Reconsidering the history of medicine in light of the events of the last four years
A jagged scar not a linear upward trajectory
The events of the last four years necessitate a reconsideration of the entire history of medicine:
The Whiggish history of medicine that proclaimed ever-greater improvements, from Hippocrates to today, is gone — a preposterous fiction. (See Bad Medicine: Doctors Doing Harm Since Hippocrates by David Wootton, 2007.)
Instead we must understand that for most of human history going to see a doctor reduced one’s chances of survival. (Wootton, 2007.)
In World War II the invention of double blind randomized controlled trials led to the first antibiotics. With this discovery, allopathic doctors could increase one’s chances of survival from bacterial infection for the first time. (Wootton, 2007.)
Concurrent with this great breakthrough, German scientists and doctors, among the most advanced in the world, went Nazi and engaged in mass atrocities. Japanese scientists and doctors also engaged in widespread crimes against humanity. Their unique epistemic position led to extraordinary power and, as we know, “absolute power corrupts absolutely.” (See The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., 2023.)
Publicly the U.S. condemned the crimes of German and Japanese scientists and doctors. Behind the scenes, the Office of Strategic Services and then later the CIA brought these men to the U.S. to work in our bioweapons program. (Kennedy, 2023.)
Nearly all industrialized nations had bioweapons programs during the Cold War. Scientists worked to make viruses and bacteria more lethal and identified vectors (e.g. fleas, ticks, fog) for delivering them. (Kennedy, 2023. See also Bitten: The Secret History of Lyme Disease and Biological Weapons by Kris Newby, 2019).
With the end of the Cold War, the U.S. had no viable foreign adversaries. It would have made sense to vastly reduce our bioweapons arsenal. Instead, the U.S. bioweapons program became a criminal syndicate with the goal of causing pandemics for profit. In the early 2000s, SARS and MERS may have been bioweapons releases. SARS-CoV-2 was a gain-of-function virus that generated trillions of dollars in profits for the biowarfare industrial complex. (Kennedy, 2023.)
The biowarfare industrial complex now includes Big Pharma, intelligence agencies, the DOD, Big Philanthropy, Big Finance, major hospital chains, medical societies, and 13,000 psychopaths who work at over 400 U.S. bioweapons labs. They’ve weaponized medicine and disease to increase their own power and wealth.
The biowarfare industrial complex has captured nearly all governments, major public health agencies, and regulators throughout the developed world. It has also captured the WHO, UN, World Bank, IMF, and WEF. The biowarfare industrial complex then uses its power to create a “permanent pandemic market”. The state has always used military force to create new markets. Unfortunately now the new markets are our bodies and the biowarfare industrial complex is getting rich by making us sick. (Max Jones, “The WHO: Building a Permanent Pandemic Market”, Unlimited Hangout, 2024.)
It is a category error to think that doctors care about us. Some do, some do not. Doctors are an interest group and unfortunately their interests and the public interest are no longer aligned (perhaps they never were). It is also a category error to think that doctors care about science or truth. Some do, some do not. Medicine is always intertwined with power and profit.
Rosy histories of medicine that portray slow and steady progress over centuries are fairy tales written by the pharmaceutical industry.
The actual history of medicine is several thousand years of failure followed by a brief Golden Age (from about 1945 to 1970, with some notable disasters including thalidomide and DES) followed by capture and collapse into sadism and organized crime led by the biowarfare industrial complex.
I’m grateful for the doctors in the resistance who challenge this Leviathan. We must do everything in our power to support them. We also must continually seek alternative paths to health and well-being outside of traditional power structures.
Blessings to the warriors. 🙌
Prayers for everyone fighting to stop the iatrogenocide. 🙏
Huzzah for those who are building the parallel society our hearts know is possible. ✊
In the comments, please let me know what is on your mind.
As always, I welcome any corrections.
I learned by the age of 21 (1978) that I couldn't trust doctors to take care of my health. I saw the corruption and coercion taking place first hand. My family doctor, a woman, told me the truth when I asked a question about a specialist (a man) being adamant about my requiring surgery. I didn't understand his reasoning. She told me I was right and that she was being pressured to support the gynecologist's recommendation. I didn't go through with it. She soon after lost all privileges in that hospital. I had another experience with a very minor surgical procedure that a specialist botched and refused to admit to the complications, I was in a lit of pain, just prescribed painkillers. I went back to see the family doctor, a male, who took one look at me, released a large hematoma, which gave me immediate relief, but total recovery took months. When I asked my doctor why the specialist didn't do what he did, he said he's a good doctor but doesn't like to admit when things go wrong. Needless to say I never went back to either one of them. Interestingly enough there was a big article in the newspaper a few months later about his body being found in a field in the middle of winter, he died of hypothermia. Apparently he was suicidal due to financial troubles from bad investments.
I'm actually grateful now for these early experiences because I took control of my own health, did my own research, learned about the human body and how to take care of it. I'm now 67, didn't even have any health insurance for 30 years. I did find a primary, a nutropath, he's wonderful, awake about the corruption. I don't take pharmaceuticals, not even aspirin. I don't want to give them a dime if I can avoid it. I wouldn't even take a pcr test, I asked my naturopath about them, he educated me about them. I've never had a mammogram, colonoscopy, last papsmear 30 years ago. My friends and acquaintances mostly don't understand my choices and that's OK.
Thank you, Toby for all you educate us about, and please keep doing it.
We find ourselves rethinking all the stories, don’t we? The whole modern state-based human frame of existence and myth-making has been fear-based for so long that i think most folk can’t even fathom a different frame. The fear frame is antithetical to good health and well-being. It’s also an anti-human, anti-life, anti-God and anti-reality frame. So it’s about damn time we dismantle it. Take the few good bits, leave the rest.