I'm able to "tolerate" listening to such opinions--but not when people are just trying to bash the unvaccinated. I think some people enjoy tormenting the scapegoats. I still did turn off the SCOTUS hearings just 10 minutes before the end. "I've listened to enough," I told myself. It's the utter calm acceptance of complete crap that floors me. The justices are arguing over whether 2% of workers might quit their jobs--or whether, instead, 2% might die of covid. These "facts" are very important for reaching the best decision. And yet not one person challenges these facts or attempts to determine how they might be established. We just move to what the lawyers are comfortable with. Given the "facts" how should they rule? NO NO NO. What are the facts? We don't rule on nonsense. Given blue unicorns, how many quarts of water should we mandate?

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It's 4% of the military quitting, at least. Many people were able to get out of the shots by getting out early or retiring. That isn't included in the 4%.

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I don’t like to repeat what I’ve said elsewhere, but the disappointment in these justices is quite surprising. Judges and justices on "Supreme" courts are no smarter than the average judge or average Joe, for that matter. Yes, they may have supposedly written some "brilliant" opinion at some point (or had their clerks do the work and then polished it up). Their real skill is in being politically connected. Justices are nominated to the bench by the party in power to further an agenda. Thus, hoping they will come riding to the rescue is a fool's game. It’s amazing how many pillars of society this C-19 is toppling.

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Exactly. SCOTUS is a political institution and is no less captured than the larger, faster-changing branches. These people are bribed, blackmailed, and brainwashed long before they ever have a chance at this bench.

The "meritocracy" has always been a joke in poor taste.

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What made the entire court session so absurd was that the facts of covid are irrelevant. If OSHA wanted to inject workers with vitamin D and every single 'authority' in the country agreed that it would prevent illness and improve health, still OSHA doesn't have the authority. The details of covid are moot. The left wing justices were just fishing for little farcical factoids to build into emotional appeals that help them yet again explain why the constitution doesn't matter and the latest expansion of federal power should be granted. Its hard for their clerks to come up with good shtick all by themselves so they have these little oral arguments to harvest a few zingers before the staff get to work writing the essays.....err.... opinions.

In short, if the commerce clause grants unelected bureaucrats open access to your body, you are literally property, just as Sotomayor remarked-- no different from a machine spewing noxious fumes. Like CO2...?

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Great points!!! 🙌

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Yes, yes, a thousand times yes!

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I appreciate the update, since I didn't have the stomach to listen to the play-by-play. The fact is, there is absolutely no case to be made for mandatory vaccination, a point so obvious that it should not have to be vocalized.

We all know that if Sonia Sotomayor was born Mary Perkins in Oshkosh, Wisconsin she would be managing an Applebee's, not listening to attorneys argue in the Supreme Court.

My faith in American institutions has almost evaporated. We are led by people who have a seething contempt for half the country. The hateful language towards the unvaccinated has escalated to the point that I question the sanity of anyone who has not taken full advantage of their Second Amendment rights.

To mangle Dickens' Tiny Tim a bit, "God help us all, every one."

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"We all know that if Sonia Sotomayor was born Mary Perkins in Oshkosh, Wisconsin she would be managing an Applebee's, not listening to attorneys argue in the Supreme Court." Love this!!! John Henry, you should consider blogging on Substack!

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I do not love this. It’s very divisive and disrespectful of entire groups of people to attribute someone’s success to an ethnic “advantage” that way. It sounds like a gotcha but it’s at a high cost and actually detracts from the issue. If that’s her story, what’s the explanation for the others we’re all so disappointed with? I’m not trying to shame, just sharpen.

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Sotomayor has a reputation for being lazy, incurious, and arrogant. It would have been best for her to have heeded the advice attributed to Lincoln and remained silent today.

Are you trying to say that certain groups are not advantaged over others and receive preference based on race?

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I'm with Christina. She has been very good before on other issues including our own. Something was off about her today.

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I echoed the words of a blogger I follow whose posts I find enlightening.

If Sotomayor is wrong on this issue, absolutely nothing else will matter. We will become subjects to tyrants, not free men.

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It really is the end of America if the OSHA mandate is upheld. I agree with you on that point. It overshadows everything.

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Could it have been 💵? Do you think they’re being bought off?

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Or compromised. Or threatened?

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Could she be playing stupid on purpose?

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No, her fear is real. She's unable to grasp facts on this topic.

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Christina. We are not the ones who sold the nation on how Sotomayor was “the wise Latina.”

Progressives did that. Progressives brought ethnicity into her judgeship.

I get your point. Many others did not do well today. But my goodness Sotomayor took the cake today.

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This article is spot on. The fact these justices were spouting talking points that had no scientific backing without the effort to discover what was true from not true is sickening. A kangaroo court embarrassment

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Kangaroo court indeed.

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So true. The misinformation was embarrassing. Half the country knows more about these vaccines and this disease than the people who were in court today. That should never be the case, but here we are...

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My wife told me to stop screaming because she couldn’t hear.

There needs to be penalties for people in positions of power being so ignorant. I should not be more knowledgeable than Supreme Court justices on issues facing them.

I thought that our side was going to pull out syringes to start injecting people with their love affair with these vaccines which are therapeutics.

Also how do you not argue that this may be shot 3 for people but anyone who thinks people will be ok with shot 5 or 6 without total economic collapse was legal negligence.

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Thank you. I felt like they could have just said, "We love vaccines too. In fact, we worship them. We don't even care that they don't work. Soon, we'll jab our 6 month old babies with them too. But we're trying to score a political point here; please don't mandate them. "

It isn't about vaccines. It's about our God-given rights. It's about our Constitutional Rights.

They were awful. Totally unprepared.

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I called my local talk radio program and said if they listened to one show they would have more knowledge than they showed AND they were too quick to say it’s states rights to mandate.

It may be states rights if it’s one and done, the virus kills 30 percent of infected and the juice isn’t under emergency authorization where the pharma company doesn’t want to turn over the data for 75 years.

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They were absolutely prepared to do their job. Prepared by BigHarma for 2 years.

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Penalties for people in power? Even as we speak, Madame Defarge is practicing her knitting.

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There's no way I could have watched it and maintained my calm, despite years of yoga and meditation. I have to work very hard to maintain a posture of forgiveness towards much of the abject stupidity that is driving sheer evil in the West right now. Thanks for gritting your teeth through the hearing and sharing your perspective. I don't have high hopes for their decision and I wonder what's next.

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Listening to the hearing felt like getting stabbed by a felon. Which, come to think of it, is what they want to do to us.

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Needle-Rape.... Comon' Toby it's just a little prick.... It's only three times...

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Just today I told my husband that my religious objection, should I need one, would include the idea that I would not sell my body to keep my job. That's prostitution. Goes right along with the idea of medical rape.

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It's not even as good as prostitution. A whore gets her money upfront in exchange for service. This needle-rape guarantees you nothing, there's no contract express or implied that after getting needle raped you won't get laid off the following day or week... none.

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Another great analogy. Just ask Harvey Weinstein's victims: "No jab, no job, honey!"

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And I would bet Weinstein's poke is far less dangerous than Pfizer's.....

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A nasty visual, but I'm sure the women insisted on a condom to prevent unwanted pregnancies. There isn't any way to prevent unwanted side effects from vaccines since they don't acknowledge them.

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A nastier visual for me is https://openvaers.com/covid-data/mortality

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You are absolutely correct that human rights, specifically the right to refuse any medical treatment or other body alteration, is the paramount issue here. But it was not discussed today. The OSHA ETS violates the Bill of Rights and federal informed consent law and some would argue Title 21 also.

Even if the vaccines were effective (but they are definitely not), and even if they were safe (but they are most certainly not), and even if all of the Supreme Court justices had licenses to practice medicine (which they don't), and even if the current variant Omicron were deadly (but it isn't), none of these would rise to the urgency of protecting basic civil liberties from tyrannical power grabs.

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Yes, brilliantly stated! 🙌

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I was appalled at how ignorant the justices seemed of the current knowledge of covid early treatment, vaccine dangers, and the amount of people that are leaving jobs over this issue. It's a hell of a lot more than 1% in my opinion. I spoke to 10 workers at Uhaul and was amazed at how up on the key issues they were, with a dozen vax injury and suspected injury stories among them. Four said they would walk from the job rather than get vaxxed or even submit to weekly testing at their expense. 2 would test. The others would vax if coerced, but just to keep their jobs -hoping they'd "be ok".

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Weekly testing with what tests? Some man in FL got a bill for $4,000 for his covid test.

My husband has to test Mondays and Thursdays until the Air Force kicks him out after 15.5 years of service.

And to the Justice who said, "Not they military-they have to follow orders." No, full stop. They follow legal orders. And the DoD does not have a single vial of the FDA-approved vaccine. They are forcing everyone to take the EAU-labeld jabs.

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I will never forgive this country for being so comfortable with the military being mandated to get this vaccine. Name another adult group more unlikely to develop severe health problems due to a Covid infection. The vaccine is more likely to cause them more harm than good.

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Gulf War Illness: Unifying Hypothesis for a Continuing Health Problem

Anthony Mawson; Ashley Croft

January 2019

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health

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Yes, the military has always been guinea pigs for all manner of untested/poorly tested vaccines. It's sad that we are destroying our own troops with these shots. Biden demanding the military all submit to, I suppose, demonstrate to the public that everyone needs them. Not really sure he thinks about anything really.


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The natural rights granted to each of us come to us from God and Nature. They belong to each of us, and no other can remove from us: Supremes, Government, or anyone else. You are wasting your time. Clever arguments do not supersede basic facts. Affirm them, or you will declare yourself illegitimate. Deny our Human Rights, and the People retain the Right to remedy the situation by instituting another form of government more fitting toward those ends. Throughout history, Tyrants have swung for less. Count your Blessings that We live in a more dignified Age.

But don't push your Luck on this.

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Agree. The tests are bogus and rife with false positives. It's not clear whether the PCR swab test the CDC was to discontinue end of 2021 was even pulled from the market. The home tests are back to $28/each as government price deal ended. They are probably garbage too. The CDC lists an approved saliva test and several blood tests that don't involve assaulting your blood-brain barrier, but no employer seems to allow them or have a system to report the results for them. WTF

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The UC system is using vending machines, $1 per test, that uses a saliva test. They spit in a vial and deposit into a recepticle, results later in the day. The LA Sheriff's Department had a similar test. They were contacted by the FBI, the DNA data from those tests were going to a subsidiary of a company owned by the Chinese government. The sheriff refused to use them any longer, really pissed off the Board of Supervisors.

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In a time when bio-attacks can be tailored specifically to an INDIVIDUAL persons genome and delivered via aerosol or even particles in an envelope, this is concerning.

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Oh, that's fascinating. I already gave my DNA to 23andme. Whoops.

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